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A mother come to you with her 3years old child saying that he

swallowed 25 p coin since then he can’t drink or eat ,what

investigation you want ?

 Plain x ray
 Barrium swallow
 CT
 Endoscopy

Your 70 years house guarde comes to you in first day of eid

adha saying his gut is obstructed with meat ,what do you do to

 Iv Auids and Ab
 Esophogoscopy under GA
 Tongue depressor and forceps
 Plan x ray

Mohamed el sayed 23years complaining of nasal tone, your

investigation is?

 Large adenoid
 Big F.B
 Stricture esophagus

5years girl suffer from nasal obstruction when endoscope is


 Adenoid
 Cleft palat
 Tonsil
 Uvula

All of the following is false about diphtheric membrane except

 Bilateral
 Exceed tonsillar ridgs
 Wiped esaily
 Doesn’t recure after removal

The commonest paralytic complication of diphtheria is

 Palatal
 Eye muscles
 Larynx
 Chest muscles

The first step in management of diphtheria is

 Active immunization
 AB
 Tracheostomy
 Antitoxin serum

Which is true for both Vincent angina & Ludwig’s angina

 Both are angina

 Both are caused bu borrelia
 Both are treated by surgery
 Both are pharyngeal space infection

Infectious mononucleosus is characterized by all the following


 Fever

 Increase monocytes & typical huge rbcs
 Liver, LN and spleen enlargement

Beck’s triad is diagnostic of parapharyngeal abcess and is

formed of

 Swelling inside , outside , and trismus

 Swelling above, below
 Swelling infront ang behind

Pharyngeal suppuration includes all except

 Ludwig’s angina
 Vincent angina
 Parapharyngeal abcess
 Retropharyngeal abcess

Parapharyngeal abcess is treated by

 Horizontal cervical incision

 Horizontal internal incision
 Vertical cervical incision
 Vertical internal incision

All about ulcers of mouth is true except

 Edge of traumatic ulcer is serrated

 Floor of syphilitic ulcer is washleather
 Base of T.B ulcer is indurated
 Edge of malignant ulcer is everted

All are manifestations of septic foci except

 Glomuronephritis

 Arthritis
 Rheumatic fever

All are signs of tonsil chronicity except

 Hypertrophy of tonsils
 Irrigurality in size and shape
 Crypt ooze pus on pressure
 Submandibular gland enlargement

All are signs of adenoid facies except

 Protruding mandible
 Pinched nostrils
 Open mouth
 Large lower lip

The most common complication after tonsillectomy is

 Hge
 Respiratory obstrution
 Shock
 Infection

The most serious complication after tonsillectomy is

 Hge
 Respiratory obstruction
 Shock
 Infection
The most common cause of reactionary hge after
adeniodectomy is

 Slipped ligation
 Dislodged clot
 Hurry doctor
 Incomplete removal

In a 4years old child with secreatory OM must think of

 Chionic tonsillitis
 Big adenoid
 Nasopharyngeal angiofuibroma
 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

In 54 years old male with secreatory OM you must think of

 Chionic tonsillitis
 Big adenoid
 Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

In OSA which of the following is true

 Cessation of air >10 sec
 Respiratory effect
 All

All are true except for OSA

 Weight decrease is useless

 UPPP in adult
 CPAP may be used in difficult cases

All true for pharyneal pouch except

 Herniation of pharynx killience dehisence

 Behind cricopharyngeal sphincter
 Diagnosed by barium swallow
 TTT surgically
The C/P of Plummer-Vinson contain the following except

 Angular stomitis
 Glottitis
 Dysphagia
 Hyperchloradia

All are true for acalesia of cardia except

 Internmittent dysphagia

 Barum swallow show parrot peak appearance appearance
 Surgical TTT UPP
The most common cause of oesophageal stricture in children is

 Esophageal carcinoma
 Diphtheria
 Achalasia of cardia
 Corrosive intake

Infreior constrictor musle of the pharynx take origin from

 Hyoid bone
 Mandible
 Maxilla
 Thyroid and cricoid cartilage

The pharngeal pouch passes through

 Superior constrictor
 Killian dahisence
 Middle constrictor
 Hyoid bone

Beck’s traid occur due to

 Quinzy
 Retropharyngeal abcess
 Parapharyngeal abcess
 Uincent’s angina

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