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Example 1

Intrigued by the debate between scientific and biblical interpretations of the

age of the Earth, I have decided to delve deeper into this complex topic for
my persuasive essay. Growing up in a community that values both scientific
research and sacred scriptures, I have always found myself at a crossroads
when faced with the question of the age of the Earth. Is it billions of years old
or younger? Is there a conflict between science and the Bible? My goal is to
thoroughly investigate both perspectives, examining scientific evidence and
theological interpretations, to reach a well-reasoned conclusion. Through this
exploration, my goal is to come to a firm position and then defend it with
evidence and good reasoning. Not only do I find this topic personally
fascinating, but it also represents a larger conversation about the
intersection of science and faith, a topic that has important cultural and
educational implications for all Christians.

Example 2

In my persuasive essay, I will address the controversial topic of tithing in

Christianity, arguing that Christians are not required by law to tithe their
income to the church, but should view it as a matter of conscience and
personal choice. This position arises from my belief that the practice of
tithing, while prevalent in the Old Testament, is not explicitly commanded in
the New Testament. I will thoroughly explore both biblical texts and
theological interpretations to support this view. My challenge has always
been to convincingly articulate this position to others, who often reference
traditional practices and Old Testament scriptures. Therefore, my goal is to
construct a compelling argument that combines sound biblical exegesis with
logical reasoning, demonstrating that Christian financial support should be
based on generosity and personal conviction rather than a legalistic
requirement. This topic is not only of personal importance to me but is also
critical to understanding the broader context of Christian stewardship and
motivation in all aspects of life.

EN 1029S Redacción II \ 1

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