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Ilham Nur S.

Lambang Yoga J. (18)
Muhammad Luthfi S. (20)
Ramadhan Aldi S. (27)

Fried Rice Recipe

- Cold rice
- Cooking oil
- Garlic and shallots
- Red chili and bell pepper
- Chicken meat
- Egg
- Sweet soy sauce
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Spring onions

Tools :
- Frying Pan
- Knife, cutting board
- Chopper
- Spoon
- Spatula
- Plate

1. Prepare all the ingredients and tools to be used in cooking.
2. Crush red chili, bird's eye chili, shallots, and garlic finely.
3. Thinly slice the spring onions and chicken meat.
4. Heat the frying pan with an adequate amount of cooking oil over medium heat.
5. Saute all the crushed ingredients until fragrant, then add sliced chicken and saute until
cooked and golden brown.
6. Add cold rice to the frying pan, stir well with the seasonings until the rice is evenly mixed.
7. Pour a sufficient amount of sweet soy sauce into the fried rice.
8. Crack the egg, and stir the egg into the rice, sauté together and let the egg cook halfway.
9. Season with salt and pepper according to taste, stir until well combined.
10. Don't forget to add the thinly sliced spring onions into the dish, stir well
11. Taste the fried rice and adjust the seasoning if needed by adding more salt or sweet soy
12. Once everything is done, serve the fried rice on the previously prepared plate.
13. Garnish the fried rice with accompaniments such as pickles, cucumber slices, or crackers
according to preference.

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