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2 The Vascular Plant Body

• Specialized cells  tissues  _____________
• Parts are adapted to perform specific functions (Photosynthesis, cellular respiration,
absorption& transport of water and minerals)
Vascular Plant System
• Shoot system
– ____________________ stems (support and bear reproductive structures)
and leaves (photosynthesis)
• Root system
– _____________________ anchor plant and absorb water and minerals
Leaves, stems and roots are the 3 organ systems in a plant

Plant cells
• Have some structures animal cells do not:
– ________ support
– large central vacuole  ____________ (food
and enzymes)
– chloroplasts  _________________

• Parenchyma cells:
– Most abundant in plants – flexible, thin walled
– Functions: _________________________________________________
– Spherical shape
• Contain chloroplasts in leaves and green stems P.S.
• In roots and fruits large central vacuoles  storage
• Collenchyma cells:
– elongated and occur in long strands or cylinders to provide support (eg.
– growth pattern of unevenly thickened walls allows for flexibility 
• Sclerenchyma cells:
– contain ________________ in secondary cell walls, which makes them
strong  support
– most die once they have completed growth
• Sclereids: short with an irregular shape; distributed randomly 
• fibre cells: needle-shaped; form tough, elastic tissue when
stacked end-to-end  ___________________________________
Plant Tissues
• Meristematic: areas where new cells are produced
• Dermal: outer layers of cells that form a protective covering
• Ground: multi-functional tissue inside a plant; includes
• Vascular: internal system of tubes that transports water, minerals, and other
– two types are xylem and phloem

• Meristematic Tissue:
– Stems and roots increase in length  division of cells in the apical
meristems  ______________________________
– Increase in diameter of roots and stems  division of cells in lateral
meristems (vascular and cork cambium (bark) 
• Dermal Tissue:
– outer covering of the plant
– includes the primary growth ________________ (a single layer of cells in
non-woody and young woody plants) and secondary growth
_______________(found in mature woody plants).
– Specialized epidermal tissue: guard cells, root hairs , and trichomes
• Ground Tissue:
– forms most of the plant’s internal and external material with all cell types
– functions include: ________________________
• In some stems, roots, and seeds  stores starch and oils

• Vascular tissue:
– made up of tubes that run throughout the stems, connecting roots and
– transports water and dissolved substances
• Xylem _______________________________________
• Phloem _____________________________________
• Xylem
– xylem consists of two types of cells: tracheids and vessel elements.
– Both types of cells die at maturity  leave their walls as continuous tubes
used for transport
• Phloem
– two types of cells: sieve tube elements and companion cells.
– Both types are alive at maturity
• sieve tubes have companion cells that carries out life functions for

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