October Physics Test

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1. Define density of a substance ?

a. Describe an experiment you would perform to determine the density of an
irregularly shaped object such as a stone (4)
b. An empty tin of mass 20g and capacity 25cm was used to measure the density
of mercury. When filled of mercury, the mass of the tin and mercury was 360g
what is the density of mercury (4)
2. The figure below shows an experiment which was carried out to measure the time
interval of a simple pendulum

The bob was oscillating between A and C

a. State the meaning of the term oscillation
b. If the pendulum bob took 0.20s to swing from A to C calculate the period of
the pendulum
c. Using the period calculated determine the frequency of the bob
3. Professor Njobvu of mass 150kg is transferred from earth to the moon. Acceleration
of the free fall on the moon is 1.6m/s2 while on earth is 10m/s2 state
a) An instrument commonly used to in the laboratory for measuring the amount
of material in the body
b) The mass of professor on the moon 150kg
c) Calculate the weight of professor on earth
4. The diagram below shows part of a micro meter screw gauge an instrument used to
measure a physical quantity
a) What is the reading shown above on the micrometer screw gauge
b) What physical quantity is measured by the instrument
c) What is the function of the ratchet ?
5. The diagram below shows a thick walled bottle used to carry out an experiment to
determine the density of air. The bottle was filled with rubber bung and tap

The following results were obtained

- Mass of the bottle containing air =410g
- Mass of empty bottle =409g
- Mass of bottle filled with water =1150g
a) What mass of water was needed to fill the bottle ?
b) What was the internal volume of the bottle? take density of water as 1g/cm3
c) What mass of air filled the bottle ?
d) What was the density of air ?
6. What is meant by centre of gravity or mass?
7. Give 2 factors which affect the centre of mass of an object ?
8. Name two factors which do not affect the period of the pendulum?
9. What is the difference between mass and weight ? give 4 points
10. What is relative density ?


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