Age Should Allow

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at the age of 12 to 13 years old children can be allowed to use the phone because

at this age children have learned and understood a lot so they can use the phone
The age at which children can use phones may depend on the decision of some
parents whether to allow those children to have cell phones at the time. I will give
my child a cell phone when he or she old enough to differentiate what is wrong
what is bad, what to do and what not to do.
Some people say that nowadays people mobile phones should be a necessity for
everyone including children. This is because in this era of globalization mobile
phones start to being one of the most important devices for our daily routine life.
And there is some benefits of using cell phone for children.
1. Increased Social Interaction

If your child has difficulty making friends, giving him or her a cell phone may go a
long way in boosting social interaction with others. Social networks such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr allow your child to reach out and find other kids
that share his or her interests.

3. Learning Responsibility

You may flinch at the thought of giving your young teen an item as expensive as a
cell phone, but such a treasured item may improve their ability to be responsible

Educational support
If your child has ever come to you for help with algebra or a difficult literature
assignment and even you had a hard time understanding it, having a cell phone
can put your child in touch with homework assistance almost immediately
Nowadays, in the 4.0 era, social networks are an indispensable part of our daily
lives and because of this, some people have thought that social networks can do
more harm than good. But according to me, I find that social networking can bring
a lot more benefits to our lives than the harm it causes. And today I am going to
talk about “Social network can do more good than harm. So, my presentation will
be divided into 2 main parts. The first part is “The roles of social network in our
lives” and the last part is “Reasons of Social network can do more good than
harm”. If you have any question about my topic and my opinion please ask to the
end of my presentation.

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