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ABSEN : 18


Mangrove forests are a collection of trees that grow in the area around the coastline that is
influenced by the tides and are in places that experience the accumulation of organic matter and
mudding. Mangrove forests, also commonly known as mangrove debts, are a distinctive ecosystem
due to the activity of the inundation cycle by tides. In this habitat only mangrove trees or mangroves
are able to survive due to the evolutionary process of adaptation that has been passed by mangrove
Mangrove forests have a very large function for our environment, including 1) as plants that are
able to withstand sea currents that erode coastal land, in other words plants Mangroves are able to hold
seawater so as not to erode the soil on the coastline. 2) like other plant functions, mangroves also have
a function as absorbers of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and oxygen producer (O2). 3) mangrove forests
have a role as a place to live various kinds of marine life such as small fish to shelter and find food. In
addition to marine animals, for mangrove forests whose scope is large enough there are often types of
land animals in it such as apes and birds.
Of the several functions of mangrove forests that have been described above, of course, the most
essential thing for our survival is the function of mangrove forests as oxygen producers (O2) and
absorbing carbon dioxide gas (CO2) as well as an abrasion preventer. The destruction of mangrove
forests can result in the loss of these functions. Imagine if forests were destroyed, there was nothing
else capable of producing oxygen (O2) for us to breathe, there would be nothing else that could
absorb carbon dioxide gas (CO2) which is a poisonous gas and harmful to the human body, and not to
mention a solid defense that can withstand the rate of abrasion.
Currently, the condition of mangrove forests along the coast of Indonesia is very poor. Most of
them were damaged and among them habios due to logging and others. This will certainly have an
impact on the sustainability of our environment .
Given the importance of mangrove forests for the sustainability of our environment, there needs to
be a solution to overcome the problems that have occurred in mangrove forests. Solutions that we
can do include : 1) the need for land conversion to mangrove forests in the context of maintaining and
preserving forests so that mangrove functions can be optimized as best as possible. 2) reforestation or
replanting of mangrove forests that have been damaged. In this case, there needs to be involvement
between the government and citizens technically in the implementation of reforestation. 3) the need
for good spatial management of coastal areas Mangrove forested, so it can be potentially economical in
terms of tourism. Provit obtained from mini-style tourism can be used for mangrove conservation needs.
4) the need for counseling in order to understand the community about the importance of sustainability
Mangrove forests for the environment. 5) Strict legal sanctions against anyone who damages the
sustainability of mangrove forests.
Environmental sustainability is very important to us. Protecting mangroves is part of concrete
actions for our concern for the preservation of nature and life. Starting from yourself, let's take care
of the environment for the sake of life and life.

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