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ENGLISH 5 -used in wedding invitation cards or other

Topic: Text Information and Media formal events

Ex: Edwardian, Vladimir, Kunstler
4. Decorative - caters to a wide variety of
• TEXT - a simple and flexible format of emotions (fear, horror, celebration) or themes
presenting information or conveying ideas (cowboys, circus, holidays, summer, kiddie).
(hand-written or displayed on-screen). Ex: Chiller, Jokerman, Curlz MT


1. Hypertext - linked diff. e-documents and • TXT (text) - unformatted text document
enable users to jump from one to another in a by an editor as notepad on Windows
nonlinear way. platform.
2. Unformatted Text/Plain Text - text that • DOC (document) - native format for
is not associated with any formatting info. storing documents created by MS Word
Fixed sized characters having essentially the package, contain a rich set of formatting
same type of appearance. capabilities.
3. Formatted Text - contains special • RTF (Rich Text Format) - cross platform
formatting (font style, font size, font color, document exchange; default format for Mac
bold, underline, italic, etc.) OS X’s default editor TextEdit
• PDF ( Portable Document Format) -
TYPEFACE developed by Adobe systems for cross
• the representation or style of text in the platform exchange of documents, supports
digital format image and graphics.
• called font, font type, or font style • PS (PostScript) - page description
• comprised of alphabets, numbers, language used for desktop publishing
punctuation marks, symbols, and other
special characters. DESIGN PRINCIPLES
1. Emphasis - importance or value given to a
part of the text-based content. (bold,
1. Serif
italicized, weight, darkened/lightened,
-formality and readability
-used for the body text of books, newspapers,
2. Appropriateness - fitting or suitable the
magazines, and research pub.
text is used for a specific audience, purpose,
-give a classic/elegant look when used for
3. Proximity - how near or far the text is from
Ex: Times New Roman, Garamond,
each other when things are closely related,
bring them closer together.
2. Slab Serif
4. Alignment - how the text is positioned in
-solid or heavy look to text
the page (left, center, right, or justified).
-used for large advertising sign on billboards
5. Organization - conscious effort to
Ex: Rockwell, Playbill
organize the diff. elements in a page; ensure
3. Script
that while texts are separated from each other,
-draws attention cause of its brush-like
they are still connected with the rest in the
-be used sparingly and not be used in large
body text
6. Repetition - consistency of elements, unity - used to store bitmap digital images,
of the entire design; repeating some typeface independently of the display device
within the page. - BMP file does not support effective image
7. Contrast - creates visual interest; two compression
elements are diff. from each other.
1. Line
Topic: Visual Information and Media • connection between two strokes
• building blocks of other visual design
COMMON VISUAL FILE TYPES • stand on their own to create emphasis or
1. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) divide elements
- released in 1992 2. Shapes
- common file format for digital photos and • two-dimensional, self-contained areas
other digital graphics - come in all forms imaginable
- the standard format for digital cameras 3. Value
- when JPG files are saved, image quality is • the lightness or darkness of a color
lost as file size decreases (lossy • the juxtaposition between light and dark
compression). values creates contrast
2. PNG (Portable Network Graphics 4. Texture
- created in 1996 • the look or feel of the surface of an object
- raster graphic file format that supports •In visual design, concerned with implied
lossless data compression textures, texture we can see
- created as an improved, non-patented 5. Color
replacement for GIF •used to establish a particular look or feel
- the most used lossless compression format • setting a mode and tone and bringing out
3. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) certain emotions
- created by CompuServe in 1987 • contributes to contrast, variety, harmony,
- commonly used for images on the web and repetition, and space
sprites in software programs. 6. Form/Volume
-uses lossless compression that does not •three-dimensional objects in a design
degrade the quality of the image • create the illusion of volume through 3D
- GIFs come alive with animation shapes and graphics (Volumetric Illusion)
4. TIFF (Tagged Image Format File)
- created by Aldus Corp in 1986. In 2009 the PRINCIPLES OF VISUAL DESIGN
patent was acquired by Adobe Systems • Consistency
- format file for high-quality graphics - visual consistency creates trust
- preferred format for scanning photographs - makes repetition in design especially
and other complex imagery important for branding
- can be viewed and edited in nearly every - establish trust and customer loyalty
photo editing software -create patterns, a fun way to liven up a
- compressed or not, TIFFs do not lose any design and help it stand out
image data • Balance
5. BMP (bitmap) - visual equality in shape, form, value, color,
- called device independent bitmap (DIB) etc.
- created in 1994
- can be symmetrical (evenly) or
asymmetrical (unevenly)
• Rhythm
- movement in which some elements recur
- like a dance, will have a flow of objects
that will seem to be like a beat of music
• Center of Interest
- area that first attracts attention in a
- can be achieved by contrast of values,
more colors, and placement
• Directional Movement
- refers to both the flow of a design piece,
and design elements that literally appear to
be in motion
- in flow, movement is related to hierarchy
in that it directs the eye on where to look
and in what order
- in certain context, creating the illusion of
an object in motion can be highly effective
in communicating or amplifying a message
• Contrast
- adjacent elements have differing qualities
that make them stand out against each other
- may improve legibility
-used to draw attention to specific visual
design elements
• Harmony
- creates a feeling of unity and completeness
in a design
- without it, design look disjointed and
• Perspective
- created through the arrangement of objects
in two-dimensional space to look like they
appear in real life
- learned meaning of the relationship
between diff. objects seen in space
• Dominance
- element that draws and holds the viewer’s
attention the longest
- tell viewers what to focus on in a design
- established through hierarchy, color, scale,
or texture
Social Science 8
Topic: Understanding Social Work
Some social workers aim to help people
• Social Work is a profession for those with better cope with the demands of their
a strong desire to help improve people’s lives. circumstances and environment, while others
Social workers assist people by helping them aim to change the environment for people to
cope with issues in their everyday lives, deal have fewer personal and social problems.
with their relationship, and solve personal Social workers aim to achieve the ff:
and family problems. •enhance the problem solving and coping
• Social Work is concerned with the social capacities of people
functioning of all people -- the poor, the rich, •prevent the development of serious personal
men, women, the LGBT community, the and social problems
able, those with disabilities, the young, and •restore and maintain the social functioning
the old. of people
• Social Functioning - client’s ability to •link people with systems and resources that
accomplish the activities necessary for daily can provide support, services, and
living (obtaining food, shelter, opportunities
transportation) and to fulfill major roles as •promote the creation and development of
required by a particular subculture or humane and effective social policies and
community. human services programs
•plan, develop, and administer social
programs and projects with social agencies
•promote the effective and humane operation
and administration of social work
1. Academic Discipline - it uses the tools of
the social sciences to study social change, the
•protect the vulnerable and disadvantaged
empowerment of people in society, the
from destructive social influences
enhancement of social equity, and the
•protect the community from people who
development of the community.
consistently harm others
2. Profession - it involves intellectual
•develop and teach the knowledge and skills
activities accompanied by individual
needed to accomplish these purposes
responsibilities. Social workers have a
background in Psychology, Sociology, and
Anthropology that enables them to SCOPE OF SOCIAL WORK
understand the human individual and the Clients of a social worker may either be the
world. ff:
3. Practice Wisdom - they also use artistic or ➢ Individuals
creative abilities in their practice. It is this ➢ Families
blend of art and science that shapes the social ➢ Groups
worker’s individual style. Knowledge in ➢ Organizations
social work is based on this. ➢ Communities
4. Social Welfare - a broader concept that Social workers are usually found in
encompasses social institutions and fields of hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers
practice which do not relate to social work, where they provide emotional guidance to
such as psychiatry, urban planning, and clients. It is also applied in government and
education. public service through:
•Department of Social Welfare and achieving them, and desired conditions of
Development (DSWD) life.
•Philippine Red Cross CODE OF ETHICS
•Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office A. Service - expected to provide assistance
(PCSO) to people and respond to social issues. They
• Philippine General Hospital (PGH) are expected uphold service to others above
FUNCTIONS OF SOCIAL WORK B. Social Justice - aim to create social
a. Prevention - timely intervention of the change to address the plight of the vulnerable
social worker before serious problems and the oppressed. They also aim to
emerge. The provision of financial encourage their clients to decide wisely on
assistance, marriage counselling and well- their own.
baby clinics. C. Integrity - demonstrate trustworthiness,
b. Restoration - the rehabilitation of clients truthfulness, and responsibility. They ensure
whose functions have been impaired by that their practices are ethical and create and
physical or mental issues. positive image.
c. Remediation - the elimination of existing D. Importance of Human Relationships -
problems such as drug addiction or know that large-scale changes in
substance abuse. communities can only take place when
people trust one another. Establish
SOCIAL WORK PRACTICES connection among their clients.
1. Direct Services or Interventions - social E. Dignity of the Person - treat everyone
worker meets face to face with the client, as with concern and respect. Sensitive towards
in a counselling relationship between a social cultural and ethnic differences among
worker and a runaway youth. individuals.
2. Clinical Social Work - applying F. Competence - constantly develop their
principles and techniques in addressing skills and knowledge to apply them in
psychological problems, including mental professional practice. Must also contribute to
and emotional disorders. the body of knowledge in their discipline.
3. Indirect Practice - social worker acts on
behalf of a group to address a specific
problem Topic: Professionals and
4. Micro-level Practice - interaction at the Practitioners in Social Work
most intimate level such as between husband
and wife, parent and child, among family
5. Macro-level Practice - work with an WORKERS
organization, community, or even society. 1. Human Service Broker - builds
6. Mezzo-level Practice - deals with connection between their client and
interpersonal relations which are somewhat organizations that provide access to
less intimate than the family but more resources.
personally meaningful than institutional and 2. Teacher - expected to teach their clients
organizational-level relationships. the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent
problems, enhance their social functioning,
• VALUES - strongly held beliefs about and empower them.
people, preferred goals and the means of
3. Counsellors - serves as counselor to private hospitals, clinics, and rehabilitation
clients faced with health or mental issues or centers.
other difficult situations. E. Community Social Work - based in local
4. Case Manager - help clients use services communities create a demographic profile of
from various institutions and organizations. the community and assess the needs of its
5. Workload Manager - balance the needs resident.
of their clients and the agency they work for. F. Gender Development Social Work -
6. Staff Developer - helps their agency staff aims to promote equal rights and
members to develop professionally. opportunities for men and women in both
7. Administrator - implement policies, public and private sectors.
programs, and services in their organization.
8. Professional - expected to engage in CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR
competent and ethical practice of their SOCIAL WORKERS
profession. •Government Workers - involved in
9. Researcher - needs to be up-to-date with providing services to children, delinquent
the latest knowledge and trends in their youth, families, the community, and the
discipline and contribute to its scholarly elderly. Ex: DSWD & Phil. Red Cross
literature. •Health Social Workers - provide health
care services to individuals and their families
SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS and promote health awareness in
•Competency is the knowledge, values, •Corrections Staff Members -help released
skills, and attitudes essential for them to offender address the possible roots of the
fulfill their professional roles effectively. committed crime.
• The elements of competent practice in the •Youth Workers - provide assistance to
different areas are constantly changing due youth dealing with substance and alcohol
to expanding knowledge, emerging skills, abuse, as well as homelessness and other
and the changing demands of the practice. family problems.
• Competent practitioners must be able to •Nongovernment Organizations (NGOs) -
transform their knowledge to skills and workers perform research work, conceptual
action that can be identified and defined in policies, and give direct services to potential
explicit terms. clients.


A. Child and Family Social Work - focuses PHILIPPINES
on the welfare and security of families, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4375 regulates the
children, and adolescents. practice of social work and the operation of
B. School Social Work - focuses on school social work agencies in the Philippines. This
where social workers serve as counsellors. law sets the standards for the quality of
C. Gerontological Social Work - carried out service provided by social workers. The
in institutions that take care of the elderly, Philippine Association of Social Workers
especially those separated from their Inc. (PASWI) also helps in monitoring the
families. practice of social work in the country. The
D. Clinical Social Work - perform clinical association aims to uphold fairness and
social work are usually found in public and compassion and puts a premium on the rights
and responsibilities of the clientele of social •Social Worker’s conduct and
work. comportment - highlights the values that
social workers are expected to uphold.
THE SOCIAL WORKER’S RIGHT TO Service should always be the primary focus
EFFECTIVE AND ETHICAL on the social worker.
WORKING ENVIRONMENTS •Social Worker’s ethical responsibility to
The International Federation of Social clients - workers are primarily accountable to
Workers (IFSW) approved a guidance policy their clients. They should not only look after
on working environments in 2012. the welfare of their clients, but also
encourage them to utilize self-determination.
This framework encompasses training and •Social Worker’s ethical responsibility to
supervision, workload management, and colleagues - needs to practice respect,
professional improvement. The specific fairness, politeness, honesty, and sincerity
elements of this are as follows: when interacting with colleagues.
•Agencies must ensure protection of clients, •Social Worker’s ethical responsibility to
social workers, and their employers. employers and employing organizations -
•Social workers must always consider observe and honor their commitments to their
previous research and experience in their employers.
practice. •Social Worker’s ethical responsibility to
•Social workers and their agencies need to the social work profession - always promote
uphold transparency. the values, objectives, ethical practices, and
•Agencies must create policies that prevent knowledge of the profession.
threats, violence, and other forms of abuse •Social Worker’s ethical responsibility to
toward clients, social workers, and staff society - must actively determine the needs of
members. the communities they serve and seek ways to
•Social work agencies must protect those address these.
who raise their concerns about unethical and
unsafe practices. THE SOCIAL WORKER’S CODE OF
•Social workers must uphold human rights ETHICS IN THE PHILIPPINES
and social justice at all times. - Parallel to NASW Code of Ethics
•Social workers must not only be - Promulgated by the PASWI
academically qualified; they also need to be - Highlights the ff. values and principles:
fully aware of their professional and ethical ❖ an individual’s dignity and worth
roles and responsibilities. ❖ a person’s ability and right to
•Agencies also need to create policies maximize their potentials
ensuring the health and occupational safety of ❖ man’s ability to recognize the
social workers. importance of respecting differences
❖ acknowledgement of poverty as a
THE SOCIAL WORKER’S CODE OF condition that needs to be alleviated
ETHICS ❖ recognition of the family as an
The National Association of Social Workers essential player in further developing
(NASW) Code of Ethics is meant to guide individuals
social workers in their practice and help them ❖ the need to practice professionalism
act on violations of ethical principles in the and accountability
❖ values and characteristics of Filipino ❖ report unethical practices in the
culture as the foundation of social profession to the authorities
work practice ❖ work with legislators in upholding
- The Code also makes the ff. declarations: the welfare of social work
Relative to Self and the Profession practitioners
❖ embody the values and principles
practice in the social work profession
❖ practice honesty and transparency Topic: The Clients, Services, and
❖ continue developing professional
Methods in Social Work
expertise, and, in the process,
advance the practice of social work
❖ help promote the discipline and
encourage others to regard the
•Individual Clients - those who are
profession with respect
handicapped in their financial, personal, or
❖ impart one’s knowledge with fellow
social relationships. They are people
social workers and professionals
experiencing distress and physical or mental
from other fields
❖ help prevent cases of unauthorized
•Groups or Organizations - refer to families
and incompetent social work practice
experiencing calamities and difficult
❖ support the professional orgs. that
regulate practice and uphold the
•Communities - include informal settlers
welfare of social workers
who migrated from other areas and facing
❖ volunteer and help during
unemployment and other problems in the
city, as well as communities devastated by
❖ uphold cultural values that will help
natural calamities such as typhoons and
improve the profession
Relative to Clients
❖ respect human rights and prevent
discriminatory practices
A. Government - find workers in the diff.
❖ be responsible for the client’s
branches of government. Help in the
welfare and protect confidential
implementation of the department’s
info., but also let clients make their
numerous projects. Ex: Pantawid Pamilya
own decisions
Program, Adoption and Foster Care Program,
❖ help everyone, especially the
Supplemental Feeding Program, Gender and
marginalized, gain access to
Development Programs
resources and opportunities that they
B. Private Sector - workers often serve as
human resource development officers who
❖ assist people, especially the
facilitate health and wellness programs that
disadvantaged and abused, in finding
help employees maintain their work-life
more options and opportunities
Relative to Colleagues
C. Civil Society - encompasses orgs. and
❖ recognize the importance of
groups including NGOs, charity groups,
knowledge and skills from other
faith-based and religious groups, etc. They
disciplines in developing the social
help deliver social welfare services to
work profession
marginalized communities.
D. Schools - both public and private schools findings to better understand their clients and
employ social workers who work as teachers improve their services.
or univ. professors, researchers, or Social Action
administrators. Other are guidance • concrete action taken by social workers to
counsellors who help address mental health gain support for their advocacies from mass
concerns, and academic delinquency issues. media, policymakers, and government
E. Community - usually serve marginalized officials. Gawad Kalinga is one group known
communities such as informal settlers and for social action.
indigenous people. They work as community
organizers and development specialists in
these communities.


Case Work
•Social workers primarily deal with
individuals who struggle in adjusting life
situations and are in need of outside support.
Services here include the ff:
➢ Financial and material assistance
➢ Giving advice
➢ Securing shelter and care for clients
➢ Improving the conditions of clients
➢ Securing information for
professionals from other fields.
Social Group Work
• concerned with the development of better
human relations, however, particularly
focused on group experience. Group Work
defines as a voluntary activity involving
shared experiences among the members of a
Community Welfare Organizations
•focuses on the establishment of relationship
between two or more groups to improve the
community. It involves a no. of activities:
➢ Planning - studying the demographic
profile of the community, surveying
its resources, and assessing its needs.
➢ Coordination - ensures the successful
implementation of the planned
intervention programs
Social Research
• workers undertake research when they
perform case work, group work, and
community welfare organizations. They use
HUMSS 2 traits/true to life; exhibits the complexity of
Topic: Elements of Fiction Writing traits.
7. Static Character - does not change
during the course of story.
8. Dynamic Character - does change
• FICTION - a literature that describes
during the course of story.
imaginary events and people.
9. Stock Character - one found again and
• FICTION WRITING - a writing created in
again in diff. literary works (Ex: Mad
the author's imagination.
Scientist; Absent-Minded Professor)
• SHORT STORY - provides essential
structure in the story by arranging its action
in a unified order from beginning through
a. Direct Description - narrator telling the
middle to end; can be read in one setting and
reader about a character’s physical
one sitting.
appearance, habits, dress, background,
personality, etc.
SHORT STORY ELEMENTS b. Portrayal of Character’s Behavior -
A. SETTING (where and when is the story) writer presents the actions and speech of a
• it is the time, place, period, mood, and character, making the reader draw their own
atmosphere in which a story occurs, creating conclusions.
a sense of a particular time and place. c. Representations of Character’s Internal
• includes the geographical location, or the States - writer reveals the character’s private
socio-economic characteristics of the thoughts and emotions by means of internal
location. monologue.
• setting can be whrevealed by means of
descriptions of elements (landscape, scenery, C. PLOT (events that happen in a story)
buildings, furniture, clothing, weather, and PLOT STRUCTURE
season) • Exposition - beginning of the story where
• includes the general social, political, moral, the characters and setting is revealed.
and psychological conditions the characters • Inciting Action (involution) - introduce the
find themselves. central conflict, character initially is into
B. CHARACTER (person or animal or • Rising Action (complication) - events
anything personified) became complication and the conflict in the
TERMS FOR DESCRIBING story is revealed. Develops the conflict to a
CHARACTERS: high point of intensity
1. Protagonist - main character; central • Climax - highest point of interest and the
figure turning point of the story. The point in the
2. Antagonist - opposes the protagonist plot where something decisive happens to
3. Major Character - with a significant role determine the future course of events and the
in the action of story (Most short stories eventual working out of the conflict.
have at least one or two major characters) • Falling Action - complications begin to
4. Minor Character - plays a lesser role. resolve themselves. All events that follows
5. One-dimensional Character (flat) - have the climax
one or two personality traits; exhibits a • Resolution - point at which the central
single dominant trait. conflict is ended or resolved.
6. Three-dimensional Character
(full/rounded) - has many character
• Denouement - final outcome or entangling D. CONFLICT (opposition that faces the
of events in the story. May add surprising main character)
twist to the plot. Follows the resolution and CATEGORIES OF CONFLICT
that ties up loose ends. 1. External Conflict - struggle with a force
FREYTAG’S PYRAMID outside one’s self.
Gustav Freytag says that the plot of the story 2. Internal Conflict - struggle within one’s
must consist of five parts: exposition, rising self, a person must make some decision,
action, climax, falling action, and overcome pain, quiet their temper, resist an
resolution/revelation (also known as urge, etc.
denouement or catastrophe). Freytag’s FOUR TYPES OF CONFLICT
Pyramid is also called as the dramatic arc, • Man vs Man (physical) - leading character
because it if often applied to stories and struggle with his physical strength against
novels as well. other men, forces of nature, or animals.
BME ARISTOTELIAN PRINCIPLE • Man vs Society (social) - leading
The beginning embodies the exposition – character struggles against ideas, practices,
initial incident; the middle included the rising or customs of other people.
action to climax; and the end embraces the • Man vs Circumstances (classical) -
falling action to denouement, or technically, leading character struggles against fate or
the protasis, epitasis, and catastrophe. circumstances of life facing him/her.
Aristoteles simply meant that a traditional • Man vs Himself (psychological) - leading
plot structure must have a situation, conflict, character struggles with himself with his
and resolution. own soul, ideas of right or wrong, physical
NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES adding limitations, choices, etc.
richness to the plot;
a. Foreshadowing - provide hints or clues in E. THEME (idea, belief , moral, lesson or
the story that will occur later. insight)
b. Flashback - interrupt the forward flow of • It’s the central argument that the author is
the story to introduce a scene from the past. trying to make the reader understand. The
c. Allusion - reference to a person, place or theme is the “why” of the story.
literary, historical, artistic, mythological
source or event. F. POINT OF VIEW (narrator’s position in
d. Dialogue - the reproduction of a the description of event)
conversation between two of the characters. a. First Person - I am telling the story. The
e. Irony - difference between what is character is IN the story.
expected and reality. b. Second Person - The story is told to YOU.
f. Structure - the way time moves through a c. Third Person Limited - The story is about
novel. he/she. The most common point of view in
g. Chronological - starts at the beginning and commercial fiction. The narrator is outside of
moves through time. the story and relating the experiences of a
h. Circular or Anticipatory - starts in the character.
present, flashes back to the past and returns d. Third Person Omniscient - The story is
to the present at the conclusion. still about he/she but the narrator has full
i. Panel - refers to the same story told from access to the thoughts and experiences of
different viewpoints. ALL characters in the story.
G. TONE - he overall emotion “tone” or smoky scent of bacon; a scent only bacon
meaning of the story. It can be portrayed straight off the grill could have.”
through word and grammar choices (diction), 4. Gustatory - pertains to the sense of taste.
choice of theme, imagery and description, Ex: “Jason took one look at the cupcake in
symbolism and the sounds of the words in front of him and couldn’t wait another second
combination. – he stuffed it right into his mouth. The rich,
sweet, sugary taste of chocolate ran over his
H. MOOD - Evokes certain feelings or vibes taste buds as he chewed and swallowed the
in readers through words and descriptions. whole dessert in less than ten seconds.”
Referred to as the atmosphere of a literary 5. Tactile - appeals to the sense of touch.
piece. It is developed through various Ex: Sarah placed her bare hand on the cold
methods including setting, theme, tone and snow. It was wet at first, then the frigid cold
diction. It evokes various emotional set in like a thousand needles, all pricking her
responses in readers, and thus ensures their palm at once.”
emotional attachment to the literary piece 6. Kinesthetic - deals with the movement of
they read. action of objects or people.
Ex: “The birds flapped their wings in
I. STYLE - This is “how” things are said. excitement, the promise of food so close.
Word choices, sentence structure, dialogue, They sprung out of the tree, one by
metaphor, simile, hyperbole. one, soaring through the branches and
swooping down low to the pile of berries
J. IMAGERY - words and phrases used to beneath the tree.”
help the reader develop a mental image of the 7. Organic - most difficult form of imagery
story. It deals with five senses which helps to write, because it deals with creating a
create mental images of what we are reading. specific feeling or emotion within the reader.
1. Visual - appeals to the sense of sight. It Ex: You might think you made a new world
describes what a scene or character looks or a new self, but your old self is always
like. gonna be there, just below the surface, and if
Ex: “The deep blue hues of twilight were something happens, it’ll stick its head out and
reflected in the still water; the slight glint of say ‘Hi’”
moonlight peeked through the clouds just
enough to make out the silhouette of a
passing ship.” Topic: Pork Empanada (Short Story)
2. Auditory - describes specific sounds that
are happening within a story. Author: Tony Lopez (1994)
Ex: The rooster crowed at early dawn, a sign Overview: A story about a less fortunate
that it was time to start the day. John woke young man who strived to reach his goal to
up, listening to the quiet murmurs of his buy the famous pork empanada in Frankie's
children in the kitchen below; the clang of Steaks and Burger
pots and pans signaled that breakfast was Setting: Katipunan, Quezon City
almost ready.” Main Character: Bototoy
3. Olfactory - describes a particular scent. Antagonist: Waitress
Ex: “The sweet scent of maple wafted Conflict: Man vs Circumstances (Poverty)
through the room, causing Stephanie to stop Moral: Accepting and striving for a better life
what she was doing and sniff the air. A is never wrong what's wrong is doing bad
second waft of scent carried underlying deeds for the means to have best life.
Filipino 3 • We Shall Fight on the Beaches at This was
Topic: Pagsulat ng Talumpati Their Finest Hour - intinanghal sa radio ni
Winston Churchill na nangakong hindi
susuko sa digmaan
•isang “pormal na pahayag sa harap ng • Quit India - ni Mohandas K. Gandhi na
publiko” at “pormal na pagtatalakay ng isang nagpapahayag ng pagtutol sa pananakop ng
paksa parra sa mga tagapakinig.” (UP Birtanya sa India
Diksiyonaryong Filipino) ➢ 1948
•isang uri ng diskurso na itinanghal at • The Light has Gone Out in Our Lives -
binibigkas sa mga tagapakinig o madla. binigkas ni Jawaharlal Nechru kaugnay sa
•isang uri ng sanaysay na binibigkas at pagpaslang kay Gandhi
pinakikinggan. ➢ 1953
• Atoms for Peace - ni Dwight Eisenhower
2 ELEMENTONG TAGLAY NG na humihiling ng maingat at mapayapang
TALUMPATI paggamit ng atomic power
1. Teksto ➢ 1963
2. Pagtatanghal (performance) • I Have a Dream - ni Martin Luther King
upang humiling na wakasan ang
ANG TALUMPATI SA KASAYSAYAN diskriminasyon sa mga Afro-American
➢ 399 B.C. ➢ 1987
• Apology of Socrates - bersiyon ni Plato ng • Tear Down This Wall - paghiling ni
talumpati ni Socrates na ipinagtatanggol ang President Ronal Reagan ng Estados Unidos
sarili laban sa mga akusasyon kay Mikhail Gorbachev ng Soviet Union
➢ 30 A.D. upang wasakin ang Berlin Wall
• Sermon on the Mount - koleksiyon ng mga ➢ 2001
pangaral ni Hesus sa Bundok Sinai tungkol sa • Talumpating binigkas ni Presidente George
tamang asal at gawi ng mabuting sumasamba W. Bush kaugnay sa trahedyaa ng pagbomba
sa Panginoon sa World Trade Center sa New York noong
➢ 632 A.D. Setyembre 11
• The Farewell Sermon - binigkas ni Propeta ➢ 2007
Muhammad bago siya mamatay • Last Lecture - ni Randy Pausch, isang
➢ 1791 propesor sa Carnegie Mellon University na
• Abolish the Slave Trade - apat na oras na may malubhang karamdaman
talumpati ni William Wilberforce ➢ 2009
➢ 1863 • A New Beginning - ni Presidente Barack
• Gettysburg Address - talumpati ni Obama sa Cairo, Egypt upang muling
Abraham Lincoln repasuhin ang pakikipag-ugnayan ng Estados
➢ 1939 Unidos sa mga lipunang Islamiko
• Talumpati ni King George VI - binigkas
sa radio sa mga mamamayan ng Britannya at MGA ANYO AT URI NG TALUMPATI
ng Komonwelt para sa napipintong laban sa A. Talumpati ng Pagtanggap (acceptance
Germany speech) - laganap sa mga programa ng
➢ 1940 paggawad o pagkilala sa kahusayan ng isang
B. Talumpati sa Pagtatapos •naglalayong magbigay ng impormasyon sa
(commencement speech) - binibigkas ng tagapakinig.
natatanging mag-aaral na may pinakamataas •maaaring nagtuturo ng isang teorya o
na grado o pinakamatagumpay sa klase impormasyon
tuwing pagtatapos. •pag-uulat ng pananaliksik, paglalahad ng
C. Luksampati (euology) - nagsisilbing bagong katangian o teknolohiya na
parangal at paggunita sa alaala ng isang taong kadalasang itinampok sa mga patalastas.
yumao. b. Talumpating Naglalahad
D. Talumpati ng Pamamaalam (farewell (demonstrative)
speech) - bahagi ng ritwal ng pamamaalam, •halos katulad ng impormatibo ngunit may
pagreretiro, paglisan sa bansa, o pagbibitiw kasamang demonstrasyon habang naglalahad
sa propesyon. ng impormasyon.
E. Impormatibong Talumpati (informative Halimbawa:
speech) - naglalayong mag-ulat sa madla ng ➢ Programang pang-edukasyon gaya ng
resulta ng bagong pag-aaral o kaya’y pagtuturo ng pagluluto, pananahi o
manghikayat ng pagkilos, kabilang na rito pagpapalamuti ng tahanan
ang State of the Nation Address (SONA). ➢ Instruksyunal video sa internet
F. Talumpati g Pag-aalay (speech of c. Talumpating Mapanghikayat
dedication) - maaaring papuri sa piling tao, (persuasive)
bayani, o panauhing pandangal. •naglalayong manghikayat o mag-imbita sa
G. Brindis (toast) - bahagi ng ritwal sa isang mga tagapakinig na kumilos tungo sa
salusalo na nagpapahayag ng pagpapahalaga pagbabago.
at pagkilala sa taong pararangalan. •Nangangailangan ng maingat na
paghahanda dahil sisikapin nitong baguhin
URI NG TALUMPATI AYON SA ang mga ideya, paniniwala, pamahiin,
PAMAMARAAN SA PAGLALAHAD kultura, tradisyon ng nakararami.
1. Daglian (impromptu) - hindi d. Talumpating Mapang-aliw
pinaghahandaan, walang sapat na oras sa (entertaining)
paghahanda •madalas mariring sa mga personal na
2. Maluwag (extemporaneous) - may salusalo.
maikling panahon na ibinibigay sa •layunin nitong manghatid aliw at kasiyahan
mananalumpati upang pag-isipang ang sa tagpakinig.
sasabihin. Hindi isinulat at isinaulo ang mga Halimbawa:
sasabihin ➢ Salusalo sa kasal, anibersaryo, victory
3. Pinaghahandaan (manuscript) - party, kaarawan
isinusulat, binabasa ang bawat salitang ➢ Maririnig din sa comedy bar (host ay
nakatala o naisulat nagbahagi ng karanasan at iba pa)
4. Isinaulo (memorized) - may sapat nap ag-
A. SIMULA (pang-akit ng atensiyon)
URI NG TALUMPATI AYON SA •kailangan mag-isip ang mananaysay ng
LAYUNIN estratehiya upang makuha kaagad ang
Tala ni: Ian McKenzie (4 Basic Types of atensiyon ng tagapakinig.
Speeches) •mahalagang maipahayag ang pangunahing
a. Talumpating Impormatibo (informative) pangungusap (thesis statement), ito ang punto
ng pahayag na nais ipaabot sa tagapakinig.
B. KATAWAN (nilalaman ng talumpati) 8. Itala ang tatlo hanggang pitong
• organisadong paglalatag ng mga punto, mahahalagang punto ng talumpati -
idea, at iba pang mga nais sabihin. isaayos ito ayon sa halaga at bigat.
• Malaking tulong ang pagbabalangkas 9. Talakayin, pagyamanin, at paunlarin
(draft) upang magabayan ang sinoman sa ang mga ideya - bigyang katawan at laman
gawaing ito. ang pundasyon ng talumpati.
• Pananaliksik upang magkaroon ng 10. Ihanda ang mabisang kongklusyon - ito
nilalaman ang talumpati ang mag-iiwan ng kakintalan sa tagapakinig.
C. KONGKLUSYON (wakas ng talumpati) 11. Huwag kalilimutang kilalanin ang
•muling pag-uulit at pagdidiin sa sanggunian sa talumpati
mahahalagang punto ng binigkas na akda. 12. Kapag nasulat na ang unang burador,
•balikan ang pangunahing pangungusap basagin ang teksto nang ilang ulit - kaltasin
upang mailarawan sa madla na ito ay ang mga pangungusap na walang halaga.
natalakay nang husto. 13. Pagkaraan ng rebisyon at kapag handa
• pagbubuod at paglalagom na ang pinal na borador, mag-imprenta ng
•mag-iwan ng hamon o tanong maraming kopya. - gawing malaking font
•mag-imbita at manghikayat sa madla na upang madaling basahin.
kumilos tungo sa pagbabago 14. Basahin ang kopya nang paulit-ulit -
lagyan ng mga marka kung kalian hihinto at
PAGSULAT NG TALUMPATI guhitan ang mga salitang kailangang idiin.
1. Alamin ang magiging tagapakinig at
okasyon - dito nakasalalay ang paraan at
estilo ng pagsusulat.
2. Alamin kung ilang minute o oras ang
inilaan para sa pagbigkas ng talumpati -
malaking tulong sap ag-eedit ng akda.
3. Pumili ng paksang malapit sa
karanasan, may natatanging halaga sa
iyong buhay, o mayroon kang sapat na
kaalaman - sikaping magsaliksik at alamin
ang sasabihin.
4. Tukuyin ang mga layunin ng pagsusulat
at paghahanda ng talumpati at ng
isasagawang pagbigkas - itanong sa sarili
kung natutugunan ba ang mga ipinangakong
layunin sa presentasyon.
5. Kumalap ng datos at mga kaugnay na
babasahin - mahalaga ang pananaliksik para
sa isasagawang talumpati.
6. Alamin ang magiging halaga ng isusulat
na talumpati - may mapulot ang tagapakinig
sa binibigkas na talumpati.
7. Ibalangkas at suriin ang mga nakalap na
datos - paglikha ng disenyo ng mananaysay.

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