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Societv of Petroleum Endneers

SPE 28547

Optimum Injection Rate From Radial Acidizing Experiments

Behdokht Mostofizadeh, Mining U. Leoben, and M,J. Economies, Texas A&M U.

SPE Members

Copyright 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineere, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE 6Sth Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held In New Orfeans, fA, U.S.A., 25-28 September 1994.

Thie paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained In an abstract submitted by the author(s). Centents of the peper,
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of Petroleum Engineere. Permissionto copy Is restrictedto an abstract of not merethan 3(Mwords. Illustratfansmay not be copied, The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment
of where and by whcm the paper Is presented. Write Llbrarlan, SPE, P.0, Box 833636, Rlchardaon, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A. Telex, 163245 SPEUT,

The optimum injection rate for the matrix acidizing process. An acid/carbonate rock interaction may
treatments of carbonate reservoirs has been the subject involve three distinct phenomena. 1
of debate and several recent experimental studies.
Because acid attacks the rock in different modes * The rate of acid mass transfer to the formation
depending on the injection rate (i.e., compact because of diffusion and convection. Diffusion
dissolution, dominant wormhole, leakoff-dominated depends on the concentration difference between
wormholing and uniform dissolution), it is essential the live and the spent acid, whereas convection is
to identify the rate at which the transition between related to the injection rate.
dominant wormholes and .leakoff-dominated
wormholing occurs. This is the optimum injection * The surface reaction rate at the moment the live acid
rate at which the greatest penetration is accomplished reaches the rock surface. This reaction depends on
with the least volume of acid injected. Linear or radial the type of acid and formation, the temptxature and
laboratory experiments can be done horn which field the surface area contact.
conditions can be extrapolated through dimensional
analysis. This is the subjeet of this paper. Optimum * The rate of transport of the reaction products away
HC1 injection rates for a low- and a moderate- horn the rock s~ace.
permeability limestone using radial cores have been
determined. The effects of temperature and acid The acid/rock interaction can be distinguished as
concentration have also been studied. Analysis of the surface-reaction limited or mass-transfer limited. For
results shows that the optimum injection rate depends the carbonate/HCl systems the interaction is mass-
greatly on the reek and reservoir conditions and can transfer limited, except perhaps, for very-low-
be determined from experiments. temperatwe dolomites.
INTRODUCTION This paper presents experiments intended to quantify
the acid carbonate rock interaction mechanisms,
To improve the matrix stimulation efficiency of” which depend on the injection rate, acid concentration
carbonate reservoirs it is necessary to understand the and temperature at a given permeability and
different mechanisms controlling the acidizing mineralogy. If all other parameters are constant, the

r h


injection rate has been shown to have a great effect on core experiments), the patterns are far more
matrix acidizing.2 complicated and multi-faceted in radial geometries.

THE OPTIMUM INJECTION RATE Thus, we believe that extrapolation of optimum

injection rates from the laboratory to the field require
Depending on the injection rate, the interaction of HCI radial rather than linear core experiments.
with carbonate rocks may result in several different
types of reaction patterns including compact Daccord et al.4Y5and Hoeffner et al.6 have presented
dissolution, dominant womnholes (diffusion-limited), considerable analyses of the phenomena involved and
wormholes with fluid loss (fluid-loss limited) constructed models to replicate the observed field mid
characterized by highly ramified patterns an~ finally, experimental behavior.
uniform dissolution. 1-6
As ‘the injection rate increase it will traverse the
Figure 1 shows clearly the succession of reaction transition point of diffusion limited to fluid or loss
patterns dependent on the injection rate, obtained with limited.z~T This is the purpose of our experimental
our radical cores. These results are generally work to fmd the optimum injection rate which will
consistent with those obtained by Wang et al.7 using create a dominant wormhole with the minimum acid
linear cores. volume for breakthrough using radial cores.

At low injection rate, compact dissolution is evident In several publications the injection rate in matrix
(Fig. Ia,b). As the injection rate increase a dominant acidizing treatments has been the subject of scrutiny.
wormhole evolves (Fig. lc) which yields to Paccaloni et al.9Y10have suggested that the optimum
progressively more ramified patterns (Fig. ld,e,f) acid injection rate is the highest value that would not
leading to the fluid-loss-limited mode. This fracture the reservoir rock. Basically, their work
phenomenon has a detrimental effect on matrix considers largely acid convection, which is not
stimulation efficiency especially at the rate where always ‘the deciding factor for successful matrix
branches develop secondarj braiiches as shown in acidizing.
Fig. lg,h and i.
The optimum acid injection rate depends on the
Since the bypassing of the damaged zone and the mineralogy and morphology of the reservoir and on
penetration of the formation with high-permeability the transition point (from diffusion-limited to fluid-
conduits is the purpose of the stimulation treatment, loss-limited modes) which is also related to the acid
the efficiency of the operation requires the maximum concentration andtemperaturel 1. Therefore, the acid
radial penetration at the lowest acid volume. The injection must be optimized for each reservoir.
optimum injection rate is-the one coirespontig to this
lowest volume. Wang et al.v studied the optimum injection rate in
linear carbonate cores relative to reservoir
The breakthrough with one dominant wormhole composition, temperature and pore structure.
irrespective of whether the geometry is linear or radial
would still mark the desired event of the stimulation Their results suggested that Paccaloni’s maximum
process. pressure/maximum injection rate was likely to be
more desirable in the rocks under study. While Wang
For well production, the extremely high-permeability
et al.T proposed an optimum injection rate they
wormhole would function in a similar fashion as a-
concluded that it is better to err towards higher rather
hydraulic fracture that bypasses the damage zone.
than lower injection rates.
Contribution to flow through the darnaged zone of a
carbonate reservoir well is generally either negligible
or plays a minor role. Of course, the higher this However, contrary to Paccaloni, Daccord et al.lz
reservoir permeability the higher the contribution is. have shown that the optimum injection rate is lower
than those applied to common matrix acidizing jobs.
However, both stochastic modelingg and our In our last paperl 1 we also reported, that the field
experiments have shown that while dominant injection rate must be lower than common practice.
We believe that this is still correct for the low-
wormholes develop (as in the Wang et al. T linear-
permeability rocks that we have studied. This is not



true for all rocks and we will expound on this issue in sizes) @e live acid is self-retarded by both the distance
this paper. to the rock surface and the presence of other fluids,
- prominent of which are the reaction products,
The experimental procedure and apparatus used in our especially COZ. Therefore, in higher permeability
work were described in detail in Ref. 11. rocks the reaction rate is not in.fiiite and the exclusive
use of the Peclet Number cannot be successfid. ,

EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We believe that in the face of these complications a

more appropriate and practical approach to
Iniectl“onRate and Core Permeability
1 interpreting experimental results and extrapolating
them to field conditions is the following:
We have reported in Ref. 11, using low permeability
cores (0.2 to 0.4 red), that the optimum injection rate 1. Use experiments on native cores to detect the
(scaled to field conditions) should be lower than optimum injection, reflecting dominant
current field practices. However, we have shown Wormholing.
data, where increasing permeability would require
higher optimum injection rate (see Fig. 8 in Ref. 11-- 2, Obtain the dimensionless quantity q, reflecting
Nom an inadvertent typing error on page 9 of Ref. 11 the volumetric acid demfid for the optimum
should read “increas es” instead of “decrease s with injection ratez. The smaller the q the more
increasing permeability”, as shown clearly on Fig. 8). optimum the operation is.
We have performed new experiments with higher NA=V
permeability cores (0.7 to 1 md) and the optimum =
11-- (2)

injection rate is considerably higher (15 ml/min 7@h(r’A - ?-Wz)

compared to 2.6 rnlhnin for the lower-permeability
3. The field injection rate, iw can be scaled readily
These results tend to support Paccaloni and horn
Tambini’s10 qualitative, field-supported, suggestion
of maximum rate/maximum pressure injection and the ,.r
iw =ic — (3)
larger rates indicated from the Wang et al.v rcLc
experiments (k=10 m.d for limestone, 1 md for
dolomite). They are in contradiction to the Daccord et where ic is the optimum core injection rate.
al.4,5 use of the Peclet Number as the interpreter of
acidhock interaction: E Permeability and Acid Concentration

ifi The previous contention of self-retardation of the

Np== (1) reaction rate is demonstrated also with Fig. 3 where
the bulk volume to breakthrough is plotted against the
core permeability fa different acid concentrations.
Equation 1 would suggest that for a constant Peclet
Number an increase in permeability would imply a To understand the relationship between permeability
decrease in the injection rate. This is not borne from and acid concentration, we carried out radial
our results. experiments at the same injection rate (the optimum
injection rate for a low permeability core, ‘2.6
We believe that we have an interpretation of the ml/min).
phenomena that bridges the gap between the two
apparently contradictory contentions. At low permeability (0.2-0.4 red), the infinite reaction
rate between the rock and acid, does not allow any
The Peclet Num@r_piesumes infiite surface-reaction differentiation in the required bulk volume to
rate between the acid and the rock and, thus the breakthrough. However, as the permeability
interaction would hinge on the balance between increases, the area-to-volume ratio increases and the
convection and diffusion only. This idea is likely to highly unstable nature of the acid attack on the rock is
be correct in lower-permeability formations but in enhanced. Importantly, the fluid loss also increases.
higher-permeability formations (and, thus, larger pore

< —


This means that the acid will be spent before it attains The posttreatment permeability is affected
significant penetration. considerably by this phenomenon. Figure 5
demonstrates the point. While the posttreatment
To accomplish the desired penetration either a much permeability from the 4’ZO concentration remains
larger volume of 4% acid solution or a smaller volume largely flat, in the case of the 30% concentration the
of larger concentration (eg. 15%) must be injected permeability increases substantially.
(Fig. 3).
There are at least two reasons for this observed
For kirger concentrations (above 25%) the reactiori behavioc a) the higher-acid concentration widens the
rate decreases because of the reduced acid activity dominant wormholes and, b) more than one
caused by the retarding effects of dissolved reaction wormhole or secondary branches may reach
products. This phenomenon was reported by Coulter breakthrough. This is especially true in radial cores.
et al. 13and is shown clearly on Fig. 3 where the 30%
HC1 solution is less effective than the 15% solution.
To demonstrate the effects of acid concentration on
low permeability cores (0.2 to 0.4 red), experiments Figure 6 shows the experimentally derived factor, q
were contacted with two acid concentrations (4 and for the higher-permeability (0.7 to 1 md) cores.
30% HC1). The results are shown in Fig. 4 where the These results in conjunction with Eq. 2 can lead to the
optimum injection rates are identical for both series of calculation of the required acid volumetric coverage
experiments,, supporting our previous contention of for a given wormhole penetration.
infinite reaction rate for these systems.
The experiments were contacted in a core of porosity,
Posttreatment Permeability and the Acidizimz Process @= 0.02,using a 4wt% HC1 solution (p=63.4
lbrn/fts). The rock density was equal to 169
The optimum injection rate has been defined as that
rate at which the minimum acid volume is consumed lbm/ft3.
for breakthrough2~7,11.The idea is that this minimum
injection volume coincides with the transition fi-om a The acid capacity Number, NACis defined as 2:
dominant wormholes to fluid-loss-limited kinetics.
This is very likely the case in linear cores but is it also
N&= fv%iclPHcl (4)
correct in radial cores? Does the minimum volume of (1– @)Pm,
acid, required for breakthrough, also imply maximum
post treatment permeability?
where ~ is the dissolving power of the HC1/limestope
Hendrickson et al.1~ haverepo&xl that the efficiency system (~=1.37 lbm CaCO#lbm HC1) and”Qcl is
of different acid concentrations is essentially the the solution concentration.
same. Lower concentrations have greater equivalent
volumes but their penetration in the reservoir is Thus, fkom Eq. 4, for this case
considerably less than higher-concentration solution.
In Fig. 4 at low injection rates roughly the same Nh =
(0.98)(1.69) (5)
volumes of the two concentrations (4% and 30%)
penetrate the same distance. However, they will =4.2x 10+
diss@& different amounts of rock. As the injection
rate increases, the volume consumption of the 4% The factor q at the optimum injection rate (see Fig. 6)
solution increase more rapidly than that for the 30% is approximately equal to 0.015.
Then from Eq. 2 and assuming rW = 0.328 and a
In the fluid-loss-limited regime the increase contact wormhole penetration of 5 ft. (rWh = 5.328ft) the
area of the wormholes requires more of the 4% than volumetric coverage should lxx
the 30% concentration.
V (3.8X 10-3)(z)(0.02) (5.3282 - 0.3282)(7.48)
h 4.2 X 10+ 4.2 X 10+

< .


The authors wish to thank Professor A.D. Hill of the
=120 gavft. (6) University of Texas for valuable suggestions and
discussions and Dr. M. Prohaska of the Mining
The well optimum injection rate (using Eq.3 and the University Leoben for his help with the experimental
results shown on Fig.2) assuming h=100 ft should be work.
(with appropriate unit conversions such as 6.298X10-
6 bb~ml):
(0.328)(100)(30.48)2 1. Williams, B. B., Gidley, J.L. and Schechter,
iw = 15(6.289X 10+)
(0.4)(5) R.S.: Acidizing Fundamentals Monograph
,-, Series, SPE, Richardson, TX (1979).
min 2. Economies, M. J., Hill, A.D. and Ehlig-
Economides, C.A.: Petroleum Production
Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Radial injection experiments involving limestone 3. Mumellah, N.A.: “Factors Influencing the
cores and HC1 solutions have confirmed the existence Reaction Rate of Hydrochloric Acid in
of an optimum injection rate, corresponding to the Carbonate Rock”, paper SPE 21036 (1991).
creation of dominant wormholes.
4. Daccord, G., Lenormand, R. and Touboul, E.:
Scaling up of laboratory results to field conditions “Carbonate Acidizing Toward a Quantitative
allows the calculation of the optimum field injection Study of the Wormholing Phenomenon”,
rate. SPEPE (Feb. 1989) 63-68.
Permeability has been found to play a role in the value 5. Daccord, G. Touboul, E. and Lenormand, R.:
of the optimum injection rate, with higher “Chemical Dissolution of a Porour Medium:
permeabilities indicating higher optimum injection Limits of the Fractal Behavior”, Geoderma
rates. (1989) 44, 159-165.
NOMENCLATURE 6. Hoefner, M.L. and Fogler, H. S.: “Pore
Evolution and Channel Formation During Flow
C = Acid Concentration, weight fkaction andReaction in porous Media”, AIChE J. (Jan.
D = Diameter, f~ m. 1988) 34/1, 45-54.
h = Reservoir thickness, ft, m.
i = injection rate, barrels/mh, m3/s 7. Wang, Y., Hill, A.D. and Schechter, R. S.:
k = Permeability, md, m2 “The Optimum Injection Rate for Matrix
L = Length, ft, m. Acidizing of Carbonate Formations”, paper SPE
N&= Acid Capacity Number, dimensiodess 26578 (1993).
Npe = Peclet Number, dimensionless
rW= Well radius, ft, m. 8. Thum, M: “Simulation of Posttreatment skin
rW~= Wormhole penetration, ft, m. Effects in Carbonate Acidizing,” Dipl. Ing.
V= Volume, gal, ms Thesis, Mining University Leoben, 1993.

~ = Volumetric +ssolving power, ratio 9. Paccaloni, G.: “A New, Effective Matrix

q = Fraction of rock dissolved by acid Stimulation Diversion Technique”, paper SPE
24781 (1992)
p = Densi~, lbrn/ft3, kg/ins I
@= Porosity, fraction. 10. Paccaloni, G. and Tambini, M.: “Advances in
Matrix Stimulation Technology”, JPT (March
1993), 256-263.


11. Frick, T.P., Mostofizadeh, B. and Economies, 13. Coulter, A.W., Crowe, C.W., Barrett, N.D.
M.J.: “Analysis of Radial Core Experiments for and Miller, B.D.: “Alternate Stages of Pad Fluid
Hydrochloric Acid Interaction with Limestone”, and Acid Provide Improved Leakoff Control for
SPE 27402 (1994). Fracture Acidizing,” Paper SPE 6124, (1976).

12. Daccord, G. Lenormand, R. and Liet~d, O.: 14. Hendrickson, A. R., Thomas, R. L.,
“Chemical Dissolution of a Porous Medium by a Economies, M.J.: Stimulation of Carbonate
Reactive Fluid -I- Model of the Wormholing Reservoirs, Chapter 13 In Carbonate Rocks,
Phenomenon”, Chern. Eng. Scz’(1992). Elsevier, (1992) 612-613.

(a) (b) (c)

, . .... Compact dissolution Dominant wormhole

b;rw .-.’;,, ., ..,.
----- .,. = Increasing’ .— Injection Rate

(d) (e) (f)

,, .== ~.. ..

. . .
:reasing Injection R ate
progressively more ramified

(g) (h)

Secondary additional branching emanating from branch shown in photograph (f)

Fig. 1: A Collage of Thin Section Microscopy of Radial Core Acidizing Patterns


70 500



0.-.. ,li. !.!i, t!.
O 5 10 15 2(I 25 30 35 O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Injection Rate (mVmin)
Injection Rete (ml/mIn)

Fig.5 Theinjection rate versus the

Fig. 2 Injected acid volume to breakthrough posttreatment permeability for
for radial limestone cores. different acid concentrations.

30 0.014
25 -.. ”._ _ _ or___ . . ..-- . . .
0.012 .“.....—+...—.
i _;..__J.___j.”.__i
, ,
c ! i
. 0.01 .+...+_. __..,i._..,:.__ ..—_.:—__
$ ;~
20 u 0.008 ~_].._]—--.___~–..-.-/.__- ;
a ,
5 j
> 0.006
15 3
~ 0.004 ;._.-__.~–w_..-+.~_
/ ...j.._._.j..__
- {
& ~
! : * I
10 . . . . . . . . . . -..+..--..._ .. ..-_.Y.. .. . . ............... ... o 0.002 ---—-.; ..-’ !--.-.--.f-...—-:—_-_.; ______
0 1.! ..1..,.-.

5r’ I I I I -t O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Injeotion Rate (mUm in)
Permeability (red)

Fig.3 Effects of concentration with Fig. 6 Rock fraction that is dissolved for breakthrough
increasing permeability at
constant injection rate (2.6 ml/min).


............ .... ...... . .

O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Injection Rate (mlrmln)

Fig. 4 Effect of acid concentration on optimum injection rate.


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