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HARI/TANGGAL : Maret 2016
WAKTU : 15.30 – 17.00 (120 Menit)

Petunjuk :
1. Isilah identitas, kode kabupaten/kota, kode kecamatan dan
nomor saudara dengan menhitamkan bulatan yang sesuai
2. Hitamkan bulatan didepan mata pelajaran yang sedang di
3. Tulis tanggal, bulan, tahun kelahiran, tempat evaluasi dan
tanggal evalusi serta nama anda pada kotak yang tersedia
4. Bacalah soal-soal dengan cermat dan teliti sebelum anda
5. Jumlah butir soal sebayak 50 butir
6. Pilih salah satu jawaban yang anda anggap paling benar,
kemudian hitamkanlah bulatan jawaban pada lembar jawaban
7. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan kalkulator, table
matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainya
8. Periksalah kembali pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan
kepada pengawas.


Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara menghitamkan pada huruf A,B,C,D atau
E pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia

The dialogue is for number 1

Yeni : Fetch me that paper, please.
Tono : The paper on the table over there?
Yeni : Yes, thanks.
Tono : Here you are.
Yeni : Thanks. Oh, ................(1), Yon?
Tono : Sure.
Yeni : I want to send a document but I don’t know to use the fax machine.
Tono : Well. Let me show you. Put the document you want to send here then dial the
Yeni : OK. Then?
Tono : Just push the start button.
Yeni :’s easy. Thank you, Yon.

1. Complete the dialogue based on the text above

A. Could you sit down
B. Could you help me
C. May I come in
D. Would you bring
E. Can you tell me

2. Man : May I taste the marmalade you have just made?

Woman : Of course you may. How does it taste?
Man : ....

What is the most appropriate response for the man to replay?

A. It's very expensive, I think.
B. I think I will cook it myself.
C. It'svery delicious. I really enjoy the taste.
D. I don't think I'll come with you.
E. I'd like to apologize for my failure.

The text if for number 3 to 5

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants absorb sugar from water and
carbon dioxide and the conversion of light energy into the chemical energy of the sugar.
Photosynthesis occurs only within chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are tiny bodies! that exist
within many of the cells leaves, stems and other green aerial parts of a living plant.
Chloroplasts contain the green pigment that is called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll imparts to a
leaf or a stem its green color and is also a necessary agent for photosynthesis.
The water that is required for photosynthesis is absorbed from the soil by a plant's
roots and is conducted from them to its leaves. Carbon dioxide enters the pores of the leaves
from the atmosphere. Within the chloroplasts water and carbon dioxide are combined
chemically by means of chlorophyll to form oxygen and a sugar called glucose. The chlorophyll
is a catalyst that causes this chemical combination without actually undergoing any
chemical change itself. Water and carbon dioxide combine only in the presence of light,
for the energy needed to effect their combination is the radiant energy of light. During
their combination this radiant energy is converted into the latent chemical energy of the
resulting glucose. The oxygen that is formed is expelled from the leaves as a waste product.
The sun is the natural source of the light that is utilized by photosynthesis. However,
photosynthesis also occurs in the presence of artificial light, like that from an electric bulb.
Photosynthesis occurs in outdoor plants only during daylight hours.
As soon as the glucose is synthesized iwithin the chloroplasts, it is dissolved in the
water of the cells. In most plants the glucose is then changed into starches, fats and proteins.
These are assimilated as food by the plant cells and are transformed into the protoplasm that
composes them. While the starches, fats, and proteins are being assimilated, their latent
chemical energy, which previously existed as radiant energy, is released and is utilized by
the plant for its life, growth and reproduction, and other vital activities.
Photosynthesis is the ultimate source of food and energy for animals and human
beings as well as for plants. Animals and human beings eat vegetation whose protoplasm
was elaborated from the products of photosynthesis. From this vegetation animals and
own obtain the energy that is necessary for their life and growth. The original source of this
energy was the sunlight that was converted into the chemical energy of glucose by means of

3. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To describe about photosynthesis
B. To explain about the process of photosynthesis
C. To tell a story about photosynthesis
D. To discuss about photosynthesis
E. To retell about photosynthesis

4. What is the natural source of the light that is utilized by photosynthesis?

A. The sun
B. The light
C. The food
D. The protoplasm
E. The radiant energy

5. Which one is incorrect about Photosynthesis according to the text?

A. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants absorb salt from water and oxygen and
the conversion of light energy into the chemical energy of the sugar.
B. Photosynthesis is the ultimate source of food and energy for animals and human beings
as well as for plants.
C. Photosynthesis also occurs in the presence of artificial light, like that from an electric bulb.
D. Photosynthesis occurs in outdoor plants only during daylight hours.
E. Photosynthesis occurs only within chloroplasts.

The dialogue is for number 6 and 7

Inneke : Hi, Jane. ..........(6)

Jane : Hi. What’s up?
Manneke : I have good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Manado won
the national competition.
Jane : Really? It’s what I want to hear. .......(7)
Inneke : I read the announcement in front of the teacher’s office.
Jane : I want to see it. Thanks for the information.
Inneke : No problem. Congratulations, Jane.
Jane : thank you

6. Complete the dialogue with appropriate words

A. Nice to see you
B. Sure, here it is
C. I’ve been looking for you.
D. Glad to meet you
E. I’m happy to meet you

7. Do you find the information about it?

B. Where can I find the information about it?
C. Where Do you find the information about it?
D. Did you find the information about it?
E. Where does she find the information about it?

This announcement is for number 8 and 9

An auction for the estate of Raul Diega will be held on
Saturday, February 3, at 11:00 A.M
(Preview starts at 10:00 A.M.)
Location: 5667 North Hedge Lane

Some of the items to be auctioned:

 2004 Mercedes
 China and crystal
 Oriental rugs
 Jewelry Questions? Please call Estate
Planners at
 Stamp collection 778-0099 between noon and 5
8. What event is being announced?
A. A show.
B. A sale.
C. A preview.
D. A store opening.
E. A fund-raiser.

9. When can you start to look at things?

A. February 3, 11: A.M.
B. Every Saturday afternoon.
C. Any day from noon to five.
D. February 3, 10: A.M.
E. After calling 778-0099.

10. Bagus : Sorry, Ma’am. My English is not so good.

Teacher : Don’t worry! There will be ... for you improve your English.
A. a good chance
B. a qualification
C. a good time in
D. a n idea of
E. a little chance

11. Wedding organizer : Excuse me, Madam. Is there anything wrong with the
decoration of the bridal suite?
Customer : Oh, no. .... it ‘s really wonderful.

A. I’m extremely disappointed with it.

B. I’m extremely contented with it.
C. You ‘re right.
D. I’m sure about that.
E. I don’t know what’s wrong.

The text is for number 11 to 13

The Whale's Good Deed
Once long, long ago when time did not matter, there was a whale. This was a killer whale. He was
not as popular as the other animals, but he could do something that the other animals couldn't do. He could
swim the farthest out in the sea. The thing he liked doing the most was helping the other animals
with their work. He liked doing good deeds for the other animals.
One night as the sun went down all the animals went to bed, but whale stayed awake to see
the stars. Just then a big tidal wave came. It formed into a big body of water. It was the sea god, he: did
nothing but trouble. He said "I have stolen the sun and kept it in my cave down in the cold sea , no animal
dares go there or they would freeze to death." "Well it happens that I am a whale and whales can swim
in extremely cold water." The sea god laughed. I have locked it up in a magical sea box and there are
one hundred locks locking it up.
I know you cannot open it up with those flippers of yours." "Yes I can because I'm going to find a
way to get the sun back!" yelled the whale.
The next morning... well what was supposed to be the morning... the animals got up. They noticed right
away that the sun was not up, so they had a meeting and whale told all the animals what had happened. All
the animals were sad, but they wanted to help get the sun back. They tried many things, but nothing
seemed to work.
He went to the sea god right away. He was still in his fortress. The sea god said, "So have you
found a way to get the sun back yet?" "Yes I have," and with a big scream the whale shook the sea. His
big echo shattered all the locks all at once and the sea god got sucked into the box when the box opened
and then the sun rose up.
Everybody had a big party and all of the animals were invited. The sun was up again and from that time on
the sea god was never seen again.

12. What does the special thing the whale have?

A. It could swim the farthest out in the sea.
B. It was the biggest fish.
C. It has the loudest sound.
D. It could swim to the deepest sea.
E. Whale was puzzled.

13. Why was the sun not raised?

A. Because it was solar eclipse
B. Because the sun was covered the sea
C. Because the sun was stolen by the sea god
D. Because the sun hid in the cave
E. Because the sun hid from the whale

14. So have you found a way to get the sun back yet?" "Yes I have,". . . . Paragraph 5.
The word “ I” refers to . . .
A. Whale’s Mom
B. Whale's father
C. Whale
D. Sea god
E. Sea animal

The text is for number 15 to 16


Issues & Strategies

Thursday, February 1, 2006

The Platinum Hotel
Omaha, Nebraska

Our experienced faculty will

 alert you to key changes in legislation, regulations, and case law
 take you from the basics through advanced areas of Worker’s
Comprehension law
 show you how to anticipate new trends in defense give you many
practical strategies
15. The purpose of the text is………………….
A. To announce readers about the seminar
B. To persuade readers to practice their new skills
C. To inform ways to communicate with employees
D. To explain how to anticipate new trends in defense
E. To inform readers how to apply many practical strategies

16. “…… you how to anticipate new trends in defense”

The underlined word means………………….
A. Foresee
B. Hope
C. Let down
D. Forecast
E. Avoid
This pamphlet is for number 17 and18

Get a FREE iPod!*

SMS HOTLINE: 0815 7617 187

Our services: Web Design & Development, e-Commerce, Corporate Portal, SMS
Marketing, e-Company Bulletin. *) Terms and Condition Apply
17. One of the company’s services related to trade is ….
A. e-Commerce
B. SMS Marketing
C. Corporate Portal
D. e-Company Bulletin
E. Web Design & Development

18. What kind of business field does the company run?

A. Computer
B. Hand phone
C. Hardware
D. Internet
E. Electronics

The report is for number 19-20

If you want to advance in your career, you will have to take some careful
decisions about which jobs you take. Evaluate a job offer for the value it has to your
career. It means sacrifices at first. You may have to move to a different region of
different country to get a job that is right for you. You may have to work late hours, at
least temporarily. You might even have to take a lower salary for a job that offers you
the experience that you need. But you should never accept a job if it is not related to
your career goals.
Accepting a job that is not within your career path will not give you the
training or experience you need or want. You will find your self frustrated in such a
position and consequently will not perform your best. This will have an effect on the
people around you, who will, not feel as if you are being part of the team. The best
advice is to think carefully before accepting any position and make sure the job is
want to have.

19. What must we do if we want to advance in our career?

A. We have to make some careful decisions.
B. We have to choose a different region.
C. We must have an experience.
D. We must make sure the job
E. We must take a lower salary.

20. What is NOT mentioned as a sacrifice for a valuable job?

A. Moving
B. No benefits
C. Bad hours
D. Low salary
E. Career goals

The notice is for number 21 to 22

Volcano fumes can be life-threatening
visitors with breathing and heart problems, pregnant women and
young children
should avoid this area.

21. The caution above means that volcano fumes are … for people.
A. dangerous
B. appropriate
C. beneficial
D. advantageous
E. delicious


22. What does the notice mean ?

A. We can pass the door at anytime.
B. We may use the door when we want it.
C. We may use the door when we are in danger.
D. We cannot use the door because it’s out of order.
E. We can open the door anytime

Thext is for number 23 to 24

A man in Puerto Rico had a wonderful parrot. There was no another parrot like
it.It was very, very smart. This parrot would say any word-except one. He would not say
the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was Catano.The man
tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say the word.
At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. “You are a stupid bird!
Why can’t you say the word? Sat CAtano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot would not
say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll
kill you!” but the bird wouldn’t talk.
One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got
very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are more
stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.”
In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner.
The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left.
The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and
stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw!
He saw three dead chickens on the floor. The parrot was screaming at the fourth
chicken, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!

23. The parrot was screaming at the fourth chickens” what does the underline mean?
A. Smiling
B. Shouting
C. Crying
D. Laughing
E. stretching
24. Which statement is true according to the text?
A. The parrot could say Catano
B. At last the parrot could say Catano
C. Catano was the name at the parrot
D. The man never got angry at the parrot
E. The man will kill the parrot

The text is for number 25 and 26

23 students and their teacher, Gail Grant, were kidnapped while on an execution to
the Great Barrier Reef. The children and their teacher were in from Gordon Valley State
High School State High School They are being held for a ransom of 5.7 million dollars.
They are to have gone missing at about 8.4 a.m. yesterday after boarding for a cruise to
the reef. Police are baffled as to who the kidnapper is. The headmaster of the school,
Mr. Atol Smoth, received a ransom not after returning to his office. The note was made
from newspapers and magazines. Mr. Smith was almost in tears. I don’t know what I am
going to do, ‘were his words. Mr. Smith is arranging an appeal to try and raise as much
money as possible to give the kidnapper. Shocked parents sit in sorrow tonight, waiting
for more news to their students.

25. What is the text about?

A. The receiving a ransom
B. Gordon Valley State High School
C. An exercusion to the Great Barrier Reef
D. Boarding for a cruise
E. The kidnapping the students and teacher

26. Which information is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. The parents were shocked and still waiting for more news
B. Mr. Atol Smith is the headmaster of Gardon valley State High School
C. The students and their teacher have gone missing at about a quarter past eight
D. The teacher kidnapped is Gail Grant
E. They have been found until news published

27. Marina : Doni, What will you do after graduating from senior high school?
Doni : I will continue my study to university
Marina :………………….
Doni : Thank for your support
A. It’s a good idea
B. I am not agree with you
C. I’m sorry to hear that
D. It is not a good idea
E. Never mind

The text spoof is for number 28 to 30

The bottle water ban, which started on just a few campuses, has now spread nationwide to more
than 20 universities. The colleges have either completely banned the use of plastic bottles altogether,
or some have taken a more limited approach with partial bans.
Support from the bans comes from an organization called Ban the Bottle, a non-profit group
which raises awareness about the economic and environmental costs associated with using plastic
bottles. The group claims that eight glasses of water a day costs each person 49 cents annually,
whereas drinking from plastic containers costs $1,400 per year. Other messages are used to educate
consumers on the health risks. According to the Ban the bottle website, plastic bottles contain
antimony - a chemical that in low doses causes depression and dizziness - but that in large doses
can even lead to death. While Ban the Bottle highlights the health issues, the chemicals in plastic,
their main goal is to promote environmental sustainability.
The controversy over bottled or tap is not limited to the students and college
administrations. Manufacturers are seeing the movement as a threat: To counter that, they have come
out with their own video on You Tube stating that the students have "misinformation" about the
plastic bottles. One of their arguments is that bottled water is a good alternative to the more sugar-
laden beverages they would normally reach for. Bottled water is big business.
The main question that is on their minds and others who are opposed: What happened to
freedom of choice? What do you think? Is it right for a college administration to ban bottle?

28. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. The cost of bottled water
B. The effects of using bottled water
C. A non-profit group "Ban the Bottle"
D. Health problem related to bottled water
E. Dangerous chemical in bottled water
29. Manufacturers are against the ban arguing that bottled water . . . .
A. is good sugar-laden beverage
B. is the environmentally friendly
C. contains healthy chemical
D. is low-sugar drinks
E. water is cheaper
30. '... eight glasses of water a day costs each person 49 cents annually ...'
The underlined word means . . . .
A. Exactly
B. properly
C. every year
D. less or more
E. approximately

31. What does the notice mean?...

a. You will have lunch at 03.00
b. The lunch will be served at 03.00 p.m.
c. You will have lunch till 03.00 p.m.
d. The lunch will be served after 03.00 p.m.
e. The lunch is closed at 03.00.p.m.

32. Where does usually find the notice....

a. Cafe
b. Hospital
c. Canteen
d. Restaurant
e. hotel

The letter is for number 33 to 34

Mr. fames Peterson,

Senior Sales Manager,
Mark Group of Companies,
425 Street hills,
England, 488569
(Subject)- Job announcement letter,

Dear Candidate,

This letter is to grab your attention about the job openings in our company. Our company is
regarded as a best company, in the sales field in the whole England. We need ambitious and
sincere people. The applicant must have minimum 6 years of job experience in sales department.
Applicants will be given positions as per their qualification. Applicants need to fulfil our
prescribed requirements and attachments. We give free medical facilities, good working
environment, and try to bring out the best in our employees.
As soon as possible send your application on The candidates have
to go for an interview when they get selected. If there is any doubt regarding the working
pattern of our company, then you can contact our person from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to
Friday on our address which is displayed below.
With regards,
Robin m rob,
Senior sales manager,
Tel Inc,

33. What should the applicant do when they are not sure about the information in the
A. Send a letter
B. Come to the office
C. Ask the manager
D. Making a phone call
E. Looking information from internet

34. How to send the application letter?

A. Using post mail
B. Using an email
C. By making phone call
D. Giving directly to the office
E. Give it to the secretary

The announcement is for number 35 to 36

Announcement at Public Place

Do it with 2,3 or 4 other (relatives can join)
No age limit.
1. Pick up a form from this Glory Supermarket counter
2. Complete the form
3. Drop the completed form in the box Labeled “TALENT SEARCH” at Glory
4. Box will be removed a fort night after the date given below
24 MAY

35. No age Limit”

What does mean ?
A. Aged man is not allowed
B. Those who are under age are forbidden
C. Age will not be considered
D. Only those who are over sixteen years of age take part
E. Relative can be joined

36. The announcement is about....

A. Green park gathering
B. Family members
C. Entering a contest
D. Resident of Green Pa
E. A tallent show

The narrative text is for number 37 to 39

The Hare and The Tortoise

Once upon a time there was a hare who, boasting how he could run faster than
anyone else, was forever teasing tortoise for its slowness. Then one day, the irate
tortoise answered back, “Who do you think you are? There’s no denying you’re swift,
but even you can be beaten!”
The hare squealed with laughter. “Beaten in a race? By whom? Not you,
surely! I bet there’s nobody in the world that can win against me, I’m so speedy. Now,
why don’t you try?”
Annoyed by such bragging, the tortoise accepted the challenge. A course was
planned, and the next day at dawn they stood at the starting line. The hare yawned
sleepily as the meek tortoise trudged slowly off. When the hare saw how painfully slow
his rival was, he decided, half asleep on his feet, to have a quick nap. “Take your time!”
he said. “I’ll have forty winks and catch up with you in a minute.”
The tortoise never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady
pace straight to the end of the course. The hare, lying down by the wayside, fell fast
asleep. At last waking up, and moving as fast as he could, he saw the tortoise had
reached the goal, and was comfortably dozing after her fatigue.

37. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. The hare was teased for its slowness.
B. The tortoise decided to take a quick nap.
C. The hare never stopped during the race.
D. The slow tortoise could not reach the goal.
E. The hare was beaten because of his arrogance

38. Why did the tortoise accept the challenge? Because ….

A. she was upset with the hare’s boast.
B. she could easily beat the hare in the race.
C. the course had been planned the next day.
D. nobody in the world could win against her.
E. she could run faster than anyone else.

39. The third paragraph is mainly about….

A. the irate tortoise.
B. the hare’s bragging.
C. the winner of the race
D. the beginning of the race.
E. the boastful hare’s challenge.

Text is for number 40 to 42

Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great places. I went to an
airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days, I liked to see
some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.
Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles,
California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film
industry. Four major film companies — Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia
— had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to. After that, I went to
New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to
the top of the crown.
T hat was very amazing.The places made me feel at home but I have to go home.
Next time I would return to them

40. What is the text about?

A. A long journey
B. A long vacation
C. The writer's fantastic holiday
D. Visited some great places in the world
E. The writer's experience
41. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To explain about how did the writer's journey
B. To discuss about the writer's experience
C. To share experience
D. To give information about some great places
E. To tell about the writer's fantastic holiday
42. These following places are visited by the writer, except ....
A. Hollywood
B. New York
C. Cleveland
D. Vancouver
E. Manhattan

This invitation is for number 43 to 44

5th December 2015

The Manager of
Continental Hotel
Jl. Sisingamangaraja 456

Dear Sir,

I would request you to reserve a single room for our General Manager, Mr.
Setyo Febiyanto, for the nights of 20th and 21st December 2015.
If possible, please allot him a room on the fifth floor, with a balcony. Mr.
Febiyanto is expected to arrive at 8 p.m. on 20 th December and would like to have
dinner at the hotel. He will check out at 10 a.m. on 22nd Decem Please confirm the
booking. Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully,

(Miss. Nova Lidya)


43. When will Mr. Setyo Febiyanti leave the hotel?

A. On the night of 20th December
B. In the morning of 22nd December
C. On the night of 22nd December
D. In the morning of 21st December
E. On the night of 21st December

44. “If possible, please allot him a room on the fifth floor,…”
Which of the following words/phrases doesn’t have the same meaning as the
underlined word?
A. Place
B. Give a room
C. Provide a room
D. Share a room
E. Prepare a room
The narrative text is number 45 to 47
Once upon a time there lived as neighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a
good shot, and the bear being very clumsy could not use the arrow to good advantage.
The bear was very unkind to the rabbit. Every morning, the bear would call over to the
rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with the bear to the
other side of the hill.
The rabbit, fearing to arouse the bear’s anger by refusing, consented, and went
with the bear, and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed, he shot and
killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded
themselves, and packed all they could carry home. The poor rabbit could not even taste
the blood from the butchering, as the gluttonous bear would throw earth on the blood
and dry it up. Poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day’s work.
The bear was the father of five children. The youngest was very kind to the rabbit.
The mother knowing that her youngest was a very hearty eater, always gave him an
extra large piece of meat. What the baby bear did not eat, he would take outside with
him and pretended to play ball with it, kicking it toward the rabbit’s house, when he got
close to the door he would give the meat such a great kick, that it would fly into the
rabbit’s house, and in this way poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa

45. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. The bear was the father of five children.
B. The bear was very unkind to the rabbit.
C. The rabbit would have to go home hungry.
D. The baby bear did not eat the extra large piece of meat.
E. The rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.
46. The poor rabbit could not even taste the blood from the butchering, as the
gluttonous bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up.”
The underlined word has the closest meaning to …………
A. Humble
B. Glad
C. Fat
D. Greedy
E. Generous

47. What can we learn from the story?

A. Being honest is not always nice.
B. Being a miser is sometimes important
C. All that glitters is not glad
D. To love means to share
E. To be generous is not good.

The text is for number 48 to 50

One day a fox was out walking when suddenly he heard a loud snapping noise
and felt a sharp pain in his rear. “Ooooow!!!!” howled the fox, tears coming to his eyes.
“that hurts. “Oooow!!! The fox looked behind him and saw his tail was caught in a trap.
He struggled and struggled to get free but his tail was firmly stuck in the jaws of the
trap. With one last frantic effort the fox used all his strength and broke free.
“Oooow!!!” howled the fox as he looked behind him and saw his tail still stuck
in the trap. All he had left was a little stump on his backside. My tail, my beautiful
fluffy tail. What will I do?” he cried. “How will I face all the other foxes without my
beautiful tail? It will be so embarrassing.” The fox thought and thought and finally came
up with a plan.
He called all the other foxes together for a meeting. When the other foxes saw
the little stump on his backside they began to laugh. “I have cut off my tail on purpose
and I want you all to do the same,” yelled over the laughter, “A large tail is more trouble
than it’s worth,” he shouted. “When we’re being chased by dogs it gets in the way, and
we get together for a talk you never know what to do with it. Do you wrap it around
your feet, do you sit, ”or do you leave it out for someone to trap over?” asked the fox. “
So is the time to free yourself from your tail and join me in a tailless society. “One of
the older foxes shook his head and said, “You wouldn’t be saying that if you still had
beautiful tail. You’re only saying that out of your own self interest and because you’re
embarrassed. “All the other foxes walked off laughing with their big bushy tails proudly
pointing upwards.

48. What did the fox tell to the other foxes in a meeting? He told that …
A. Having a large tail was worth
B. Having no tail was embarrassing
C. Having a beautiful tail was a dream
D. All foxes must have a big bush tail
E. Having a large tail brought many troubles

49. “ ….and join me in a tailless society.”

The underlined word means….
A. Society of foxes
B. Society of animals
C. Society of foxes with a busy tail
D. Society of foxes without tail
E. Society of tall animals

50. What moral do you learn from the story?

A. Don’t trust someone with self interest
B. Good thins come in a small packages
C. Love is gained by working hard
D. Cheating is needed
E. We must keep our promise


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