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Incorporating and directly descended

Utopia reborn A MEMBER

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818
The left needs new stories to tell and new cards to play. It must give voice to stories
HCM City
Choppy waters that have been silenced. Democracy is broken today. The traditional leftist thinking
focuses efforts
I n a world where chaos seems to be finding new that the working class was the agent of change and that the intellectuals were the
fronts, the recent surge in maritime tensions paints a radical agency of change has no traction. Where is the working class today, much to combat food
disturbing picture of a once serene expanse turned
battleground. The Red Sea, Black Sea, and South China less their faith in the revolutionary mission? The proletariat is now the new precariat
Sea are witnessing complex interplays of geopolitical contamination

manoeuvring, technological brinkmanship, and the un- ood safety in HCM City has
deniable impact of climate change on trade routes. The seen remarkable improvements
Red Sea, historically a vital trade artery, has become a fo- in recent years, with various
cal point as Houthi militias disrupt shipping lanes with measures and indices evaluat-
alarming frequency. The response from the United Sta- ed. Firstly, we have a team dedicated to
food safety management that regularly
tes and Britain underscores the strategic importance of conducts inspections and checks to
open passages, as they launch sea and air attacks to promptly detect and address viola-
counter the Houthi threat. The world, it seems, is tions. Secondly, the number of mass
witnessing a pivotal moment where the oceans, once food poisoning incidents has decreas-
considered a conduit of global harmony, are becoming ed both in scale and the number of
contested zones reminiscent of the Cold War era. This affected individuals.
shift is not isolated but part of a broader pattern. The To achieve this, the Food Safety
Black Sea is mired in mines and crippled warships as Management Board has focused exten-
Ukraine seeks to reclaim Crimea from the Russian navy. sively on preventive measures against
The Baltic and North Seas witness a shadowy war of food poisoning, especially in commu-
nal kitchens within schools and indus-
sabotage on pipelines and cables. Meanwhile, the South trial catering services in companies
China Sea experiences an unprecedented naval build-up and factories. Thirdly, there has been
as China attempts to coerce Taiwan, inviting a stern an increase in the supply and con-
response from the United States. The ripple effect of sumption of clean food through safe
Taiwan’s recent elections only adds fuel to an already food chains and awareness of busi-
volatile situation. nesses engaged in production and dis-
The seas, once the epitome of global connectivity, tribution is also raised.
are now at the epicentre of geopolitical storms. The All these figures indicate an
intricate web of maritime trade, accounting for 80 per improvement in the city's food safety
situation. However, I would still say
cent of global volume and 50 per cent by value, faces there is much more to be done before
challenges on multiple fronts. China’s naval expansion we can claim it as the best.
challenges US dominance in the Pacific, while rogue Previously, the Food Safety Man-
actors like the Houthis prove resilient to traditional mil- agement Board was established from
itary interventions. Landlocked Ethiopia's foray into a three sectors ~ Health, Agriculture, and
Red Sea naval base adds another layer to the evolving Industry and Trade ~ to create a com-
maritime narrative. The challenges are not just geopo- prehensive food management system

litical. Climate change is altering the seascape, with the down to the district, commune, ward
rogress is realiza- gely the product of utopian different. Today many of the old and market levels.
Panama Canal grappling with water shortages, trade
tion of utopia”, so visions and its new imagina- Just as Hugo Chavez was no ideas have lost their marbles. In It comprised 10 food safety man-
routes expanding in the Arctic, and a rush to mine the believed Oscar tions. The new left in its various Fidel Castro, Chile’s Gabriel the present age, the magic of
sea-beds fuelled by the green-energy boom. Wilde. Utopia is avatars has drawn inspiration Boric is no Lula. In pure aca- ideas is fizzling out. The left
Technological disruptions amplify the complexity, no flight of infancy; it is the from the core premise of Marx, demic terms, describing recent needs better stories.
with China investing in anti-ship missiles, militias gain- roadmap of the future and the “things don’t have to be the way and current Latin American The age of theory is coming agement teams that served as both
ing access to cruise missiles, and subsea data cables vul- lifeblood of societal change. they are.” leaders and parties as “leftist” to its end. Both liberalism and inspectors and local liaisons to moni-
nerable to sabotage. The stakes are high, not just for the Modern ideas like shared Globally, the left is facing a doesn’t pass a rigorous analysis. socialism are going through a tor and address issues.
nations involved but for the global economy. Maritime living, equality, justice and a dilemma that American cultural The worldviews and poli- phase of decline and exhaus- However, during inspections, we
disruptions have already led to transient shocks in com- yearning for a better society critic Grecil Mar- cies of left leaders tion. The post-fascist universe is faced many legal challenges. For
merce, with insurance and shipping rates experiencing have influenced both philoso- cus sums up beau- are so different expanding. instance, some entities questioned not
spikes. The post-lockdown shipping crunch in 2021 and phers and political leaders. tifully: “your own from one another. There is a social meltdown. whether we had the authority to
Utopia may be universal history was lying in Years before get- The new left in Latin America penalise but whether we had the legal
grain disruptions in the Black Sea in 2022 resulted in but in the contemporary pieces on the ting elected presi- knows that ‘how to do nothing’ standing to do so. With the transition
worldwide inflation. Large-scale conflicts at sea could be world, Latin America is consid- ground, and you dent of Colombia, is not an option. to the Food Safety Department, we will
catastrophic, affecting everything from oil prices to sup- ered to be a fertile ground for had the choice of Gustavo Petro pra- The left’s appeal has grown have a more solid legal foundation and
ply chain stability. Addressing these challenges requires utopian projects, movements picking up the ised Hugo Chavez thanks to the support it has gar- undoubtedly receive more attention to
a nuanced approach. It's clear that appeals to uphold and experiments. pieces or passing as a “great Latin nered from social movements, strengthen our workforce and improve
universal laws may not be sufficient, and a return to the For many, utopia is a pro- them by.” Only the American leader”. political-cultural struggles and efficiency.
calm waters of the 1990s seems unlikely. In a world cess of making a better tomor- Latin American left However, while their fight against social stigmas. Moreover, we plan to integrate
where isolationism is gaining traction, sustaining a mar- row. Mexican writer Carlos seems to have pic- campaigning for The Zapatista revolution information technology into various
itime order becomes the lowest common denominator Fuentes writes, “we have clung ked up the pieces president, Petro has been a movement of move- projects, such as source tracing initia-
to utopia because we were and the result is ASH NARAIN dismissed ments. In their own small way, tives and safe food chains, to increas-
of international cooperation. Without it, the very foun-
founded as a utopia.” there for all to see. ROY Venezuelan Presi- they have proved that other ingly promote clean food and combat
dation of the world economy risks being engulfed. Memory of a good society The origin of dent Nicolas Mad- models are possible. contaminated food.
The writer is director,
“lies in our origins and also at the Latin American Institute of Social Sciences, uro as a “very con- As Peter Rosset, Maria Certainly, there will be pressures,
the end of the road, as a fulfil- left is distinctly servative member Elena Martinez-Torres and Luis with the most significant coming from
Empowering Fintech ment of our hopes.”
Hundreds of social, politi-
Latin American. of the most regres-
One has seen the demise of the sive factions in global politics.”
Hernandez-Navarro contend,
“the Zapatistas gave the new
the community. However, these pres-
sures will help train and enhance the

I n the ever-evolving landscape of financial technology

(fintech), India has taken a decisive step by urging
fintech firms to create a self-regulatory organisation
(SRO), as outlined in the recent draft framework by the
cal and ideational experiments
are currently under way in Latin
America. Political leaders never
fight shy of experimenting with
both progressive and regressive
‘Bourbon’ left and the ‘doctri- Lula too has been critical of
naire’ left and the ‘infantile’ left Maduro saying he supports free
too has been buried. It is not elections in Venezuela so that it
easy to define the new left. can see “the alteration of pow-
The left is a combination of er.” President of Chile Gabriel
movements new forms, meth-
ods and ideologies with roots in
the history of subaltern indige-
nous communities.”
The left needs new stories
skills of our specialists and officials. In
the future, we aim to strengthen our
connection with the media to provide
timely information to the community.
As for the challenges we are cur-
Reserve Bank of India (RBI). This move comes at a cru-
development strategies, even small parties and groups, trade Boric too has been critical of to tell and new cards to play. It rently facing, the most prominent is
cial juncture when the fintech industry is experiencing
untested new policy measures. unions, social movements and Maduro’s leadership. He said must give voice to stories that the shortage of personnel and human
rapid growth, propelled by an escalating demand for Civil societies and ordinary indigenous organisations. that the “policy of exclusion have been silenced. Democracy resources. We currently only have 10
digital payments and borrowings. The RBI’s emphasis citizens are experimenting with Its emphasis is inclusion doesn’t offer authentic or last- is broken today. food safety teams. These teams not
on the establishment of an SRO reflects a nuanced un- alternative forms of governance and reform, not revolution. The ing results.” The traditional leftist think- only perform inspection duties but
derstanding of the balance needed between fostering creating both public and insti- centrality of democracy is ano- Mexico’s Zapatista move- ing that the working class was also conduct sample collection, moni-
innovation within the industry and upholding regulato- tutional spaces for democratis- ther feature. It is democracy ment is the most iconic anti- the agent of change and that the toring, information dissemination and
ry priorities to safeguard consumers and mitigate risks. ing and deepening democracy. deepening, not mere democra- globalisation guerrilla move- intellectuals were the radical food poisoning response.
The call for self-regulation is not a mere formality but a There may be failures and cy’s expansion. ment. It acquired global atten- agency of change has no trac- When the department was estab-
strategic move towards optimising the contribution of frustrations but that has not F L Schuster and Armando tion as it swept the battle for tion. Where is the working lished, we were assigned 468 personnel
the fintech sector to the broader financial ecosystem. stopped them from imagining Bartra therefore suggest that we public opinion. The Zapatista class today, much less their faith from three departments and sectors.
alternative utopias. Latin Amer- speak of ‘lefts’ in the plural. New movement became the light- in the revolutionary mission? Now, we only have 369. However, we
The proposed SRO is envisioned as a guardian of com- ica is building what Zapatistas terms have emerged such as house that illuminated the left. The proletariat is now the new are not requesting an increase in per-
pliance, tasked with ensuring that fintech firms adhere of Mexico would say, “un ‘liberal left’, ‘interventionist left’ The Zapatistas have a lot to precariat. sonnel and would rather maintain the
to statutory and regulatory requirements. This proac- mundo donde quepan muchos and ‘extractivist left.’ offer to the left. They don’t reject The universities no longer previous staffing levels.
tive approach is in line with the RBI's commitment to mundos” (a world where many The new left has different democracy but they define it in prepare students for citizenship. Furthermore, we recognise num-
nurturing a robust governance framework that address- worlds fit in). historical trajectories and ideo- the indigenous cosmological There was once romance with erous challenges, with the most signif-
es the unique challenges posed by the dynamic nature Latin American thought logical nuances than the con- term. They have offered a decol- revolution. Today, ‘Love is a icant arising from the awareness of cit-
of fintech. By encouraging the industry to regulate itself, leaders have made seminal con- ventional left. onial definition, “we are all equ- Revolution’ as the title of Renee izens and communities still accepting
the RBI acknowledges the sector’s maturity and capaci- tributions in the fields of inquiry The multiplicity of social als because we are all different.” Watson’s book suggests. the use of unsafe food. The living con-
ty to play an active role in shaping its destiny. One of the like resistance and liberation bases and political agendas are In their limited areas of influ- It will be naïve, if not ditions of many citizens are difficult,
movements, race, pedagogy, specific to individual countries. ence in Chiapas, they have prac- foolish, to expect that the stu- leading them to be content with chea-
noteworthy aspects of the draft framework is the em-
coloniality and indigenous epis- Hence, while the new left is rad- ticed the ‘socialisation of dents of elite universities will per street food. Therefore, I believe
phasis on transparency and communication between temologies. ically different from the tradi- power” by extending it to all transform into a new working that food safety should be part of the
the SRO and the RBI. The SRO is expected to maintain a To a great extent, the politi- tional left, ideological diversities spheres of social existence like class as the University of Cali- collective consciousness, developing
clear channel of communication with the central bank, cal space that the new left in and historical trajectories of schools, hospitals, communities fornia, Berkeley, once actually synchronously with the socio-eco-
facilitating a consultative approach in developing and Latin America has created is lar- the new left themselves are and other enterprises.” believed. nomic situation.
updating the taxonomy for fintech firms. This collabo-
rative effort ensures that regulatory standards remain LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
adaptive and aligned with the evolving dynamics of the
industry. Furthermore, the draft outlines the RBI’s

Tough task
authority to inspect and audit the books of the SRO, no common ideology.
underlining a commitment to effective oversight. This
The Congress is the only the IMPOSSIBLE
national party. It is nice to hear
regulatory check-and-balance mechanism instils confi- 'Unity amid diversity' but it is SIR, Apropos Sudipta Ghosh’s letter to the editor ‘Lessons for
dence, assuring stakeholders that the SRO's operations SIR, This refers to Kalyani uary). The INDIA alliance is a really a stupendous task to unite peace’ published today, moral instruction through Kathamrita
will be subject to scrutiny, thus reinforcing the credi- Shankar's article 'Opposition conglomeration of 26 parties hav- them to effectively oppose the is impossible in the religious minority schools of India.
bility of the self-regulation initiative. challenges before LS poll' (14 Jan- ing divergent interests and with mighty BJP under the charismatic Having studied in a Christian missionary school in Burd-
The SRO's role in monitoring the 'fit and proper' sta- wan, I was from the last batch to study Sanskrit from Class VI to
tus of its directors adds an extra layer of accountability. By Class VIII as a third language.
establishing a framework for on-going scrutiny, the SRO Moral Science sans Kathamrita was taught in my school.
ensures that its leadership maintains the highest stan- No wonder, Ramakrishna Mission schools are tailor-made for
teaching Kathamrita to their students.
dards of integrity, competence, and ethical conduct. This Yours, etc.,
commitment to governance excellence is pivotal in fos- Anindya Ghosal,
tering trust among consumers, investors, and regulatory Burdwan, 15 January.
authorities. As the RBI invites feedback on the draft frame-
work, the collaborative spirit underlying this initiative
becomes evident. The open invitation for input demon- leadership of Narendra Modi. interests if the alliance is to
strates a commitment to inclusivity and recognition that The inauguration of Ram survive.
the best regulatory frameworks are those shaped with the mandir will add another feather Congress president Mallikar-
collective wisdom of industry stakeholders. By entrusting to its cap specially in the Hindi jun Kharge has instructed the
heartland. party to initiate discussions with
the industry with a greater role in its governance, India is
The opposition has decided leaders in the alliance to address
not just embracing innovation but also showcasing a com- to field a common candidate the dilemma.
mitment to responsible growth. As stakeholders provide against the BJP in order to avoid There are definitely some
feedback in the coming weeks, the final framework is any split of BJP opposition votes. problems in Kerala, West Bengal,
poised to be a testament to a shared vision of a fintech sec- But every regional party Punjab and Delhi.
tor that thrives through collaboration, transparency, and a desires to get as many seats as Yours, etc.,
commitment to regulatory excellence. it can and ultimately the Con- Dilip Kumar Sengupta,
gress would have to sacrifice its Birati, 15 January.



‘Aspiration of 120 cr people’

Mr. MacDonald having, unlike most
prospective Prime Ministers, a cut-and-
dried Cabinet list in his pocket, it is cer-
tain, unless there is a Liberal revolt, that a
Labour Government will be installed at
Westminster before the end of this week. It

HP Vice-President and Shri The temple will be decorated with also appears certain that one of the first
Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth flowers and about 125 saints and and most vital questions which Mr. Mac-
Kshetra Trust General Secre- mahatmas of the country will perform Donald and his colleagues will have to
tary Champat Rai is the man the ceremony. tackle is a railway strike, with all its losses,
in focus in view of the Ram Temple The Prime Minister will be the its inconveniences, its social, political, and
consecration ceremony on January 22. chief guest at the ceremony though I economic dangers. How will they deal with
A native of Bijnor and a former do not know the exact schedule of his it? We must wait and see, hoping that even
chemistry teacher, Rai is a key RSS arrival in Ayodhya. The auspicious after the eleventh hour has struck, coun-
functionary who has dedicated his time of consecration will be around sels of wisdom, or at least of common-
entire life to the Sanatan Dharma. In a 12:30 p.m. sense, may prevail among the men. It is
conversation with Manoj Bhadra of obvious, however, that the Labour Gov-
The Statesman, he provides an insight ernment must be profoundly influence in
into the grand event. Q: What do you have to say its general outlook by the attitude taken
on the allegation by Opposition up by Mr. J.H. Thomas, the doyen among
EXCERPTS : leaders that the event is aimed railwaymen, and a prominent member-
at wooing voters for the Lok elect of the coming Government. He has
Q: All eyes are on you ahead Sabha polls? denounced the proposal to strike with a
of the pran prathistha of Ram fierceness untempered by any thought of
temple. A: This Ram temple is the aspira- approaching responsibility, and has
tion of 120 crore people of the country declared that the men who strike will be
A: It is a big programme, but as and they have been waiting for it for traitors. These are strong words, and if Mr.
the preparation started long back, the past several hundred years. I do Thomas acts up to the Balzac ideal it is
everything is in place. Besides we are not know about politics, but the con- quite possible that the railwaymen, if they
working as a team, hence everyone secration ceremony is a religious affair do strike, may find themselves treated to
was doing his assigned work. We and it has nothing to do with Lok measures recalling, mutatis mutandis, the
believe in Lord Ram and we know he Sabha elections. short shrift meted out to the French rail-
will make the ceremony go smoothly. way syndicalists by the Briand administra-
tion in pre-war days.
Q: There must be pressure on Q: On the consecration day,
you from every quarter on many will there be any programme to
aspects, especially sending of honour those 'karsevaks' who NEWS ITEMS
invitation cards for the ceremo- sacrificed their lives for the Ayo-
ny. How are you coping with it? house. During the pran pratistha, to tackle such issues? consecration? dhya movement?

A : As you must be aware we

there will be a special presence of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, RSS A: We have made foolproof secu- A: Our teams have already visited A: As of now no such programme is
have limited seats for the ceremony
and due to security and other reasons,
chief Mohan Bhagwat, Uttar Pradesh
Governor Anandiben Patel and Chief
rity arrangements for January 22 when
the Prime Minister and other VVIPs
several big temples in the country and
studied their crowd management. But
scheduled. Those who sacrificed their
life for the movement were the inner
only selected guests, including saints, Minister Yogi Adityanath. will be present. Though we cannot I am sure that the Ram Temple will inspiration. We have honoured them in LONDON, JAN. 19
VVIPs and others, have been invited. We have invited saints of 13 reveal the arrangements, let me provide the best management to con- the past and will do so in future. Mr. Bromley has made a statement
Though people are contacting me reg- major akharas of the country along assure you that elaborate security will trol the crowd and will ensure that no declaring that he is astounded by Mr. J.H.
ularly to get the invitation cards, I with 2,500 people who are the best in be deployed in Ayodhya and adjoin- devotee faces hardship in having the Q: How much work is left in Thomas's circular declaring that it is
have politely refused them and asked their respective fields. We have also ing areas for the safety and security of darshan of the deity. the temple? incumbent on all members of the Society
them to come to Ayodhya later on. invited people who were instrumental all the VVIPs and other people. Q: What are the programmes of Engineers and Firemen to realise that
Having said that, we have sent invita- in the Ayodhya movement. There On the security after the conse- for the Ram Lalla consecration A: The work on the first floor of the honour and prestige of the Union is at
tions to around 7,000 people and we would be around 4,000 seers in the cration, we are expecting that around ceremony? the temple where the Ram Lalla idol stake, and any member ceasing work is a
are expecting that at least 4,000 peo- consecration ceremony. one lakh devotees will reach the Ram would be placed has been completed "black leg" to the signature of his accredit-
ple will join the ceremony. temple daily. We have made all A : The puja ritual of pran and now just the finishing touch is ed representatives and a traitor to the
After the consecration of Lord Q: Is security the main aspect arrangements for smooth and peace- pratistha, which started on January being given in the sanctum sancto- decision arrived at the special general
Ram, everyone should do puja in their during the consecration ceremo- ful darshan of the Ram Lalla. 16, will last a week. A group of Brah- rum. By January 22, all work will be meeting. The publicity thus given of the
homes. After pran pratistha, people ny and thereafter when millions mins which has to do it has been completed and the Ram temple will disagreement among the railway leaders
should perform aarti and after sunset, of devotees will throng the Ram Q: What will be the crowd formed. and the place where the wor- be one of the best and most beautiful threatens to nullify the earnest efforts of
light a lamp in the courtyard of the temple. What is your preparation management system after the ship will be done is being prepared. temples in the universe. the intermediary, who under the auspices
of the General Council of the Trade Union
Congress conducted the negotiations all

Muizzu’s stance will hurt Maldives

day long yesterday. An effort to effect a
settlement has been adjourned today.

SMRUTI S PATTANAIK Maldives to reclaim its top position. being directed by a particular coun- to China, with the Chinese Exim Bank BENGAL
The bilateral relationship was elevated try, Muizzu spoke to the press on his holding 11 per cent of the total. The educational system of the Presi-

ndia’s relations with the Maldives to a comprehensive strategic cooper- return from China and said, “We China has trained 1,500 officers dency has broken down. This statement
have dipped in the past two ative partnership. The Maldives is aren’t in anyone’s backyard. We are of the Maldives National Defence was contained in the written evidence of
weeks. It all began with the now one of 28 countries with such an independent and sovereign state. Force, and both countries are part of a Mr. W.W. Hornell, Director of Public
derogatory tweets of three Maldi- agreements with China and is among We may be small, but that doesn’t trilateral defence dialogue now known Instructions, Bengal submitted to the
vian deputy ministers on Prime Min- 25 neighbouring countries that have give you the license to bully us”. Many as the Colombo Security Conclave, Royal Commission on the Superior Civil
ister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to signed the Belt and Road Initiative. believe this remark was an insinua- though the Maldives did not attend Services in Calcutta yesterday. So long as
the Indian island of Lakshadweep, One detailed paragraph in the tion against India, which is close to the last meeting in December. The the present organisation of Calcutta Uni-
which he promoted as “full of many joint statement is devoted to Taiwan. the Maldivian Democratic Party politicisation of the withdrawal of the versity or anything similar to it continues,
possibilities”. Like the Maldives, Lak- The Maldivian pledge for a one-China (MDP). Beijing’s October 2023 foreign Indian troops, who are basically train- there is no justification for the recruitment
shadweep possesses scenic beauty, policy shows how China is rattled by policy outlook outlined, “China will ers, will also affect the evacuation of of European scholars to the Indian Educa-
but its tourism potential remains the recent election in Taiwan, which work with regional countries to man- its citizens needing critical medical tional Service for the purpose of doing
untapped. brought back a pro-freedom party. age regional security affairs with a care. The suspension of the mutually teaching work in the affiliated colleges of
President Mohamed Muizzu sus- Some Maldivian media outlets equat- coordinated approach”. agreed hydrographic survey only adds the University. It is admitted by all that
pended the ministers for their com- ed the rise of President Muizzu, who The Maldives challenge notwith- to the deteriorating relationship. the curriculum of the first two years of the
ments on the Indian premier as New won the election in November, to the standing, India’s approach has been Given its location, the Maldives Calcutta University course is not of Uni-
Delhi summoned the Maldivian Chinese system, in which President Xi to develop strong ties—a work in holds a significant position in the versity grade at all. Therefore, University
ambassador and expressed displeas- Jinping held many positions before progress that recognises domestic emerging Indian Ocean geopolitics. It teaching does not begin until after the
ure. Social media was flooded with becoming president. politics and contestation within a has many suitors. Muizzu govern- intermediate examination and the bache-
comparisons between Lakshadweep In the context of the India-Mal- country. India’s External Affairs Min- ment’s attempt to play the old China lor degree is taken two years after that.
and the Maldives in terms of their dives row, China, in a ritualistic man- ister S Jaishankar said, “Politics is pol- card deftly used by Abdullah Yameen
touristic attractions as one of India’s
major travel aggregators, Ease my
ner, said it respected “national sover-
eignty, independence and national
itics. I cannot guarantee that in every
country, every day, everybody will
to keep India and Western countries
away was expected. The economic BRITISH MISSION IN
Trip, announced they would no
longer book trips to the island nation
dignity, respects and supports the
Maldives’ exploration of a develop-
fear regarding the country’s Indian
military personnel. Immediately after
support or agree with us”.
India gave the Maldives $50 mil-
trouble that the Maldives seeks to
redress through tourism will face BAVARIA
amid the trending social media cam- ment path that suits its national con- his election, Muizzu said, “Using the lion in 2018 and $100 million in 2022 challenges. A perceived hostile Colonel Clive, British Consul-Gener-
paign #boycottMaldives. ditions, and firmly opposes external instrument of diplomacy, I will ensure in budgetary support. Similarly, India domestic population injected with al, is expected to proceed to Coblenz today
India topped the list of tourists interference in the internal affairs of that this country has no foreign mili- gave the Maldives $1.5 billion in eco- nationalism and anti-India propagan- on the completion of his investigations
visiting the Maldives in 2023, followed the Maldives”. Under Muizzu, the tary presence on its soil.” The with- nomic assistance in 2018. Since 2019, da does not augur well for the eco- into the political situation in the Bavarian
by Russia. The country also surpassed Maldivian relationship with China is drawal of Indian forces also consti- India has implemented 18 cash grants nomic health of the country as India Palatinate. His report will be forwarded to
the 2022 total tourist arrival figure by projected as a benchmark of its inde- tutes a top priority for his govern- totalling 106,860,706.86 rufiyaas, with tops the list of tourists and is a long- the British Government, for whose infor-
an estimated 78,537 people. Muizzu, pendence and sovereignty. An article ment. 255 million rufiyaas in grant assis- standing development partner. mation and on whose instructions his
in his presidential inaugural address published in October 2022 in the Sun, In a meeting between Prime Min- tance for 47 High Impact Community One may see a spike in anti-Indi- independent inquiry is being made. Dur-
last November, placed a high priority a Maldivian newspaper, praised the ister Modi and President Muizzu in Development Projects. In the current anism as the Maldives holds the Par- ing the last few days Colonel Clive has had
on tourism, a top revenue generator. virtues of the Maldives cultivating the United Arab Emirates, it was fiscal year, India’s grants constitute liamentary (Majlis) election on March conversations with all classes of the Palati-
He also said Maldivian debt stood at close ties with China. decided to form a high-level commit- 1.5 per cent of the budget of the Mal- 17. The opposition, the MDP, consid- nate community - from bishops to peas-
an all-time high at 119 billion rufiyaa. The actions of the Maldives are tee to discuss bilateral matters. The dives. India is also the third-largest ered close to India, currently holds the ants, including mayors and councillors,
Muizzu was on a state visit to not surprising. The Progressive Party committee’s first meeting was held on trading partner of the Maldives. majority and is likely to give a tough trade union leaders, agriculturists, work-
China from January 4 to 12, 2024, of Maldives-People’s National Con- January 14 in Male. Some newspapers According to the International fight. Recently, the MDP won the Male men, journalists, lawyers, anti-Separatists
which he termed his first bilateral visit gress coalition, headed by President wrote that Male had asked New Delhi Monetary Fund Staff report of mayoral seat. Muizzu would require a and Separatists. The last named included
since his presidency although he had Muizzu, won on an anti-India plat- to withdraw its military personnel by November 2023, China is the largest majority in the Majlis to implement Herr Blei, who succeeded the murdered
visited Turkey in December 2023. form. A recent European Union report March 15 and replace them with civil- external creditor. Twenty per cent of many policies, including the “India leader Herr Heintz as head of the so-called
During this trip, he signed around 20 suggests that extensive anti-India sen- ian staff. the total public debt, or 42 per cent of out” tagline of his campaign. "Autonomous Government." Meanwhile,
“key” agreements and requested timent was used, and a misinforma- Accusing the previous Ibrahim the total external public and publicly as already stated, the Rhineland High
China to send more tourists to the tion campaign was carried out to whip Mohamed Solih-led government of guaranteed (PPG debt), is attributed The Kathmandu Post/ANN. Commission yesterday postponed for a
week the consideration of Separatist
decrees pending agreement by the Allied
Governments concerned.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
In driving rain today, the British Navy
9 10
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION ACROSS highway leading to considering the devil 5 Sailors entering part of after modifying sweet paid a tribute to the forty-three officers and
another (5) (7) ship? That’s the stuff (8) men lost in Submarine L-24 off Portland.
11 12 U S A B L E S E COND 16 Possibly anthem for important point (6) 19 Film festival having a Eighteen ships participated, including
P Y E X C H A A 9 Leave sailor to support Alys and Dafydd and 6 A small amount mostly ball after Sunday (8)
twelve submarines. The Ross, a twin-screw
L EMMA P ROM I S I N G eliminating Spain (7) Ffion, primarily leads to vomit? Just 20 California company
A B S U L L A R 10 English currently (4,2,2,7) conceivably (2,1,7) importing India’s minesweeper, was the flagship of Rear-
13 14 15
S K I T T E R E D DODG E working to unseat one 20 College has to pay 1 Pattern in sky? Builder’s 7 Steep charge to secure foremost cotton cloth Admiral Nicholson of the submarine serv-
M O G C E board (7) island resort (5) installed city’s first home? Mother’s on to (6) ice. The spot where the submarine lies was
A N T I C A T T R A C T E D 11 Author putting King 21 Quiet and unhappy elevated railway (8) it (8) 21 Starship engineer
16 17 18 19
and Ace following King about unwanted 8 Eat amusingly on the leaving bed in a mess
marked by a flag on an anchored buoy.
I O T H R H 2 American gas, say,
and Ace (5) sheep (9) promoting energy as radio (6) (6) Formed into a hollow square, the flotilla
O V O T R 12 Woman showing point 23 Flees bugle call (6,3) serviceable (6) 14 20th-century leader 22 Adjust nothing I steamed slowly towards the flag, and while
20 21 22
AMB L E C A T H A R S I S in pursuing seabirds 24 Friend I note investing 3 Comedian I overlooked is gets amount provided in regular the crews stood bareheaded at stations the
(9) in tea (5) appearing on a list (4) reassessed (3,3-4) payment (6)
13 She’s a good example 25 Golden one may be 17 The latest from her: 24 Groups of performers
chaplain recited the burial service. Then
I L L OG I C A L DR I F T 4 Extra item a divine
23 24 in revolution around seen in Court? (7) conclusion? I’m not city keeping up rise of overlooking core volleys broke the silence, followed by the
energy and style (4,5) 26 Fixed a name for the sure (8) large lorries (8) musical (4) sounding of the "Last Post" by the buglers
15 Criticise curtailment of devil, mostly 18 Strong and sour etc. of the Ross. On a signal from the Ross
25 26
engines were stopped and from the flag-
ship a great wreath of chrysanthemums
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) and lilies was dropped and remained float-
ing near the buoy.
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k90=D0AH !!!#


UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa



above everything else. In the
that the concept of the Ram
PHQWVKDYHFDXJKW1HZ'HOKL VDWWHQWLRQ held out the ideal state for the
political leaders in India have ven-
3RUWGHYHORSHGE\,QGLDLQFROODERUDWLRQZLWK,UDQ ideal to be striven for, and it res-
The realities of human nature do extant aspects of the ancient Ayodhya. In the light of sense. The powers of the
WLRQGXHWRWKH,UDQ3DNLVWDQWHQVLRQVPLJKWDIIHFW not lend themselves easily to the Indian polity of the Treta research of later years and ever- emperor or samrat were cir-
WKH VPRRWK IXQFWLRQLQJ RI WKLV FUXFLDO PDULWLPH achievement of such a polity. Yuga, the era of Rama. A new findings on India’s civiliza- cumscribed by institutions
IDFLOLW\6HFXULW\FRQFHUQVDUHDOVRRQWKHULVHDV Realpolitik has taken precedence deeper look at the state of the tional history, most Western like the sabha (royal assembly)
LQVWDELOLW\RQWKH,UDQ3DNLVWDQERUGHUPD\KDYHUHSHUFXVVLRQVIRU,QGLD7KHSRWHQ over any single-minded pursuit of polity during Vedic times theories and their Indian that comprised princes, min-
the ideal state. This is exemplified reveals parallels between the reproductions are open to isters, advisors and military
WLDOIRUDQLQIOX[RIUHIXJHHVLQFUHDVHGWHUURULVPRUWKHVSLOORYHURIYLROHQFHFRXOG in the Western world by Niccolò Vedic and Ramayana’s ideas of questioning and rebuttal. officials. The sage advice and
FUHDWH FKDOOHQJHV IRU ,QGLD V ERUGHU VHFXULW\ DQG FRXQWHUWHUURULVP HIIRUWV Machiavelli and in India by government. Seminal work Valmiki’s Ramayana gives us counsel of rishis is a striking
(FRQRPLFDOO\DQ\GLVUXSWLRQLQWKH,UDQ3DNLVWDQUHODWLRQVKLSPD\DIIHFWUHJLRQ Chanakya, the guru of Emperor on the likely nature and shape insights into social life—habits, feature of the epic age in India,
DOWUDGHG\QDPLFV,QGLDKDVEHHQVWULYLQJWRHQKDQFHHFRQRPLFWLHVZLWK,UDQ Chandragupta Maurya around of the polity during the peri- customs, attire, ceremonies, a pointer to the fact that
310 BC. Machiavelli looked at the od of Rama was done by Ms beliefs, castes, tribes, forms of ancient Hindu society has
SDUWLFXODUO\LQWKHHQHUJ\VHFWRUDQGPDLQWDLQVWDELOLW\LWVUHODWLRQVZLWK3DNLVWDQ pursuit and perseverance of polit- Pazhamaneri Chandrashekhar government, the status of always accorded primacy to
IRURYHUDOOUHJLRQDOHFRQRPLFSURVSHULW\%HVLGHVWKHLQYROYHPHQWRIZRUOGSRZ ical power, while Chanakya along Dharma (1907-1977), a high- women, education, science, spiritual and dharmic author-
HUVFRXOGPDNHWKLQJVZRUVH7KH86LVDOUHDG\DWORJJHUKHDGVZLWK,UDQDQGZRXOG with Chandragupta, was the co- ly accomplished academic and commerce, industry, naviga- ity over the temporal one.
OLNHWREOHHGLWE\IXQGLQJ3DNLVWDQ VRIIHQVLYHLQWHUPVRIGROODUVDQGGURQHVQRW founder of one of the largest and scholar, and former lecturer at tion, etc. The term ‘Aryan’ one Apart from the governing
most powerful empires of the the Banaras Hindu University C74A48B0340AC7 comes across in this context is body advising the king, the
WRVSHDNRIKHDY\DUWLOOHU\ZKLFK3DNLVWDQFRXOGXVHDJDLQVW,QGLDDVZHOO,QGLD ancient world. His Arthashastra (BHU). Ms. Dharma’s work used solely for nobility of state also had representative
PD\ILQGLWVHOILQDSUHFDULRXVVLWXDWLRQDQGPLJKWKDYHWRVHWWOHIRUDQXDQFHG remains even today a seminal The Ramayana Polity likely >58=5>A<0C8>=>= character and loftiness of val- organisations, called the Paura-
DSSURDFKVLGLQJZLWK,UDQEXWQRWDQQR\LQJWKH867KLVKRZHYHUSUHVHQWVLWV treatise on governance. remains the only work of A0<A09H0C74 ues, and not for any particu- Janapada in the Ramayana.
RZQVHWRIFKDOOHQJHVJLYHQWKHFRPSOH[QDWXUHRIWKHVLWXDWLRQDQGWKHVWURQJ The pursuit of realpolitik for a research on what the structure lar race or community. The Paura means the representa-
strong and powerful, yet ideal and of governance and administra- 8A>=H8B Ramayana teaches not only the tives of the citizens within the
DQWL,UDQVWDQGRIWKH861HZ'HOKLPXVWFDUHIXOO\QDYLJDWHLWVIRUHLJQSROLF\WR welfare-oriented state precedes tion in the period of Rama geography of India but also capital while the Janapada are
VDIHJXDUGLWVVWUDWHJLFLQWHUHVWVZKLOHSURPRWLQJVWDELOLW\DQGFRRSHUDWLRQLQWKH even Chanakya. Krishna Rajya, must have been like. 2><?>D=3431H about other countries. The the representatives of the peo-
UHJLRQ therefore, is as important, as the There is a dearth of informa- C74502CC70C land ruled by the Ikshvaku- ple in the countryside, both
Ram Rajya that preceded it. tion on Ram Rajya. The irony Raghu lineage and other organs suggesting decentral-
Much can be gleaned of the is compounded by the fact that C74A40A40<?;4 dynasties in the north (the ization of power in Ram Rajya.
?82D1<; political institutions of the
Ramayana era, loosely termed as
there are ample references in
Valmiki’s Ramayana itself, A454A4=24B8=
dynasty in which Rama was
born) stretched from the
A premium was placed on mil-
itary organisation and power.
Ram Rajya, from Valmiki’s
Ramayana. These provide
which deal with the socio-
political conditions of the
E0;<8:8³B Panchnad (today’s Punjab) in
the northwest to Videha,
It is a measure of the political
efficacy of Rama’s rule that fol-
researchers, scholars and lay read- Treta Yuga. It is indeed possi- A0<0H0=08CB4;5 Mithila and Anga in the east lowing his defeat of Ravana,
ers with some idea of what Ram ble to collate such details to (all in present-day Bihar), to India under him did not have
Rajya might have been like, derive a picture of the polity F7827340;F8C7 Saurashtra in the southwest to face any serious military
notwithstanding counter-argu-
ments that Valmiki’s treatment of
that existed during this period.
Western interpretations either
C74B>28> and to the great Dandaka for-
est in the south (present-day
challenge from any other quar-
ter, nor was there any social
the political system of his age treat the Ramayana as a ‘myth’ ?>;8C820; Andhra Pradesh). The other upheaval that sometimes fol-
might have been more ideal than or an allegorical representa- major communities men- lows a major conflict. The
what actually materialized on tion, or talk of a so-called 2>=38C8>=B>5C74 tioned in the Ramayana are the administration of Ram Rajya
the ground. As the sage Valmiki
was a contemporary of Rama, the
‘Aryan conquest’ of southern
India. The Ramayana howev-
CA4C0HD60 Vanaras o and the Rakshasas,
who ruled Lanka.
will be compared with the
administrations of modern
polity he described in the er, nowhere mentions any In governance, the monarchy times too.
Ramayana may be taken to be founding or extension of any described in the Ramayana— (The writer is a well-known
reflective of the prevailing polit- ‘Aryan realm’ in south India. and here the Ikshvaku-Raghu columnist, an author, and a
ical system of governance in the Indeed, there is not even a hint Dynasty’s monarchy is the former member of the Rajya
era they both lived. of Rama even attempting any most prominent was not an Sabha. The views expressed
Valmiki’s work embodies the civilizational change outside absolute monarchy in any are personal)

0acXbcTbUa^\;P^b_TaU^a\SdaX]VcWT&cWTSXcX^]^U8]SXP8]cTa]PcX^]P[AP\PhP]<T[PX]=Tf3T[WX ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C

DXU=Q\TYfUc]ecdQTXUbU Sir — I am writing to express my con-
cern and dismay regarding the pro-
longed conflict between Israel and
Hamas in Gaza. Despite ongoing inter-
^U6aP]S\PbcTaPc !hTPab \^]cWbP]S

d_^UYWXR_ebX__TTXQb]Q B1:5C8;E=1B
national efforts and United Nations
intervention over the past four months,
tensions persist, and the situation
aTVPaSTS Pb ^]T ^U cWT \^bc cP[T]cTS P]S
remains dire.
'LSORPDWLFWHQVLRQVHPHUJHDVWUROODUPLHVLQWKH0DOGLYHVWDNHRQ On a positive note, a recent development \^bc _aTbcXVX^db TeT]cb X] cWT X]cTa]PcX^]P[
involves the emergence of a 'barter sys-
and medicines. While this is a step in the # _[PhTab X] cWT <PbcTab RPcTV^ah P]S #
During his recent visit to is attributed to the govern- right direction, the extensive damage to _[PhTabX]cWT2WP[[T]VTabRPcTV^ahQ^cW_[Ph
Lakshadweep, Prime Minister ment under Mohammed buildings and infrastructure in Gaza X]V X] P bX]V[T a^d]Sa^QX] U^a\Pc CWT c^_
Narendra Modi enthusiasti- Muizzu, where anti-India sen- requires significant financial and time bTTSX]cWT<PbcTabXb3X]V;XaT]U^[[^fTSQh

cally showcased the breath- timents were exploited for investments for reconstruction. P\TbWQPQd?aPVV]P]P]SWPPP[b^Z]^f] 0]XbW6XaX9dFT]Yd]P]S?aPVVCWTfX]
taking beauty of the archipel- political gains during the Media reports and images underscore Pb?aPVVXbPRWTbbVaP]S\PbcTaP]SP ]Ta^UcWT2WP[[T]VTabfX[[`dP[XUhU^acWT]Tgc
ago on various social media 2023 elections. the widespread destruction, emphasis- U^a\Ta f^a[S h^dcW RWP\_X^] 7T TSXcX^]^UcWT<PbcTabCWTc^da]P\T]cP[b^
platforms. The carefully An anti-India campaign ini- ing the urgent need for rebuilding to QTRP\T8]SXPb=^ RWTbb_[PhTaPUcTaQTPc X]R[dSTbP2WTbb5TbcXeP[P]SP2WTbb^]C^da
curated photographs high- tiated by opposition parties restore habitability. Notably, the tunnel X]V 3X]V ;XaT] cWT RdaaT]c R[PbbXRP[ f^a[S TeT]c fWTaT ^]T a^d]S ^U cWT <PbcTab Xb
lighted the pristine environ- gained momentum after network in Gaza remains untouched by RWP\_X^] fXcW cWT Q[PRZ _XTRTb X] cWT CPcP _[PhTS X] P SXUUTaT]c [^RPcX^] X] cWT
ment of Lakshadweep, pri- 2020, with the slogan 'India Israeli airstrikes, serving as a holding BcTT[ 2WTbb C^da]P\T]c !!# ?aPVV Xb cWT =TcWTa[P]Sb
marily dependent on coral Out' demanding the removal space for Israeli citizens taken hostage UXUcWh^d]VTbc_Tab^]TeTac^PRWXTeTcWTcXc[T Sabita Kumari | Hazaribagh
reefs. Modi's penchant for stance, emphasizing the pref- on Prime Minister Modi. of Indian military deployment by Hamas.
image-centric publicity has erence for exploring the beau- They emphasised the impor- in Maldives. The situation The economic impact of the Gaza war teachers, as there were no apparent anniversary of the former Chief
been evident, and in this ty of their own country. A few tance of expressing views escalated in 2022 when a extends beyond the immediate conflict safety measures in place. The authorities Minister of Tamil Nadu, Purachithalivar
case, he strategically used even made light-hearted com- responsibly in a democratic crowd attacked an zone, affecting numerous countries. have launched a search operation for the Dr M.G. Ramachandran, I wish to
visuals to position himself as ments about the Maldives' setup. International Yoga Day event The longer the conflict persists, the more remaining students who are still missing. recall my close association with him
a forward-thinking leader. uncertain future. In response, Looking beyond the social organized by the Indian High detrimental its consequences become. It Gujarat Education Minister Kuber since 1969 when I was as a PG student
In one of his social media Maldivian ministers engaged media skirmish, it becomes Commission in Male, leading is imperative for the United Nations to Dindor expressed deep concern, stating of Economics in the Presidency College,
posts, Prime Minister Modi in a war of words, with evident that the Maldivian to a setback in diplomatic take decisive action to bring about a res- that rescue operations are ongoing with Chennai. In 1982 he enabled me to visit
encouraged adventure enthu- Minister Mariam Shiuna ministers' comments are not relations. The anti-India sen- olution and end the war. The continued the National Disaster Response Force Japan to attend the United Nations
siasts to include Lakshadweep making objectionable tweets isolated incidents but indica- timent intensified during the existence of the United Nations is called (NDRF) and fire brigade personnel Conference on Human Settlement and
in their travel itineraries. By linking Prime Minister Modi tive of prevailing anti-India 2023 elections, with local into question if it cannot effectively actively involved. He emphasised the present a research paper entitled
sharing picturesque images of with Israel. sentiments in the country. issues, perceived failures of address and resolve such conflicts, absence of safety measures and pledged "Problems of Urban Growth: A Case
the tourist attractions in This exchange triggered a The Maldives, consisting of the Solih government, cor- which have far-reaching humanitarian a thorough investigation, promising the Study of Chennai City,"by amending the
Lakshadweep, he aimed to jingoistic campaign from both 1,952 islands with a predom- ruption, and the anti-India and economic implications. strictest punishment for any lapses that G.O. Earlier only Gazetted Government
boost tourism in the region. Indian and Maldivian sup- inantly Islamic population, wave playing crucial roles in O Prasada Rao | Hyderabad may have led to the tragedy. servants were permitted to obtain pass-
Many individuals naturally porters, with hashtags like relies heavily on tourism, Dr. Mohammed Muizze's Dindor condemned the total lapse on the port and travel abroad.
expressed admiration for the #BoycottMaldives gaining with a substantial portion of election victory. CDE45>DC4959>2?1D=9C81@ part of the authorities, holding them He was kind enough to amend the GO
beauty of Lakshadweep and traction on social media. its GDP linked directly or In essence, the recent social Sir — In a tragic incident, a boat capsised accountable for the loss of precious inno- to permit non-gazetted Govt servants
praised the initiative. Celebrities and public figures, indirectly to this sector, with media spat and political in Harani Lake near Vadodara, Gujarat, cent lives. The incident underscores the to travel abroad. He was also gracious
However, a segment of social known for their frequent vis- India being a significant con- developments highlight the claiming the lives of 12 students and 2 need for stringent safety protocols and enough to sanction 50% of the travel and
media users took an unex- its to the Maldives, were also tributor. deep-rooted anti-India senti- teachers on Thursday. The ill-fated boat, raises questions about the adequacy of boarding/lodging expenses amounting
pected turn by using the targeted. Historically, India-Maldives ments in Maldives, fueled by which was carrying four teachers and 27 measures in place to prevent such acci- to around Rs 37,000; 50% was borne by
opportunity to criticize the In a significant development, relations have seen fluctua- a complex mix of regional students on a picnic, exceeded its capac- dents in the future. the UNESCAP.
neighboring Maldives. Some the Maldivian government tions, with periods of close politics, historical dynamics, ity with around 35 people on board. The Bhagwan Thadani | Mumbai Dr C Murukadas | Chennai
suggested refraining from took action by suspending the ties alternating with phases of and local issues. vessel lost balance and capsized, result-
visiting the Maldives due to three ministers responsible for increased proximity to China. (The writer is a senior jour- ing in the unfortunate demise of 14 indi- 29BD81>>9F5BC1BI?66?B=5B3= BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
their perceived anti-India the objectionable comments The recent shift in sentiment nalist, views are personal) viduals, including 12 children and two Sir — On the occasion of the107th birth [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k90=D0AH !!!#

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa





ver the last ten days, Iran has and so did the attacks. Iran has army and are barely in a nascent about some ‘terrorist’ groups oper-

O fired missiles across the

Middle East into Iraq, Syria
and even towards its south
into Pakistan. Yet for all the
missiles launched, Iran appears to have
stopped short of a major escalation. The
attacks are measured, seemingly to warn
been championing the Islamic
cause in a way in the entire
Middle East and will project these
attacked elements in Pakistan as
a proxy of Israel and the United
However, the question is, has
stage. The possibility of organisa-
tions like ‘Mukti Vahini’ coming
up in POK is very strong in the
future due to poor infrastructure
development and bad human
rights record in the region.
Pakistan may balkanise on its
ating from Iran's soil the issue
should have been flagged much
earlier and resolved with a joint
action. The bottom line is Pakistan
and its border areas are a hub of
global terrorism and Pakistan is
unable to control these Non-State
,Q%XGGKLVWSV\FKRORJ\ORYLQJNLQGQHVVSRVVHVVHVWKHFKDUDFWHULVWLF and flex its muscles and not get into a Pakistan become so lawless and own and faster than we think, Acters which operate with
RI$SSDPDDPHDQLQJOLPLWOHVVRUEH\RQGOLPLWV,WRIIHUVIUHHGRPIURP confrontation with the major players. out of control that various terror- though Pakistan may unreason- impunity from within its territo-
DYHUVLRQILOOHGWKRXJKWVDQGVHUYHVDVDEHQHILFLDOVXEMHFWIRUPHGLWD However, what has baffled most analysts ist organisations are mushroom- ably blame India for it. ry. It may be recalled that the bor-
in India is why a fundamentalist Islamic ing up here and there? Does the Under these circumstances, der between Pakistan and
WLRQ'XULQJPHGLWDWLRQZKHUHQHJDWLYHWKRXJKWVRIWHQDULVHHVSHFLDO regime in Iran would hit targets in Pakistan government or the army Pakistan may have been advised Afghanistan has been also volatile
Pakistan. The much-publicised attack on
‘Jaish al-Adl’ by Iran has a background. F70C70B have no power and authority to
control non-state actors inside its
by China to do only cosmetic
action against the strikes inside its
over the last few months. All
these factors also point towards a
WRZDUGVRWKHUVVXFKDVZLVKLQJIRUWKHLUKDSSLQHVVRUVXFFHVV Jaish al-Adl has its origins in an organi- 1055;43<>BC territory? Is Pakistan losing its sig- territory by Iran, which they have situation where the state of
7KH%XGGKDLQKLVWHDFKLQJVHORTXHQWO\RXWOLQHGWKHSURIRXQGEHQ sation called Jundallah. The execution of nificance even in the Islamic now carried out. Pakistan is like- Pakistan can be seen collapsing
HILWVRISUDFWLVLQJORYLQJNLQGQHVV(PEUDFLQJWKLVYLUWXHSURPLVHVQRW Jundallah's leader, Abdolmalek Rigi, by 0=0;HBCB8= World? Is Pakistan the hub centre ly to play the victim card and ask under its weight.
in 2012. It has Sunni fighters some of 8=3808BF7H0 of global terrorism and do various
organisations all over the world
some more money from the US to
safeguard its borders. It may also
It is also clear now that China will
have an overwhelming say in the
whom have connections to the Sunni tri-
angle in Iraq, with a stated mission to
5D=30<4=C0;8BC find safe heaven inside its territo-
ry? Has the failing economy of
ask China and Turkey to provide
it with more drones and radars,
coming elections in Pakistan.
Whatever the outcome of the
WHFWLRQIURPH[WHUQDOGDQJHUVUDGLDQWFRXQWHQDQFHDQGDVHUHQHPLQG secure the independence of Sistan and 8B;0<82A468<4 Pakistan made it even more chaot- and ask the US to give it more F16 election, it looks like Pakistan will
Balochistan Province. Pakistan itself is
wary of this group but right now hands 8=8A0=F>D;3 ic than Afghanistan? Is Pakistan
on the verge of Balkanisation with
to safeguard its borders.
The use of existing drones taken
be in chaos and will be a headache
for India for some time at least.
are around the corner, so maybe they let
78CC0A64CB8= POK, the Af-pak border and
Baluchistan on the verge of break-
from China and Turkey to hit
some make-believe targets on the
The overall situation in the Middle
East looks very disturbing and it's
Iran do their dirty work. It may howev- ?0:8BC0= ing free? border with Iran is the best about time a ceasefire comes
er be very difficult for the normal pub- Pakistan is facing the worst exis- Pakistan could have done. Such about there or this conflict could
WLRQDOFXOWLYDWLRQRISRVLWLYHHPRWLRQVQRWRQO\GLPLQLVKHVQHJDWLYHHPR lic in Pakistan to digest this humiliation. tential crisis and is simultaneous- drone strikes are a fig leaf to pre- spill over to other areas and
WLRQVEXWDOVRDPSOLILHVYDJDOWRQHIRVWHULQJDVHQVHRISRVLWLYHHPR Iran on the other hand has been hyper- ly facing major challenges on vent humiliation. The reckless regions as well. Considering the
WLRQVDQGLQWHUFRQQHFWHGQHVVZLWKRWKHUV$GGLWLRQDOO\WKHSUDFWLFHKDV active following a dual suicide bombing multiple fronts: economic, envi- retaliation only proves how evolving situation in the Middle
EHHQDVVRFLDWHGZLWKDUHGXFWLRQLQPLJUDLQHVFKURQLFSDLQ376'DQG this month claimed by the Sunni militant ronmental, and political apart phoney the Pakistan intelligence East, both China and the US will
VFKL]RSKUHQLDVSHFWUXPGLVRUGHUV1RWDEO\LWDFWLYDWHVHPSDWK\DQGHPR group Islamic State that killed over 90 from militar y challenges. and security network has become. want a government that is
people. Therefore, the threat of balkanisa- If they knew about these so- favourable to them in Pakistan and
WLRQDOSURFHVVLQJLQWKHEUDLQOHDGLQJWRDQLQFUHDVHLQJUH\PDWWHUYRO The attack took place on the fourth tion is absolutely real. It is almost called terrorists inside Iran’s ter- it looks like both of them are
XPHDQGUHVSLUDWRU\VLQXVDUUK\WKPLD 56$ WKHUHE\FRQWULEXWLQJWRD anniversary of Soleimani’s death (a pop- an economic colony of China ritory then why did they not act therefore giving the Pakistani
VORZLQJRIELRORJLFDODJHLQJ%H\RQGWKHVHSK\VLRORJLFDOHIIHFWVWKHSUDF ular Iranian General killed by the US) and right now with religious funda- against them earlier? Why did they army a loose rope. This will only
WLFHRIORYLQJNLQGQHVVDOVRKDVLQWHUSHUVRQDOLPSOLFDWLRQVPDNLQJLQGL came as a blow to Iran's government. Iran mentalism making matters worse. wait for a strike inside their terri- hasten the Balkanisation of
YLGXDOVPRUHKHOSIXOFRPSDVVLRQDWHDQGHPSDWKHWLF,WSOD\VDSLYRWDO by attacking targets in Iraq, Syria and The feudal setup of the 19th cen- tory by Iran to do a so-called pin- Pakistan, as the common man in
UROHLQGLPLQLVKLQJELDVHVWRZDUGVRWKHUVHQKDQFLQJVRFLDOFRQQHFWLRQV Pakistan is trying to establish that it is a tury has not completely died point surgical strike? Pakistan Pakistan has been fed up with
DQGFXUELQJVHOIFULWLFLVPFUHDWLQJDKROLVWLFDSSURDFKWRSV\FKRORJL major player in the region and is going down and administrative (not has had friendly relations with being ruled by the army (directly
to retaliate if it is attacked directly or indi- democratic) institutes except the Iran at many levels, so much so or indirectly) for the last 75 years.
FDOZHOOEHLQJ,QHVVHQFHWKHH[SORUDWLRQRIORYHDFURVVYDULRXVSKLORVR rectly. Iran has time and again showcased army have not evolved. The judi- that Iran's nuclear program is (The writer is an expert on inter-
SKLHVUHYHDOVLWVLQWULFDWHQDWXUH itself as a Shia State that would fight ciary and parliament in Pakistan credited to Pakistani scientists. If national relations;
7KHZULWHULVD%XGGKLVWPRQNYLHZVDUHSHUVRQDO against Sunni fighters across the region, are still only an extension of the Pakistan had some intelligence views are personal)

IT Professor Norman Relations should shift toward nations, particularly China. between India and the US may Ukraine conflict positions it to cal disruptions. The agree- nations collaborate not only for

M J. Padelford's insights
on International
Relations are highly relevant to
increasing support and agree-
ment on issues such as limit-
ing climate change, promoting
Recent agreements between
the US and India, such as the
Basic Exchange and
create a mechanism to counter
the spread of weapons like
RDX and AK-47 assault rifles.
shape the direction of interna-
tional politics in the future.
The world is undergoing a
ments between the US and
India signify a step towards
fostering a collective approach
their own interests but for the
well-being of humanity.
In this journey towards a
the current state of world pol- renewable energy, advancing Cooperation Agreement However, framing a strategy to major transnational transi- to these global issues, establish- brighter future, India's role as
itics. He acknowledges that technological know-how, and (BECA), mark a significant address religiously motivated tion, signalling a shift in power ing a foundation for sustained a mediator and proponent of
International Relations involve securing power generation step in sharing geospatial data terrorism remains a significant dynamics and the emergence cooperation and mutual cooperation will be instru-
the interplay of domestic pol- sources. China's Belt and Road and enhancing defence ties. challenge. of a new order. Recent global understanding. mental. By championing the
itics, the evolving power Initiatives reflect a subtle strat- The 2+2 Dialogue further The US-India agreement offers developments emphasize the Looking ahead, the success of cause of inclusive diplomacy,
dynamics, the contextual fram- CE489B78=3F0= egy to expand influence, while solidifies cooperation, partic- an opportunity to address importance of addressing pop- these initiatives hinges on the India has the potential to
ing, and the impact of chang- positive cooperation emerges ularly in countering threats narco-terrorism and curtail ular aspirations and demands ability of nations to rise above shape a world that truly reflects
ing power relationships on ing unrest in Pakistan, all con- in the strengthening ties from Chinese expansionism in China's expansionist plans. to prevent change and unrest. geopolitical rivalries and work Louis Armstrong's sentiment
global politics. Scenes once tributing to conflict and vio- between India and the EU, par- the Indo-Pacific region. The evolving threat landscape In conclusion, as the global together for the common – "What a Wonderful World."
confined to Hollywood war lence in international politics. ticularly with Germany, Italy, International cooperation, underscores the need for a new landscape undergoes unprece- good. It is crucial to nurture a As nations navigate these com-
movies, such as building explo- The escalating skirmishes, and the Netherlands. exemplified by BECA and the framework of security-related dented transformations, it global mindset. Embracing plex times, it is the shared
sions, attacks on installations, verging on war-like situations, The changing times demand a C ommunication information sharing. Smaller becomes imperative for this ethos can pave the way for commitment to a common
and warfare atrocities, are underscore the role of envy as fresh perspective on interna- Compatibility and Security countries are also adapting to nations to forge collaborative a more secure, stable, and destiny that will ultimately
resurfacing in the postmodern the source of many global tional cooperation, empha- Agreement (COMCASA), can global dynamics, prompting strategies that extend beyond prosperous world. The respon- determine the course of inter-
world order. Recent months miseries. The key to a peace- sizing a mature reliance on provide a platform for multi- nations to upgrade methods conventional security con- sibility lies with nations to national relations, ushering in
have witnessed the rise of ful prospectus lies in diplomat- diplomatic endeavours to for- layered security collaboration. for economic, strategic, and cerns. The evolving dynamics uphold the principles of peace, an era of prosperity and peace.
international terrorism, ic efforts, emphasizing coop- mulate strategies for mutual Challenges, such as dealing cultural integration to counter of international relations call justice, and equality, steering (The author is a professor
regional conflicts in West Asia eration through transparent economic prosperity. A new with chemical weapons in the overambitious plans in inter- for a shared commitment to away from the temptations of and a columnist. He is the
spilling over into neighbouring and reliable communication, roadmap is essential to address hands of terrorists, call for national relations. The recent address multifaceted chal- power politics. Through con- recipient of the Bharat
regions, ongoing Russia- built on trust and coordina- security concerns arising from strict international laws and recognition of India as a lead- lenges such as terrorism, cli- certed efforts, a harmonious Gaurav award;
Ukraine tensions, and simme- tion. The focus of International the expansionist missions of regulations. Cooperation ing mediator in the Russia- mate change, and technologi- world order can emerge, where views are personal)
pg 6


20 JANUARY 2024

Politics or not, Ram temple

opening an epochal event
he consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22 will
be a historic event. Seen in isolation, it could be a game changer as
it is set to trigger the biggest mass awakening in a religious sense
as the people celebrate the building of a temple at the place where
Lord Ram of the epic Ramayana is believed to have been born. It is a mat-
ter of faith, perhaps even a leap of faith, to accept as historical fact a guess
about chronology in ancient times. But, in matters of faith, the believer
will have a different perspective than those who swear only by the
As a harbinger of religious tourism, the construction of the temple in
Uttar Pradesh will have a massive impact in a region filled with iconic
shrines. With a gleaming new airport built and infrastructure tended to
with extensive state support, there is little doubt of the economic spin-off
being significant. Much the same could be said of the many popular
shrines of various religions dotted around a country that saw the birth and
spread of at least four major religions in its history.
The consecration will be heavy on rituals and religiosity for the people of
the majority religion in India. Heading to the event will be a veritable
who’s who of India’s much feted world of celebrities. The divine attributes

Will temple fervour lead to LETTERS

of Lord Ram, thought to be an incarnation of Vishnu — virtue, valour,
ethics, selflessness, contentment in any environment — will be recalled as
the `1,800-crore temple opens its portals.
It is another matter that the grand temple comes up on a site on which at
one point of time in history, when the area was under Mughal rule, was a
mosque. But the long running feud featuring a clash of religions seemed to
have found a platform for amicable settlement in a five-judge Supreme
Court verdict that was lauded in 2019 for seeking and showing a path
through a 500-year-old dispute, with a Ram temple to come up, and a grand
mosque too in an alternative site.
The temple issue becoming conflated with politics was an inevitable
throwback given the history of India as it moved from Mughal rule to the
a ‘re-discovery’ of India? The televised scene ty — and 2,400 celebrities,
In a laudable
gesture, the ousted
AIADMK leader and
former General
British Raj and then on to independence. The ruling BJP never shied away including sportsmen and Secretary VK
of bhoomi puja
from highlighting the fact that the temple construction would be the
launching pad for the 2024 general elections in its attempt to retain power
Sunanda K. recalled for me the
film stars?
Readers will remember Sasikala advised the
in a third term for the Narendra Modi-led NDA. Datta-Ray penitent Holy the television coverage of
OPS & EPS factions
In an ideal world, especially in countries that swear in their Constitution Roman Emperor the earlier bhoomi puja
by secularism, the separation of the state and religion as symbolised by a when Mr Modi, wearing a to shed their ego,
temple, mosque or church, would be a given. In a country in which deep
faith is dominant and religion prominent, the separation of the spiritual
Reflections Henry IV waiting
barefoot in the snow
gilt coronet, prostrated
himself at full length on the which is affecting
from the temporal and the state from religion has not always been possi- for three days floor. The televised scene the prospects of an
ble. The Prime Minister’s predominant position in the consecration would outside the fortress recalled for me the penitent
AIADMK surge in

mean a celebratory occasion of national and religious importance would omewhere in the revealed that Mr Modi is a Holy Roman Emperor
of Canossa for Pope
be the end of a secular ethos. dusty corners of man of few words who may
Gregory VII...
Henry IV waiting barefoot the State. Since the
The political implications of the event may be many, some even of an akhra in consult others but needs no in the snow for three days
epochal importance. Even so, its significance as a religious event will not mofussil Bang- advice and whose orders outside the fortress of DMK is now batting
be enhanced by the presence of political leaders or diminished by the ladesh is a piece of must be promptly and fully Canossa for Pope Gregory on a backfoot and
absence of others who have chosen to keep away on the grounds that the carving that might have obeyed. destroyed several cen- VII to open the gates to
building of the temple has been politicised. The event is a triumph of a par- stoked the fires of civil war But what of the substance turies earlier. Hence his expunge Henry’s sins and Annamalai of BJP is
ticular faith, but just one in a shrine with a complex history. if it had been in India. The of those orders? According reproach to Rajendra repeal his excommunica-
gaining momentum,
black stone depicting Hara- to the Constitution, India is Prasad, the first President
Parvati was found when a a “sovereign, socialist, sec- of India: “I confess that I do What was a spectacle of it is necessary for
tank was being excavated ular, democratic republic” not like the idea of your humility and apology for the AIADMK leaders
Stalin spells out his credo on our family’s land. Being
chipped, it was deemed
unlucky, and my eldest
uncle shunted it off to the
with a parliamentary sys-
tem of government. That
definition has always been
interpreted to mean that
associating yourself with
the spectacular opening of
the Somnath Temple. This
is not merely visiting a
the medieval European
monarch will be a moment
of glory for the modern
Indian politician. “It is my
of both factions to
join hands to take
on both the DMK &
he ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu, which is also a key partner in the akhra in respectful obliv- Indians are free to practise temple, which can certain- good fortune that I was
INDIA (Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance) coalition, ion. I am probably the only any and every religion ly be done by you or any- invited to witness this his- BJP during the com-
is asserting itself in the political arena with renewed gusto by direct- living member of the fami- under the sun, or none at one else, but rather partici- torical moment... From
ly hitting out at the BJP and going back to its roots. To prepare its foot sol- ly to be aware of its exis- all, but that the Indian pating in a significant func- Kanyakumari to ing general elec-
diers for the electoral battle ahead, it has called a youth conference at tence. I saw it last when vis- State is not committed to tion which unfortunately Kshirbhavani, from
Salem on Sunday, expecting a throng close to four lakhs. With the twice- iting East Pakistan in 1965. any particular creed. has some implications.” Koteshwar to Kamakhya,
tions this year. Unity
postponed conference — two spells of rains played spoilsport — dwelling That lost link with the In contrast, Britain is an President Rajendra Prasad from Jagannath to is Strength.
on “state rights”, which could be a touchy subject for any ruling dispensa- land of my fathers came to avowedly Anglican retorted with an astutely Kedarnath, from Somnath N. Mahadevan
tion in New Delhi, the DMK will revive its traditional demand for state mind after watching two Christian nation. The worded political reply that to Kashi Vishwanath…
autonomy. fascinating podcasts on the monarch being the played to the populist today the entire country is Chennai
More than that, party president M.K. Stalin has specifically dispelled a defining issue of our times, supreme governor of the gallery. “I would do the immersed in Lord Ram”,
rumour that was doing its rounds in the media and political corridors ever the inauguration of the Church of England, cannot same with a mosque or a Mr Modi announced with
since the conference was first announced way back in August last year. He Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. be or marry a Roman church if I were invited,” triumphant humility.
ruled out the possibility of anointing his son and state minister of youth In one, Meenakshi Jain, Catholic. Although when he wrote. “This is the core Ayodhya being the symbol
affairs, Udhayanidhi Stalin, as his heir apparent since the speculation was
that the meet was to prepare the ground to crown him as the deputy chief
author of Flight of Deities
and Rebirth of Temples:
he was Prince of Wales,
King Charles III had said
of Indian secularism. Our
State is neither irreligious
of the India that he claims
to have discovered and is
minister. Instead, he made it clear that the event would be a harbinger for Episodes from Indian several times that the nor anti-religious.” recreating, Mr Modi can The recent report of Oxfam on the
the retrieval of the state’s rights, which Stalin bemoaned had been taken History, seemed to warn monarch’s title of With national elections adapt Napoleon’s boast: “I state of global inequality has
away under the present BJP government, through an epistle to party obliquely that turmoil such “Defender of the Faith” ahead, today’s Congress found the crown in the gut- revealed the fortunes of world's five
brethren, a tradition that he has inherited from his father M. as Ayodhya experienced should be revised to Party does not mince ter. I picked it up and the richest people, LVMH Chief
Karunanidhi. might be repeated hun- “Defender of Faiths”, but words about the political people put it on my head.” Bernard Arnault, Amazon's Jeff
It was Karunanidhi’s celebrated “epistle to co-borns” that had held the dreds of times in a country he has shown no such incli- aims of the ruling Thousands of such lost Bezos, investor Warren Buffet,
party together and kept its cadre moored to their ideological persuasions bristling with ancient reli- nation since ascending the Bharatiya Janata Party crowns can be picked up Oracle co-founder, Larry Ellison
when the DMK was in the wilderness from 1977 after acceding the reins of gious ruins. In the other, throne. In practice, howev- and the Rashtriya from forgotten sites across and Tesla CEO Elon Musk have
the state to the AIADMK and it had enabled its bouncing back to glory in Nripendra Misra, a veter- er, Britain is not bound to Swayamsevak Sangh. the length and breadth of more than doubled since 2020 with
1989, despite the long sabbatical. That power of Karunanidhi’s pen is being an IAS officer and key fig- any one faith. Rishi Sunak, “Religion is a personal mat- India and beyond. Dr Jain their combined net worth reached a
invoked now by reproducing in the party newspaper, Murasoli, 25 articles ure in Prime Minister the ethnic Indian Prime ter but the RSS and the BJP mentioned Ayodhya, Kashi staggering figure of $ 869 billion,
written in which during the first youth conference catapulted Stalin to Narendra Modi’s adminis- Minister, professes to be a have made the Ayodhya and Mathura. One recalls while five billion people have got-
great heights in the party and government. So the party plans to forge tration, agreed that his Hindu and took his oath of temple a political project”, the historical negationist, ten poorer over the same period.
ahead in popularity by remaining rooted in its core ideology, espousing post-retirement appoint- office on the Bhagwad Gita; declared a Congress state- Purushottam Nagesh Oak, The report is a grim pointer to the
causes like social justice, language rights and state autonomy. ment as chairman of the Scotland’s ethnic Pakistani ment. The party must be claiming that Christianity lack of concerted efforts from the
Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Glasgow-born First Min- acutely and uncomfortably and Islam were both deriv- international community to bridge
Teerth Kshetra Trust indi- ister, Humza Yousaf, being aware that the grand if dis- atives of Hinduism; that the growing gap between rich and
DECCAN CHRONICLE cated that he was “an a Muslim, took his oath on puted inauguration of the Vatican City, the Ka’aba, poor and the widening income
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR instrument of something the Holy Quran. British Ayodhya temple on Westminster Abbey and inequality on the ground. As far as
Editor Printer & Publisher that God has willed”. society is broad-minded January 22 may lead to an the Taj Mahal were erst- India is concerned, while huge pro-
R. MOHAN I must confess to hearing enough to make room for upsurge of nationalistic while Shiva temples; and portion of people have moved out
Resident Editor both claims with a pro- all faiths and sufficiently fervour in a country whose that the Roman Catholic from the zone of extreme poverty
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at:
Chennai: SP 3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai 600032. Phones: (044) 22254750, found sense of disquiet. Not civilised not to restrict the unlettered and hungry mil- papacy was originally a over the decades and have access to
222547451 that there is any question privileges of full citizen- lions love nothing more Vedic priesthood. basics of survival, level of income
Coimbatore: No. 2/22 Sengalipalayam Road, N.G.G.O. Colony Post, Kurudampalayam Village, of disputing Dr Jain’s ship to members of any one than the magical bread of a Amidst this multitude of inequality has spiked with top-
Coimbatore-641022. Phone: (0422) 2231255, 2231256 assessment that the evi- religion. circus. For some educated lofty assertions, my hum- tenth garnering 57 percent of
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad 500 003. Phone: (040) 27803930-4. Fax: (040)
27805256. dence of temples conclu- Aiming at a similarly Indians too, it may be ble Hara-Parvati might national income and the bottom
Visakhapatnam: Survey No. 1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony, sively establishes the civil- inclusive India, the first another discovery of India also pretend to represent half getting 33 percent in 2021
Visakhapatnam - 530 017. Phones: (0891) 2552333/2552334, Fax (0891) 2755285 isational continuity that Prime Minister, Jawa- itself. some vanished Hindu tra- according to one estimate. No
Vijayawada: No. C 3 & 4, Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.). Phones: (0866) makes India a country harlal Nehru, felt that the That’s what the authori- dition. Only an adventur- doubt, India remains an unequal
2555284/ 2555287, Fax (0866) 2555234
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry 533125. Phones: (0883) 2417208, 2417618 rather than a continent government should have ties want. Why else would ous politician can trumpet income distributor.
Anantapur: Thapovan Colony, Bangalore Bye-Pass Road, Anantapur 515004. Phones: (08554) 276903, like Europe or Africa. I was absolutely nothing to do the trust that Mr Misra that claim. M.Jeyaram
Fax: 08554-276904 also deeply impressed by with reconstructing the heads have invited a Sholavandan
Nellore: Survey No. 527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemudugunta Panchayat, Nellore. Mr Misra’s descriptions Somnath Temple in galaxy of 4,000 “saints” — The writer is a senior
Phone: (0861) 2348581/ 82, Telefax (0861) 2348580
Karimnagar: H .No. 1-21-12/1, Cheralabhutkur Road, Mugudhumpur Village, Karim Nagar - 505186 and recollections of the Gujarat, which Mahmud of seemingly a manufactured journalist, columnist and Mail your letters to
Phone : 9121181123 Prime Minister which Ghazni had plundered and and marketable commodi- author

Farrukh “O Bachchoo should we be afraid of the Word?

The broken promise, the violated vow
of false diamonds, of contaminated pearls, of sev-
eral Long John silvers, of as-yet-unradioactively-
the mines of the City of Gold was mainly exploit-
ing, without mastery of English, a non-English-
few years ago, I was asked by my friends and
British co-writers to guide them around the city
Dhondy Or should we marvel at the poems we’ve heard
Which promise solace in the here and now?
exploded-uranium and of course of the stimulat-
ing, and for some off-putting, permeating odour of
speaking public. And this particular commentator
hadn’t noticed that very many of the people who
on our Sunday off. I borrowed a car from child-
hood friend Dolly Thakore and drove Ruth Padel,
Cabbages & Is the Word both the curse that hurts and stings
The lying falsehood, calculated to deceive
golden-dried Bombay Duck…
Oh God, I could go on, but I am sure, gentle read-
get rich in India are non-English-speaking such as
several BJP and Shiv Sena politicians who’ve had
Roddy Matthews and the biographer of Farokh
Balsara around British Bombay, pointing out the
Kings Or is it the music of flutes and strings
O Bachchoo be thankful for every word you
er, you are already sick of the indulgence of an
insightful city-lover. And that was the problem
a nibble, if not more, at the metaphoric gold of this
and other cities.
buildings such as the Chhatrapati Shivaji
Terminus railway station, the Prince of Wales
receive…” with “Aunty’s” doc. Yes, in my generation, the first after Museum, the old Customs House, the oldest
There was no attempt at insight, at analysis, at Independence, what Salman Rushdie called Christian church, etc.
— From Ey Don’t be Silly Yaar, by Bachchoo pointing to the contradictions, the paradoxes, the “Midnight’s Children”, English was the passport I then drove them to what was “Crawford” (but
ironies of the culture in this growth of goldenness to a good professional job. But in India’s eras of is now Mahatma Phule) Market and they saw the

Bombay as the Y
ears ago I saw a film called City of Joy set within what one interviewee labelled “The Big capitalist expansion, the necessity for the owners, cages of puppies and kittens and asked if they
in what was then Calcutta. I can’t recall Mango”. if not for the workers who operate on salaries in were being bought to eat. I said that’s in North
what joys it celebrated, perhaps because It was a tourist’s view of the growth of some mil- the call centres, was not an educated insight into Korea, this is India — we Indians buy them for
apart from several short visits and filming lionaires, one of whom, from lower middle class Shakespeare or even Amit Tripathi. pets. Thus reassured, my guests got into the car

City of Gold… some of its British history there, I am, alas, unfa-
miliar with its more recondite charms — though I
am with those of London and Mumbai.
origins, had made it big as an entrepreneur of
online arranged marriages. Then there were two
designers of clothes, who no doubt deserved their
As I hinted above, Mumbai was a city of
promise, if not of gold, for generations before the
new money came into being. My grandfather was,
and I drove them to crowded Byculla and down an
alley called Khambatta Gulley. Of course, they all
wondered why they were there. I said it was one of
eminence in the City of Gold, but whose clothes in partnership with his brother, a building con- the most important buildings in Bombay and
Is the BBC docu
This week the BBC launched a documentary
series called City of Gold about contemporary and customers we didn’t see. We weren’t told what tractor. He was a friend of the Maharaja of stopped at the dead end.
Mumbai which they still (British conceit?) call they had done differently to saris, salwar- Jamnagar and agreed, through no more than a Yes, they were perplexed, until I asked them to
“Bombay”. Being a descendant of a Bombay Parsi kameezes, gowns or garments. But yes, they’d hit friendly handshake, to build a university and hos- step out and check the writing on the foundation

on right track? family who, three generations ago, made its for-
tune in that city and then lost it in a pathetic and
trusting way, I was of course viscerally attracted
the jackpot.
Paradoxically, or perhaps even through some
fixation, an impressive lady interviewee said that
pital for his pal. These were built and just then this
maharaja died. His son and heir refused to pay for
the completed buildings, saying that there was no
stone. It said “DHONDY TERRACE” — my ances-
tor’s home. My cousin then spotted us from his
first floor balcony flat and we went up to have a
to see what the Beeb meant. What gold? the English language was the sine-qua-non of the legal written contract. Khurshed Dhondy, my beer and then to view the secret Titian owned by
I watched Episode 1. Though this is not a review, route to success. And yet, the footage of the docu- grandad, was subsequently, through his own the family. But that’s another story.
I must admit that I found it bland and cliched, a mentary seemed to contradict precisely this. naïve foolishness, bankrupt. Will I watch Episode 2? Curiosity conquers
foreign tourist’s view of the City of Contradiction, The social-media-entrepreneur who had got at As an invitee to a literary festival in Mumbai a caution.
THINK Saturday, 20 January 2024
KolKata 05

Be curious, ask questions, buy art you love

in the market. ₹1,75,000? First: buy for love. Buy what you can live
Things got so heated that the Union I was sheepishly reminded of my own with and look at without tiring of it, or
ART finance ministry finally announced a
capital gains tax on the sale of art in the
role in the coverage of the art market
while speaking recently with Farah
wondering where you will hide it till it’s
worthy of an auction block. Second:
DECOR 2007 Budget. With an ambiguous Siddiqui, of CultivateArt, an forget about moderns and masters;
pricing structure and the potential for international platform dedicated to instead buy young artists, and invest in
MANJU SARA cash transactions, investment in art promoting emerging artists, and the your own generation’s practice. You
RAJAN seemed illogically lucrative. I must also Young Collectors Weekend Global will be putting resources behind
admit that part of the reason why the art (YCWG). YCWG aims to make art someone’s career, essentially acting as a
market began to seem foolproof is that approachable for aspiring collectors. contemporary patron. Increase your
here’s less than two weeks left for those of us covering it were constantly One unfortunate hangover of the understanding of the kinds of practices

T the India Art Fair in Delhi, so I am

thinking about the “art” side of the
Art Decor column today. In 2007, while
highlighting the big-ticket numbers
from auction sales, making the buying
and selling of art seem like an iron-clad
boldface auction headlines of 2006-07
is that for many, art is still seen as a route
for investment, and they want to be sure
and media out there; with emerging
artists there’s always the promise that
someone can hit the big time. Either
I was the deputy editor of this very investment plan. Of course, it isn’t, and what they are buying will accrue value way, it is better to buy into the
paper, the art market was, to use current never was. over time, perhaps be good enough to beginning stages of a working artist’s
lingo, “blowing up”. In the years following that initial send a child to college. career than buy a paper F.N. Souza for
Beginning from 2000, art had burst of energy and the economic crisis Now, there’s nothing wrong with that three times the price.
become this fascinating, ambiguous of 2008, the art market lost its steam. aspiration but let’s face it, I have been collecting works for many
but seemingly lucrative industry. A Osian’s was forcibly shut down by the contemporary art is not a sure-fire years now and with expensive works, I
clutch of new galleries upended the Securities and Exchange Board of India investment. For one thing, selling art is always ask the gallery or artist for a
existing on-good-faith relationships (SEBI) in 2010 after a series of lawsuits not a simple process. “Buying for flexible payment plan. This isn’t an
between galleries and artists. Saffron were filed against it for non-payment of A painting by Pavan Kavitkar. investment means you are not looking unusual or even especially unique
Art, then a relatively new auction dues. Bodhi, a trendy gallery for Indian at anything hanging on your wall,” says tactic. Siddiqui says her platform offers
house, reached new benchmarks in contemporary art, born in 2004, with public events such as biennales have recently that some women on the Delhi Siddiqui. “If your goal is investing, then this service all the time. “I first read
sales, and things seemed so optimistic spaces in New York, Mumbai, Delhi, become popular. With Instagram, kitty party scene borrow artworks to hire a consultant and we will make your about this in an old article in Galerie
that the erstwhile Osian’s Connoisseurs Berlin and Singapore—which Pinterest and the explosion of design display at their events and return them portfolio so that you have artists who magazine, in which collector Czaee
of Art, a multi-hyphenate art aggressively and successfully managed media platforms, there’s more once a high-stakes lunch is over. I are bankable. But buyers have to Shah said she bought a (S.H.) Raza from
organisation that included a publishing to wine and dine artists away from their awareness and interest in art once assume it’s the same sense of one- remember that an M.F. Husain painting Chemould Gallery and she agreed with
arm and an auction house, set up the existing galleries that it was said artists again. Having said that, a majority of upmanship a person may get from from the 2000s will not find the same the late gallerist Kekoo Gandhy to pay
Osian’s Art Fund with a corpus of ₹120 were being “Bodhified”—shut down in consumers still remain sceptical of carrying a fake bag or watch when they value as one from the 1960s, which were for it over the period of a year. And that
crore, and promised investors up to 2009. And so the market crash claimed buying art, and I often wonder if this is a can afford the real thing. That sense of his best years. Serious collectors need was 20 years ago.” There are ways to get
20% in returns. Artists suddenly many victims, large and small. result of being intimidated by galleries not having wasted money on a high- an expert to assess the works, judge the beyond the intimidation of buying art.
became celebrities, courted by In the years following that moment and museums, or whether most of us ticket item when you can carry entry and exit price, understand how to You just have to be curious, ask
competitive galleries. The general when the art market flowered in India, are simply uninterested in the effort it something that looks the same at half sell, and think about factors like capital questions, and always, always, buy what
public was so overtaken by the things have consistently risen and takes to understand what we like. the cost. Maybe people like the lustre gains tax. Every generation will have you love.
escalation that during the 2006 Diwali waned. Most of the old, vanguard Interior designers now use stylists to that artworks lend to their space but few artists whose prices will outshine
season, someone remarked to me that galleries of the market have remained prop projects for photoshoots and these perhaps not the ticket price attached? the others and many will remain Manju Sara Rajan is an editor, arts
people were buying art like it was intact, while new ones have come up. props lists inevitably include borrowed But what is ₹65,000 for an artwork stagnant.” manager and author who divides her
candy. There was 100% annual growth Institutional support has increased and artwork. Similarly, I heard a story when a Louis Vuitton satchel costs So, what is a new collector to do? time between Kottayam and Bengaluru.


Modern composers

are yet to make a Elements of

mark on the Carnatic composition
stage as performers Kriti: A song in Carnatic music,
prefer 19th century usually in three parts, set to a
specific tala and raga
Varnam: A musical form with
both lyrics and specified musi-
Chitra Srikrishna cal notes, sung at multiple
speeds. Typically performed at

have never heard this song the beginning of a concert
before,” an elderly audience
member told me right after my Ragamalika: A kriti composed
recent concert in Bengaluru. The in multiple ragas
song he was referring to was Athi
Saavadana, composed by the 17th century Thillana: A composition with a
Thanjavur Maratha king Shahaji I. While few lines of lyrics and rhythmic
the raga (Paras) in which the song has syllables (like ta-ka-dhi-mi),
been composed is not uncommon, the rendered at the end of a per-
composition itself is rarely heard on stage. formance
In a typical Carnatic concert, or kutcheri
as it is known in Tamil, one usually hears
songs composed by the musicians nate, though more women composers
referred to as the Carnatic trinity—Tyaga- such as K.M. Soundaryavalli, Ambujam
raja, Muthuswami Dikshitar and Syama Krishna and D. Pattammal have emerged
Shastry, all of whom created most of their through the 1950s. While their kritis have
work in the 18th century. Beyond the trin- been presented in concerts, hearing them
ity, the preponderance of composers is more the exception than the rule. Classi-
whose work is heard in Carnatic concerts cal composition remains very much a
lived in the 19th century. It is rare to hear male domain.
a contemporary composer’s song in a Car-
natic music concert. The recently con- THE WAY FORWARD
cluded Chennai music “season” 2023 paid Carnatic music, like every other form of
tribute to a similar line-up of familiar music, thrives through continuous inno-
compositions. vation. This innovation typically takes one
Even dedicated Carnatic concert-goers of two forms—interpretation of traditional
can’t be blamed if they assume much of the compositions using their manodharma
Carnatic repertoire is more than 150 years COURTESY DPATTAMMAL.COM (creative improvisation) and creation of
old because they rarely hear anything else. das (“lighter” songs sung after the main Ramakrishnan makes the point that gurus in their concerts. Such a method of new compositions.
The good news is that they’d be wrong. song of the concert). This is a format that when popular performers who draw large propagation requires either a large num- Some seasoned musicians have argued
Throughout the 20th century, Carnatic hasn’t changed much since the 1920s, audiences choose to feature compositions ber of disciples or a few extremely suc- that there is no need for new compositions
composers and performers have continued when it was introduced. The large reper- of newer composers, it has greater audi- cessful ones over a long period of time. as a great deal of the existing oeuvre has
creating innovative and traditional pieces toire of well-known compositions from ence impact. But in the conservative This results in new compositions being not been explored adequately. Despite
for vocal and instrumental performance. pre-20th century composers leaves little world of Carnatic music, straying from the sung over multiple generations, as is evi- this, in every generation, Carnatic com-
This begs the question why the works of room in the main section of the concert for familiar is a risk most performers hesitate dent in the success of early 20th century posers have continued to create new
modern composers don’t see more airplay. the compositions of contemporary com- to take. male composers such as G.N. Balasubra- music without being discouraged by the
We could begin with what drives audi- posers. Audience expectations of the “How we talk about composers is maniam (GNB), Muthiah Bhagavathar and challenges their work faces.
ence acceptance of a new composition in familiar, combined with the large choice important,” says Shruthi Rajasekar, 27, an Papanasam Sivan. For instance, GNB’s Well-known performers are in a unique
order to understand why we don’t hear of old favourites, is a key stumbling block Indian-American musician who is trained disciples M.L. Vasanthakumari, Tanjore S. position to popularise modern composers
more of them in concerts. “(The audience) to including newer compositions in con- in both Western classical and Carnatic Kalyanaraman, and Trichur V. Rama- given the large audiences they draw. And
love a composition that triggers a memory cert line-ups. music. She has been composing for West- chandran were all well-known vocalists they have good reasons to do so—includ-
or stirs an emotion. Oftentimes, they look “While audiences may enjoy a song or ern classical ensembles and for joint per- who helped propagate their guru’s com- ing surprising their audiences, innovating
for a sense of relatability; if they under- two by new composers in a concert, how formances by Indian and Western classi- positions as was Madurai Mani Iyer, argu- musically, or carving a niche for them-
stand the meaning and implication of the would they respond to many songs by an cal musicians for the last 12 years. Rajase- ably the most famous disciple of Muthiah selves.
composition, they enjoy it that much unfamiliar composer,” Arkay Ramakrish- kar’s comment arises from the implicit Bhagavathar. An illustration of this has been the wide-
more,” says popular Carnatic vocalist nan, art connoisseur and concert orga- question of who a composer is. Most Car- The exception to this rule has been the spread acceptance of Marathi abhangs, or
Aishwarya Vidya Raghunath. The Benga- niser, asks rhetorically. “There are many natic connoisseurs and musicians con- adoption of 20th century thillanas, a Marathi devotional poetry, on the Carnatic
luru-based musician, who is in her early compositions of even the trinity that we sider only those who both write the lyrics musical form that is less than 200 years stage. Popular vocalists such as Aruna Sai-
30s, has sung the compositions of early have not heard enough on stage.” Mad- and set it to music as composers or vaggey- old. While many thillanas have been com- ram and sisters Ranjani and Gayathri have
20th century composers such as Papana- huradhwani, a sabha in Chennai which (top) Aruna Sairam created akaras. posed for dance performances, on the created listeners for what was once unfa-
sam Sivan and Periyasaamy Thooran, as Ramakrishnan founded in 2010, offers a listeners for abhangs; and D. “We have a lot of Carnatic musicians Carnatic stage, thillanas are heard at the miliar with their consistent renditions of
well as those of present-day composers platform for upcoming and senior artists Pattammal was one of the 20th who are creative artists, (who) are creating end of the concert. The thillanas of late abhangs. Sanjay Subrahmanyam, too, has
like Spencer Venugopal, in her concerts who find a shortage of opportunities century’s few women composers. and performing an existing text known to 20th century composers such as violinist made it a point to sing rare ragas such as
around the world. She says it takes audien- within the established commercial circuit. many. Sometimes they (listeners) attrib- Lalgudi Jayaraman and vocalist M. Bala- Rojapoo and Dravida Kalavati.
ces time to accept the works of new com- “We just had a concert series on the ute the composition to just the lyricist. muralikrishna have seen widespread Carnatic kritis have always allowed ade-
posers. “(The new composition) will have works of contemporary composers such And the work of the composer has been adoption in their own lifetimes. One rea- quate flexibility and freedom for the per-
to marinate over time and the listener or as Madurai G.S. Mani, T.V. Gopalakrish- unacknowledged,” says Rajasekar. “I do son is that thillanas are more easily former to interpret and render the music
performer will have to be open to accept- nan and Ashok Madhav,” says Ramakrish- think that’s something that our field could accepted by audiences as thukkadas. within the constraints of a raga and tala.
ing the novelty in it,” says Raghunath. nan. Upcoming singer Kruthi Bhat gave a do a little better.” Then there is the question of the gender As a community, Carnatic musicians have
Performers prefer to sing pre-20th cen- concert solely featuring US-based com-
Musicians rarely experiment The guru-shishya tradition, by which of the composer. Prior to the 20th cen- learned to make the familiar novel
tury compositions primarily because they poser Madhav’s varnams, kritis and thill- and prefer to perform Carnatic music has historically been tury, despite the compositions of Haridasa through innovation. We now need to
are well-known and resonate with the ana (see box). Not all organisers are as familiar pre-20th century taught, remains the primary method of mystics such as Helevanakatte Giriyamma learn to make the unfamiliar popular to
audience immediately. The typical vocal open as they feel audiences will not sup- compositions, which making new compositions familiar to and Ambabai, women’s contribution to delight, maintain and grow audiences.
concert features no more than 10-12 songs port it—especially in these post-covid days audiences. Starting from the time of the music was perceived to be primarily as
anchored around a main piece with a cou- when concert organisers are in direct resonate with the Carnatic trinity, disciples have performed poets and lyricists. In the modern era, Chitra Srikrishna is a Carnatic vocalist
ple of “sub-mains” and a variety of thukka- competition with streaming services. audience immediately and popularised the compositions of their male composers have continued to domi- based in Bengaluru.
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Keep a close tab on lending apps
GET SMART. With fintech fraud rising, RBI must invest resources in regulating digital lending apps, putting out a white­list
Hidden leverage
RBI’s move to control State govt guarantees is correct
he debt in many States has been edging up

T to alarming levels in recent years. The


problem is compounded by the guarantees he digital age has seen the
given by State governments to banks and financial emergence of artificial
institutions to make them lend to State utilities and intelligence, automation,
access, and affordability.
other enterprises, which may not figure in the fiscal The effect of these 4As are
deficit numbers. Given the weak finances of most of considered so critical for developing
these entities, possibility of these liabilities economies that some governments have
espoused digitalisation more fervently
exploding in the future is quite high. than they ever have other causes like
education, civil liberties, or law and
Latest disclosed numbers show that order. Yet, these very benefits seem to
outstanding State government guarantees have facilitated the rise of that other ‘A’
have exceeded ₹9­lakh crore towards the which invariably accompanies rapid
end of FY23. The report of the Reserve economic growth: artifice. Indeed, the
rate of growth of fraud in India,
Bank of India (RBI) working group on State specifically financial fraud through
government guarantees is therefore timely. digital lending apps, is unprecedented.
Its proposals are quite sound and need to be Since the lockdown, India has GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO

implemented soon to check the surge in witnessed a rash of “suspect” apps in the
this hidden leverage. The most important marketplace, which have magnified which, in turn, had shared the list with response and lack of empirical data. In access to credit for many consumers.
predatory and fraudulent digital lending Apple and Google “to ensure that only this case, however, stern action is But for this to happen, the regulator may
proposal of the working group is to cap the practices. An app named Pratibimb, the apps figuring in the list are hosted on warranted, and empirical evidence have to invest in and utilise
incremental guarantees to 5 per cent of the which tracks cyber criminals in their app stores.” exists in spades. high­frequency app data and

State’s revenue receipts or 0.5 per cent of Jharkhand’s hotspots, recently But this is not the same as making a A more realistic, and worrisome, machine­learning techniques efficiently
its GSDP annually. This is in line with the concluded that illegal lending apps whitelist of approved apps publicly explanation could be that the RBI is to flag apps exhibiting suspicious
drove 23 per cent of all financial scams. available. As a result, unauthorised undecided on playing the role of a behavioural characteristics on a 24x7
ceiling of 0.5 per cent of GDP on additional What makes these threats more DLAs continue to plague the sector, and regulator — with all the maintenance basis.
guarantees given by the Central intimidating, however, is that the RBI unsuspecting borrowers continue to fall and management of oversight and Going by the recent pronouncements,
government in a year. This check is seems to have chosen a reactive strategy prey to their machinations. Realising enforcement infrastructure that such a the RBI is probably considering
necessary because States such as to deal with this menace when a more this, the government is supposedly role demands. Whitelisting a lending delegating the responsibilities for
deliberate policy could yield more contemplating a blanket ban on digital app, for instance, entails frequently white­listing to self­regulatory
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and tangible results. lending by unregulated entities to monitoring, periodically approving, and organisations (SROs), as is evident from
Rajasthan had outstanding guarantees The peril of digital lending apps first protect people from the vagaries of issuing a regulatory prescription to apps the draft omnibus framework for
which are over 7 per cent of their GSDP caught public attention in December online lending platforms. from time to time. This would recognising SROs for REs, circulated last
towards the end of FY23. Imposing a limit 2020, following a slew of suicides in necessitate careful validation of specific month, followed by a similarly worded
on additional guarantees will check sudden Telangana that resulted from A WHITELIST NEEDED parameters — eligibility norms, data framework exclusively for the fintech
harassment linked to lending­app debt Why did the RBI not publish its whitelist access permissions, KYC requirements, sector, posted this month. The
surges in these contracts based on political collection efforts. This prompted the in the first place? The central bank’s rates of interest, default penalties, frameworks expect REs to devise
exigencies, such as need to spend more RBI to first warn the public “not to fall claim that the information provided to collection mechanisms, use of third “suitable surveillance methods for
ahead of elections. Linking guarantees to prey to such unscrupulous activities” MeitY was “confidential” and that parties, etc. — of hundreds of lending effective monitoring” and “address
revenue receipts is a good idea. and then, in January 2021, to constitute disclosure would “prejudicially affect apps. This activity is fraught with larger concerns of the industry and
a working group to study the digital the economic interests of the State”, is a significant reputational and legal risks financial system as a whole.”
The other significant recommendation is lending landscape. Subsequently, in bit unconvincing since the economic which are exacerbated every time a Inviting and coaxing society to
the classification of the projects or September 2022, the central bank issued interest of the people constitutes that of whitelisted app tweaks its own operating embrace digitalisation also entails
activities for which State guarantees are digital lending guidelines that made it the state. Another theory is that the criteria, putting the onus on the protecting it from the unseen risks of
given as high, medium and low risk and difficult for unregulated players to regulator’s reluctance to unequivocally regulator to track such revisions in real enthusiastic participation. The
operate in India, while promising to take a stand may have stemmed from time. government, aware of low financial and
assigning risk weights to them. This circulate a “whitelist” of approved prior experience, wherein it had asked But the reputational risks associated digital literacy, particularly among
categorisation will enable the State to stay digital lending apps in the near future. banks to sever their relationships with with whitelisting digital lending apps by first­time users of formal financial
alert to the default risk they face and enable Instead, in February 2023, the crypto exchanges. The RBI’s circular had the central bank pale in comparison with services, cannot afford to ignore the
them to make adequate provisions. Asking Ministry of Electronics and Information been questioned by the apex court on those connected to fraud and proliferation of retail financial fraud — a
the borrowing entities to pay a guarantee Technology (MeitY) took the unusual grounds of disproportionality of malpractice suffered by the citizenry. As peril that, if left unchecked, can lead to a
step of banning 94 quick­loan apps — a start, the RBI should look to at least lack of trust in digital finance.
fee to the State, which will be a minimum of
0.25 per cent per annum will serve the twin
some of them rumoured to be of Chinese As a start, the RBI publish an alert­list periodically — akin The only proof against artifice, as has
provenance — under Section 69(A) of to those it has published in the past to been demonstrated in other parts of the
purpose of acting as a deterrent as well as the Information Technology Act, 2000. should look to at least contain unauthorised forex electronic world, is proactive vigilance and
providing some revenue for the State. This According to the Finance Ministry, the publish an alert­list trading platforms (ETFs) — of constant supervision.
RBI had furnished the list of digital unauthorised lending apps. This will
guarantee fee should be significantly hiked lending apps (DLAs) being used by periodically of unauthorised certainly be more consumer­centric Tankha is founder­CEO, ALSOWISE Content Solutions,
in case the borrowing entity has high risk regulated entities (REs) to the MeitY lending apps. than a blanket ban that may turn off Rath is a former central banker
weight or if it has defaulted on its
repayment in the past.
The suggestion of the report that all
States should set up a guarantee
redemption fund (GRF) which accounts for
at least 5 per cent of the outstanding
guarantees should be made mandatory. As
Why are women missing in STEM spaces?
of now, the creation of GRF is voluntary, Interventions that inspire younger girls to engage with STEM need to take shape. Gender bias in jobs must be checked
because of which it has been set up by only
19 States; Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, in shaping the choices that girls make infrastructure are crucial. Addressing
Sona Mitra while enrolling themselves into higher the gender­pay gap in STEM holds
Chhattisgarh, Kerala and Bihar are not even Devika Oberai education. potential to incentivise women to
members of the scheme. The outstanding Sayak Sinha Interventions that inspire younger persist in STEM careers. The Dept. of
amount in the GRF at ₹10,839 crore girls to meaningfully engage with STEM Science and Technology has introduced

towards the end of March 2023 is far from ccording to the Global Gender need to take shape early. Programmes the GATI (Gender Advancement for
adequate, accounting for only 1.1 per cent Gap Report 2023, women make like Vigyaan Jyoti implemented by the Transforming Institutions) charter
up only 29.2 per cent of all STEM Department of Science and Technology which is a voluntary, signatory charter to
of outstanding State guarantees. This fund (science, technology, engineering and comprising activities such as nudge research institutions to support
will be useful if the economic cycle turns mathematics) workers across 146 counselling, role­model interactions, diversity and inclusion. The charter
adverse. As for banks, the RBI should countries. In India, research by etc., currently target high school encourages gender­agnostic hiring,
ensure that its guidelines for vetting loans Muralidhar and Ananthanarayanan students. Similar interventions FACILITATE. STEM education maternity leaves, non­discriminatory
to these State PSEs are followed. States (2023) highlighted that across 100 targeting younger students appraisals, etc., and has shown
Indian universities, only 16.6 per cent of implemented at an earlier stage could government’s Labour Force Survey in promising results across 30 pilot
should also be mindful about the viability of the overall STEM faculty were women. prove useful. Similarly, fortifying 2020­21 suggests a gender pay­gap, with institutions such as IIT Delhi, University
a project while ‘guaranteeing’ it. Within this, the latest All India Survey Foundational Literacy and Numeracy men earning 35 per cent more than of Delhi, Jamila Milia Islamia, etc.
on Higher Education (2020­21) reports outcomes through increased financial women across all sectors, thus Making these charters mandatory rather
women make up 42.3 per cent of the investment, gender­responsive demotivating the intent to stay in the than voluntary, thus, has the potential to
sample in STEM education, including teacher­training modules and robust labour force. Evidence from professors retain more women in prestigious
undergraduate, postgraduate, MPhil, assessment and monitoring frameworks at IIT Kanpur found that women institutions.
and PhD courses. However, within this can all contribute to improved working as scientists in lab­based Facilitating re­entry is essential for
FROM THE VIEWSROOM. too, girls are concentrated in life higher­education outcomes for girls. occupations face isolation in male retaining women in the field. Returnship
sciences, with programmes such as The other major challenge is the dominated labs that often manifest in programmes adopted by few companies,
B.Tech comprising only 28.7 per cent of retention of women within the STEM lack of support for women colleagues, have demonstrated promise in
Multi-dimensional realities women. Across premier institutions
such as IITs, women constitute about 20
ecosystem. Early data from Key Global
Workforce Insights Report (2015)
and losing out on networking
opportunities for women that hinder
facilitating the reintegration of women
into workplaces after career breaks. The
rise in poverty during the per cent of the sample. suggest that even when women choose upward mobility. Such trends often also state can activate private sector to
A Srinivas pandemic. The gaps in STEM arise in the early STEM careers, 45 per cent reported end up in undervaluing women’s enable entry and re­entry of women in
The NITI paper pushes the free phases in girls’ education. Social challenges in upward mobility and as research and findings within the labs. STEM education and occupations.
conditioning arising from existing many as 81 per cent believed that there At an institutional level, policies that

he NITI Aayog’s report on transfers thesis, but estimates
Multi­dimensional Poverty stunning poverty reduction in the norms and perceptions about the roles is a gender­bias in the internal afford flexibility of time, comprehensive Sona and Sayak are at IWWAGE, and Devika is an
(MDP), which says that backward northern and central of girls and women in society often leads evaluation processes. Further, the child­care provisions, and supportive Associate at TQH
headcount poverty has fallen from States, even as their growth has
29.17 per cent in 2013­14 to 11.28 been moderate over the last
per cent in 2018­19, must be taken decade vis-a-vis the rest. Has
with a pinch of salt. The reasons poverty reduction been decoupled LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859­860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.
for this are quite plain. from growth, and have these
First, its assessment of MDP is States been transformed into
based on three indicators apiece of another Sri Lanka? Reduction in poverty increase in skills and jobs on a The strategic and shared goal of Shortage of skilled labour that it can create a win­win situation
health and education and six Central schemes such as Jan The editorial ‘Not so poor’ (January perpetual basis alone can help promoting a sustainable model This refers to ‘TN needs skilled for all stakeholders.
around living standards, but none Dhan Yojana and Garib Kalyan 19) has correctly pointed out that eradicate poverty. must foster human development workforce to stay ahead’ (January Bal Govind
whatsoever that directly deals Yojana may well have prevented poverty reduction works best when This, however, is only one side of the without impacting the delicate 19). MSMEs are the backbone of our Noida
with income. Going even by the people from sliding into dire inclusive growth and welfarism go story. The growing gap between the balance of the planet. economy, being major contributors
lineage of studies that this poverty. But the fact that northern together. Economic growth is all rich and the poor, notwithstanding a For these reasons, investments in to economic growth, overall exports Training airline staff
government has cited approvingly States have remained laggards in about sustainable increase in real greater degree of direct tax future generations, creating and employment generation. One is proud to note the rapid
in support of its poverty reduction socio­economic indices suggests GDP at constant prices. This means compliance these days, is a matter of shared value and widespread With as many as 50 lakh MSMEs in strides being made by the country in
claims, such as the IMF study that their governance is not that there should be relentless serious concern. awareness of environmental Tamil Nadu, one can only imagine the the civil aviation sector. However, as
(April 2022) by Surjit Bhalla, exceptional. Has this changed? increase in investments, S Ramakrishnasayee issues are essential. Educational kind of employment they generate. recent events have highlighted, there
Karan Bhasin and Arvind Virmani, State­level schemes too may have employment, income and output in Chennai and training programmes in the Skill gap issue faced by MSMEs in is need for much introspection by
this assessment does seem had a positive effect. Yet, the NITI the economy. environmental sphere make it Tamil Nadu is not new. In fact, other airlines and airports regarding
ambitious. The Bhalla et al paper refers to the Centrally The multi­dimensional poverty Fastest growing market possible to lay the foundation for States are also witnessing skill governance issues. Often one
estimate of 0.8 per cent income sponsored schemes, even as some calculated in India to gauge the This is with reference to ‘Green jobs’ the emergence of new ideas that crunch. encounters high­handedness of staff
poverty (those below $1.9 PPP per of these are funded by the Centre absolute poverty is undoubtedly (January 19). Paying more attention are based on the protection of the The need of the hour is for MSMEs in place of empathy and care. Surely
day) takes into account the and States. comprehensive. That in nine years to the environment and the energy ecosystem, before economic and State governments to work there is urgent need for intensive
important role played by State The paper must explain its (FY14 to FY23) poverty has fallen transition are an increasingly integral sustainability. together with institutes imparting en­masse training.
domestic product, while arguing yardsticks for deprivation to from 29.17 per cent to 11.28 per part of technological development P Sundara Pandian skills training, and customise the V Vijaykumar
that free transfers arrested the convince the critics. cent is by all means laudable. But and economic growth. Virudhunagar, TN training as per the industry needs so Pune

Published by Nirmala Lakshman at Kasturi Buildings, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai­400020 and Printed by N. Vaidyanathan at Dangat Media Pvt. Ltd., No.22, Dighe Midc, Vishnu Nagar, TTC Industrial Area, Dighe, Navi Mumbai­400701, Maharashtra on behalf of THG Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Responsible for selection of news under PRB Act). ISSN 0971 ­ 7528

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It’s time India targets to have Blue Zones LETTERS

B LUE Zones are regions of the
world where people live longer,
grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and
legumes, and discourages pro-
eat more whole grains, vegetables,
fruits, nuts, and legumes, and less
in physical activity, such as yoga,
meditation, walking, and cycling.
This can be achieved by provid-
ing education on the importance Lives lost in boat capsize as rules flouted
healthier, and happier lives. The
concept was developed by National
Geographic Fellow and author Dan
cessed foods, sugar, and meat.
Incorporating the Blue Zone diet
into Indian cuisine can be chal-
processed foods, sugar, and meat.
They can also try to engage in phys-
ical activity, such as yoga and medi-
This can be achieved by providing
access to safe and affordable public
spaces for physical activity, pro-
of having a sense of purpose, pro-
moting opportunities for finding a
sense of purpose, and providing in-
T HE heart wrenching tragic boat accident in which 12
students and 2 teachers were killed when the over-
crowded boat overturned in Gujarat was due to safety pre-
Buettner. There are five Blue Zones lenging, but it is not impossible. tation, and create a sense of com- moting physical activity through centives for finding a sense of pur- cautions not being followed. The boat was overcrowded
in the world: Okinawa (Japan), Sar- For example, replacing white rice munity and belonging by spending media campaigns, and providing pose. By adopting the Blue Zone and life jackets were not provided to the passengers. The
dinia (Italy), Nicoya (Costa Rica), with brown rice, using whole wheat time with family and friends. incentives for physical activity. lifestyle, India can improve the Gujarat government is expected to be more proactive in
Icaria (Greece), and Loma Linda flour instead of refined flour, and India can become a Blue Zone Next, foster social engagement. overall well-being and life expec- similar incidents; not long ago when the suspension bridge
(California, USA). consuming more fruits and vegeta- by adopting the Blue Zone life- Encourage people to engage in so- tancy of its citizens. It is important collapsed resulting in numerous deaths due to faulty con-
India has a life expectancy of bles can be a good start. In addition style, which emphasizes healthy cial activities such as spending time to note that this is not an easy task struction technique and substandard materials used. Pay-
70.8 years, which is lower than the to dietary changes, other factors eating, physical activity, social en- with family and friends, volunteer- and requires a concerted effort from ment of compensation to victims is not a solution which
global average of 73.4 years 1. In that contribute to longevity in the gagement, and a sense of purpose. ing, and participating in commu- individuals, communities, and gov- is a poor consolation while the focus must be on faultless
2021, the global average life expec- Blue Zones include physical activ- Encourage people to consume nity events. This can be achieved ernments. These remarkable shifts safety avoiding such incidents from happening.
tancy was just over 70 years. This is ity, social engagement, and a sense more whole grains, vegetables, by creating opportunities for so- in one’s diet and activities, along K R Venkata Narasimhan, Madurai
an astonishing fact – because just of purpose. In India, yoga and fruits, nuts, and legumes, and less cial engagement, promoting social with advances in medicine, better
two hundred years ago, it was less
than half.
meditation are popular forms of
physical activity that can help im-
processed foods, sugar, and meat.
This can be achieved by providing
engagement through media cam-
paigns, and providing incentives
public health, and living standards
can lead to longer life expectancy.
Poor state of education system to the fore
The Blue Zone diet, which is
based on the eating habits of people
in the Blue Zones, can help Indians
prove mental and physical health.
Incorporating the Blue Zone
lifestyle into the Indian culture can
education on healthy eating habits,
promoting healthy food options,
and making healthy food more af-
for social engagement.
Create a sense of purpose. En-
courage people to find a sense of
Governments, Central and State,
while striving for economic growth
need to focus on poverty reduction,
E VEN as the editorial highlighting the Annual Status Re-
port of Education (ASER) 2023 which states that nearly
43% of children in the age group of 14-18 age group cannot
live longer and healthier lives. The be challenging, but it is not impos- fordable and accessible. purpose in life, such as through thereby food security, and improve- read sentences in English and 25% of rural kids struggle
Blue Zone diet emphasises whole sible. For example, people can try to Encourage people to engage work, hobbies, or volunteering. ments in public health. to read a class 2 level text in their respective regional lan-
guage is not only disturbing but also shocking because this
only goes to show that our education system is ineffective
AYODHYA RAM TEMPLE CONSECRATION to the core. Further, the government claim that time and
NE India’s largest again that changes were brought to improve education by
making it interesting so that it helps children learn easily

freshwater body
hit by illegal acts
HEY RAM! WHY ARE appears to be farce. In fact, what is seen in reality is govern-
ment teachers receiving a hefty salary but failing totally in
discharging their duties properly. Despite digital awareness
and aptitude in children, there appears failure on the part
of the parents and schoolteachers to ensure that kids do not


struggle to read texts and do simple division.
K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

If what the opposition bloc with a blocked

mind says is correct in regard to secular-
I T refers to “ASER report: A lesson for Govt teachers.” It is
heartening to learn that Rural India has largely overcome
the dropout issue. But bigger worries remain as to what is the
ism, how did Yogi Adityanath become the use of a larger number of students between 14-18 years age
Chief Minister for the second time in a state bracket in the schools if they are not even proficient in read-
where the Muslim population is significant ing class 2 level local language and class 5 level mathematics.
in numbers and in a state where Ram Jan- It merely means they are adding up the number and not im-
mabhoomi issue became a political issue proving even the basics. And when there is a decent amount
for over three decades. This clearly shows of smartphone penetration amongst rural children then it
that the fear and pollution is more in is a serious concern why they are not learning the basics. If

ISTORY will record January 22, the minds of politicians than the people. China can realise its demographic dividend then there is no
2024 as the one which has ex- People are enlightened lot while the poli- reason why we can not. Government teachers need to adopt
Officials give a call for collective environmental posed the attitude of 27 parties of ticians still believe in divide and rule. It a different approach to make students interested in studies.
responsibility, urging citizens to understand that INDIA bloc which by its actions and com- was a feast for eyes to see the first image Bal Govind, Noida
ments has tried to inflict wounds on the of the Ram Lalla idol which became pub-
resorting to the use of electric shock in fishing and majority community which has been cele- lic on Friday, three days before the ‘pran Airline passengers must exercise patience
the illegal hunting of waterfowl not only poses a seri- brating the mega event of consecration of pratishtha’ ceremony. The statue carved

ous threat to the biodiversity of Loktak Lake but also

Lord Rama at the grand Ayodhya temple
that would be inaugurated on this day.
in black stone is adorned with a garland
of roses. Ram Lalla is in a standing pos- E VERYBODY is aware of north India being in the grip of
severe winter and thick fog disrupting road, rail and air
violates established laws I know this would invite a lot of criti- ture. The 51-inch idol of Lord Ram as a traffic as a result. Passengers are losing their cool in view of
cism from all so-called secularists who child, sculpted by Mysuru-based sculptor unprecedented delays of flights. But, when the visibility is at
Sujit Chakraborty think that chanting the name of Hindu Arun Yogiraj, was brought to the temple zero, such things are inevitable – and playing politics on flight
Imphal as a cradle of Manipur’s God and construction of temple is non- on Wednesday night. This was done amid delays will not hold water. It was expected of Tharoor to un-
civilisation. He stressed secular but would not bat an eyelid to chanting of prayers. derstand the ground reality leading to flight delays and tem-
that this natural treasure participate in any other function of any Neither the Congress nor the members pers and patience of passengers being put to unprecedented
EVEN as Manipur is bat- isn’t just a body of water other religion. Their helplessness and of INDIA bloc reacted when DMK spoke test. Cooperation and orderly behaviour is what is expected
tling with protracted eth- but an integral part of the hatred towards BJP have been converted against Sanatana Dharma. They did not of the passengers in such situations; and blaming either the
nic violence, the Loktak region’s identity, woven into their aversion to attending the con- speak a word when a DMK MP made management or the pilot for unexpected delays will not help.
Development Author- intricately into the fabric secration ceremony of Lord Rama. uncharitable comments on the Hindi K R Parvathy, Mysuru
ity (LDA) and the fishing of its existence. There is no denial that the BJP would belt saying that it was Gaumutra belt. But
community that is facing
the impact of indiscrimi-
Expressing grave con-
cern about the adverse ef-
certainly take credit for this grand tem-
ple during the Lok Sabha elections. But at
when the unfortunate incidents of rape
and brutality against certain sections in
Revanth channels huge funds flow to TS
nate hunting of waterfowl
and the illegal use of the
electric shock method
fects of illegal fishing and
hunting on the fragile bal-
ance of the lake’s ecosys-
the same time, it will link it to the man-
ner in which it will help the state and the
country in terms of revenue earning as it
Manipur took place, instead of finding
a solution they are using it for electoral
gains. What kind of secularism is this?
K UDOS to Shri Revanth Reddy garu, the CM of Telan-
gana, for his great efforts in entering into several MoUs
with leading global and domestic companies by clinching
for fishing, has made an tem, the LDA Chairman is certain to become one of the biggest tour- Where is it said that if the head It is high time the Congress and the bloc investment deals for over Rs 37,000 crores to Hyderabad
appeal to the public to sincerely urged the public ism hubs, both national and international. of the political executive or the INDIA leaders realise that God is one. He City (Hans India, 18-1-24) during his successful visit to the
emerge as responsible to emerge as responsible It is not that the opposition does not ruling party participates in the has no shape or religion. It is only for the World Economic Forum at Davos. This fresh infusion of
guardians of this invalu- guardians of this invalu- understand this aspect, but they are be- celebrations of their own religion, convenience of offering prayers and seek- investments are top-up to the KTR’s earlier efforts in at-
able natural resource. able natural resource. His having like Gandhari and turning a blind it would become non-secular? ing His blessings, mankind sees Him in tracting huge funds to Telangana. Such efforts would turn
Famous for its floating plea resonated with a call eye to the reality. They refuse to see the Even some INDIA bloc members different forms. The ‘pratishtha’ of Lord Hyderabad into a world-class city. The vision of the present
islands and picturesque for collective environ- positive side which would help the future announced their intention either to Ram is being done for the welfare of all, for IT Minister Sridhar Babu to bring all US IT companies to
landscape, Loktak Lake mental responsibility, urg- generations. A majority of Hindus who are attend or celebrate the event. Does the welfare of the nation, for the welfare Hyderabad is highly appreciable.
in Manipur’s Bishnupur ing citizens to understand soaked in fervour, cutting across the caste it make any of them non-secular? of humanity. This project should also be Ganti Venkata Sudhir, Secunderabad
District is one of the larg- that resorting to the use of and community lines, have been voluntar- viewed as an opportunity to create direct
Was Kabir Das non-secular? For
est freshwater bodies in
northeast India. Three
electric shock in fishing
and the illegal hunting of
ily contributing their little bit whether it be
in form of doors, Padukas, huge Ladoo, or that matter, would the Father of
and indirect employment to hundreds of
people. The city of Ayodhya which was
Attending Ram temple event secular
the Nation Mahatma Gandhi be
of northeast India’s most
important ecosystems -
Rudrasagar Lake in Tripu-
waterfowl not only poses a
serious threat to the biodi-
versity of Loktak Lake but
Ladoo prasadam from Tirumala on behalf
of Lord Venkateswara and other contribu-
tions from across the country. Are they
non-secular because when he
was shot at, his reaction was ‘Hey
nothing but a small place with narrow
roads today has an international airport
and a railway station which looks nothing
S UB: Editorial – Kya Hindu, Kya Musalman, sabse pehle
Insaan (Jan 17, 2024). Undoubtedly, the caption to the
editorial speaks of the very essence of secularism, en-
ra, Deepor Beel in Assam also violates established non-secular and followers of BJP or RSS? If Ram’? Invitees include leading short of an international airport with most shrined in the Constitution - which is often put to use as
and Loktak Lake in Ma- laws. He emphasised the the group of 27 parties called INDIA thinks industrialists, top film stars, modern facilities. It now has wide roads per the whims of the political parties like the AIMIM. Asa-
nipur are categorised as consequences of such ac- so, then they can be sure that their fate in sportspersons, bureaucrats and and has caught global attention. duddin Owaisi is irked when the AAP leaders have taken
wetlands of international tions that not only harm the next elections is sealed. diplomats. Are they non-secular? The event is going to be witnessed phys- to chanting ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ and ‘Sundarkand’ till the
importance under the the environment but also Some analysts and intellectuals have ically by billionaire Mukesh Ambani and inauguration of the temple at Ayodhya. Owaisi called out
Ramsar Convention. undermine the relentless come up with articles saying this day would his family as well as Bollywood superstar AAP, nothing different from BJP. Why should this person
Held in February 1971 efforts of the state govern- be recorded as the day when secularism be constructed, will they not go for its inau- Amitabh Bachchan and about 8,000 peo- be so particular about the religious sentiments of others –
at Ramsar in Iran, the ment towards the conser- died in India. One does not understand guration? Will they insist that the govern- ple from across the globe. This includes be it AAP or some other party? The AAP could perhaps be
Ramsar Convention pro- vation and preservation how many times they will feel that secu- ment should have no role to play in that leading industrialists, top film stars, sport- doing this owing to the remorse that it is giving a miss to
vides the framework for of Loktak Lake’s natural larism has died in the country. They had event because they are true secularists? spersons, bureaucrats and diplomats. Are the consecration ceremony of Sri Ram temple at Ayodhya.
national action and inter- heritage. said this when the abrogation of Article Will they take a stand that none from they non-secular according to the bloc Gone are the times, when India had tall Muslim leaders
national cooperation for Expressing concern 370 took place. They said this when the Su- their party members will visit Ayodhya, INDIA? who were giving leadership and direction to the commu-
the conservation and sus- over the dwindling fish preme Court endorsed the decision of the taking a stand that the temple inaugura- Bachchan will fly into Ayodhya in a nity, unlike the present times.
tainable use of wetlands populations impacting the government on Article 370 and they are tion is performed like a ‘political event’ and private chartered plane for the opening of S Lakshmi, Hyderabad
and their resources. Lok- livelihoods of Loktak fish- saying the same thing once gain. They had not as a religious celebration? They cannot, the 161-foot pink sandstone shrine. From
tak Development Author- ers, the ALLAFUM secre- better realise that secularism cannot die at because the long list of those VIPs includes the film industry, the list features actors
ity (LDA) Chairman, Asni tary, Oinam Rajen Singh, least in India even if they wish. the former Lok Sabha Speaker Meera Ku- Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar, Allu Arjun,
Kumar Singh, said that condemned the recent Politicians believe in speaking about mar who is a Congress leader. They may Mohanlal, Anupam Kher and Chiranjeevi.
encompassing an area of
about 26,000 hectares and
being the state’s fishery re-
trend of nocturnal fish-
ing using LED lights. He
said this practice not only
‘Mohabbat,’ but they rarely put it into prac-
tice. That is not the case with the people
of this great country called India that is
duck, saying it is her individual stand, not
that of her party. What a hypocrisy!
I searched and searched but failed to find
There will also be sarod maestro Amjad
Ali, lyricist and poet Manoj Muntashir and
his wife, lyricist and writer Prasoon Joshi,
source, the lake is not just leads to overfishing but Bharat. Was Kabir non-secular? He was a any observation anywhere where it is said and directors Sanjay Bhansali and Chan-
a source of livelihood but also disrupts the feeding well-known Indian mystic poet and saint. that if the head of the political executive or draprakash Dwivedi.
Tiger sighting creates panic in Mahadevpur
a goddess to the people of grounds of migratory wa- His writings influenced Hinduism’s Bhakti the ruling party participates in the celebra- Other prominent industrialists invited MANDYA: In an unexpected turn of events, the tranquil
Manipur and a mother to ter birds arriving between movement, and his verses are found in Sikh tions of their own religion, it would become include Aditya Birla Group chairperson village of Mahadevpur in Mandya district, known for its
the fisher community. It October and February an- scripture Guru Granth Sahib, the Satguru non-secular. When they say that the grand Kumar Mangalam Birla and his wife Nirja, scenic landscapes often featured in Kannada movies and
is the cradle of Manipuri nually. The Manipur Lok- Granth Sahib of Saint Garib Das, and Kabir ceremony which would take place on Janu- Piramal Group chairperson Ajay Piramal, serials, is grappling with a new challenge - the unexpected
civilisation and culture. tak Lake (Protection) Act, Sagar of Dharamdas. ary 22 is not religious but purely political Mahindra and Mahindra’s Anand Mahin- presence of a tiger. A recent CCTV footage captured the
Appealing to the com- 2006 was enacted by the Kabir is as an icon of Hindu-Muslim uni- one, are they not earning the anger of the dra and DCM Shriram’s Ajay Shriram and tiger roaming on roads and in fields, creating a wave of
munities dwelling around Manipur Assembly with ty. The legend goes that his disciples fought people? Are the people who are voluntarily TCS CEO K Krithivasan. panic among the local residents.
Loktak Lake, Asni Kumar the objective of conserva- over his body. Hindus insisted on cremat- organising bhajans, kirtans, distribution of K Satish Reddy of Dr Reddy’s Pharma- The footage, shared on social media platforms by indi-
Singh has asked them to tion and preservation of ing it while Muslims argued for a burial. food and offering special prayers across the ceuticals, Zee Entertainment Enterprises viduals who recorded the scenes on their mobile phones,
discontinue the illegal the lake. A scuffle ensued, and the shroud was torn country fools? Are they non-secular? CEO Punit Goenka, L&T CEO S N Sub- depicts the tiger roaring in the midst of the densely popu-
use of the electric shock Under the Act, the lake away. To the shock of rival claimants, they Can this group of leaders assure that rahmanyan and his wife, Murali Divi of lated area. The unexpected visitor has instilled fear among
method of fishing and il- is divided into three zones discovered that nothing remained of the their family members will not light Diyas Divis Laboratories, Infosys founder N R the community, leading to a reluctance to travel on bikes
licit hunting of waterfowl in which the core zone is master except a heap of flowers. It shows on that day? Well, there is also a sort of Narayana Murthy, Jindal Steel & Power and even hindering farmers from tending to their lands.
and endangered species prohibited from all kinds that his disciples wrangled over what their dichotomy in what these leaders say and head Naveen Jindal and Naresh Trehan, As Mahadevpur is frequently chosen as a shooting location
of migratory birds by us- of activities which would master had called a leaky pitcher. do. The AAP government in Delhi is part former Lok Sabha speaker Meera Kumar for its picturesque agricultural and rural backgrounds, film
ing firearms. Emphasising affect its biodiversity and The comments and statements of the of the bloc INDIA but has announced that and former Planning Commission deputy and television production teams are now facing concerns
the ecological, socio-eco- water quality. Loktak, the neo-secularists of the bloc INDIA are also rendering of Ramcharitmanas would take chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia are also regarding safety. The tiger’s appearance in the vicinity has
nomic, and cultural sig- largest freshwater lake in nothing short of a wrangle over a leaky place on the day of inauguration of the tem- on the list. Are all of them non-secular? added an element of uncertainty to the filming process.
nificance of Loktak Lake, the northeast, is also one pitcher. The big question is whether these ple at Ayodhya. Does AAP then become One last question. Was the Father of the
Asni Kumar Singh high- of the major tourist attrac- parties can take a stand before the noti- non-secular? If so, how did the bloc enter Nation Mahatma Gandhi non-secular be-
lighted its pivotal role tions of eastern India. fication for the Lok Sabha elections is an- into seat- sharing with AAP in Delhi? What cause when he was shot at, his reaction was Read more at
nounced. When the new Babri Masjid will do you call this if not pseudo secularism? ‘Hey Ram!’
Printed and Published by K. Hanumanta Rao, on behalf of Hyderabad Media House Pvt. Limited, Flat.No.609, 6th Floor, Kirti Shikhar Building, Plot.No.11, Dist.Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058.
and Printed at M/s. Marutinandan Printers & Publishers, A-15, Bara Bagh, G.T Karnal Road, Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110033. Chief Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: DELENG/2017/74095
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6 Saturday, January 20, 2024

Editorial Delhi

The problem with India’s science management

ustained economic progress which can goes on. These top scientists, and not be chimeric regulators of the same said system.
satisfy national ambition is invariably government bureaucrats, are at the helm of The seeds of this rot were planted soon after
Gearing up for change fuelled by scientific advances translated
into deployable technologies. This has
India’s science administration. Therefore, they
must be held accountable for its failings.
Independence. Poverty forced the country to
concentrate high­end equipment in a handful of
India needs region­specific plans to been the inevitable global experience since the The basic assumption behind the outsized role institutions, primarily the Indian Institutes of
onset of the Industrial Revolution. Alive to this played by scientists in Indian science Technology in the 1960s. Since only these
improve climate resilience reality, the government is overhauling India’s Gautam R. administration is that a good scientist will also be institutions had exclusive access to certain
science establishment, which includes setting up Desiraju a good science administrator. The argument goes equipment, a system of gatekeepers emerged.

arlier this week, the India Meteorological
Department (IMD), entered the 150th year the new National Research Foundation (NRF) and is in the Indian that only scientists can appropriately run These gatekeepers slowly began to capture
of its existence. While at present, it analys­ restructuring the Defence Research and Institute of Science scientific institutions, considering the importance positions, government patronage and
es the entire spectrum of climate and weather, Development Organisation (DRDO). In this and technical rigours of the science that is institutional power on the back of their monopoly
from cyclones to fog, it was conceived, in colonial scenario, a frank assessment of the current supposed to go on in these places. The actual over critical equipment. Thus, all young scientists
times, to probe the mysteries of the southwest administrative ability to simultaneously optimise performance of these institutions is proof enough had to pay their nazranas at the durbars, in other
monsoon. The needs were practical. The British Indian science’s efficiency and resilience is that this paradigm is faulty. words, their tributes in the royal courts, to these
administration, concerned about revenues, was necessary. First, administering an organisation as gatekeepers, making them indebted forever to
intimately aware of the influence of the monsoon India’s low overall expenditure on research complex as a national lab or a university cannot these bestowers of favours. This system has
on harvests and thus extremely invested in deter­ and development (around 0.7% of GDP, be relegated to becoming a side­project of a replicated itself over time to such a degree that
mining whether past observations of wind, rain compared to 3.5% for the United States and 2.4% Deekhit ‘working’ scientist doubling up as a director or appointments, awards, foreign accolades and
and sunshine could be used to predict future tor­ for China) is but one aspect constraining its Bhattacharya vice­chancellor. Administration requires a support from the system overall, depended on
rents and droughts. In the years since then, the scientific outcomes. Considering such low particular skill set, most importantly, the continuing to aggrandise the inheritors of these
is an Associate with
IMD has collected gargantuan stores of meteoro­ expenditure, it is pivotal to allocate money wisely allocation of money, resources and time. Indeed, gatekeepers. Many bright scientists’ careers and
Luthra & Luthra Law
logical data that underlie its forecasts of the mon­ and focus on high­impact projects. Offices, India attributes associated with good scientists, such as lives have been destroyed due to their conflicts
soon. One such analysis of this data by research­ Unfortunately, the scientific administration has individuality, constructive ego, and erudition, with this oppressive network of gatekeepers.
ers at the Council on Energy, Environment and failed to do justice to the task at hand. Even the have little congruence with the demands of Genuine scientific outcomes became the obvious
Water (CEEW) examines monsoon trends at the vaunted space programme is witnessing administration — tact, realism, flexibility and collateral casualties.
sub­divisional (tehsil) level, from 1982­2022.This narrowing leads. In 2022, the Indian Space firmness. The fundamental role of an
finds that monsoon rainfall is increasing in more Research Organisation stood a distant eighth on administrator is to prioritise one undertaking The system in the U.S.
than half, or 55%, of India’s roughly 4,400 tehsils. launch numbers, with foreign startups racing over another in line with policy and to ensure The separation of administrators and scientists is
About 11% of them saw decreasing rainfall. In ahead on key technologies such as reusable that resources assigned to one project do not something which most robust science
rockets. Likewise, the lead in nuclear energy has starve others. How then can a good scientist, who establishments generally embrace. Even the U.S.,

those tehsils, about 68% experienced reduced
rainfall in all four monsoon months, while 87% been frittered away, being latecomers to small is generally driven by individual attribution, be a with labs being embedded in the university
showed a decline during the June and July ­­ cru­ modular reactors; thorium ambitions remain good administrator, who must be organisationally ecosystem and run by scientists, selects scientists
cial for the sowing of kharif crops. Most of these unrealised. On critical science and technology driven? for an administrative role quite early on in their
tehsils are in the Indo­Gangetic plains, which con­ themes such as genomics, robotics, and artificial Second, the lack of comprehensive training in careers. Such selected science administrators, by
tribute to more than half of India’s agricultural intelligence, the situation is even more alarming. selecting which particular metrics are and large, only carry out administrative tasks
production, northeastern India, and the Indian The direction and organisation of science is appropriate under what circumstances leads to thereon, and are groomed for the task, with very
Himalayan region. inconsistent, even unfit, for the vital role which absurdities such as an entire project getting few of them ever going back to active science.
The study also found that 30% of India’s dis­ science must play going ahead. derailed due to a single invoice or acquisition. Such a separation has obvious benefits for all
tricts witnessed several years of deficient rainfall India’s science is dominated by the public Who is accountable for all the lost time, shelved stakeholders, except of course the entrenched
years and 38% many years of excessive rainfall. sector. Generic irritants associated with projects, and wasted money? Scientists, by their gatekeepers. As India remoulds its science
Some tehsils in Rajasthan, Gujarat, central Maha­ governmental bureaucracy, such as tardiness in very training, are not geared to juggle between establishment, one must really question the
rashtra, and parts of Tamil Nadu that historically approving crucial time­dependent funding, or several approximate solutions to human and utility of scientists being given administrative
were dry were also getting wetter. There were al­ equitable decision making across different financial problems. Administration is the art of tasks, whether as additional assignments or as
so changes underway in the northeast monsoon, funding levels, are known problems. Added to translating policy into outcomes — scientists are full­time vice­chancellors or directors. Perhaps an
which sets in during October, November and De­ this, what is absent is the inability to commit to simply not trained to prioritise between time, American middle­way arrangement, where
cember but primarily impacts peninsular India. long­term steady funding of critical projects when cost, or precision, and certainly not in what scientists are selected and trained in an all­India
The northeast monsoon rain has increased by faced with the inevitable occasional failures. This proportions. pool of a science administration central service, is
more than 10% in the past decade (2012­2022) in latter aspect is essential in any robust science Third, the scope for conflicts of interest in the the answer. In such a dispensation, university
approximately 80% of tehsils in Tamil Nadu, 44% management system. present dispensation is huge. Being an academic vice­chancellors would have greater bargaining
in Telangana, and 39% in Andhra Pradesh, res­ within the same institution in which one wields power vis-à-vis the bureaucracy within the
pectively. The southwest monsoon accounts for An outsized role by scientists administrative control is a sure recipe for disaster. university as well as that of the ministries if they
nearly 76% of India’s annual rainfall, with about The defining feature of India’s science Unsavoury examples abound of science belong to an all­India service having received the
11% from the north­east monsoon. That India’s administration is the centrality of its senior administrators engaging in red tapism to mire appropriate training.
monsoons are increasingly prone to long, dry scientists. Their activities are bewildering in rivals in unnecessary strictures. Likewise, the At some point, India has to come to the same
spells and punctuated by torrential wet spells is range. Some pretend to be top international level culture of Indian science has descended into a conclusion that the world of business did in 1908
well documented though how much of it can be academics. Others delight in micromanaging quagmire of quid pro quos and shoddy quality when the Master of Business Administration
explained by natural variability and how much their institutions’ accounts, while still others control. Thus, scandals such as high plagiarism (MBA) course was established at Harvard.
from global warming is an active area of research. circumambulate courts to battle frivolous charges As India rates, paid publications in disreputable journals, Administration is something which has to be
While revenue extraction guided colonial interest from disgruntled colleagues. Several flit around remoulds its and under­the­table dealings to garner taught and practised separately from the subject
in weather at the regional levels, such analyses the country to sit in a variety of institutional science government funding have become normalised. matter being administered. The administrative
have a new, contemporary relevance. This is to committees (Indian Institutes of Technology, establishment, More maliciously, careers and projects of setup of any complex is its central nervous
make region­specific plans to improve climate re­ Indian Institutes of Science Education and the utility of scientific and strategic importance have been system, and the same is true for science
silience and channel necessary funds and re­ Research, Council of Scientific & Industrial devastated due to reasons that range from establishments. Without addressing these core
scientists being
sources. Prioritising regional and sub­district fo­ Research, Defence Research and Development competition to egotism. The fact that there is no concerns, India’s science establishment will
Organisation, Universities), which would fare given system of all­India transfers of both scientists and continue to do injustice to its economic and
recasts over national ones, would be a
commendable step forward by the government. better without external members. Many try to administrative science administrators only magnifies strategic aspirations.
become directors, vice­chancellors and tasks needs to institutional capture and factionalism. There are
secretaries to the Government of India. The list be questioned obvious downsides in allowing system insiders to The views expressed are personal

Distant goal
Rahul Gandhi needs to do more than
project himself as PM Modi’s challenger
A case of established law lagging behind new tech
he theme of the second edition of Con­

gress leader Rahul Gandhi’s cross­coun­ n what could be one of the most important goes without saying that The NYT disagreed. newsgathering. From a legal perspective, it is a
try journey is on justice, while it retains lawsuits of our time, The New York Times classic case of established law lagging behind new
the call for harmony of the first. Labelled the (NYT) sued OpenAI and Microsoft for Other cases technology. The victory of Big Tech might deter
Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, it began in strife­torn Ma­ copyright infringement. The IT industry was Even earlier, lawsuits were brought against AI human content producers. However, if The NYT
nipur and will conclude in Mumbai on March 20 shaken recently by the brief ousting and swift services for using unpaid web content scraping. prevails, GenAI companies might be required to
after covering 6,713 km across 15 States. Mr. reinstatement of OpenAI’s outspoken chief Several authors, including George Martin, compensate content producers for their use,
Gandhi hopes to walk a few kilometres every day executive officer, Sam Altman, but the fierce Atanu Biswas Jonathan Franzen, and John Grisham, sued a few which would significantly increase the cost of
to interact with people, with the rest of the dis­ conflict between the providers of information is Professor of GenAI companies, alleging “systematic theft on a GenAI models. Interestingly, the U.S. Copyright
tance being covered in a bus. The yatra takes 11 used to train Artificial Intelligence systems and Statistics, Indian mass scale”. Philip Pullman and Margaret Atwood Office received a comment from venture capital
days in the northeast region, once a stronghold of the operators went unaddressed. Next came The Statistical Institute, have signed an open letter demanding payment firm Andreessen Horowitz in October stating that
the Congress but now dominated by the Bharati­ NYT’s lawsuit, alleging that its content was used to Kolkata for the use of their works by AI companies. exposing AI companies to copyright liabilities will
ya Janata Party (BJP) and its allies. It will cover train large language models (LLMs) and Alleging code misuse in Copilot training, some IT “either kill or significantly hamper their
nearly 900 km in Assam — a State that the Con­ generative AI (GenAI) systems. If successful, this professionals have sued OpenAI, Microsoft, and development”. Therefore, a win by The NYT
gress lost to the BJP in 2016 after an uninterrupt­ action might see The NYT receive billions of GitHub. Stability AI, Midjourney, and DeviantArt might accomplish what legislators around the
ed 15­year rule — before entering Bengal. In Uttar dollars in damages. were sued by visual artists for infringement of world are trying to do: somewhat curb the AI
Pradesh, Mr. Gandhi will drum up support for his their copyrights. Getty Images also sued Stability genie. The ball is rolling, though. Apple has
social justice plank by reaching out to Other Back­ The NYT’s concerns, the counter AI. Universal Music Group urged Spotify and recently floated multi year deals to licence the
ward Classes (OBC) around the demand to con­ The NYT claimed that these companies use Apple Music to prevent scraping its material to news story archives for at least $50 million.
duct a caste census. At a time when the BJP’s information from multiple sources to develop AI train AI bots to make new songs. And so forth. OpenAI has agreements with Associated Press
campaign hinges on the opening of the Ram Man­ products. However, they give The NYT content But it is the first instance of a U.S. media house of and Axel Springer for the sharing of their material
dir in Ayodhya, the Congress is trying to wield its special emphasis and “seek to free­ride on the significance suing Big Tech for such copyright with ChatGPT.
newfound plank of caste justice as a counter. Times’s massive investment in journalism” infringement. However, its scope goes beyond the
There is no better place than Uttar Pradesh to test without permission or payment. This reduces copyright dispute. On Napster
the potency of social justice as a currency for pol­ readers’ perceived need to visit the Times The U.S. Supreme Court declined to revive a Let us revisit the Napster case. The record
itical mobilisation, and Mr. Gandhi will also be website, potentially reducing advertising and challenge to Google’s digital library of millions of companies won; Napster quickly vanished. Even
confronted with the question of contesting from subscription revenue. books seven years ago. The Times, however, has so, the industry has been significantly impacted.
the Amethi Lok Sabha constituency that he lost in Examples of many ChatGPT and Bing Chat drawn comparisons between its move and a Publishers such as The NYT certainly recognise
2019, or any other in the State. (Copilot) outputs were provided, which were copyright lawsuit that dates back more than 20 they will have to embrace AI as the “future”. All
Mr. Gandhi’s hope is that public attention will almost verbatim copies of The NYT articles with years against Napster, in which record companies they might want is to ensure that their business
focus on inflation, lack of jobs and the alleged no attribution. accused the file­sharing service of using their model is not destroyed and that they receive
marginalisation of social groups such as Dalits, The Times claimed that although it had content unlawfully. proper compensation. This case may very well be
Adivasis, OBCs and minorities. He and the party contacted these companies, talks to find “an In this GenAI era, the current lawsuit settled out of court; the lawsuit may orchestrate
want to dissociate the yatra from any immediate amicable resolution” had come to a standstill. The New York undoubtedly opens up a new legal frontier. It may that process. Who knows?
electoral calculations for the impending Lok Sab­ The complaint also addressed the problem of AI Times suing redefine legal contours around intellectual Nevertheless, the resolution of this titanic legal
ha election, and to imagine it as part of an ideo­ “hallucinations”, in which incorrect material is OpenAI and property rights in the U.S. and establish global dispute, if done by a court, could significantly
logical challenge to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak mistakenly credited to The Times. Furthermore, it Microsoft for precedents at a time when most regulatory shape GenAI’s future worldwide. Data is essential
Sangh­BJP combine. While it is true that politics wanted that any chatbot models and training data frameworks, including those in India, are falling for the training of GenAIs. Copyright laws, mostly
tailored solely to win elections can be costly for utilising Times copyrighted content be destroyed. behind. “It is certainly a very important case... dating back to the printing press, were not
society in multiple ways, the other extreme of However, OpenAI argues that since using infringement We should all stay tuned,” stated Union Minister designed to cover LLMs such asChatGPT.
disregarding electoral contests is counterproduc­ copyrighted content to train GenAI models undoubtedly Rajeev Chandrasekhar. Notwithstanding, it is necessary for the courts
tive. After all, elections are also a test of ideolo­ “serves a new ‘transformative’ purpose”, their opens up a new An epic battle pits push­button information and/or legislatures to evolve the laws to account
gies. The first leg of the yatra that traversed the actions should be permitted under “fair use”. It legal frontier generated by AI against labour­intensive human for the constantly changing situation.
country vertically, from the south to the north
earned Mr. Gandhi goodwill and possibly helped
the Congress win Telangana in a surprise turna­ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
round of its fortunes. But the party lost to the BJP
in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, Indian media partiality. There needs to be India. There is fading hope need for a free media Quality of education two level text and
where the ideological battle is sharp. Through Shashi Tharoor has six a model of true journalistic for a free and fair press, industry are relevant. There The ASER report shows the arithmetic is a subject of
this yatra Mr. Gandhi will have to reinforce his po­ relevant directives for the values. playing the role of the needs to be quality need to improve the quality serious concern, as this will
sition as the most credible challenger to Prime media (Editorial page, U.K. Atiyodi, peoples’ vanguard. journalism that ensures of education in India. The resonate in the level of skills
Minister Narendra Modi, but that is not sufficient January 19). It is not only Kandangali, Payyanur, Kerala P.P. Vasudevan, fact­verification and fact that around 25% of when these children grow
to forge a viable electoral strategy for the Opposi­ the print media but also the Eravimangalam, Kerala accuracy, as he says. rural children between up.
tion. The question is whether Mr. Gandhi can electronic media that The media has become the Shivansh Deo, 14­18 years of age could not S. Rajalakshmi,
cover that distance. should desist from tool of the government of The remarks about the Kachahari, Motihari, Bihar read and perform Grade Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu
Saturday, January 20, 2024 7

Rambai Baiga and her husband Harsh Lal Baiga, who lost their 45­day­old child in December after a midwife branded him with hot bangles as a ‘cure’ for pneumonia, in Umaria district’s Bandhwa Khurd village. A.M.FARUQUI

The babies branded

“The campaigns bore results and cases almost
came down to nil by 2021. The main factor was
that the arms of the government were visible on
ground and accessible to the public even in re­
mote areas,” he adds. He blames the laxity of the
current administration and absence of ground

with hot bangles force for the resurgence of cases. “After the task
force was formed in February, it did not meet un­
til August. It is only after some deaths were re­
ported in winter that they have taken some ac­
tion,” he says.
The task force plans to start a campaign to get
Four infants between birth and four months died across a month in Madhya Pradesh’s eastern districts after people to sign a sankalp patra (resolution letter)
to avoid the practice, hoping that this will esta­
they were singed when they fell sick. Mehul Malpani explores the belief system behind the tribal practice that blish the seriousness of the act. They will also
is considered a remedy, to everything from breast­feeding difficulties to pneumonia Booti Bai Baiga, a midwife, booked by the police after she start audio messages in medical college and the
allegedly branded an infant with hot bangles. A.M. FARUQUI district hospital.

midst the swirls of grief and regret, Journalist Shubham Singh Baghel, the resident Reporting it right

A daily life goes on. Rambai Baiga comes

home from the kirana (daily needs)
shop in Bandhwa Khurd village, Uma­
ria district, Madhya Pradesh, with no more than
a katori­full of cooking oil. Her husband Harsh
editor of the Hindi daily Patrika (Shahdol edi­
tion), who has reported and run campaigns
against the practice since 2016, says that going by
newspaper reports and information from the
ground, about 50 babies were branded last year.
My father and brother had gone to work. I
was home with my mother. We did not have
Assistant Commissioner (Tribal), Shahdol dis­
trict, Anand Rai Sinha, defends the administra­
tion and says it is wrong to say they got compla­
cent, but admits that the efforts were not
sustained in the way they began. “The campaign
Lal Baiga sits on the floor of their mud house with He is the only non­government member of a task a mobile phone to call them or any way of was also impacted due to COVID­19, when the
their three children. It has been 21 days since the force of seven, formed by the Shahdol district ad­ getting to a hospital chain was broken,” he says. “I feel guilty about
couple lost their son, Rajan, 45 days old. The in­ ministration, headed by Collector Vandana Vai­ RAMBAI BAIGA the task force not being able to meet for a few
fant, born in November at Shahdol District Hos­ dya, after the first death in 2023. Rajan’s mother; named in the FIR for her son’s death months, but now we have picked up the pace and
pital, about 15 kilometres from the village, had The first information report (FIR) in Rajan’s are using various methods to raise awareness.”
pneumonia. To ‘cure’ the illness, he was branded death was filed naming the dai and mother only Apart from slogans and surveys, Sinha says
on his abdomen with scalding broken bangles. on January 19, almost three weeks after the inci­ man, about 80, emerges from her hut and folds that the administration is counselling families
“I was then in Bakeli village [in the same dis­ dent. Before the FIR was filed, the Superinten­ her hands, apologising. “I made a mistake. I have and organising street plays in local dialects. “Dur­
trict] at my parents’ house. One morning Rajan dent of Police, Umaria, Nivedita Naidu had said, decided I am never going to do it again,” she says, ing some visits, we also tell people that their go­
had difficulty breathing, so I called the neigh­ “We don’t want to add to the family’s troubles. as she sits down on the ground. vernment scheme benefits can be stopped if they
bours,” says Rambai. The dai (midwife) showed They were only trying to help their child, but Her neighbours say that the police and officials follow the practice,” he says, adding this was just
up and suggested the branding. “My father and lacked awareness about seeking the right help.” of various departments have visited her house a threat so people took their children to a doctor.
brother had gone to work. I was home with my She had added that even when people take their several times since the incident. Terrified of pos­ Prateek says a campaign will soon begin at the
mother. We did not have a mobile phone to call children to hospital they sometimes continue the sible action against her, she has fallen ill, they police station level, where the force will go into
them or any way of getting to a hospital.” She re­ practice, as a sort of adjunct ‘treatment’ to has­ add. Booti Bai claims she had stopped following villages with the message of legal consequences.
sisted the dai’s idea, but finally relented, she says. ten healing. the practice about 15­20 years ago when people District Women and Child Development assis­
“After two or three marks I asked her to stop. My started taking their children to hospitals. She on­ tant director, Shahdol, Manoj Larokar says that
son was crying so badly, but she did not listen.” The medium is the message ly branded Pradeep at his mother’s insistence: the administration is organising events with the
On December 21, the baby was ta­ About 24 km from Rambai and Harsh Lal’s home “That night the boy’s mother herself came to take women of villages to counsel them against daag-
ken to the hospital he was born in. lies Hardi­77 village, in Shahdol district. There me for the ‘treatment’. She herself had offered na. ASHA and Anganwadi workers have also been
He died about a week later. are messages painted on the walls of almost ev­ the bangle to the gods.” She adds that she only asked to identify midwives or quacks who prac­
Daagna (branding) is a practice ery other house here. While most of the messag­ wishes the best for the child. tise this. While the administration is at work, pol­
in Madhya Pradesh, most promi­ After the ing is around awareness, some is about punish­ She is unsure of how the branding could possi­ iticians are conspicuously absent, and an officer
nent among the Baiga (traditional­ task force ment for the practice. Accredited Social Health bly help, but says in the days before hospitals of the State government says they would not like
ly priests), Kol, and Gond (tradi­ was formed Activists (ASHA) and Anganwadi workers go door opened in the area, people used traditional to upset the tribal community that is a strong
tionally rulers) tribes in the State’s in February, to door speaking to people. Villagers say both the cures. “We were told by our elders that this cures vote bank.
three eastern­most districts: Shah­ painted messages and health worker awareness diseases, so we also followed it.” Pradeep’s grand­ Dr. G.S. Parihar, the civil surgeon at Shahdol
dol, Umaria, and Anuppur, all
it did not drives have increased after an incident here. father says he too had received this ‘treatment’ as District Medical Hospital, says branding often de­
part of Shahdol Division. There meet until In early November, two­month­old Pradeep a child. Many adults in the village say they carry lays primary medical care for basic paediatric
are areas in Mandla and Dindori districts of Jabal­ August. It is Baiga was branded with hot bangles about 50 marks from branding, but since the district hos­ sicknesses that can otherwise be easily dealt
pur Division too where the practice is prevalent. only after times on his neck, abdomen, and other parts af­ pital was now less than 10 km away most had with. He claims branding itself does not cause
People believe the ‘shock treatment’ helps some deaths ter his mother took him to a dai as he had not abandoned the practice. death, explaining why death certificates have the
boost a baby’s immunity when they fall sick. Dais were been crying. He had to be taken to the district illness, but not the fact that a child has been tor­
use hot broken bangles or iron sickles to make hospital and was later referred to the medical Consistency lost tured. “In many cases, parents will try everything
reported in
small burn marks on a child’s forehead, chest, or college. The child spent the next one­and­a­half Baghel says that while Hardi­77 is close to the dis­ and only come to the hospital when the baby’s
abdomen. Pneumonia, respiratory problems, a
winter that months under treatment before he recovered trict headquarters, poor connectivity, a low ad­ health deteriorates,” he says.
stomach they believe is swollen, an infant who they have and returned home. ministrative workforce, and lack of health infras­ A senior government doctor from Umaria dis­
does not cry much, or even a mother and baby taken some The police filed a case against the child’s tructure in remote villages, also force people to trict however, alleges that the administration of­
experiencing difficulty feeding, all get the same action mother, grandfather, and the dai, and began a resort to such practices. When he began to report ten hides the actual cause of death to avoid atten­
treatment. Children are branded as per ritual: 11, SHUBHAM probe. The Superintendent of Police, Shahdol, on daagna in 2016, he says he was laughed at in­ tion over the issue. He also advocates for the
21, 51 times. In many families, it is also a ritual to SINGH BAGHEL Kumar Prateek says that in cases related to daag- itially. “Nobody in the administration took it se­ strengthening of the health infrastructure. “In
brand a child once a month or so after its birth. Journalist; na, the FIR is registered under Indian Penal Code riously. I visited about 500 villages in the region villages, people are dependent on one ASHA
member of task
In the past month, four infants, all between force to prevent (IPC) Section 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by and prepared a list of 2,000 children (between 0 worker. Two or three villages come under one
birth and four months died after they were daagna dangerous means or instruments); Section 75 and five years) who had been branded at some person sometimes, and they can’t monitor each
branded because of a sickness. First, three­ (punishment for cruelty to child) of the Juve­ point. After I shared the data with the administra­ household all the time. A sufficient number of
month­old Ragini Baiga from Shahdol district’s nile Justice (Care and Protection of Chil­ tion, they began to act,” he says, adding that the doctors is still not available in the field.” He says
Patasi village on December 19 during a bout of dren) Act, 2015; and Madhya Pradesh district hospital of Shahdol alone used to receive measures must be at two levels for to ensure both
pneumonia. Then, Durgeshwari Singh and Aha­ Drugs and Magic Remedies Act, 2012. He 30­40 cases of branding every month. safety and health: generating enough awareness
na Baiga, the same age, from Anuppur and Uma­ feels strict police and legal action delivers Across 2018­19 administrations of three dis­ against the practice through comprehensive edu­
ria districts respectively, died on January 1 and Ja­ the message that following this practice tricts with high prevalence — Shahdol, Umaria, cation, but also by “making infrastructure availa­
nuary 9, while in treatment at the government can get people into serious trouble. “The and Anuppur — launched campaigns to discour­ ble easily” so everyone can access it.
medical college, Shahdol. administration is running positive cam­ age people from practising daagna. Activities in­ Former Umaria Collector, Swarochish Somavan­
The first death of 2023 was reported in Febru­ paigns, but in cases like these sometimes cluded regular monitoring of children through shi, who ran the campaign in his district in 2018­19,
ary, with officials claiming that there have been fear does the job,” he says. door­to­door visits, audio messages and slogans says the administration must create a demand for
six­eight deaths last year. The exact number is A message about punishment in local dialects, and even imposition of CrPC health services and also provide the supply. “I
not a government statistic, because documents for branding is painted on the Section 144 (prohibiting public gatherings) to would visit homes in villages and sit with people to
say babies died of the ailment, not from the trau­ mud wall of the house of Booti warn people of legal consequences. This was in understand their problems,” he says. He feels lea­
ma of branding. The reason on Rajan’s death cer­ Bai Baiga, the dai who alleged­ the context of communities coming together for dership must be present on ground with an atti­
tificate is pneumonia. ly branded Pradeep. The wo­ the ritual after a child’s birth. tude to help people rather than chastise them.
6 . bl . think



Keep a close tab on lending apps
GET SMART. With fintech fraud rising, RBI must invest resources in regulating digital lending apps, putting out a white­list
Hidden leverage
RBI’s move to control State govt guarantees is correct
he debt in many States has been edging up

T to alarming levels in recent years. The


problem is compounded by the guarantees he digital age has seen the
given by State governments to banks and financial emergence of artificial
institutions to make them lend to State utilities and intelligence, automation,
access, and affordability.
other enterprises, which may not figure in the fiscal The effect of these 4As are
deficit numbers. Given the weak finances of most of considered so critical for developing
these entities, possibility of these liabilities economies that some governments have
espoused digitalisation more fervently
exploding in the future is quite high. than they ever have other causes like
education, civil liberties, or law and
Latest disclosed numbers show that order. Yet, these very benefits seem to
outstanding State government guarantees have facilitated the rise of that other ‘A’
have exceeded ₹9­lakh crore towards the which invariably accompanies rapid
end of FY23. The report of the Reserve economic growth: artifice. Indeed, the
rate of growth of fraud in India,
Bank of India (RBI) working group on State specifically financial fraud through
government guarantees is therefore timely. digital lending apps, is unprecedented.
Its proposals are quite sound and need to be Since the lockdown, India has GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO

implemented soon to check the surge in witnessed a rash of “suspect” apps in the
this hidden leverage. The most important marketplace, which have magnified which, in turn, had shared the list with response and lack of empirical data. In access to credit for many consumers.
predatory and fraudulent digital lending Apple and Google “to ensure that only this case, however, stern action is But for this to happen, the regulator may
proposal of the working group is to cap the practices. An app named Pratibimb, the apps figuring in the list are hosted on warranted, and empirical evidence have to invest in and utilise
incremental guarantees to 5 per cent of the which tracks cyber criminals in their app stores.” exists in spades. high­frequency app data and

State’s revenue receipts or 0.5 per cent of Jharkhand’s hotspots, recently But this is not the same as making a A more realistic, and worrisome, machine­learning techniques efficiently
its GSDP annually. This is in line with the concluded that illegal lending apps whitelist of approved apps publicly explanation could be that the RBI is to flag apps exhibiting suspicious
drove 23 per cent of all financial scams. available. As a result, unauthorised undecided on playing the role of a behavioural characteristics on a 24x7
ceiling of 0.5 per cent of GDP on additional What makes these threats more DLAs continue to plague the sector, and regulator — with all the maintenance basis.
guarantees given by the Central intimidating, however, is that the RBI unsuspecting borrowers continue to fall and management of oversight and Going by the recent pronouncements,
government in a year. This check is seems to have chosen a reactive strategy prey to their machinations. Realising enforcement infrastructure that such a the RBI is probably considering
necessary because States such as to deal with this menace when a more this, the government is supposedly role demands. Whitelisting a lending delegating the responsibilities for
deliberate policy could yield more contemplating a blanket ban on digital app, for instance, entails frequently white­listing to self­regulatory
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and tangible results. lending by unregulated entities to monitoring, periodically approving, and organisations (SROs), as is evident from
Rajasthan had outstanding guarantees The peril of digital lending apps first protect people from the vagaries of issuing a regulatory prescription to apps the draft omnibus framework for
which are over 7 per cent of their GSDP caught public attention in December online lending platforms. from time to time. This would recognising SROs for REs, circulated last
towards the end of FY23. Imposing a limit 2020, following a slew of suicides in necessitate careful validation of specific month, followed by a similarly worded
on additional guarantees will check sudden Telangana that resulted from A WHITELIST NEEDED parameters — eligibility norms, data framework exclusively for the fintech
harassment linked to lending­app debt Why did the RBI not publish its whitelist access permissions, KYC requirements, sector, posted this month. The
surges in these contracts based on political collection efforts. This prompted the in the first place? The central bank’s rates of interest, default penalties, frameworks expect REs to devise
exigencies, such as need to spend more RBI to first warn the public “not to fall claim that the information provided to collection mechanisms, use of third “suitable surveillance methods for
ahead of elections. Linking guarantees to prey to such unscrupulous activities” MeitY was “confidential” and that parties, etc. — of hundreds of lending effective monitoring” and “address
revenue receipts is a good idea. and then, in January 2021, to constitute disclosure would “prejudicially affect apps. This activity is fraught with larger concerns of the industry and
a working group to study the digital the economic interests of the State”, is a significant reputational and legal risks financial system as a whole.”
The other significant recommendation is lending landscape. Subsequently, in bit unconvincing since the economic which are exacerbated every time a Inviting and coaxing society to
the classification of the projects or September 2022, the central bank issued interest of the people constitutes that of whitelisted app tweaks its own operating embrace digitalisation also entails
activities for which State guarantees are digital lending guidelines that made it the state. Another theory is that the criteria, putting the onus on the protecting it from the unseen risks of
given as high, medium and low risk and difficult for unregulated players to regulator’s reluctance to unequivocally regulator to track such revisions in real enthusiastic participation. The
operate in India, while promising to take a stand may have stemmed from time. government, aware of low financial and
assigning risk weights to them. This circulate a “whitelist” of approved prior experience, wherein it had asked But the reputational risks associated digital literacy, particularly among
categorisation will enable the State to stay digital lending apps in the near future. banks to sever their relationships with with whitelisting digital lending apps by first­time users of formal financial
alert to the default risk they face and enable Instead, in February 2023, the crypto exchanges. The RBI’s circular had the central bank pale in comparison with services, cannot afford to ignore the
them to make adequate provisions. Asking Ministry of Electronics and Information been questioned by the apex court on those connected to fraud and proliferation of retail financial fraud — a
the borrowing entities to pay a guarantee Technology (MeitY) took the unusual grounds of disproportionality of malpractice suffered by the citizenry. As peril that, if left unchecked, can lead to a
step of banning 94 quick­loan apps — a start, the RBI should look to at least lack of trust in digital finance.
fee to the State, which will be a minimum of
0.25 per cent per annum will serve the twin
some of them rumoured to be of Chinese As a start, the RBI publish an alert­list periodically — akin The only proof against artifice, as has
provenance — under Section 69(A) of to those it has published in the past to been demonstrated in other parts of the
purpose of acting as a deterrent as well as the Information Technology Act, 2000. should look to at least contain unauthorised forex electronic world, is proactive vigilance and
providing some revenue for the State. This According to the Finance Ministry, the publish an alert­list trading platforms (ETFs) — of constant supervision.
RBI had furnished the list of digital unauthorised lending apps. This will
guarantee fee should be significantly hiked lending apps (DLAs) being used by periodically of unauthorised certainly be more consumer­centric Tankha is founder­CEO, ALSOWISE Content Solutions,
in case the borrowing entity has high risk regulated entities (REs) to the MeitY lending apps. than a blanket ban that may turn off Rath is a former central banker
weight or if it has defaulted on its
repayment in the past.
The suggestion of the report that all
States should set up a guarantee
redemption fund (GRF) which accounts for
at least 5 per cent of the outstanding
guarantees should be made mandatory. As
Why are women missing in STEM spaces?
of now, the creation of GRF is voluntary, Interventions that inspire younger girls to engage with STEM need to take shape. Gender bias in jobs must be checked
because of which it has been set up by only
19 States; Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, in shaping the choices that girls make infrastructure are crucial. Addressing
Sona Mitra while enrolling themselves into higher the gender­pay gap in STEM holds
Chhattisgarh, Kerala and Bihar are not even Devika Oberai education. potential to incentivise women to
members of the scheme. The outstanding Sayak Sinha Interventions that inspire younger persist in STEM careers. The Dept. of
amount in the GRF at ₹10,839 crore girls to meaningfully engage with STEM Science and Technology has introduced

towards the end of March 2023 is far from ccording to the Global Gender need to take shape early. Programmes the GATI (Gender Advancement for
adequate, accounting for only 1.1 per cent Gap Report 2023, women make like Vigyaan Jyoti implemented by the Transforming Institutions) charter
up only 29.2 per cent of all STEM Department of Science and Technology which is a voluntary, signatory charter to
of outstanding State guarantees. This fund (science, technology, engineering and comprising activities such as nudge research institutions to support
will be useful if the economic cycle turns mathematics) workers across 146 counselling, role­model interactions, diversity and inclusion. The charter
adverse. As for banks, the RBI should countries. In India, research by etc., currently target high school encourages gender­agnostic hiring,
ensure that its guidelines for vetting loans Muralidhar and Ananthanarayanan students. Similar interventions FACILITATE. STEM education maternity leaves, non­discriminatory
to these State PSEs are followed. States (2023) highlighted that across 100 targeting younger students appraisals, etc., and has shown
Indian universities, only 16.6 per cent of implemented at an earlier stage could government’s Labour Force Survey in promising results across 30 pilot
should also be mindful about the viability of the overall STEM faculty were women. prove useful. Similarly, fortifying 2020­21 suggests a gender pay­gap, with institutions such as IIT Delhi, University
a project while ‘guaranteeing’ it. Within this, the latest All India Survey Foundational Literacy and Numeracy men earning 35 per cent more than of Delhi, Jamila Milia Islamia, etc.
on Higher Education (2020­21) reports outcomes through increased financial women across all sectors, thus Making these charters mandatory rather
women make up 42.3 per cent of the investment, gender­responsive demotivating the intent to stay in the than voluntary, thus, has the potential to
sample in STEM education, including teacher­training modules and robust labour force. Evidence from professors retain more women in prestigious
undergraduate, postgraduate, MPhil, assessment and monitoring frameworks at IIT Kanpur found that women institutions.
and PhD courses. However, within this can all contribute to improved working as scientists in lab­based Facilitating re­entry is essential for
FROM THE VIEWSROOM. too, girls are concentrated in life higher­education outcomes for girls. occupations face isolation in male retaining women in the field. Returnship
sciences, with programmes such as The other major challenge is the dominated labs that often manifest in programmes adopted by few companies,
B.Tech comprising only 28.7 per cent of retention of women within the STEM lack of support for women colleagues, have demonstrated promise in
Multi-dimensional realities women. Across premier institutions
such as IITs, women constitute about 20
ecosystem. Early data from Key Global
Workforce Insights Report (2015)
and losing out on networking
opportunities for women that hinder
facilitating the reintegration of women
into workplaces after career breaks. The
rise in poverty during the per cent of the sample. suggest that even when women choose upward mobility. Such trends often also state can activate private sector to
A Srinivas pandemic. The gaps in STEM arise in the early STEM careers, 45 per cent reported end up in undervaluing women’s enable entry and re­entry of women in
The NITI paper pushes the free phases in girls’ education. Social challenges in upward mobility and as research and findings within the labs. STEM education and occupations.
conditioning arising from existing many as 81 per cent believed that there At an institutional level, policies that

he NITI Aayog’s report on transfers thesis, but estimates
Multi­dimensional Poverty stunning poverty reduction in the norms and perceptions about the roles is a gender­bias in the internal afford flexibility of time, comprehensive Sona and Sayak are at IWWAGE, and Devika is an
(MDP), which says that backward northern and central of girls and women in society often leads evaluation processes. Further, the child­care provisions, and supportive Associate at TQH
headcount poverty has fallen from States, even as their growth has
29.17 per cent in 2013­14 to 11.28 been moderate over the last
per cent in 2018­19, must be taken decade vis-a-vis the rest. Has
with a pinch of salt. The reasons poverty reduction been decoupled LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859­860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.
for this are quite plain. from growth, and have these
First, its assessment of MDP is States been transformed into
based on three indicators apiece of another Sri Lanka? Reduction in poverty increase in skills and jobs on a The strategic and shared goal of Shortage of skilled labour that it can create a win­win situation
health and education and six Central schemes such as Jan The editorial ‘Not so poor’ (January perpetual basis alone can help promoting a sustainable model This refers to ‘TN needs skilled for all stakeholders.
around living standards, but none Dhan Yojana and Garib Kalyan 19) has correctly pointed out that eradicate poverty. must foster human development workforce to stay ahead’ (January Bal Govind
whatsoever that directly deals Yojana may well have prevented poverty reduction works best when This, however, is only one side of the without impacting the delicate 19). MSMEs are the backbone of our Noida
with income. Going even by the people from sliding into dire inclusive growth and welfarism go story. The growing gap between the balance of the planet. economy, being major contributors
lineage of studies that this poverty. But the fact that northern together. Economic growth is all rich and the poor, notwithstanding a For these reasons, investments in to economic growth, overall exports Training airline staff
government has cited approvingly States have remained laggards in about sustainable increase in real greater degree of direct tax future generations, creating and employment generation. One is proud to note the rapid
in support of its poverty reduction socio­economic indices suggests GDP at constant prices. This means compliance these days, is a matter of shared value and widespread With as many as 50 lakh MSMEs in strides being made by the country in
claims, such as the IMF study that their governance is not that there should be relentless serious concern. awareness of environmental Tamil Nadu, one can only imagine the the civil aviation sector. However, as
(April 2022) by Surjit Bhalla, exceptional. Has this changed? increase in investments, S Ramakrishnasayee issues are essential. Educational kind of employment they generate. recent events have highlighted, there
Karan Bhasin and Arvind Virmani, State­level schemes too may have employment, income and output in Chennai and training programmes in the Skill gap issue faced by MSMEs in is need for much introspection by
this assessment does seem had a positive effect. Yet, the NITI the economy. environmental sphere make it Tamil Nadu is not new. In fact, other airlines and airports regarding
ambitious. The Bhalla et al paper refers to the Centrally The multi­dimensional poverty Fastest growing market possible to lay the foundation for States are also witnessing skill governance issues. Often one
estimate of 0.8 per cent income sponsored schemes, even as some calculated in India to gauge the This is with reference to ‘Green jobs’ the emergence of new ideas that crunch. encounters high­handedness of staff
poverty (those below $1.9 PPP per of these are funded by the Centre absolute poverty is undoubtedly (January 19). Paying more attention are based on the protection of the The need of the hour is for MSMEs in place of empathy and care. Surely
day) takes into account the and States. comprehensive. That in nine years to the environment and the energy ecosystem, before economic and State governments to work there is urgent need for intensive
important role played by State The paper must explain its (FY14 to FY23) poverty has fallen transition are an increasingly integral sustainability. together with institutes imparting en­masse training.
domestic product, while arguing yardsticks for deprivation to from 29.17 per cent to 11.28 per part of technological development P Sundara Pandian skills training, and customise the V Vijaykumar
that free transfers arrested the convince the critics. cent is by all means laudable. But and economic growth. Virudhunagar, TN training as per the industry needs so Pune

Published by Nirmala Lakshman and Printed by S. Ramanujam at HT Media Ltd. Plot No. 8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. 201306, on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., Chennai­600002. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act). ISSN 0971 ­ 7528

YK . . . . . . . . ND­NDE

China’s economy is in serious trouble

other than official gross domestic pro- President Xi Jinping is starting to look With consumers buying so little, at appears to be stagnating. This, in short, and real GDP per working-age adult
PAUL KRUGMAN duct (GDP), which supposedly grew by like a poor economic manager, whose least relative to the Chinese economy’s isn’t a nation that can productively invest actually rose 50 per cent over the next
5.2 per cent. propensity for arbitrary interventions — productive capacity, how can the nation 40 per cent of GDP Something has to give. three decades, not far short of growth in

n 2023, the US economy vastly out- But there’s widespread scepticism which is something autocrats tend to do generate enough demand to keep that To outside observers, what China must the United States. My great concern is
performed expectations. A widely about that number. Democratic nations — has stifled private initiative. capacity in use? The main answer, as do seems straightforward: End financial that China may not respond nearly as
predicted recession never happened. like the United States rarely politicise their But China would be in trouble even if Michael Pettis points out, has been to pro- repression and allow more of the econ- well. How cohesive will China be in the
Many economists (though not me) economic statistics — although ask me Mr Xi were a better leader than he is. mote extremely high rates of investment, omy’s income to flow through to house- face of economic trouble? Will it try to
argued that getting inflation down would again if Donald Trump returns to office It has been clear for a long time that more than 40 per cent of GDP. The trou- holds, and strengthen the social safety net prop up its economy with an export surge
require years of high unemployment; — but authoritarian regimes often do. China’s economic model was becoming ble is that it’s hard to invest that much so that consumers don’t feel the need to that will run headlong into Western
instead, we’ve experienced immaculate And in other ways, the Chinese econ- unsustainable. As Stewart Paterson notes, money without running into severely hoard cash. And as it does this it can ramp efforts to promote green technologies?
disinflation, rapidly falling inflation at omy seems to be stumbling. Even the consumer spending is very low as a per- diminishing returns. down its unsustainable investment Scariest of all, will it try to distract from
no visible cost. official statistics say that China is experi- centage of GDP, probably for multiple rea- True, very high rates of investment spending. But there are powerful players, domestic difficulties by engaging in mil-
But the story has been very different encing Japan-style deflation and high sons. These include financial repression may be sustainable if, like China in the especially state-owned enterprises, that itary adventurism?
in the world’s biggest economy (or sec- youth unemployment. It’s not a full- — paying low interest on savings and early 2000s, you have a rapidly growing benefit from financial repression. So let’s not gloat about China’s eco-
ond biggest — it depends on the meas- blown crisis, at least not yet, but there’s making cheap loans to favoured bor- work force and high productivity growth So how worried should we be about nomic stumble, which may become
ure). Some analysts expected the Chinese reason to believe that China is entering rowers — that holds down household as you catch up with Western economies. China? In some ways, China’s current everyone’s problem.
economy to boom after it lifted the dra- an era of stagnation and disappointment. income and diverts it to government-con- But China’s working-age population economy is reminiscent of Japan after its
conian “zero Covid” measures it had Why is China’s economy, which only trolled investment, a weak social safety peaked around 2010 and has been declin- bubble of the 1980s burst. However, The writer is a distinguished professor at the City
adopted to contain the pandemic. a few years ago seemed headed for world net that causes families to accumulate ing ever since. While China has shown Japan ended up managing its downshift- University of New York Graduate Center. He
Instead, China has underperformed by domination, in trouble? savings to deal with possible emergencies, impressive technological capacity in ing well. It avoided mass unemployment, won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.
just about every economic indicator Part of the answer is bad leadership. and more. some areas, its overall productivity also it never lost social and political cohesion, ©2024 The New York Times News Service


Two sides of political Islam

Depending on one’s viewpoint, global political state for the US, Iran, Hamas and the
Israelis all at the same time. Egypt’s Abdel
Islam is either at its strongest or weakest. But the Fattah El-Sisi has found new ballast too,
making top American diplomats wait
real unwinnable wars are between Islamic states (without him, the Rafah crossing from Gaza
won’t open) and winning what he called

or a moment, take your eyes off the ing is mostly because this world of polit- an election without a whimper from
destruction in Gaza, the disruption ical Islam had been leaderless and pow- Washington. All of this adds up to the stron-
in the Red Sea, and the Iran- erless for decades. The 9/11 attacks, al- gest challenge to the Western power since
Pakistan tit-for-tat bombings, followed by Qaeda and ISIS weakened it as these gave the end of the Cold War.
an incredible equivalent of brotherly America a justification to move in
pappi-jhappi (hugs and kisses).
Take a deep breath instead and look bey-
ond the day’s headlines. Depending on
In their respective heydays, both al-
Qaeda and IS attempted to wrest the lead-
H ow, then, do we build the counter-
argument that this world of political
Islam is at its weakest ever? First, however
which way you look at it, global political ership of this universe. The Arab Spring, long this fighting and disruption goes on,
Islam is either at its strongest or weakest. initially welcomed and backed by the it will eventually end, and the “Islamist”
For the greatest clarity, let’s say upfront Western powers and liberal establishment, group will not win. Disruptive firepower
that this is not an argument about Islam, rose in this continuing maelstrom. apart, it simply does not have the cohe-
the faith. This is about political Islam, The idea of a move away from dicta- sion to win.
where the faith serves as the state religion, torship to elected democracy was heady. Once we rule out a win by Iran and its

Plot thickens in Andhra defines a nation and/or sustains its mostly

unelected leaders in power and deter-
mines their strategic responses.
Muslim communities and leaders in
But as the Muslim Brotherhood or its
equivalent was elected in one country
after another, the Western-liberal enthu-
siasm evaporated. The result is the “wel-
proxies, only the Gulf states and Turkey
remain in this particular Islamic world.
They’re weaker than before, unable to
choose sides with clarity over Gaza and
against her brother. behind the scenes. In 2021, look like now? Jagan Mohan India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia come” return of dictatorship and the old attacked as American lackeys.
And doubts linger. First, a she launched her own party Reddy has taken welfare and several others are, therefore, normal in Egypt, and almost so in Tunisia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repositioned
word about Ms Sharmila. — in Telangana, signalling spending to another level, excluded. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, the broken nation-states of Syria and Turkey as a deal-maker and a deal-broker,
When Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, she would not challenge her but someone has to pay for and other Gulf nations, along with Iran, Libya, and the flood of refugees to Europe. like a mega Qatar, with no oil or gas. That
chief minister of Andhra brother on his turf. Her all the spending. According Pakistan, Turkey and many others in Asia In parallel, a great deal of such desta- he now searches for influence in the Indian
Pradesh, died, Jagan Mohan mother was by her side. The to the Comptroller and and Africa, constitute the dominant uni- bilisation took place in Africa as well. The subcontinent underlines the limitations to
Reddy was keen to take over Telangana venture was spec- Auditor General (CAG), dur- verse of political Islam we Western power became so his ambitions.
his father’s mantle. The tacularly unsuccessful. ing 2020-21, the state bor- are talking about. overstretched and Therefore, the real unwinnable wars in
Congress did not allow that, Now, she’s wound up the rowed ~9,226 crore on aver- Further, there are exhausted that Barack this universe are between its own Islamic
so he launched his own party, Telangana arm of the busi- age per month, mainly to many non-state actors. Obama, after killing states. The Iran-Pakistan fireworks are
PLAIN POLITICS the YSR Congress. Later, he
was charged by the Central
ness and will take up cudgels
against a member of her
pay salaries, pensions, and
foot the welfare bill. The
Some of them, like the
Houthis and Hezbollah,
Gaddafi and breaking
Libya, began talking of
only the latest spectacle.
After General Zia-ul-Haq, democracy
ADITI PHADNIS Bureau of Investigation (CBI) family. With barely six trend continued during flaunt arsenals bigger leading from behind. had given Pakistan — with a small but
in several disproportionate months left for Assembly 2021-22. The dire financial than most regular states. All of this created a modern, educated elite — the option to

t a time when leaders assets cases and sent to elections, the Congress can situation of the state was In fact, both are bigger great vacuum in state, break away from Islamisation and rebrand
(such as they are) like prison. While he was in jail, it sense that it could revive flagged by the Reserve Bank than most European strategic and moral itself like Indonesia, or learn from
Milind Deora are was his sister Sharmila and itself in Andhra where it has of India (RBI), which, in its countries in terms of authority. Iran moved into Bangladesh. It built its own unique hybrid
walking out of the Congress,
it should be a matter of cele-
mother Vijayalaxmi who held
the fort. Together, they cam-
an embarrassingly low foot-
print. In the last Assembly
report on state finances
released recently, said that
armed (even uniformed)
manpower, missiles,
NATIONAL INTEREST that space. Its non-state
proxies are bigger than the
— but essentially Islamised — state. Count
it among the losers in this ongoing tussle
bration that people actually paigned tirelessly for his election, its vote share was the state’s liabilities were drones, and, in the case of SHEKHAR GUPTA armies of most of the other for global influence.
want to join it. release and to build up the lower than the votes cast for ~4.28 trillion as of March the Houthis, tanks. There nations in this grouping of And finally, a category we do not talk
And so it was that Y S party in the 16 months he was Nota. Suddenly, the battle in 2023. are also many smaller ones. political Islam. The Houthis, for example. about enough. Most of the world’s Muslims
Sharmila merged her party behind bars. They launched Andhra Pradesh has become Chandrababu Naidu is It is this larger group, comprising both We are all familiar with that slogan living in permanent peace belong to
with the Congress — finally. a slogan “Rajanna Rajyam”, triangular — between Jagan, eying a revival. But the lead- state and non-state actors, governed in the “from the river to the sea”, which so ener- nations outside this grouping: Malaysia,
It was a marriage set to take promising a welfare state that Chandrababu Naidu and a ership of the Telugu Desam name of Islam and exerting pan-national gises the Palestinians and enrages the Bangladesh, Indonesia, and India. Islam is
place in July last year after Ms his father had envisioned. Ms Sharmila-led Congress. Party (TDP) is in the hands influence, that we define as the world of Israelis. For today’s geopolitics, it will need the state religion in the first two, but they
Sharmila met Karnataka Sharmila started a marathon There’s also the Bharatiya of Nara Lokesh, his son. Will political Islam for this argument. to be something like “from the eschew militant pan-Islamism. Muslims in
Congressman and Deputy 3,000 km foot march. Jagan Janata Party (BJP). he be able to get the same Mediterranean to the Arab Sea through these and other such states add up to nearly
Chief Minister
Shivakumar and sealed the

negotiation. But there was too

K came out on bail and con-
tested the 2014 Assembly
elections. Though he was
As is always the case, not
everyone in the Congress is
happy at the way she has
level of popular endorse-
ment as his father? Many
have doubts. The TDP has
T his Islamic power has challenged and
destabilised the world as never before
in its history. There was the oil shock after
the Red Sea…” and beyond.
The hard fact is that today, all the
American-led Western powers, with vary-
a billion. These Muslim communities are
winners too, and without fighting anybody.
Their blessing is the relative non-pol-
much pushback from the unable to form a government, been parachuted into the joined forces with Pawan the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the two Gulf ing support from friends including India, iticisation of their faith. That’s why it is
Telangana Congress. Then his party won 67 seats. Many party. But this much is clear Kalyan, of the Jana Sena, Wars, 9/11, al-Qaeda, ISIS and the many are not able to keep their most critical sea such an incredible irony that, while
state unit chief Revanth saw this as a result of his sister — this is Ms Sharmila’s last who is an ally of the BJP. Intifadas. Each was limited in its geo- lanes safe. This while they’re building mil- Washington didn’t bat an eyelid over Egypt,
Reddy was not ready to yield. and mother’s efforts. political battle. If she cannot This could serve as the BJP’s graphical spread, strategic reach, and itary strength and alliances vowing to loves the Gulf dictators, cheers on the
He has become Telangana Ms Sharmila fought no recast the party, bring backdoor entry route in a intensity of violence. keep the Indo-Pacific and South China Sea Pakistani army as it fixes elections, the only
Chief Minister since then, and election but worked with her together the factions state where it is a marginal The unlikely rise of sanctions-hit Iran free. This rise of diverse but aligned thing giving it a stomach ache is an imper-
he’s had his way. While Ms brother to see him in power opposed to her, and present player. Interestingly, both as a regional and sectarian power is a key Islamist challenge has exposed the limi- fect election in Bangladesh. Which, by the
Sharmila has merged her finally in 2019 when he herself as her brother’s true the BJP (headed by D point. Its influence now goes way beyond tations of big-power militaries. way, does not proclaim itself an Islamic
party all right, the Congress became chief minister. She challenger, there will be little Purandeswari) and the West Asia, as even the Russians court it This isn’t just about Iran in this space. Republic, despite a Muslim majority of over
has appointed her chief of the may have felt she deserved left for her in politics. Congress now have women desperately for arms shipments. Hamas, Other powers are rising too, with Qatar 90 per cent.
Andhra Pradesh unit of the a bigger public role, which What does the political chiefs. Politics in Andhra Hezbollah and the Houthis are state- being the most pre-eminent. It is a remark-
Congress, pitting her directly had been organisational and canvas in Andhra Pradesh Pradesh has got a new twist. sized Iranian proxies. The reason it’s ris- able entity in that it is an indispensable By special arrangement with ThePrint

The other Ayodhya Typography: Graphic, Gothic or glam?

EYE CULTURE also Buddhists, Jains and Muslims.
Several Buddhist scriptures
to the mortal plane and rediscovered
by the legendary king Vikramaditya.
businesses looking to express
fresher brand perspectives in
escapism but gently warped.
Delicate Sans-serif: Sans-serif
tering will get an abstract make-
over in 2024, exploring new spa-
ARUNDHUTI DASGUPTA mention Buddha dwelling in Ayodhya The king had been separated from this new and rapidly changing fonts are known for their straight- tial relationships and creating a
and when Hiuen Tsang visited the city his companions during a deer hunt world. In this new digital era, forward and functional design. In sense of depth and interaction

or most of its life, Ayodhya (7th century AD), he reported that it and found himself on the banks of fonts won’t just convey, they will 2024, they will reveal their softer between letters for an unforgetta-
has lived in the shadows of its had become an important religious the Sarayu where he saw a dark speak and interact. side with narrow strokes and wide ble visual impact. 3D designers
more glamorous cousin centre with “1,000 monasteries and figure astride a black horse across So what are the likely new kerning, exuding confidence will blur the lines between con-
Banaras, the go-to destination for 3,000 monks” studying Buddhism. In the river, plunging into the water. trends for 2024 in typography? through subtlety and achieving a vincing illusions and abstract
moksha-seeking spiritual travellers the Jain traditions, Ayodhya is revered When horse and rider emerged out Ultra Gothic is back: Reviving classy, refined look. Fitting in with arrangements. 3D words crowd
from all over the world. But the city as the birthplace of Rishabha, the first on his side of the river, both had the medieval charm with a digital recent minimalist trends, delicate one another, overlap or coalesce
that Valmiki immortalised in his of the Tirthankaras. Also, two Jain turned white. The rider was YES, BUT... twist, Ultra Gothic fonts feature Sans-serifs offer versatile fonts into one fluid mass. By using
epic poem Ramayana is getting a Tirthankaras, Parshvnath and Prayagraj, the god of Prayag, who heavy black letters and calli- whose unassuming forms unexpected positioning to play
grand makeover. With the Ram Mahavira, preached here, creating said that he turned black with the SANDEEP GOYAL graphic flourishes reminiscent of couldn’t clutter a composition words off of one another, the
temple at its centre and the creden- large communities of followers who sins of all those who came to wash the Middle Ages. Gothic fonts are even if they tried to! abstract alignment trend

tials as the birthplace of Rama to made the city their home. themselves in the river. A dip in the hese days, unfortunately, an eternally appealing style for Letterform abstractions: Exp- reinforces the illusion of reality,
seal its divine status, it is being Local legends locate the first Sarayu restored his pristine form. rarely do brand managers how they combine stable forms ect the unexpected with letterform creating an awesome effect.
reimagined as the Mecca of the human settlements, according to Prayagraj instructed Vikramaditya and ad agencies, especially with unexpected freehand, grant- abstractions that bring a surpris- Graphic graffiti fonts: Trans-
Hindus. While this sets it up as a Hindu and Islamic traditions, in the to follow the holy cow, Kapila, into the digital types, use very well a ing a personal touch to digital ing twist to words or phrases this forming traditional graffiti into a
worthy challenger to Banaras’s region. According to the story of the the dense and overgrown forest potent design tool that plays a piv- fonts. In 2024, these fonts are year. These abstracted fonts play more colourful and illustrative
superstar status on the pilgrim trail, Matsya Avatar (one of the 10 avatars around the river; he was to rebuild otal role in brand communica- going to get a digital makeover with scale, alignment, and graphic style, these fonts hint at street art
the layered history and multicul- of Vishnu), Manu, the progenitor of Ayodhya where the cow stopped to tion: Typography. The explosion with exaggerated strokes and illustrations to create artful while adding intricate textures
tural ethos of Ayodhya is getting the human race, is believed to have dispel her milk. And thus, Ayodhya of the internet and the emergence intricate flourishes that will push emphasis and encourage a second and illustrative touches, suitable
buried under the spectacle. landed up in Ayodhya after the great was reborn. (Exiled from Ayodhya: A of digital screens in recent years the boundaries of the traditional glance from readers. Abstracted for urban culture and creative let-
As one of the oldest settlements in flood. A lake called Manu Mani Journey in Search of Ramayana by have concurrently ignited a cre- Goth. A breathtakingly beautiful letterforms are visually playful, tering projects. Once an eyesore
the region, its story is a mix of history, Kund marks the spot where his boat Shirshendu Mukhopadyay). ative explosion in the art of typog- combination of ultra-old and lending an artsy collage style to of urban decay, graffiti has proved
spirituality and imagination. One was anchored. Like all myths, the origin story is raphy. Sadly, however, a strategic ultra-modern is going to be the projects where creative individ- a continual source of inspiration
story traces its holiness to the A few minutes away from the much more than truth and historical understanding of the aesthetic most likely result. uality is paramount. for lettering design, and it’s not
celestial river Sarayu that runs Kund (a saucer shaped catchment fact. As Neil MacGregor, former use of typography in India is still Shapeshifting lettering : This Vintage curved baselines: hard to see why. Graffiti combines
through it. Sarayu was born out of the area) is a shrine dedicated to the first curator of the British Museum writes, lagging far behind. year you will be mesmerised by Bringing back the grandeur of anonymity with original expres-
tears of Vishnu and was gifted to son of the first man of Islamic “The most powerful and most This year marks a unique, fonts that change shape right 19th-century hand-lettering, vin- sion. It gives abandoned and for-
Iksvaku, son of the first man Manu traditions, Adam. Both the lake and sustaining of any society’s stories are transitional moment in the digital before your eyes. Inspired by retro tage curved baselines will add gotten spaces a sense of owner-
and Rama’s ancestor, as a reward for the shrine are revered and protected the work of generations.” They are so art world. A new generation of styles like rubber-hose fonts and dynamism and movement to ship. It is particularly well-suited
being a just and compassionate ruler. by the local population. A recent book deeply absorbed into everyday life designers worldwide is pushing 1970s’ bubble letters, these fonts words in 2024. This trend is perfect for urban apparel, nightlife set-
(Gods on Earth: The Management of (In the Footsteps of Rama: Travels that “we are often hardly aware that fonts to creative extremes through add a playful, nostalgic touch for brands looking to evoke a sense tings, and pop-up restaurants.
Religious Experience and Identity in a with the Ramayana by Vikrant Pande we are still surrounded by the tales of letters that move, take up space while hinting at something of tradition and craftsmanship. These fonts at times look like
North Indian Pilgrimage Centre by and Neelesh Kulkarni) notes that distant ancestors.” (Living with the and drift into the realm of abstrac- slightly off-kilter, perfect for edg- Like most vintage approaches, this an eclectic array of polar opposite
Peter Van der Veer) there are 6,987 temples and 356 kunds Gods) In Ayodhya, these voices are tion. They are reimagining retro ier designs. This new typography trend will be useful for brands that approaches. But then that is the
Called A-yu-te by the Chinese in Ayodhya, a sign of its legacy as a slowly being drowned out by the style, reviving the Gothic glamour trend evokes nostalgic joy, while want to cultivate a sense of her- sheer joy and the diversity of
traveller Hiuen Tsang and Saketa in holy and populous city. sharp and rising voices of its newly of yesteryears, engaging in a game bringing the past to life through itage and longevity. Far from being emerging design.
ancient Buddhist texts, Ayodhya was a Networked into an intricate anointed champions. of shapeshifting with letters, craft- fluid movement. At the same stuck in its ways, the curved base-
sacred and prosperous city. Its weave of myths and legends, ing bold experiments that speak time, the melting shape of these line trend will imbue fonts with
sacrality was universal, embraced by Ayodhya is a city much like Atlantis The writer is a Mumbai-based journalist to readers and users far beyond wobbly letters hints that some- dynamism and movement. The writer is chairman of Rediffusion.
not just the followers of Hinduism, but and Dwarka, one that was once lost and co-founder of The Mythology Project words, adding new frontiers for thing is not quite right here — it’s 3D abstract alignment: 3D let-
JANUARY 20, 2024


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
Barkha Dutt


What Iowa says Cong’s position on

about America
The modern Republican Party is Donald
mandir ceremony
Trump’s party. His platform and personality
are changing fundamental tenets of US politics points to confusion
ast week, the American electoral cycle kicked
off with the first Republican primary battle in But if it is Hindutva politics that the Opposi-
Iowa. Former President Donald J Trump Hindutva will be a key factor in tion is rejecting, how can you buttress your
decisively triumphed with 51% of the vote of the general elections and the view by falling back on comments by the
Shankaracharyas? Swami Nischalananda Sar-
registered Republicans. The win makes Trump the Opposition has itself to blame aswati, the Shankaracharya of Puri, for
favourite to become the Republican presidential instance, has long advocated for India to

candidate against Joe Biden, the presumptive n its decision to not attend the Ram become a Hindu rashtra. In recent television
Mandir pran pratishtha in Ayodhya, is interviews, he also reinforced the place of
Democratic nominee, this November. Florida the Congress opposing the Bharatiya caste in the social order. The point is that you
governor Ron DeSantis came a distant second in a Janata Party (BJP)’s day of political dom- can’t make a case for the separation of politics
state where he invested all his political capital, and ination or standing up for an ideological and religion if you are going to depend on reli-
principle? gious seers to make that case!
his campaign is now on the brink of a collapse. The question becomes relevant because sev- The mandir moment has revealed ideologi-
Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley came eral well-respected public intellectuals on the cal chaos within the INDIA bloc and the Oppo-
third and is now betting on New Hampshire where, ideological Left have hailed the Opposition’s sition ranks. Uddhav Thackeray’s party wants
response as a stand that takes the party back to take credit for being one of the early archi-
unlike Iowa, independents can vote in the to its Nehruvian secularism roots. tects of the Ram Janmabhoomi movement.
Republican primaries. But at the moment, her Let’s for a moment put aside the question of His colleagues will remind the media that he The mandir moment has revealed ideological chaos within the INDIA bloc and
candidacy doesn’t look viable enough to withstand whether Nehruvian secularism — as distinct offered one crore rupees in his personal the Opposition ranks REUTERS
let’s say from Gandhi’s embrace of faith — is capacity “as a bhakt” to the mandir trust in
the Trump juggernaut. Vivek Ramaswamy, who politically counter-intuitive for the times. The 2020 when he was still chief minister (CM) of questioned the Supreme Court verdict by epochal political moment. It marks the culmi-
came fourth, dropped out of the race and endorsed truth is that you cannot invoke both Nehru Maharashtra. The Delhi CM, Arvind Kejriwal, declaring that he cannot accept the temple nation of one phase of the BJP’s Hindutva
Trump, having achieved his objective of becoming a and the Shankaracharyas to explain your posi- has led the Sunderkand recitation at a temple where a mosque once stood. This will add project. And of course, the party will look to
tion and then argue that you are ideologically in the Capital ahead of the consecration cere- greater grist to the mill after his contentious maximise the political benefits in an election
visible energetic Republican face at the age of 38 and distinct from the BJP. mony. Sunderkand is a chapter from the Ram- remarks on sanatana dharma. Sharad Pawar year.
betting on a future role in a Trump administration. And that is what the Congress — and several charitmanas dedicated to the prayer of Hanu- and Akhilesh Yadav have been understated in There’s no question that the Opposition
Iowa has decisively shown that the modern other Opposition leaders — have done. man. The Aam Aadmi Party has announced their responses, only saying they will visit with would have been in the long shadows of the
The four Shankaracharyas, who have that such recitations will be organised across their families at a later date. Prime Minister had they attended the event.
Republican Party is Trump’s party. Think of it. Here declined to attend the Ayodhya ceremony, all 70 assembly segments of Delhi, with a spe- And then there’s the Congress whose lead- But, in battle, you also duck some bullets, so
is a candidate who refused to accept the legitimacy of head mutts established by the 8th-century cial party team dedicated to the cause. ers are perhaps the most confused. Do they that you have ammunition to fight another
the 2020 electoral results going against the wisdom Hindu philosopher Adi Shankara. Based in Udhayanidhi Stalin of the Dravida Mun- want to claim credit for Rajiv Gandhi opening day.
Uttarakhand, Odisha, Karnataka and Gujarat, netra Kazhagam, pulling the ideological band the locks in Ayodhya or enabling the first shil- It would have been much smarter for the
of the rest of the Republican Party leadership and his these pontiffs are seen as the custodians of the in the exact opposite direction, has effectively anyas to take place — as Kamal Nath did dur- Opposition’s own electoral fortunes to partici-
own vice president, Mike Pence. He then allegedly scriptures, in particular the Vedas. ing his (failed) Madhya Pradesh campaign — pate in the mandir ceremony and inevitably be
encouraged a mob to march to the US Capitol, But if religion is a personal matter, which is IF RELIGION IS A PERSONAL or disassociate from those years of playing the also-rans on a day that politically belongs
what the Congress press statement argued both the Hindu and Muslim communities? to the BJP. In turning down the invite, they
seeking to block the certification of the results. when announcing that its leaders would not
MATTER, WHICH IS WHAT The visit by the UP Congress leaders to Ayo- have revealed vacillation, contradictions, and
He allegedly took away classified files and refused be in Ayodhya, then politicians should not be THE CONGRESS PRESS dhya ahead of the consecration tells you that inconsistencies and have also ensured that
to return them when asked. Trump now faces four quoting seers to rationalise their choice. STATEMENT ARGUED, the party is worried about being seen as anti- Hinduism and Hindutva become the central
Congress supporters and BJP critics — not Hindu after the decision it has taken. talking points in the election season.
indictments and 91 criminal charges. And under necessarily the same people — have hailed the
THEN POLITICIANS SHOULD Now, of course, the Opposition is correct
him, the Republicans have lost the 2018 midterms, Opposition’s stand to argue, as one friend said NOT BE QUOTING SEERS TO about one thing. The day may be a deeply reli- Barkha Dutt is an award-winning
the 2020 presidential polls, and the 2022 midterms. to me, that “it is the right choice, even if for the RATIONALISE THEIR CHOICE gious and sentimental one for millions irre- journalist and author.
wrong reasons”. spective of their voting choice, but it is also an The views expressed are personal
Yet, Trump is back. This shows the overwhelming
role of personality-centric politics in the US where,
for his supporters, primarily among the White

How workers drove the

frontations with management. This led to low company and led to India becoming the third
working class in rural America, Trump can do no productivity and quality. Manufacturing largest car market in the world. Many workers
wrong. It shows the resonance of Trump’s rhetoric exports were limited and foreign investments in Maruti became house owners when they
on illegal immigration, often driven by bigotry and in manufacturing have remained small. were below 30 years of age: The percentage of
faith in his ability to “secure” America’s borders.
It speaks to the strong isolationist impulse guiding automobile revolution Nobody thought, let alone believed, that work-
ers by virtue of their experience on the shop
floor gained knowledge and skills that no engi-
neer working in supervisory or managerial
workers owning houses is probably the high-
est in the country. Their children get the bene-
fit of education at a Delhi Public School,
located in one of the housing colonies owned
a segment of the American electorate that views the
he present Prime Minister has be developed within the law, regulations and positions could ever acquire. by workers. Most workers are income payers
US’s global alliances as a liability rather than as a
source of American global power and is frustrated
by the country’s involvement in distant wars.
Trump’s candidacy shows that his diagnosis linking
T removed a host of impediments that constraints applicable to public sector compa-
were making it impossible for manu- nies. The government had no role to play in
facturing to become competitive and the company making this decision or imple-
grow faster. Despite substantial reforms and menting it.
the confidence reposed by the government in As a result of becoming different in many
If the management could motivate workers
and train them to identify and analyse shop
floor problems, their knowledge and experi-
ence could result in suggestions for small but
significant improvements in all aspects of
and 80% of them own cars. The ratio of their
earnings and that of management is perhaps
the lowest in the country.
Impossible to Possible is not intended to
publicise the achievements of Maruti. The pri-
liberal trading arrangements to unemployment and the private sector, growth rates of manufac- ways, Maruti could meet all its targets from manufacturing activity. The process of contin- mary purpose is to start a debate on the need
promise of an America-centric economic and turing have not increased adequately. It is the very beginning and has now crossed uous improvements in quality, productivity for companies to change their management
clear that manufacturing excellence cannot be annual sales of 20 lakh cars. These cars are and cost reduction would, over time, make the practices so that our manufacturing competi-
manufacturing strategy has widespread appeal, even achieved by governmental actions. being exported all over the world. All company more competitive than others. Japa- tiveness can increase, leading to faster growth
if the Biden administration has done more to Managements have both the responsi- the growth has been financed from nese industry had attained global excellence and more employment.
translate that into policy. It reveals the depth of anti- bility and the means, to do this. The internal resources. The company has largely because they brought this additional The debate should lead to a recognition of
Central and state governments can about ₹50,000 crore of cash reserves. resource to make manufacturing the most the immense potential for growth that lies
incumbency against Biden. And it shows that even as help in creating a conducive environ- It has created huge wealth for its competitive. Maruti could replicate that here. unutilised because workers are not motivated,
his appeal among minorities grows, Trump’s core ment. shareholders, millions of jobs and In my book, Impossible to Possible, I explain trained or thought capable of contributing to
base is the White Right. The validity of this proposition is RC promoted a globally competitive and how Maruti used a combination of specific the betterment of companies. Managements
apparent from the success of Maruti Bhargava large component manufacturing policies and practices to build trust between have to create conditions for that to happen.
None of this means Trump is about to become the Suzuki. When this company was industry. There is far greater equality workers and management. Constant commu- By doing so, promoters will create a win-win
next US president. Nine and a half months is a long established in 1981, it faced what were between workers and management. nication was the key to success. Executives situation not only for themselves and the
time in politics. His legal challenges are serious. considered by all to be insurmounta- The different practices that Maruti and engineers also had to be educated to workers but also help substantially in the
ble obstacles. Achieving the target of manufac- adopted included changes in recruitment, understand the benefits arising from respect- growth of the nation.
Close to half of America is strongly opposed to him. turing and selling one lakh cars a year training and motivation of its human resour- ing and trusting workers and using them to Building trust with workers and unions is
The anger against the US Supreme Court verdict on appeared to be a dream then. The environ- ces; following very strict ethical standards and improve manufacturing practices. essential and can be done both by actions and
abortion, enabled by judges appointed by Trump, is ment for manufacturing was no different for not having any cash transactions; adopting The development of the component indus- communication. The experience of Maruti
Maruti as compared to other public or private practices that were strongly customer centric; try required us to introduce the concept of a shows that manufacturing in India can in
real. The complex electoral college system means companies. following frugal management practices so as relationship of mutual interdependence and terms of quality, productivity and cost be as
that eventually, the outcome will depend on the The management decided that without to maximise internal resources; having a flat partnership with vendors. Despite being a competitive as anywhere in the world. Pro-
mood in a few swing states. And while Biden is learning from the Japanese and developing a management structure and trusting young public sector undertaking, we had to help ven- moters and management of companies have to
different management system and practices employees. dors in various ways, on the premise that show their leadership qualities and help create
down, he isn’t necessarily out. But just the fact that from those prevailing in the industry, it would The biggest difference, and the most valua- more efficient vendors would benefit us. The the India we all want.
one big party, indeed America’s Grand Old Party, is not be possible to perform at a higher level. ble, was changing the worker-management contribution that this industry is making to
likely to go again with Trump as a nominee, after his Without producing cars of better quality and relations. Multiple politically affiliated unions national growth is evidence of the effective- RC Bhargava is the former CEO and current chair-
at a lower cost, Maruti would be unable to dis- with no worker involvement existed, which ness of Maruti’s policies in this area. man of Maruti Suzuki. Impossible to Possible,
disturbing track record, speaks of a dramatic pel the popular belief about the company fail- led to an impact on the growth and competi- The cooperation between workers and man- his latest book, will be released later this month.
degeneration in the world’s oldest democracy. ing. This different management system had to tiveness of their company and frequent con- agement helped in creating a more equitable The views expressed are personal

degrees, many of these first-generation 19 women signed up for a free agricultural { EDITOR’S PICK }
{ ANOTHER DAY } learners want to do something that gives drone training camp at IIT Mandi.
HT’s editors offer a book recommendation every Saturday, which provides history,
them an identity and puts their education to The next hurdle is funding and mentor-
Namita Bhandare context, and helps understand recent news events
use. Sharma has two masters’ degrees and a ship, says Pritha Dutta of MeraBizNet, a por-
degree in education. She used to teach in a tal launched in May last year that supports
school but, as she says, “...there was a lot of small and medium women-owned busi- THE BALOCH QUESTION
Women in small towns work pressure and the salary was low, so I
thought why not work for myself?”
India’s dwindling female labour force par-
ticipation is no secret and there are many
nesses. “It’s hard for women from smaller
markets to access services, get expertise and
scale businesses,” she says.
How, for instance, do you transition an
Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest and restive province
that shares a border with Iran, is back in the news.
Earlier this week, Tehran launched missiles at what

see a future in business theories that explain why despite educa-

tional attainment — the 2023 Annual Status
of Education Report highlights a gender gap
idea into a business? What are the different
government clearances you might require?
How do you access loans? “Women are very
it called Baloch terrorist camps in Pakistan. The inci-
dent became a major flashpoint and a day later, Paki-
stan attacked Baloch “camps” in Iran. Civilians were
arishma Verma is waiting to snag when she comes up with unique designs, of just 0.2 percentage points among teenag- open to ideas and training programmes,” killed in both countries in the attacks. So, what do

K her first big order this year. The

21-year-old commerce graduate
from Ahatha village in Uttar Pra-
desh’s Hapur district has been making mood-
has since she was 12. Everyone in her village
they get copied.
In Hapur town, Sapna Sharma is busy
conjuring up new varieties of petha, a sweet
made from ash gourd. On display are fla-
vours from banarsi paan to chocolate. Busi-
ers — women are opting out of paid work.
One explanation is that women and men
work in very different ways. Burdened with
housework, women look for paid work that
is flexible and close to home. Safety is a con-
says Dutta. But the handholding invariably
continues well after the programme is over.
Sapna Sharma credits a large part of her
success to the mentorship she’s received. It
was her mentor who advised her to improve
Iran and Pakistan have in common about Baloch?
Tilak Devasher’s acclaimed work, Pakistan: The
Balochistan Conundrum, is a guide to understanding
who the Balochs are and what underlies Baloch
nationalism. Balochs have a transnational identity as
is engaged in some aspect of making furni- ness is good. “You will not get this variety or sideration. Having family support is abso- packaging and come up with a logo for her they are spread across a large territory in Pakistan
ture out of the Sarkanda plant, a sort of reedy quality even in Agra (famous for its petha),” lutely critical. Another explanation is entre- pethas. Business is now so good, she grins, and Iran. In both countries, as ethnic minorities, they
cane, that grows in abundance on river- she tells me. The secret to her success? preneurship, where women can work for that her husband has quit his full-time job face oppression from the political centre, which has Pakistan:
banks. But Karishma is the only woman Smart packaging and sourcing the best pos- themselves on their own terms. But there are and joined her. led to the emergence of militant nationalism that tar- The Balochistan
seller in her village. sible raw material. obstacles. This generation of women wants gets State assets. Devasher, a Pakistan expert, frames Conundrum: Tilak
It’s not easy doing business, Karishma Aspiration is not lacking in women in tier to move away from the usual tailoring, pick- Namita Bhandare writes on gender. the Baloch question as central to Pakistan’s inability Devasher
explains. The competition is tight and even 2 and 3 towns. Nor is ambition. Armed with le- and papad-making. In October last year, The views expressed are personal to build an inclusive nation. 2019

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Cultures may have overall tendencies to
idealise and think in terms of context-
free or context-sensitive kind of rules. AK
Actual behaviour may be more complex Ramanujan

10 CHENNAI SATURDAY 20 01 2024

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OR years now, without an iota The world watches anxiously as one nuclear power faces Rusk village that killed 12 policemen.
of proof, Pakistan has blamed But Iran’s blind eye to the Baloch rebels
INDIAN EXPRESS IS NOT AN the unrest in its restive Balo- off with another close to getting a nuclear bomb. who have taken refuge in its Sistan-Balo-
INDUSTRY. IT IS A MISSION. chistan province on neighbour- Rawalpindi must know that Tehran is not to be trifled with chistan province, its safe haven to thou-
— Ramnath Goenka ing India. In interviews, Paki- sands of Afghan émigrés seeking refuge

stani ministers such as from the Taliban government, including
Ijaz-ul-Haq and President Per- the family of the Northern Alliance lead-
vez Musharraf made orchestrated at- er Ahmed Shah Massood after his assas-


tempts to implicate India, accusing it of
fomenting the insurgency. This was de- CLEAR AND PRESENT sination, are a stratagem to keep multi-
ple insurrections in play.


spite Musharraf having sent the army to Pakistan’s recent crackdown, enforced
IN ELECTION YEAR, Sardar Akbar Bugti’s hideout in the
mountainous retreat of Kohlu to elimi-
disappearances and attacks on Baloch
separatists protesting across the restive
GROWTH CAN WAIT nate him in 2006, lighting the match that
inflamed Baloch resistance. And all this
state, which drew trenchant criticism
worldwide, challenges the Pakistan ar-

happened while Baloch separatist lead- my’s writ in the province. The new Tali-
HE Reserve Bank has categorically stated that there ers never failed to openly and repeatedly ban dispensation in Kabul, which seems
will not be any cut in interest rates in the near future express their disappointment at India’s to be unable to put the TTP genie back in
as retail inflation continues to be high. RBI governor refusal to back their cause. NEENA GOPAL Foreign policy analyst the bottle, is the other. The TTP has not
Shaktikanta Das said it would be premature to talk This Tuesday’s unprecedented attacks only preyed on the army, but its agenda
by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards is to carve out an Islamic state that will
about rate cuts until the 4 percent inflation target is
(IRG), when it targeted the hideouts of have Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
achieved on a durable basis. The inflation rate based on the Sunni terror group Jaish al-Adl in Paki- as its hub. The BLA, similarly, seeks to
consumer price index, the main yardstick for the central stani Balochistan, and Pakistan’s swift carve out a state from Iran and Pakistan.
bank’s policy-making, has remained high in the last few retaliation barely 48 hours later raining Sending Afghan refugees back to Af-
years. It averaged 6.7 percent in 2022-23, way above 5.5 per- bombs on alleged hideouts of the Balo- ghanistan is Pakistan’s ploy to destabi-
cent in 2021-22 and 6.2 percent in 2020-21. It has moderated chistan Liberation Front and Balochistan lise their former proxies.
from the peak of 7.8 percent during the initial stage of the Liberation Army (BLA) in Iran’s Sistan- Pakistan may also now play the Iran
Balochistan province finally put paid to card. Just as it tried to recently to cash in
Russia-Ukraine war. During April-December 2023, it stood the earlier piece of fiction. on the threat posed by the TTP, using it as
at 5.5 percent. The governor believes retail inflation is likely India must and will no doubt make po- a bait to get the US to re-invest in Paki-
to dip to 4.5 percent in the next financial year. litical capital out of it. Iran’s missile stan’s army, and failed, it may raise Iran
In this election year, the government would like to see infla- strikes on the Jaish al-Adl’s hideouts in as the new bogey in the Middle East.
tion down, bringing some solace to the masses. Recent reports Balochistan’s remote interiors strongly The Davos summit saw the Pakistani
suggest the government is mulling a hefty cut in petrol and reinforce India’s strident accusations at Prime Minister Anwaar ul Haq Kakar
international forums of Pakistan being and Iranian Foreign Minister Hosse
diesel prices to tame the rate. That is an unavoidable pre-elec-
a terror haven for a plethora of jihadists in Amir-Abdollahian meet a day before
tion ritual in the country. The three oil marketing companies— with multiple loyalties and agendas. the Iranian air strikes. Was it a classic
IOC, HPCL and BPCL—which are under the government’s They already include the Tehreek-e-Tali- Iranian feint?
administration, continue to hold a sway over the domestic ban Pakistan (TTP), Islamic State Kho- US President Joe Biden, facing off
market. The three companies’ cumulative net profit has report- rasan, and the trio nurtured by Paki- against an unsinkable Russia and now an
edly seen a remarkable 4,917 percent increase in the first six stan’s ‘deep state’ to strike deep within Israel that refuses to back down over Pal-
India—Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e- estine, has called for restraint. But he is
months of 2023-24 over the first half of the previous financial
Tayyiba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. SOUMYADIP SINHA under no illusion that Tehran will play by
year. Surely, there is a lot of room for a substantial cut. But now, as Iran and Pakistan circle Washington’s rulebook.
The governor said the RBI’s focus was on remaining ac- each other, the far bigger question is duce a nuclear bomb, is no wannabe. It ley of Tears. Similarly, the Houthis in It is Iran that is now setting the agenda,
tively disinflationary. During the 10 months between May whether the widening arc of conflict will aspires to be the leader of the Islamic Yemen—a Shia force that recruited be it on derailing archrival Saudi Arabia
2022 and February 2023, the RBI raised the repo rate by 2.5 escalate and further inflame the region. world and has never shied away from its young men from madrassas across Yem- from recasting the Middle East giving Is-
percentage points to 6.5 percent to bring inflation under Iran’s military has already set in motion ambitions to do so. en and nurtured and trained them in rael a seat at the high table, on safeguard-
control. It has paused hikes since then. What is troubling an annual air defense drill that will see The activation of a triad of Iranian Iran into a fighting force—are no pusho- ing Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and
the IRG unleash its firepower from the proxies, who have been steadily upping ver. Armed by Tehran and given access the Shia regime in Iraq, and upping the
the central bank is the possibility of recurring food price eastern port of Chabahar—which lies the ante in recent weeks, beginning to the theocratic state’s intelligence net- ante if Israeli continues with its plans to
shocks that would put pressure on the rate. Experts are of perilously close to Pakistan’s sensitive, with the Hamas attack on the Israeli work, the Houthi militia are boarding bury a nascent Palestinian state.
the view that the inflation outlook will likely be influenced China-run Gwadar port along the 900-km kibuttzim abutting the Gaza Strip on Oc- and attacking Israeli- and European- This may be Pakistan’s second cross-
by food prices in the future. Das is confident that India’s shared border—across Iran, right up to its tober 7, is therefore no accident. The in- owned shipping vessels, interdicting vi- border attack on a neighbour. The first
GDP growth will touch 7 percent in the next financial year western boundary with Iraq. surgent group poses a hitherto-unseen tal shipping lanes at the mouth of the Red was when it downed India’s fighter jets
and he counts on the strong economic momentum. This Coming as it does only days after Iran challenge to the Jewish state that has all Sea, at the Bab-el-Mandeb, putting inter- and captured an Indian pilot in February
unleashed a series of retaliatory drone but destroyed Gaza in retaliation, but national trade routes at risk. 2019, when the Indian air force jets lev-
would give the RBI adequate room to prioritise managing
and missile strikes deep into Syrian and short-sightedly sown the seeds for a wid- Iran’s missile strikes against the Jaish elled a terror haven in Pakistan’s Bala-
the inflationary trends. The taming of inflation will also Iraqi territory, many see the Iran-Paki- ening insurgency within the Arab world al-Adl, a spinoff from its earlier avatar kot. Rawalpindi must know, just as Wash-
lead to a spurt in discretionary consumer spending, helping stan tit-for-tat attacks as having the po- and beyond. Jundallah, were sparked no doubt by the ington does, that Tehran too is not to be
the economy further. tential to escalate into a wider regional It has already spurred the Hezbollah in anger in Tehran over the Sunni militant trifled with. Or it would risk a conflagra-
conflict. Pakistan is a nuclear state. Iran, southern Lebanon to prey on Israel’s vul- group’s repeated attacks on police out- tion it cannot douse.


close to enriching its uranium to pro- nerable northern border close to the Val- posts, with the latest in December 2023 at (


RARE sight will unfold at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on Feb-


ruary 8. On that day, the entire Kerala cabinet, including
Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and all MLAs and MPs Restoring peace
of the LDF are expected to stage a protest at the iconic Ref: Peace efforts should be redoubled as
West Asia war spreads wide (Jan 19). This

venue against the “neglect” of the state by the Union gov-
AMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, is a editorial is timely and hits the nail on the
ernment. How the Centre has been deliberately crippling Kera-
picturesque town steeped in the head. The Russia-Ukraine war, followed by the
la’s economy was the main theme of the LDF government’s re- very short history of the United Hamas-Israel one and now the Iran-Pakistan
cent cabinet-on-wheels programme. The CPM has accused the States. George Washington’s HQ standoff are not only having an adverse
BJP of being resentful towards Kerala’s welfare achievements. during the American war of in- PRATIK KANJILAL For years, he has been speaking easy
impact on the world economy, but also on the
The state has even approached the Supreme Court alleging in- dependence is one of the attrac- to a surprisingly tolerant public environment. Hopefully, wiser counsel will
terference by the Centre in its power to borrow and regulate own tions. It is located almost oppo- prevail and peace will be restored soon.
site the house where the leading Hemanth D Pai, email
finances. It claimed to have suffered an expenditure loss of over
traitor of the period, Benjamin Church, the SPEAKEASY
`1 lakh crore since 2016 due to the Centre’s actions. first surgeon general of the US Army, was Docs’ scrawl
There is certainly merit in what the state government is held. Across the Charles river, the teas that to a small degree. It consists of heavily foot- ates new recaps in seconds, does the obses- Ref: An ode to the doctor’s scribble (Jan 19).
saying. However, it would be inappropriate to say Kerala is featured in the Boston Tea Party can be noted paraphrases of prior research, and if sion with uniqueness remain relevant? Is What Bibek Debroy wrote about in his column
being singled out for mistreatment. It is a victim, like all other tasted right where it happened. the footnoting falls short of standards, it can it not possible to reference standardised re- is an age-old problem. There were many
states, due to the restructuring of tax devolution following the Now the university town is in the thick of result in a Harvard president’s exit. caps, and give new papers room to express attempts by the government and the Medical
transition to the GST regime. The Centre’s distribution of a politics again. Harvard University is the epi- This tradition of recapitulation and at- what is actually new to reduce verbiage and Council of India to improve physicians’
centre of an upheaval in academia triggered tribution derives from the European scho- make classification easier? handwriting. But there was no improvement
smaller share of tax collections than recommended by the
by Israel’s attack on Gaza. It’s not restricted lastic tradition, whose literature is liberally The Oxford English Dictionary is a relia- in doctors’ attitude towards patients’ needs
Finance Commission has exacerbated the issue. Adding to the to the groves of academe. It’s a streetfight, a peppered with the phrase ‘per auctorite’, ble guide to the antiquity and provenance of in deciphering their acronyms or scribbles.
complexity is the imposition of constraints on states by re- dogfight. Trucks were parked in busy loca- which is church Latin for the modern jour- terms. It places the first instance of ‘plagia- K Nehru Patnaik, Visakhapatnam
stricting their market borrowings. While the Centre needs to tions, carrying posters with the pictures and nalistic phrase, ‘according to sources’. The rism’ in the early 17th century. How was the
be more considerate, Kerala is playing the victim card to hide contacts of students who had accused Israel appropriation of texts and ideas treated be- Deadly negligence
its own shortcomings in financial management. The primary of targeting Palestinian citizens, for the ben- fore that? As they had been treated for mil- Ref: 14 school students, two teachers die
efit of trolls. For weeks after the Hamas at- lenniums, back to the dawn of humanity. after boat capsizes in Gujarat’s Harani Lake
factor constraining Kerala’s fiscal capacity is its expanding
tack, when Muslim students felt threatened, Consider cookery, a technology proceeding (Jan 19). An innocent cruise resulted in a
committed expenditure—salaries, pensions and interest pay- a small propeller plane flew over the town from man’s control over fire that has enor- tragedy purely because safety precautions
ments. The 2021 salary revision, done with a clear political every morning trailing a banner. It’s a de- mously benefited the human race. Cookery were not followed. The boat was overcrowded
motive, is one of the factors contributing to the crisis. Salaries vice peculiar to the US, where products helps groups to prolong life and useful func- and life jackets were not provided. The
and pensions account for nearly half the revenue expenditure, ranging from bubble gum to presidential tion by widening the base of nutritional Gujarat government is expected to be more
yet the government has not shown the resolve to do away with candidates have been advertised in this sources and making them accessible to the proactive in such incidents—not so long ago, it
redundant posts. While its own tax collection is suffering due manner. This particular banner said: “Har- very old and the very young. Communal witnessed a suspension bridge collapse
vard hates Jews.” For variety, it also direct- cooking is also presumed to have deepened K R Venkata Narasimhan, Madurai

to inefficiency, there have not been enough efforts to generate ed: “Harvard, stop hating Jews!” community links and, perhaps, played a role
additional revenue and cut spending. This advertising did nothing for Jews, but Harvard University president in the development of speech. Safety first
According to the RBI, Kerala is one of the 13 states grappling was instrumental in securing the resigna- Significantly, there has never been any Ref: 14 school students, two teachers die after
Claudine Gay’s ouster for
with revenue deficits. Its outstanding liabilities have soared tion of Harvard’s president Claudine Gay, demand for recipes to be unique and unpla- boat capsizes in Gujarat’s Harani Lake (Jan
from `1,91,622 crore in 2017 to `4,29,270 crore in 2024 (budgetary one of three leaders in higher education who plagiarism has created a stir. A giarised. Tomorrow’s cookery writer in the 19). Safety measures are getting neglected
estimate) and the debt-to-GSDP ratio is at a worrying 39.1 per- flubbed a Congressional hearing about con- researcher stands on the shoulders UK is free to copy off Madhur Jaffrey. You in Gujarat. Furthermore, officials should
taining anti-semitism on campus. Their re- of prior leaders. But writers like are free to riff off your grandmother’s rec- take extra care in such difficult situations,
cent. While pointing a finger at the Centre and fighting for its
sponses were regrettably tentative, because ipe for kundru, too. Cookery is presumed to implementing all the possible safety methods
dues, the state must also fix its own finances. The Jantar Mantar there can be no two ways of thinking about
Herodotus escaped scrutiny despite exist in the commons. P Senthil Saravana Durai, Vazhavallan
show can at best help draw national attention, but it will not do minority rights. Significantly, the last straw a lack of attribution Let’s move from technology, of which
enough to solve the problems back home. was not anti-semitism, but charges of plagia- cookery is an example, to literature. The Inclusive citizenry
rism. In Gay’s work earlier in her career, her preoccupations of that era in Europe seem Ramayan was originally an oral text and No matter the controversy that surrounds the
sources were not sufficiently credited. irrelevant now (“Is the Holy Ghost a sub- has been freely interpreted from here to inauguration of Ram temple, one sincerely
Q U I C K TA K E The jury is divided. Traditionalists say stance?”), but its investigations laid down Bali. Attempts to set bounds on authenticity, hopes that those who go to pray and worship
that it’s a problem. Other academics say the the protocols of the academic pursuit of and to create an authorised version set in there will be kind to their fellow citizens who
TEACHERS SHOULD HEED SAFETY transgression is trivial, and that Gay’s res-
ignation was an immediate response to a
knowledge. One of them is the repeated re-
formulation of old work which was proba-
the physical space of Ayodhya—like when
AK Ramanujan’s paper on the many Ramay-
are not of the same faith. Let’s hope that the
people in the majority are willing to stand up

HE drowning of 14 schoolkids out for a picnic boat ride on mob attack, which left no time for normal bly useful until the Gutenberg era, when ans was taken off the Delhi University syl- and protect others.
processes of academic scrutiny to work. books were rare and handmade. Even Hero- labus, and now, when the temple is about to Hemachandra Basappa, Bengaluru
a lake outside Vadodara is a crushing tragedy. Some 23 chil- Gay’s exit is hugely political because she dotus borrowed freely from hearsay, and did be inaugurated—are misbegotten. Like
dren and eight adults were taken on a boat cleared to carry was a black woman at the helm of an Ivy not bother to attribute his sources. great food, great stories appeal to diverse Not constitutional
only 14 adults. Shocked citizens have blamed the shortage of League campus, but after the event, the de- Today, a mass market publish-or-perish multitudes precisely because they are not The government’s decision to grant a half-day
life jackets—only 11 were provided—and pointed fingers at the bate is all about plagiarism. The question: academic culture is producing millions canonical. The question of plagiarism does leave to central government employees on
state authorities. The unspoken truth is that school picnics since academic production has turned into more half-learned papers than the world not apply to them because they are enriched January 22 in connection with the Ayodhya
around the country often pay scant attention to safety. Two boys an unmoderated tsunami, is it time to re- needs. Mostly, they recapitulate earlier by borrowings, which is not the same as ceremony is against the Constitution. A
examine the recap-and-attribute culture of work in the field in a hopefully unique lan- theft. Rigid rules barring plagiarism need religious ceremony is not secular by nature.
drowned during a school picnic in Chhattisgarh in 2019; an-
scholarly work? It is in the nature of research guage. The insistence on uniqueness has not apply to many other categories of hu- This government is known for such anti-
other died while returning from a picnic in Madhya Pradesh in to be incremental, and a researcher stands been sharpened by artificial intelligence, man knowledge. In fact, they could stand in democratic actions and it is not clear why no
2018. It should primarily be the accompanying teachers’ respon- on the shoulders of prior leaders, but most which has, in turn, inspired measures to the way of collaborative creativity. one is questioning them.
sibility to not risk lives when adequate safety is not assured. papers on preprint servers are incremental contain AI-written work. But since AI cre- (@pratik_k) V Padmanabhan, Bengaluru


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