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Historical background and context of RA 1425:

Why study the life and works of Rizal?

The Republic Act No. 1425 also known as Rizal Law was approved and signed by President
Ramon Magsaysay on June 12, 1956, an act of mandaIng all public and private insItuIons
including state colleges and universiIes to include the Dr. Jose Rizal’s life, works, and wriIngs as
a course across programs.

Did you know?

• In December 20, 1898-President Emilio Aguinaldo declared a proclamaIon that

December 30 of every year is Rizal Day

• Jose Rizal full name is José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

• He is not the first choice for our naIonal hero. There are five choices; Marcelo H. Del
Pilar, Graciano Lopez- Jaena, Heneral Antonio Luna, Emilio Jacinto and Dr. Jose Rizal.

• Rizal’s retracIon

History of the Rizal Law

• It was originally filed by the Senate CommiYee on EducaIon on April 3, 1956 as Senate
Bill No. 438. It was supported by all the senators except for three

• When Senator Jose P. Laurel, the Chairman of the CommiYee on EducaIon started his
sponsorship on the bill on April 17, 1596., dispute between the pros and anIs emerged

• Senate bill 439 known as Rizal Bill, authored by Senator Claro M. Recto (Father of Rizal

• Recto’s original bill made it obligatory for college and university students to study the life
and works of Jose Rizal.

Senate Bill No. 438

An act to make Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo Compulsory reading material in all public
and private colleges and universiIes and for other purposes

Sec:on 1. Jose Rizal’s Noli MeTangere and El Filibusterismo are hereby declared compulsory
reading maYer in all public and private schools, colleges and universiIes and in the Philippines.
Sec:on 2. The works in secIon 1 of this act shall be in the original ediIons or in their
unexpurgated English and naIonal language versions.

Sec:on 3. The Department of educaIon shall take steps to promulgate rules and regulaIons for
the immediate implementaIon of the provisions of this act.

Sec:on 4. No provisions of this act shall be construed as prohibiIng or limiIng the study of the
works of other Filipino heroes. SecIon 5. Any public or private college or university found
violaIng, falling to comply with or circumvenIng the provisions of this act shall be punished

(A)The head of any public college or university charged with implemenIng provisions of this act,
who shall have been found guilty of violaIng, failing to comply with, or circumvenIng the
provisions thereof, shall be dismissed immediately from public service and shall be disqualified
from teaching in any public or government recognized private school, college or university.

(B) Government recogniIon of any private college or university found violaIng or circumvenIng
the provisions of this act shall be immediately withdrawn, and the responsible head and
professor or professors concerned shall be disqualified from teaching in any government-
recognized college or university.

Sec:on 6. This act shall take effect upon its approval.

Source: h*ps://

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