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DLP in English 4

1st Quarter
October ____, 2023

1. Explain the importance of reading product labels.
2. Classify the materials correctly according to their uses.
3. Influence everyone to read the product labels.


Importance of Reading Product labels
References: Teacher’s Guide pp. 18-21
Learner’s Material pp. 17-20
Materials: Different Food Products
Medicine or Drugs
Household Products

A. Unlocking of Difficulties
1. Drugs 3. Label 5. Product
2. Medicine 4. Nutrition

B. Preparatory Activity
Show some household materials, medicine and food products to the class. Let
them examine the labels of each product. (Milk, alcohol, medicine, etc.)

C. Motivation:
Ask: What information can we see in the label?
(Answer: Nutrition Facts, Manufacturing date, Expiry Date, Ingredients, etc.)

D. Group Activity: Group the pupils into three.

Provide a set of materials to each group. Be sure that each set is composed of
food products, medicine, and household materials.
Look for the product label in each of the materials and record it in the data
chart. (Each group has a data chart)
Remind them that this is a group activity, so everybody should cooperate
because they will be graded for their performance.

E. Analysis
Ask: 1. What information are given by the labels of the products: (Ans.:
Nutrition Facts, Manufacturing date, Expiry date, Ingredients, etc.)
2.Why is it important to read the ingredients of the product? (Ans.:
Because it provides information to which someone might be allergic.
The ingredient list provides the details that the nutrition facts label may
not show.)

F. Abstraction: People need to consider the information on product labels when

buying products to be stored at home to be aware of how to use the product
especially in the case of medicines. Labels warn possible danger.

G. Application: Study the label of the picture below. Then answer the questions

H. Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Ask: Why should we read the product labels? (Ans: Because by reading it, it
gives us knowledge about the safe way of using it, including the dose (in the
case of medicine)
I. Generalization: As a consumer, we should read the product labels because this
will give us information about its ingredients (to which someone might be
allergic). It describes the safe way of using the product, warn possible dangers
and describe the proper way of storing the product.

IV. EVALUATION: Read the following products inside the box. Classify them
according to their uses.

biscuits Surf powder Alpine milk

Palmolive shampoo Safeguard soap Zonrox
paracetamol 555 Sardines Neozep

Food Products Medicine/Drugs Household Products

Cut-out the labels of some products. One for medicine/drug, one for food product,
and one for household product. Then stable/paste it on your notebook. Following
the format below.

Product Labels
A. Food Product

B. Medicine/Drug

C. Household Product

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