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I. Introduction

II. Biosynthesis and Regulation of Eicosanoids

III. Physiological Functions of Eicosanoids

IV. Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Potential

A. Role of eicosanoids in various diseases and conditions (e.g., inflammation, asthma, cardiovascular diseases)

B. Pharmacological modulation of eicosanoid pathways

V. Classification of Eicosanoids

A. Prostaglandins

1. Synthesis, regulation, and metabolism of prostaglandins

2. Cellular receptors and signaling pathways of prostaglandins

3. Physiological and pathological roles of prostaglandins

B. Leukotrienes

1. Synthesis, regulation, and metabolism of leukotrienes

2. Cellular receptors and signaling pathways of leukotrienes

3. Physiological and pathological roles of leukotrienes

C. Thromboxanes

1. Synthesis, regulation, and metabolism of thromboxanes

2. Cellular receptors and signaling pathways of thromboxanes

3. Physiological and pathological roles of thromboxanes

VI. Conclusion

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