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`` Initao College

P-2A, Jampason, Initao

Misamis Oriental, 9022 Philippines

Class Presentation Learning Plan

Subject: FS2 - Participation and teaching Assistantship
Year Level: Fourth Year
Date: October 3, 2023
Time: BEED 4 G1 (4:30 - 6:00)
Venue: Room 403
Course Content/Subject Matter: Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures in a Face-To-Face/ Remote
Intended Learning Outcomes:
 Establish my classroom routines and procedures before during and after classes in a face-to-face or in remote
 Explain the classroom routines (what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why those need to be done).
 Reflect on the basic questions when building my classroom routines and procedures in the classroom and in remote
 List down some possible topics for action research on classroom routines and procedures.
 Use professional reflections and learning to improve practice.

Learning Task/ Activity

Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Task Reference

1. Preliminary Activities (Prayer, Individual Activity Internet
Energizer, Word of the Day)
2. Recap Instructions: Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer (At the end of the link put
3. Activity directly. Retrieved on...)
4. Discussion
Routines are the backbone of daily 1. Ms. Asuncion teaches English in https://
classroom life. They facilitate Grade six. She finds difficulty in
teaching and learning. Routines getting her class settled and ready for
don’t just make the life of the teaching-classroom-routines/
the daily lesson. Which of the
teacher easier. They save valuable
following would be the best advice for https://
classroom time. Efficient routines
make it easier for students to learn her?
and achieve more. a. She should have a seating blogs/news/importance-of-
arrangement /plan. classroom-routines-and-
b. She should assign a group leader procedures
Some routines and procedures: to monitor student’s discipline.
 Submission of tasks and c. She should not let them in until Books
they are ready.
 Movement into and out of Field Study Participation and
the classroom d. She should have an entry pass
Teaching Assistantship, MARIA
 Checking of attendance before they get in.
 Classroom greetings MILAGROS L BORABO, PhD
 Getting supplies and 2. The students of Ms. Dionisio were
materials instructed to use the washroom gate
 Others when deemed pass whenever they need to attend to
necessary (2021)
personal necessities. This is an
 Line formation example of which of the following
 Transitioning to group classroom management techniques?
a. The use of cards
 Use of washroom
b. The use of gate pass
c. The use of transition
5. Values Integration d. The use of clear schedule
Routines in the classroom make

 : +63552719201
“Veritas Lux Mea”  Email Address:
`` Initao College
P-2A, Jampason, Initao
Misamis Oriental, 9022 Philippines

Class Presentation Learning Plan

class time more enjoyable and
productive. They offer learners a 3. Mrs. Esplana assigned daily prayer
sense of stability. By having leaders and attendance monitor
classroom rules and procedures
checkers in her class. What is the
that you follow, your learners will
know your expectations. Behavioral benefit of having this practice?
problems and distractions can a. Ensure discipline and
decrease when learners understand responsibility in class.
how to act. b. Make her students busy at all
6. Generalization c. Develop camaraderie in class.
It will be easier for learners to
d. Ease her small stuff
succeed and reduce disruptions in
the classroom if teachers teach
them what to do throughout daily 4. During inclement weather one of the
activities. There are three key routines established by Ms. Return is
occasions during the school day for her class to fall in line along the
when establishing clear routines corridors and not in the school yard.
can help maximize the amount of What must be the reason why she
instruction time: at the start of class,
implemented this?
in between sessions, and at the end
of the day. Learners can a. To have another area for line
understand expectations and the formation
flow of the classroom by learning b. To enable them to stay outside
routines as early in the school year c. To protect them from harm
as possible. Once routines are d. To give more time for them to
mastered, learners need to be able socialize outside the classroom
to switch between activities
throughout the day with little delay.
5. Why is it best to establish routines at
the beginning of the class?
a. To eliminate stress of teachers at
the beginning of the class
b. To control unruly students
c. To know all the students in class
d. To ensure order and discipline at
all times

6-10. Give at least five routines you are going

to establish in your classroom.

Prepared by:



Checked by:

TEP Faculty

 : +63552719201
“Veritas Lux Mea”  Email Address:

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