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Sample Question Paper 12

(Det ailed Explanat ions)

CBSE Class 12th
1. (a) In test tube baby programme, the zygote is allowed 10. (a) Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics, as the
to divide upto 8-celled blastomeres in the laboratory, antibiotics are used to cure bacterial infections by
then it is transferred into the Fallopian tube. This disrupting their cell wall. But as HIV is a virus (causative
technique is called ZIFT (Zygote Intra Fallopian agent of AIDS), it cannot be killed or cured by
Transfer). [1] antibiotics due to their different structure and way of
2. (a) A test cross is a type of cross done between the surviving. [1]
heterozygous F1-generation and recessive parent, i.e. 11. (a) Alpha diversity is a species diversity of any given
Pp ´ pp community or a habitat.The species diversity depends
(F -generation) (Recessive parent)
1 upon the species richness and evenness. [1]
12. (a) It shows an expanding population which is
3. (a) The terms ovulation and ZIFT are correctly defined, pyramid-shaped which increases the population size
while rest are incorrect and can be corrected as as the pre-reproductive individuals are more than
The process of delivery fo foetus (Childbirth) is called reproductive ones. [1]
13. (c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
Implantation is the attachment of embryo to the
endometrium. [1] Endosperm develops from fusion of one male gamete
and two polar nuclei. It is a nutritive tissue present in the
4. (c) According to Hugo de Vries, mutations appear seeds. It provides nutrition to the developing embryo.
suddenly and hence called it saltation (single step large In pea (dicot) seed, there is no residual endosperm as it
mutation). He believed that mutation causes evolution is completely consumed during embryo formation.
and not the minor heritable variations which were Hence, its considered as non-endospermic seed. [1]
mentioned by Darwin. [1]
14. (c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
5. (c) Yeast respires under anaerobic conditions and In humans, sex is determined by sex chromosomes.
converts glucose to alcohol and CO 2 . [1] Sex chromosomes in human female are XX and in
6. (d) A and B are natality and immigration that increases human male are XY which means that human male
population density. Whereas, C and D are mortality and produces X and Y-chromosomes containing gametes,
emigration that decreases population density. [1] while human females produces only X-containing
7. (c) The cuckoo (parasite) lays its eggs in the nest of gametes. Therefore, males determine the sex of
crow (host). As the eggs of parasitic birds have evolved offspring. Sex in humans is a monogenic trait as there is
to resemble hosts’ egg to reduce the chances of host lack of interaction between genes on X and
bird from detecting and ejecting parasitic eggs from the Y-chromosomes, which is required for a trait to be
nest. [1] polygenic. [1]
8. (a) EcoRI is a restriction enzyme (endonuclease) that 15. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is
cuts the DNA segment at specific location during rDNA not the correct explanation of Assertion.
technology. Whereas, DNA ligase (molecular scissor) is Transgenic microorganisms can be developed by
an enzyme that joins the two separated strands of inserting genes encoding for desired protein products
plasmid and foreign DNA. [1] using recombinant DNA technology. These transgenic
organisms function as living microfactories that
9. (c) Tobacco smoke can induce lung cancer in humans. produces proteins like human insulin, human growth
[1] hormone, etc. [1]
2 Stage III Excellence Level Biology Class 12

16. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is Incomplete dominance is a form of gene interaction in
the correct explanation of Assertion. which both alleles of a gene at a locus are partially
Consumers of first order are group of organisms expressed, often resulting in an intermediate of
including the herbivores. These directly eat upon green different phenotype. [2]
plants producers. [1] 22. (i) A — Synergids, B — Micropyle, C — Hilum [1]
17. Restriction enzymes cut the strands of the DNA, a (ii) The part labelled as A represents synergids. They
little away from the centre of the palindromic sites, possess special cellular thickenings at their
but between the same two bases on the opposite micropylar tip called filiform apparatus. This filiform
strands. This leaves the single-stranded position at apparatus guides the pollen tube to enter embryo
the ends. These overhanging stretches are called sac. The tip of pollen tube enters one synergid, then
sticky ends. These are named so because they form it starts degenerating. [2]
hydrogen bonds with their complementary cut
23. (i) In the ovarian event from 13-15 days, an immature
counterparts. [1 + 1]
ovum (egg cell) is released from the Graafian
18. . (i) Part X (pollen tube) shows chemotropic growth follicle. Both LH and FSH attain the maximum peak.
through solid part of the style of the ovule. [1] FSH helps Graafian follicle to attain maturity and LH
(ii) After fertilisation, part A (ovary) develops into a fruit helps in its rupture. An ovum is covered by a
and part B (ovule) develops into seed. [1] number of layer and a yellow fat layer forms corpus
luteum that releases (secretes) the hormone called
Common Mistake progesterone. [1]
Generally students assume that ovary develops into (ii) During menstrual cycle, the period from 16-23 days
seed and ovule develops into fruit. However, this is is called luteal phase (secretory phase). During this
not true the former develops into fruit and the phase, the corpus luteum secretes large amount of
latter into seed. progesterone which is essential for the
maintenance of endometrium layer of the uterus.
19. Here, X refers to thymus gland, it is the primary [1]
lymphoid organ. In thymus gland, the immature (iii) The uterine events from 24-29 days are also under
lymphocytes such as B-lymphocytes differentiate into the influence of progesterone hormone only. As it
an antigen-sensitive lymphocytes. Hence, when the influences the maintenance of the endometrium for
thymus gland is removed from the body of a person, his
any pregnancy to occur. [1]
immune system will become weak. As a result, of which
the individual’s body becomes prone to the infectious 24. (i) Differences between Homo erectus and Homo
diseases easily. [2] habilis are as
20. (i) The names given to the above mentioned pyramids Homo erectus Homo habilis
Origin period is 1.5 Origin period is 1.2-1.5
A–Expanding, B–Stable, C–Declining [1]
mya. mya.
(ii) The age pyramid A is plotted on the basis of number
of individual of pre-reproductive age, reproductive Brain capacity 900 cc, First human like beings,
age and post-reproductive age in a population. [1] meat eater, fossils brain capacity 650-800 cc,
found in Java. herbivorous and fossils
21. (i) This representation (Hb A peptide) indicates a found in East Africa.
normal human, because the glutamic acid in the
sixth position is not substituted by valine. [1] [1 + 1]
(ii) Both males and females are likely to suffer from the (ii) The correct sequence from early to late geological
disease equally as this is not a sex-linked disease. It period is Silurian ® Carboniferous ® Jurassic. [1]
is an autosomal linked recessive trait. [1] 25. . (i) ato a¢is 5¢ ® 3¢.
Or DNA sequence coding for serine is UCA and its
In snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), on corssing the anticodon is AGU. [2]
pure breeding red flowered and white flowered plants (ii) The untranslated regions are required for efficient
produces, hybrid of F1-generation possesing pink translation process.
RR rr They are present before the initiation codon at the
(Red) × (White) 5¢ end and after the stop/termination codon at the
3 ¢ end. [1]
R r 26. On the basis of colour production in the presence of
chromogenic substrate, the recombinants and
Rr F -generation non-recombinants can be differentiated. In this a
Pink recombinant DNA is inserted within the coding
The genotype of F1-generation is Rr and phenotype is sequence of an enzyme b-galactosidase, which results
pink. in the inactivation of enzyme.
Sample Paper 12 Stage III Excellence Level 3

In plate A, the bacterial colonies having inserted (iii) The individual ‘Y’ in the third generation will have two
plasmid, show no colouration. While in plate B, possible groups or group A or O. [2]
insertion of plasmid does not occur, therefore it shows Or
blue colour. [3]
(iii) When the individual in second generation has blood
27. (i) Transmission The disease causing parasite is group B, then the individual ‘Y’ in the third
transmitted by mechanical vectors like houseflies, generation will have possible groups as B or O.
cockroaches, etc. from the faeces of the infected [2]
person (reservoir) to the food and contaminate it. 30. (i) The antibodies in person A are destroyed or broken
[1] down to certain products in its concentration which
(ii) Symptoms The patient passes out blood and are then excreted out from the body. Thus, shows
mucus with stools. He also experiences griping decrease. [1]
pain in the abdomen (cramps) along with fever, (ii) The types of immunity shown in person A is artificial
constipation, etc. [1] passive immunity and person B is artificial active
(iii) Preventive Measures immunity. [1]
• Maintain cleanliness in public and at personal (iii) The person A shows no antigen entering the body,
level. resulting in no immune response. The
• Practice hygiene like washing hands before B-lymphocytes are not activated and not
eating, keeping food covered, etc. differentiated into plasma cells and memory cells in
• Proper medication or vaccination should be his body. Thus, no antibody is formed. [2]
taken for treatment and prophylaxis. (Any two) Or
[1] (iii) Antibodies are always specific for specific
Or antigens/proteins of a pathogen. There is a variable
(i) Salmonella typhi, Widal test [1] region in the structure of antibody which makes a
(ii) • Pathogens enter the human body through specific antigen binding site for a specific antigen.
contaminated food and water. [2]
• The diagnostic symptoms are high fever, 31. (i) Ovaries
weakness, stomach pain.The body organ Location Primary sex organ located on upper pelvic
affected in severe case is small intestine. [2] cavity on both lateral sides of uterus.
28. Death rates or mortality is expressed as the number of Function Production of ova (gametes) and female
death of individuals of a population per year. For sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. [1]
example, if 80 individuals of a laboratory population of (ii) Uterus
800 fruitfly died in a week, then death rate is, Location Maintained in position within the pelvic
= 0.1 per fruitfly/week. cavity by muscles and ligaments.
800 [2]
Function It is the site of implantation, plays active
The two characteristics of population, i.e. not exhibited role in parturition. [1]
by an individual are
(iii) Mammary Glands
(i) Population size or density
Location Composed of lobes within the breasts.
(ii) Population interactions [1]
Function Produce and secrete milk for nourishment
29. (i) The genotype of the parents can be of an infant. [1]
IAi ® A and IBi ® B, i.e. IAi and IBi. [1] (iv) Clitoris
Parents IAi IBi Location Rounded projection at the upper part of
IA i IB i the two labia minora above the urethral opening.
Function Provides feeling of pleasure during sexual
IAIB IAi IBi ii stimulation. [1]
(ii) Now (v) Fallopian Tube
(a) IAIB is married to X and produces child A. i.e. X Location Open-ended tubes that extend from the
can be IAi or IAIA ovaries to the uterus.
(b) The possible blood group will be A or O. ii Function Site of fertilisation, conveys ova toward
marries to A and produces Y, so the possible uterus. [1]
blood group of A can be A or O. [1]
4 Stage III Excellence Level Biology Class 12

Or (b) Restriction endonuclease are the enzymes

(i) Testes produced mainly by certain bacteria and
Location Primary sex organ located posterior to the these recognises a specific sequence called
penis within the scrotum. restriction site. The EcoRI cuts the DNA strand
a little away from the palindromic sequence,
Function Produce spermatozoa (gametes) and
but between the same two bases on the two
testesterone. [1]
(ii) Penis
Eco RI ¯
Location Located anterior to the scrotum and 5¢– G – A – A – T – T – C – 3¢
attached to the pubis.
3¢–C – T – T – A – A – G – 5¢
Function Organ of coitus, convey urine and seminal
fluid to outside of body. [1] ­ Eco RI [1+1]
(iii) Cowper’s Gland 33. In bacteria, both processes occur in the cytoplasm as
Location Present inferior to the prostate. there is no nucleus. In eukaryotes, transcription occurs
in the nucleus, while translation occurs in the
Function Secrete fluid that lubricates urethra. [1]
cytoplasm. [1]
(iv) Vas Deferens Complexities in Eukaryotic Transcription
Location Ducts extending from the epididymis to Eukaryotes have additional complexities in gene
the ejaculatory ducts. expression than prokaryotes as mentioned in gene
Function Store spermatozoa and transport it during expression below
ejaculation. [1] (i) There are at least three RNA polymerases in the
(v) Scrotum nucleus other than the RNA polymerase in
Location Present between the ductus deferentia organelles. The RNA polymerase-I transcribes
and the prostatic urethra. rRNAs (28S, 18S and 5.8S). RNA polymerase-III is
Function Receives spermatozoa [1] responsible for the transcription of tRNA, 5srRNA
and snRNAs (small nuclear RNAs).
In order to get maximum marks, RNA polymerase-II transcribes precursor of
students should answer this
Value Points question in a single line instead of
mRNA, the heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA).
elaborated manner.
(ii) Another complexity is that the primary transcripts
contain both the exons and the introns and are
non-functional. Hence, it is subjected to a process
32. (i) Bt cotton produces toxin proteins that kill certain
called splicing. In this process, introns are removed
insects like lepidopterans. coleopterans and
and exons are joined in a definite order.
dipterans. Thus, this crop does not require the
application of herbicides and pesticides. [1] (iii) hnRNA undergoes additional processing called
capping and tailing. In capping, an unusual
(ii) (a) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
nucleotide is added to the 5¢ end of hnRNA.
(GEAC). [1]
In tailing, adenylate residues (200-300) are added at
(b) The potential risks of GM crops are as follows
3¢ end in a template. Capping and tailing protect the
• Unintentional introduction of allergens and mRNA from degradation by the activity of digestive
other anti-nutritional factor in food crops, enzymes present in the cytoplasm.
• Toxin containing crops might affect
It is the fully processed hnRNA, now called mRNA
non-target organisms. [2]
that is transported out of the nucleus for translation
(iii) Basmati rice and turmeric, neem. [1] process. [3]
Or Complexities in Translation in Eukaryotes
(i) No, eukaryotic cells do not have restriction The mRNA formed in nucleus has to be transported to
endonucleases. All the restriction endonucleases the cytoplasm.
have been isolated from various strains of bacteria. Transcription and translation cannot be coupled in
Prokaryotes (bacteria) have this enzyme as a eukaryotes. [1]
defence mechanism to destroy the foreign DNA or
to restrict the growth of bacteriophages. [2]
(i) Structure of tRNA
(ii) First restriction endonuclease Hind II was
discovered by Smith, Wilcox and Kelley in 1968. The secondary structure of tRNA looks like a
[1] clover-leaf.
(iii) (a) Exonucleases cleave base pairs of DNA at AlltRNA molecules have a guanine residue at their 5¢
their terminal ends while, endonucleases end.
cleave DNA at any point within the DNA At the 3¢ end an unpaired CCA sequence is present.
segment at specific position except terminal Amino acids get attached to this end during
ends. translation.
Sample Paper 12 Stage III Excellence Level 5

tRNA has an anticodon loop, an amino acid Function of tRNA The function of tRNA is to align
acceptor arm and a ribosome site. the required amino acids according to the
The anticodon loop has bases complementary to nucleotide sequence of mRNA. [1]
the code. Amino acid acceptor end binds to amino tRNA is also called the adapter molecule because
acids. on one hand it can read the code and on the other
hand, it can bind to specific amino acid. It acts as
Ser Tyr intermediate molecule between triplet code of
5¢ 3¢ 5¢ 3¢
tRNA mRNA and amino acid sequence of polypeptide
chain. [1]

For obtaining maximum marks,

students should explain the
Value Points structure of tRNA through a
U C A – Anticodon A U G well-labelled diagram.
A G U – Codon U A C mRNA
5¢ 3¢
tRNA the adapter molecule [3]

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