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For the Partial fulfillments of B.Ed. Fourth Year

Programme Under Tribhuvan University.

Submitted To:
Resunga Multiple Campus
Department Of English Education
Resunga Municipality -1 Tamghas, Gulmi

Submitted By:
Manoj Bhusal
Symbol No.: ………………
TU Registration No.: 7-2-311-37-2019

This report has been prepared for the Partial fulfillments of B.Ed. Fourth Year
Teaching Practice Programme Under Tribhuvan University. This report includes
the detail of peer teaching which is classified out by B.Ed. studying student for the
completion of his bachelor degree.

Peer teaching in the classroom among friends is an interactive and

collaborative educational approach that leverages the relationships among
classmates. In this context, students take on the dual roles of learner and teacher,
sharing knowledge and explaining concepts within the familiar dynamics of
friendship. This form of peer instruction fosters a positive and supportive learning
environment, enhancing communication skills, rein-forcing understanding, and
boosting confidence. As friends engage in collaborative learning activities, they
contribute diverse perspectives and approaches, enriching the overall educational
experience. Peer teaching among friends aligns with the principles of constructivist
learning, promoting active student involvement and the development of a sense of
community within the classroom. Overall, it serves as an effective strategy for
mutual learning and academic support within a social framework.
Table Of Contents

S.N. Contents
1. General Introduction to Peer Teaching.

2. The Objectives of Peer Teaching.

3. The number of peer teaching.

4. The importance of peer Teaching.

5. Strengths and weaknesses of peer teaching.

6. Conclusion.
1. General Introduction to Peer Teaching.

Peer teaching, a dynamic and student-centered educational approach, involves

students actively engaging with each other in the learning process. Instead of
relying solely on traditional teacher-led instruction, peer teaching empowers
students to take on the roles of both learners and teachers within a collaborative
environment. This method recognizes the value of students sharing know-ledge,
explaining concepts, and supporting each other's understanding.

The essence of peer teaching lies in the principle that students can learn effectively
from their peers. This appr-oach spans various educational levels, from primary
edu-cation to higher learning institutions. It can manifest in informal study groups,
collaborative projects, or more structured peer-led activities.

Peer teaching aligns with constructivist learning theories, emphasizing the

importance of learners actively constructing their own understanding. This student-
centered approach enhances social interaction, fostering a sense of community
within the classroom. Whether students are teaching to friends, classmates, or
study partners, peer teaching stands as a versatile and effective strategy to promote
collaborative learning and mutual support.

2. The Objectives of Peer Teaching.

The objectives of peer teaching encompass a range of educational goals aimed at

fostering collaborative learning, enhancing communication skills, and promoting a
deeper understanding of the material. Here are several key objectives associated
with peer teaching:

Knowledge Transfer: Facilitate the exchange of know-ledge and information

among students. Enable students to explain concepts, share insights, and teach each

Active Engagement: Encourage active participation of students in the learning

process. Promote hands-on involvement in explaining and discussing topics.

Communication Skills: Develop effective communication skills as students

articulate and express ideas. Improve listening skills as students engage with their
peers' explanations and feedback.
Confidence Building: Boost students' confidence by providing opportunities to
teach and share their understanding. Reinforce self-esteem through successful
communication of concepts to peers.

Reinforcement of Learning: Strengthen understanding of material by teaching it to


These objectives collectively contribute to a holistic and student-centered

approach, promoting a deeper and more meaningful learning experience through
peer teaching.

3. The number of peer teaching.

For the completion of teaching practice of four-year B.Ed. programme 15 peer

teaching lessons are prepared. Each plan consists of the part of the lesson plan in
which the student teacher performs different activity to archive the specified
objectives of teaching.

The peer teaching plan has common features there like of a daily lesson plan. For
our purpose I prepared 15 peer teaching plans of grade 10 English from chapter
one to sixteen. A grade 10 English text book for the clarification, various types of
teaching programme. I realized that the most Important aspect of peer teaching
programme. In the comment from my friends and colleagues I got chance to reduce
the lacks through the comments of my friends. Therefore, peer teaching is
beneficial for trannie teacher who were carrying out teacher practice for the
completion of bachelor in English education.

4. The importance of peer Teaching.

The importance of peer teaching can be pointed as follows

• Active Participation: Peer teaching encourages active participation and

engagement among students.
• Students must articulate ideas clearly, use effective language, and adapt their
communication style to ensure comprehension among their peers.
• This positive reinforcement can contribute to a more positive attitude
towards learning and an increased willingness to participate in class.
• Multiple Viewpoints: Different students may approach a concept in unique
ways, fostering a richer understanding of the subject matter.
• Collaborative learning through peer teaching prom-otes teamwork and a
sense of shared responsibility for learning outcomes.

Peer teaching is a powerful educational strategy that goes beyond the traditional
student-teacher dynamic. It contributes to academic success, fosters social and
emotional development, and prepares students for life-long learning and
collaborative work environments. By actively involving students in the teaching
process, educators can create a more dynamic and enriching educational
experience. Teaching is Learning: When students take on the role of a teacher,
they deepen their understanding of the subject matter.

5. Strengths and weaknesses of peer teaching.

Strengths of Peer Teaching: Peer teaching stands out as a powerful educational

strategy due to its multifaceted strengths that enhance the overall learning
experience. At its core, this approach not only promotes a deeper understanding of
subject matter but also actively engages students in the learning process. As
students take on the role of educators, they develop improved communication
skills by articulating ideas, explaining concepts, and responding to questions from
their peers. This hands-on experience not only builds confidence but also
encourages a positive attitude towards learning. The diversity of perspectives
brought forth in peer teaching settings contributes to a richer understanding of
topics and promotes open-mindedness. Importantly, peer teaching fosters a culture
of active learning, where students become contributors to their own and their peers'
educational journeys. The personalized support offered by peers, grounded in an
understanding of shared challenges, contributes to the creation of a supportive
learning community. Beyond academics, peer teaching prepares students for real-
world skills such as public speaking, leadership, and effective teamwork, making it
a holistic and valuable approach to education. Ultimately, the strengths of peer
teaching extend beyond knowledge acquisition, shaping a positive and
collaborative classroom culture.

Weakness of peer teaching: While peer teaching offers numerous benefits, it is

not without its challenges and weaknesses. One notable drawback is the potential
inconsistency in the quality of instruction. Since peers may not possess the same
level of expertise as a teacher, there is a risk of inaccuracies or misconceptions
being conveyed during the teaching process. Additionally, miscommunication can
arise as students grapple with the challenge of effectively explaining complex
ideas. Unequal participation is another concern, where certain students may
dominate the teaching role, resulting in others passively receiving information.
Moreover, the effectiveness of peer teaching can be influenced by social dynamics
within the group, such as existing peer relationships or hierarchies. Some students
may feel more comfortable learning from an authoritative figure, and peer teaching
may not be suitable for all topics, especially those that demand specialized
knowledge. Time constraints in integrating peer teaching into a curriculum may
also limit the depth of the learning experience. Acknowledging these weaknesses is
crucial to refining and optimizing the peer teaching approach for a more balanced
and effective educational strategy.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, peer teaching emerges as a dynamic and impactful educational

strategy, offering a range of strengths that contribute to a holistic learning
experience. The approach not only deepens understanding and fosters engagement
but also cultivates vital skills such as effective communication and collaboration.
The positive influence on students' confidence and the promotion of a diverse,
inclusive classroom culture are notable outcomes. However, it is important to
recognize the associated weaknesses, including potential variations in instructional
quality, the risk of miscommunication, and challenges related to unequal
participation. Acknowledging these limitations is crucial for educators to refine and
tailor peer teaching methods to suit different subjects and learning contexts. When
implemented thoughtfully, peer teaching stands as a valuable tool, preparing
students not only for academic success but also for the development of essential
life skills, contributing to a more enriching and collaborative educational

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