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◉ Answer all the questions.

1. Who put forward the try-wrong theory of learning?

i. Kurt Levine ii. Skinner iii. Bandura iv. Thondaik
2. Who is the current Chairman (2021) of the National Education Commission?
i. Mr. Sunil Jayantha Navaratne iii. Mr P. N. Ileperuma
ii. Mr. Lakshman Jayatilleke iv. Mr .H. Abeygunawardena
3. In what year was the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted?
i. 1948 ii. 1959 iii. 1989 iv. 1995
4. The average number of school days per year;
i. 195 ii. 200 iii. 217 iv. 210
5. GCE (A / L) Technology is equivalent to passing subjects and vocational streams. What is the NVQ
i. Level1 ii. Level 2 iii. Level 3 iv. Level 4

6. By which of the following institute prepared the school teacher manuals?

i. Departments of Educational Publications iii. National Institute of Education
ii. National Education Commission iv. Postgraduate Institute of Education
7. What is the birth year of Mr. C. W. W. Kannanagara?
i. 1884 ii. 1878 iii. 1890 iv. 1892
8. What is the literacy rate in Sri Lanka in the year 2021?
i. 92.9% ii. 96.1% iii. 93.1% iv. 92.5%
9. Who is the first Commissioner of Examinations?
i. Mr. Lakshman Jayatillek iii. Arthur Wedamulla
ii. L.L.K. Mr. Gunatunga iv. Mr. Nicholas Attygalle

Aptitude Test 1 Daminda Dissanayaka

10. Who will be the Patron of the School Development Society?
i. The principal iii. Provincial Director of Education
ii. Zonal Director of Education iv. Grama Niladhari
11. What is the National College of education that has been decided to be used for training only sports
i. Napitigam College of Education iii. Northwestern College of Education
ii. Mahaweli College of Education iv. Uva College of Education
12. What is the correct choice given by the Act establishing the National Institute of Education?
i. Act No. 30 of 1986 iii. Act No. 28 of 1985
ii. Act No. 19 of 1991 iv. Act No. 16 of 1978
13. Free distribution of school textbooks began,
i. 1975 ii. 1980 iii. 1984 iv. 1993
14. The total number of Government Universities in Sri Lanka is,
i. 17 ii. 18 iii. 15 iv. 19
15. The number of casual leave and sick (rest) leave available to a teacher is,
i. Casual 18 Ill 23 iii. Casual 15 Ill 26
ii. Casual 20 Ill 21 iv. Casual 17 Ill 24
16. There is a right to compulsory education in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of the Child Considered,
i. To receive pre-school education iii. To receive secondary education
ii. To receive primary education iv. To receive technical education
17. Which province has the lowest number of schools in Sri Lanka?
i. North Central Province ii. Sabaragamuwa Province
iii. Eastern Province iv. Northern Province
18. The hot line telephone number provided by the Child Support Service is,
i. 1929 ii. 1919 iii. 1938 iv. 1956
19. In what year were the Central Colleges first established?
i. 1952 ii. 1946 iii. 1943 iv. 1956
20. Not an institution belonging to the Ministry of Education,
i. Department of National Archives
ii. State Printing Corporation
iii. National Education Commission
iv. UNESCO National Commission

Aptitude Test 2 Daminda Dissanayaka

21.The project 'Child Friendly Schools' is funded by,
i. World Bank ii. Sweden iii. Asian Development Bank iv. UNICEF
22. Where was the first Nenasala in Sri Lanka established in the year 2005?
i. Thaldena, Badulla ii. Kirivehera, Kataragama
iii. Palapathwela, Matale iv. Madurankuliya, Puttalam
23. Which province has the largest number of education zones in Sri Lanka?
i. North Western Province iii. Eastern Province
ii. North Central Province iv. Western Province
24. Who is the President's representative in a Provincial Council?
i. Chief Minister iii. Provincial Chairman
ii. Provincial Secretary iv. Governor
25. The short telephone numbers of the Ministry of Higher Education are,
i. 1918 ii. 1980 iii. 1919 iv. 1911
26. The year in which the teacher service was established is,
i. 2005 ii. 1990 iii. 1994 iv. 1998
27. The pass percentage of the GCE (O / L) examination which is held in December 27.2020 is,
i. 73.8% ii. 69.9% iii. 65.1% iv. 71.6%
28. Current (2021) Vice Chancellor of the Open University,
i. Prof. Rohana Maha Liyanarachchi iii. Prof. Lal Tilakaratne
ii. Prof. Sunil Shantha iv. Prof. Lamawansa
29. How many countries are members of the United Nations?
i. 187 ii. 189 iii. 193 iv. 196
30. Computer Literacy and Digital Literacy in Sri Lanka in 2021 are,
i. Comp: 32.1% Digi: 30.1% ii. Comp: 28.1% Digi: 45.5%
iii. Comp: 26.8% Digi: 38.5% iv. Comp: 27.5% Digi: 40.3%
◉ Write the answer for the following questions from 31 to 50 in the given dotted lines.
31. Who was the pioneer in promoting Hindu education in Sri Lanka?
32. Who is the current Minister (2021) of State for Education?
33. What is the present system of teaching English to Grades 1 and 2 called?
34. By what name was the Department of Education formerly known?
35. Who was the first female Principal in Sri Lanka?
Aptitude Test 3 Daminda Dissanayaka
36. Where was the 10th Medical Faculty established in a University of our country?
37. What is the hot line used to call the Ministry of Education?
38. Where is the Defense Services College located?
39. Where is the school for prison inmates in Sri Lanka located?
40. Who is the current Prime Minister (2021) of New Zealand?
41. Who keeps notes in a school log book?
42. What were the constitutional amendment and the law that led to the formation of the Provincial
43. Sri Lanka has 8 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In addition, what is the book that was declared as
a National Heritage on January 05, 2019?
44. What is the teacher-student ratio in schools in this country in the year 2021?
45. What is the current population of Sri Lanka (2021)?
46. How many GCE (O / L) compulsory subjects are there? What are them?
47. What is the theme of the World Teachers' Day which falls on October 05 2021 (Sri Lanka
celebrates October 06)?
48. What is the school classification in Sri Lanka?
49. Who is the current Director-General (2021) of UNESCO?
50. GCE what is the latest curriculum introduced for (A / L)? According to which program?

Aptitude Test 4 Daminda Dissanayaka

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