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Drafting – Pleadings

Basic Principles

1. Parties are bound by their pleadings (exception jurisdiction & illegality)

2. Rule of Pleadings O 18 r 7 – r 12
3. Tips on Pleadings
- Sources: Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Precedents of Pleadings, Atkin’s Court
A. Pre-pleading (facts investigation, cause of actions , remedies.)
i. Chronology – date – event – document (important for practice)
ii. go thru docs
iii. read between the lines
iv. obtain all docs from client (its our obligation to check which docs left they hvnt
provide us and ask for that)
*default notice?
v. create evidence: further letters & correspondences.
*P solicitor sent byk letter to ask for money, but D not even bother to reply tu,
actually P solicitor creating evidence, so that D cannot raise ‘pre mature
agreement’ when P want to terminate. If no evidence like this, P can only claim
for oustanding annual return.
vi. Determine:
a. Who are the parties
b. Which forum (Dispute resolution clause)
*if got Arbitration clause, defendan file a stay(letter of application, affidavit,
blablabla will take time 2 months and can waste all your money), will lead
your case to arbitration cannot do in court. If they not file that, still can file in
court. So risky!
c. Cause(s) of action (will affect the nature of remedies sought)– the elements
d. Nature of remedies sought
e. Any procedural requirement that oought to be satisfied

B. During – pleading (how to draft)

i. SOC: (don’t be too dramatic in tulisan HAHAHAHA)
a. Parties
b. Facts (in chronology)
c. Particulars of breach
d. Cause of action
e. Losses/damages
f. Reliefs
ii. Intitulement
a. How to saman (intitulement) koperasi: search term in CLJ=’tetuan’,
contohnya [2023] 1 LNS 1969; ‘disaman sebagai rakan kongsi’
iii. Keywords:
a. at all material times
b. short forms=P, 1st D as D1
c. Date/time = on or about
d. Use headings, numbering
e. Conventional phraseology – cover possibilities
iv. defnece and counterclaim (pembelaan dan tuntutan balas) [within 1 doc]
a. does It disclose a COA
b. has it been founded within limitation
c. proper defendant?
d. Right court?
e. SOC is clear?
f. Relief claimed is available under law?

*if tak nak deny the counterclaim and dw to admit, can say defendant don’t hv
knowledge to diakui (not within knowledge). If nak akui pun boleh ‘akui setakat
mana ianya selari dan/atau … perjanjian tersebut.’ (akui separuh je)

*pembelaan do to tuntutan claim plaintiff point by point and elaborate your


*tuntutan balas, state their breach [particulars breach, disebabkan oleh itu…,
add in your reliefs]. Set off: ?

v. Reply

a. when necessary, but don’t muntah statement of claim in the reply.

b. cannot insert new cause of action in here.

*sentence: secara khususnya utk menjawb dakwaan D…

C. Post – pleading (striking out, amendment, PTCM)

i. Read O 18 r 20
ii. If your pleading sucks HAHAHA: strike out (O 18 r 19, also can strike out D’s
defence, not cover P only)
iii. Amendment (O 20)
iv. PTCM (pengurusan kes sebelum bicara). (O 34 r 2(2.b)) P hv to file bundle of
docs, … altho writ is not a pleading but PTCM hv to insert it.

- Pencarian fail kes:, insert nombor kes from kes CLJ/MLJ,
and hv to pay to view.

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