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What is recycled furniture?

Recycled furniture is furniture that is made from reused or recovered materials. Instead of
throwing away materials that are no longer used, they are given a second life by turning them
into unique and original pieces of furniture. This implies a sustainable and environmentally
friendly approach, since waste is reduced and existing resources are used.

Look for sustainable materials: Look for furniture made from sustainable materials such as FSC
certified wood, bamboo, cork, wicker, rattan and vegetable leather. These materials are
renewable and do not harm ecosystems.

What is ecological furniture? How to distinguish them

To differentiate if a piece of furniture is ecological, you have to look at the information provided
by the manufacturer. Ecological furniture has certifications to prove that it has been
manufactured with natural materials and environmentally friendly processes (FSC Certification,
PEFC Certification or others on environmental management).

Benefits of ecological furniture

By choosing ecological furniture, we contribute to the protection of the environment. The use of
renewable or recycled materials reduces deforestation and waste generation. In addition, by
avoiding the use of toxic chemicals, air and water pollution is reduced.

Ecological furniture in Madrid

The trend towards sustainability and respect for the environment has led to an increase in
demand for ecological furniture in Madrid. These furniture are characterized by being made with
recycled, renewable or low environmental impact materials.

In the city of Madrid, it is increasingly common to find stores and manufacturers that specialize
in the sale of ecological furniture. These establishments offer a wide variety of options, from
certified wooden furniture with sustainable origin seals to furniture made from recycled
materials such as cardboard or recycled plastic.

In addition to using environmentally friendly materials, ecological furniture is also characterized

by its durability and quality. These pieces of furniture are designed to stand the test of time,
meaning you won't have to replace them as often, reducing waste generation.

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