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SEMESTER 2, SESI 2021/2022








The presence of the internet and various modern technologies in the education sector becomes
the latest trends in realizing the direction of Education 4.0. The use of Internet of Things (IoT) in
education has contributed to positive opportunities and benefits in improving teaching and
learning (T&L) activities while at the same time other existing infrastructure and facilities. The
concept of application, various devices and tools such as computers, laptops, tablets,
smartphones, PDAs and many others were connected through the internet network, makes the
T&L process more flexible to run at any time without the constraints of place and time. As
prospective teachers who will be placed in schools in the era of current technology, the use of
internet of things (IoT) is seen as very relevant to be applied in daily T&L activities. Based on
these statements and situations, give your thought and views on:
i. What is the impact of the use of IoT on the education system in Malaysia. (5 marks)
ii. How does the existence of IoT influence the development of ‘Smart School’ in Malaysia? (10
iii. Suggest an IoT technology that can help to improve the education system in Malaysia?
Provide justification to support the proposal. (15 marks) Refer to the assignment guide rubric
below as a reference for an explanation of the expected content as well as the basics of scoring in
(30 markah/ marks)
i. What is the impact of the use of IoT on the education system in Malaysia? (5 marks)

“IoT can help us make education more accessible in terms of geography, status and ability”

(Cohen, 2020). IoT in education means using smart building IoT solutions in educational

environments, such as school buildings, classrooms, buses and more (, 2022). The

impact of the use of IoT on the education system in Malaysia is to improve school management

efficiency, real-time data collection, improve resource management, global interconnectedness

and address safety concerns. Improve school management efficiency by using IoT devices to

manage an education institution's requirements such as filling paperworks, keeping track of

supply management, student management and distributing funds properly. The work can be done

faster and it's risk-free. Real-time data collection like IoT allows processing terabytes of data

simultaneously and can open a lot of applications for schools such as safety tracking, students

progress monitoring and teacher training. IoT also helps to improve resource management in

education to establish run more efficiently, save storage cost and reduce operating time. IoT

global nature is helping education to create uniform teaching standards and ensure equally

efficient school training worldwide by having peer-to-peer professional training tools that

educators all over the world can exchange tips with and students can share learning materials

internationally. Lastly, IoT has an array of security applications schools, colleges, university and

pre-schools could benefit from like video monitoring tools, smoking and vaping sensors, student

escort drones, etc.

(228 words)
ii. How does the existence of IoT influence the development of ‘Smart School’ in Malaysia?
(10 marks)

The smart school is a learning institution that has been systemically reinvented in terms of

teaching-learning practices and school management in order to prepare children for the

Information Age (MalaysiaGov, 1997). A smart school is a technology-driven physical or virtual

learning environment equipped with modern technologies, devices, tools, and applications for

interactive learning, engagement, collaboration, teaching, and management (Sustainability,

2022). The existence of IoT influences the development of ‘Smart School’ in Malaysia for

school management, teachers and students.

To collect data, smart schools typically install sensor networks throughout the building,

which house instruction in a ubiquitous manner through the use of IoT and cloud computing. The

current state of Industry 4.0 allows initial improvements such as the Smart Schools Management

System (SSMS), which was developed in Malaysia for school administrators to manage all

aspects required to support teaching and learning, including administrative functions as lesson

schedules, programming activities, and computerized student academic records (Salimi &

Ghonoodi, 2012). Smart schools' extensive use of technology makes systemic transformation

more integrated, automatable, people-centered, and long-term. Consider a student surveillance

system that combines Bluetooth low-energy technology (BLE) cards with IP-based closed-circuit

television (CCTV) systems. It's used to determine the location of an object using fingerprinting

technology, and it's used to identify the student using face recognition. It would be easier to track

and identify students who have BLE cards in this way.

School management also has smart transport for students with leverage of IoT secure

transport. The IoT-based vehicle monitoring system is presented with a cellular device

application and a microcontroller. By using the Global Positioning System (GPS) one can find

the position of school transport using a cellular device. This system can be observed by school

management and parents. This system also has a bus tracking system using a tracking website in

android application for school administration to track the school transports. In addition, using

IoT tools can monitor students' health. If students are suffering from health problems, it will be

hard for them to focus on their studies. So, their academic performance will be reduced. This IoT

sensor gathers health data through wearable devices and gives measurements of students' health

parameters. This data is from an emotion detection system using long short-term memory

(LSTM) and physiological signals. The data will be sent to school administration and also


IoT not only influences the development of Smart School management but also helps to

develop teacher management in Smart School. Using IoT technologies, teachers can teach

IoT-based STEM education, can use autonomous attendance systems, and also assessment,

evaluation, and feedback systems. STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

classes to have hands-on experiments and learning experience. The students can analyze the data

collected through sensors or devices and can use IoT kits for design-based learning and can

develop design thinking. For example, teachers can give some physics experiments to students

by using IoT tools for education and performing laboratory experiments. Then, the biometric

attendance system is an automatic attendance system in which each student is identified by a

barcode on an ID card that makes it easier for teachers to be aware of the presence or absence of

the student. Teachers can use assessment, evaluation, and feedback systems for quick and easy
working with student performance. Teachers can propose a framework for student interactions

using attention scoring assessment in e-learning and also a real-time data mining approach based

on IoT for students assessment. For example, like Raspberry pie that makes student‘s

engagement assessments.

Lastly, IoT also assists student management to develop the Smart School education

system in Malaysia. Student management like distance learning, enhanced productivity and

interaction and then school and home management. Distance learning has happened because of

this pandemic era. Distance learning can be said as online learning that uplifting students

performance by using IoT tools. The use of online classes, virtual classes or e-classes develop

more interactivity in students. This kind of IoT-based learning develops students' interest in

being involved in different tasks and participating actively in all activities. For example, e-book

help students to read in an interactive way, scanmaker can scan editable text from books or

directly from phones, ect. Then, IoT devices can be used as a school and home management tool

for students and parents. For example, a smart school bag that was designed with IoT which has

a quick timetable management tool and provides alerts for parents with notifications about the

missed books, school related things and so on.

(744 Words)
iii. Suggest an IoT technology that can help to improve the education system in Malaysia?
Provide justification to support the proposal. (15 marks) Refer to the assignment guide
rubric below as a reference for an explanation of the expected content as well as the basics
of scoring in detail.

The education sector can use technologies from 4IR to foster the learner-centered approach

necessary to enhance the learning experience (Oke & Fernandes, 2020). Based on my opinion, an

IoT technology that can help to improve the education system in Malaysia is IoT-based STEM

education by using Smart Board. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

education facilitates Malaysia's transformation into this science and technology-driven economy

so that the nation is prepared to adopt and tackle the challenges in the era of IR4.0 (Saleh et al.,


Nowadays, the use of IoT technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality and mobile

applications in teaching and learning must enhance student's learning experience on STEM to

gain opportunity and to improve the education system. These IoT technology applications

enhance students' engagement and transform the way of educational content. To improve the

education system in Malaysia, every school must provide a program related to STEM to make

students participate, experience and expose them to the real world. The STEM initiative in

Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025 aims to develop students with necessary skills which

could face the challenges of science as well as technology and to ensure Malaysia produces a

sufficient number of qualified graduates in STEM (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2013).

Previously, students felt that STEM was a very hard, complicated, dull and tedious

subject. Students are scared to undergo STEM and do not pursue a STEM related degree because

of the difficulty of the subjects. They thought the subjects are not useful for their career and it's

very boring. By using IoT technology in STEM education, students become more excited to

learn STEM because different kinds of technologies are applied to educate them. For example,

using Smart Board for mathematics subjects that view the movement of virtual tools, such as

pictures of cubes, pie graphs, and other objects. So, it will increase students' interest in STEM

and it won't be a boring subject because they will learn more digitized.

Nonetheless, previously science subjects usually look like a recipe book that was

arranged to teach students to analyze data, design, and execute. This kind of learning creates a

passive classroom experience and such learning does not encourage creativity nor does it

highlight the intellect of science among students. Lack of learning experience of students will

discourage them from pursuing STEM education. To improve this situation, Malaysian

Education Blueprint 2013-2025 aims to develop student engagement by using IoT technologies

in the education system. For example, students can view a virtual dissection of a frog in biology

subjects only with the help of a smart board. Other than that, smart board provides free content

libraries, templates, subject specific tools such as laboratory activities and other features of

science that aim to prepare and assist students to learn more about STEM subjects.

In addition, we can develop collaborative learning in teaching and learning strategies of

students by using IoT-based STEM education. Small groups of about three to five students do

collaborative learning using smart board IoT devices in STEM subjects which will be interesting

and more meaningful. Students can work together to solve problems while building a good

relationship among them. IoT-based STEM education will create interactive classrooms when
compared to other traditional classrooms. A good example of the use of IoT as part of

collaborative teaching and learning is by Satu et al., (2018). The authors proposed a tier-based

platform which is more holistic in nature. The author's solution consists of three main

components which are Smart Management, Smart Contents and Personal Devices. Smart

Management concerns classroom management. Smart Content focuses on the learning

management system, pedagogy, learning analytics, assessment, and digital library. Students use

their personal devices outside of campus to access Smart Content (Satu et al., 2018). Using this

tier-based platform in IoT-based STEM education in the part of collaborative teaching and

learning to identify problems, monitor learning process, identify students progress and can

compare their knowledge with other students. This learning will improve the education system

in Malaysia by increasing students' interest by choosing STEM related careers and teachers'

sincerity in teaching STEM subjects to students.

Lastly, students can collect data through sensors or devices like IoT kits for design based

learning and develop design thinking. This is one of the STEM skills. IoT STEM skills and tools

can be used in laboratory experiments like mentioned before. IoT devices can collect multimodal

data that can be used to develop analytical skills in STEM education. IoT-based STEM learning

environments help students and teachers to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.

It's because IoT not only collects data but the connection and application as well. STEM-IoT

School Attachment programme at the UKM main campus in Bangi for three weeks starting from

Dec 2 (NST, 2019). UKM-JPNS Mentor-Mentee, STEM-IoT programme aimed to instill interest

in students in STEM, and show them the potential of technology and how it could shape their

career choices in the future. This programme is to make awareness talks and to introduce the

concept of STEM and the development of STEM-based innovations. This kind of programme
helped to think critically to develop the app and work out the solution with the knowledge and

skills that students have acquired. Aim to produce high quality human capital in terms of

scientific integrity as well as willingness to improve the education system and serve the country

in the future.

( 894 Words)

( Total 1866 words)

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