Argentina and USA Comparison

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Comparative Politics between the Argentine Republic and United States of America

In this paper, we are comparing two countries based on their type of government, political
institutions and their economic status as we foresee how they fare with each other. The two
countries we will delve into is the Argentine Republic located in South America and the United States
of America located in North America. The type of government of Argentine Republic is presidential
republic making its constitution effective on 1853 while the US adopts constitutional federal republic
making its constitution effective on 1789.

The two countries political institution comparison starts with Argentine Republic, having Buenos
Aires as its capital, 23 provinces and 1 autonomous city, the president and vice president are directly
elected on the same ballot by qualified majority vote serving 4 years, the Executive branch consisting
of the president both being the chief of state and head of government and the cabinet appointed by
the president themselves. The Legislative branch consisting of bicameral National Congress that
consists the Senate having 72 seats, Chamber of Deputies with 257 seats serving for 4 years. The
Judicial branch housing the Supreme Court having the court president, vice president and 5 justices;
justices are nominated by the president and approved by the senate serving until 75 years of age. On
the other hand, US have Washington, DC as its capital, 50 states and 1 district, the president and vice
president are indirectly elected on the same ballot by the Electoral College of 'electors' chosen from
each state, both serving 4 years, the Executive branch consisting of the president both being the
chief of state and head of government and the cabinet appointed by the president themselves but
needing the approvement of the senate. The Legislative Branch consisting of bicameral Congress that
consists the Senate having 100 seats needing 2 seats for each state serving for 6 years, House of
Representatives with 435 seats elected in single seat-constituencies serving for 2 years. The Judicial
branch housing the US Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and 8 associate justices, nominated
by the president and with the advice and consent of the senate, appoints the Supreme justices
serving for life.

The economy of a country is vital for its survival, its purpose is to enhance the well-being of
people and manage the scarcity of resources. The Argentine Republic benefits from rich natural
resources, an export-oriented agricultural sector, and policies promoting free education and free
healthcare. Although the Argentine Republic is one of the world’s wealthiest countries 100 years ago,
the country suffered during most of the 20th century from recurring economic crises, high inflation,
and mounting external debt. The US on the other hand has the most technologically powerful
economy in the world with a per capita GDP of $59,500. The US have high business freedom but
massive government borrowing and the printing of money have aggravated inflation, large deficits
persist, and public debt is growing. But still, having powerful military, rich resources and innovative
technology, it became the largest economy in the world for more than a century but it slipped in
2014 in second place behind China, which has more than tripled the US growth rate for each year of
the past 4 decades.

The Philippines to this day still suffers from poverty, corruption, unaffordable private education,
limited healthcare, political dynasties, and lack of infrastructures that affects the livelihood of its
people. Taking into account said data, the Philippines can improve their free education and free
healthcare policies by providing equal access to its citizens, while also being more innovative with
their findings in Science and Technology and expanding their scope of study in other areas. By
adopting policies of favoring more economic freedom it can produce greater wealth per capita,
cleaner environments, higher life expectancy and less poverty while also tackling issues with
inflation that affected mostly common goods consumed by commoners it can lessen the burden of
its people that are suffering in just maintaining their lives.

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