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Presentation by Group 4

SOC SCI 103N Contemporary World


The United Nations is a global diplomatic and political organization

dedicated to international peace and stability.

The U.N. was officially established in 1945 following the horrific

events of World War II when international leaders proposed
creating a new global organization to maintain peace and avoid the
abuses of war.

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


The UN is pivotal in establishing international human

rights standards, conducting peacekeeping missions,
providing humanitarian aid, and addressing issues like
climate change through initiatives such as the Sustainable
Development Goals.

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


The United Nations has different

organizations that focus on vast world
problems and aim to help every
country and people in need.

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


UNESCO was originally founded to focus on

ABSTRACT rebuilding schools, libraries, and museums that
had been destroyed in Europe during World
War II.

Signed on November 16, 1945. The constitution,

HISTORY which entered into force in 1946, called for the
promotion of international collaboration in
education, science, and culture.

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Ensure quality Works to
Achieving the foster mutual
education, protect
Sustainable cultural heritage, understanding
Development foster scientific and respect for
Goals programs and
the planet

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An organization dedicated to protecting the rights of

ABSTRACT children worldwide and working to establish children's
rights as ethical principles and international standards,
they have a presence in nearly every country.

UNICEF, the United Nations International

HISTORY Children's Emergency Fund, was established in
1946 as a response to the needs of children
affected by World War II.

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To provide Promotes quality Strives to
supplies and education and provide access
assistance to advocates for to clean and
children in
children's right safe drinking
to education. water

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The United Nations Industrial Development

ABSTRACT Organization is a specialized agency of the United
Nations dedicated to promoting and accelerating
industrial development.

Established in 1966 by the UN General Assembly

HISTORY Resolution 2152 as an autonomous body within the
United Nations.

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To promote and Promotes
Provides training
and capacity- gender equality
industrialization in
and women's
developing building
countries and empowerment
economies in in industrial
transition. development

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


The World Intellectual Property Organization

ABSTRACT (WIPO) is a specialized agency of the United
Nations that promotes and protects intellectual
property rights worldwide.

WIPO was established in 1967 as a result of

the WIPO Convention, which entered into
force in 1970.

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Develops Serves as a global Offers a range of
international policy forum for global services,
norms, treaties, and discussing technical
legal frameworks intellectual infrastructure, and
across different property issues information
countries resources

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

ABSTRACT is a United Nations specialized body in charge of
developing and regulating international civil

ICAO was established on April 4, 1947, in response to the

Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention).
It was created to promote the safe and orderly development of
international civil aviation.

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It sets global Works to ensure Provides technical
standards and that international assistance and
regulations for air travel is safe, cooperation to
various aspects of efficient, and member states in
civil aviation environmentally improving their
responsible. aviation capabilities

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

ABSTRACT (UNHCR) is a United Nations agency entrusted with
safeguarding and aiding refugees and internally
displaced people around the world.

UNHCR was established on December 14, 1950, following the

adoption of the United Nations' Statute of the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. It was initially
created to provide assistance to European refugees in the
aftermath of World War II.

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UNHCR's primary Advocates for
function is to protect
UNHCR also works refugee rights and
the rights and well-
to find long-term raises awareness of
being of refugees
solutions refugee issues
and help them find
durable solutions.

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


The Universal Postal Union (UPU) is a United Nations

ABSTRACT institution that acts as the major venue for international
postal cooperation. It creates and upholds international
postal standards and regulations.

The UPU was founded on July 9, 1874, with the goal of

promoting international postal cooperation. It was established in
Bern, Switzerland, and is one of the oldest international

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It establishes Promotes technical The UPU is crucial
international postal cooperation among in maintaining and
standards, postal operators enhancing the
regulations, and international postal
guidelines network.

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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is

ABSTRACT an independent United Nations body devoted to the
peaceful use of nuclear energy and the prevention
of nuclear weapons proliferation.

The IAEA was established on July 29, 1957, in response to the

"Atoms for Peace" initiative proposed by the U.S. President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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They verify that Conducts The IAEA also
nuclear materials inspections, supports nuclear
are used for safeguards nuclear safety and radiation
facilities, and works
peaceful purposes protection
to prevent the spread
of nuclear weapons

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UNDP’s mandate is to end poverty, build democratic

ABSTRACT governance, rule of law, and inclusive institutions. We
advocate for change, and connect countries to knowledge,
experience and resources to help people build a better life.

UNDP is based on the merging of United Nations Expanded

HISTORY Programme if Technical Assistance, created in 1949, and
the United Nations Special Fund, established in 1958.
UNDP, as we know it now, was established in 1966 by the
General Assembly of the United Nations.

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Sustainable Climate and
government and
development. disaster resilience.
Peace building.

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


The International Labor Organization (ILO) is devoted to

ABSTRACT promoting social justice and internationally recognized
human and labour rights, pursuing its founding mission
that labour peace is essential to prosperity.

The ILO was created in 1919, as part of the Treaty of

HISTORY Versailles that ended World War I, to reflect the belief
that universal and lasting peace can be accomplished
only if it’s based on social justice. In 1946, the ILO
became a specialized agency of the United Nations.

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Formulation of An extensive programme
international policies and Creation of of international technical
programmes to promote international labour cooperation formulated
basic human rights, standards backed by and implemented in an
improve working and active partnership with
a unique system to
living conditions, and constituents, to help
enhance employment supervise their countries put these
opportunities application policies into practice in
an effective manner

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


The FAO contributes to international efforts to defeat

ABSTRACT hunger and improve local economies by helping member
countries modernize and improve agriculture, forestry, and
fishery practices.

After the war, the IIA was officially dissolved by resolution

HISTORY of its Permanent Committee on 27 February 1948. Its
functions, facilities, and mandate were then transferred to
the newly established FAO, which maintained its
headquarters in Rome.

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Ensure sustainable
Achieve food Protect, restore,
consumption and
production patterns at security and end and promote the
local, regional, and hunger by promoting use of terrestrial
global levels through nutritious food and and marine
sustainable agri-food increasing access to ecosystems
systems. healthy diets.

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

ABSTRACT delivers a world where every pregnancy is wanted,
every birth is safe, every young person’s potential is

Began operating in 1969 as the United Nations Fund for

Population Activities, the same year the United Nations
HISTORY General Assembly declared “parents have the exclusive
right to determine freely and responsibly the number and
spacing of their children.”

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Promoting reproductive Improving the lives of And sexual and
rights, reducing youths and women by reproductive health
maternal mortality and advocating for human and women’s
accelerating progress rights and gender empowerment all
on the ICPD agenda equality and by powerfully affect and
and the MDGs- are promoting the are influenced by
inextricably linked. understanding of population trends
population dynamics

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is a
specialized agency of the United Nations mandated to enable poor
ABSTRACT rural women and men to improve their food security and nutrition,
raise their incomes and strengthen their resilience. Its mandate
therefore aligns with the priorities of Switzerland's development

Established in 1977 in response to the food crisis of the 1970s, IFAD is

today the only multilateral organization with a mandate specialized on
HISTORY smallholder agriculture. Its work focuses on poor rural people, including
poor smallholder farmers, fishermen, and pastoralists, as well as landless
and indigenous people.

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Increasing poor rural Increasing and Strengthening the
people’s productive improving their environmental
capacities in a engagement in markets, sustainability and
sustainable and resilient while enabling them to climate resilience of
manner. better manage related their economic
risks. activities.

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4

The World Bank is an international organization that helps emerging
market countries to reduce poverty. Its first goal is to end extreme poverty.
ABSTRACT It wants no more than 3% of people to live on $1.90 a day or less by 2030.
Its second goal is to promote shared prosperity. It wants to improve the
incomes of the bottom 40% of the population in each country. Since 1947,
the World Bank has funded more than 12,000 projects.

The 1944 Bretton Woods Conference established The

HISTORY World Bank. Its loans helped European countries
rebuild after World War II. That made it the world's
first multilateral development bank.

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The Bank's stated It turns "rich country It has a long-term
purpose is to "bridge resources into poor vision to "achieve
the economic divide country growth." sustainable poverty
between poor and rich reduction.”

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4

UN Women

UN Women is the UN entity dedicated to gender equality and

ABSTRACT the empowerment of women. Gender inequality is pervasive,
with women lacking access to decent employment and facing
gender wage gaps.

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN

Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the
Empowerment of Women. In doing so, UN Member States took
an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s goals on
gender equality and the empowerment of women.

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To support inter- To help Member States To hold the UN system
governmental bodies, to implement these accountable for its own
such as the Commission standards, standing commitments on
on the Status of ready to provide gender equality,
Women, in their suitable technical and
formulation of policies, including regular
financial support to
global standards and those countries that
monitoring of system-
norms. request it, and to forge wide progress.
effective partnerships
with civil society.

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The IMF fosters global economic stability and cooperation

ABSTRACT among its 190 member countries. It supports policies for
financial stability, job creation, and overall economic well-
being through sustainable growth initiatives.

The IMF, founded in 1944 by 44 member countries after the Great

HISTORY Depression, aims to promote global monetary cooperation, ensure
financial stability, facilitate international trade, foster employment,
sustainable growth, and reduce global poverty.

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The IMF monitors The IMF offers training
The IMF provides
global economic and and support for
financial aid during
financial member countries' effective economic
developments in its economic crises. policy implementation
member countries. in member countries.

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WHO promotes global health, ensures safety, and aids the

ABSTRACT vulnerable. Goals include universal health coverage for a
billion more people, protecting a billion from emergencies,
and enhancing well-being for an additional billion.

When diplomats met to form the United Nations in 1945, one

of the things they discussed was setting up a global health
organization. WHO's Constitution came into force on 7 April
1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health

1 2 3
Helps countries
WHO monitors global Assists countries in
improve healthcare
health trends and addressing health
systems for accessible,
disease outbreaks. challenges.
equitable, and high-
quality services.

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ITU, a UN agency, promotes global information and

ABSTRACT communication technologies (ICTs). It allocates
spectrum, sets technical standards, and enhances ICT
access in underserved communities.

ITU, established in 1865 as the International Telegraph Union,

became a UN specialized agency in 1947. Originally focused on
HISTORY telegraphy, it now oversees the entire ICT sector, including
digital broadcasting, the Internet, mobile technologies, and 3D

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Guides states in ICT Tackles cybersecurity Fosters ICT innovation
policy, enabling challenges with through government,
infrastructure, guidelines for ICT industry, academia
investment, and protection. collaboration and
innovation. awards.

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UN Environment coordinates UN responses to

ABSTRACT environmental issues since 1972. Established after the
Stockholm Conference by Maurice Strong.

UNEP, founded on December 15, 1972, during the

HISTORY historic "Stockholm Conference," was the first global
environmental discussion convened by the UN General

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Raises environmental Focuses on Promotes collaboration
awareness, promotes environmental aspects among governments,
education, and of the 2030 Agenda, NGOs(Non-Governmental
encourages sustainable emphasizing Organizations), private
behaviors. SDGs(Sustainable sector, and civil society to
Development Goals) address global
environmental challenges.
related to the

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international
organization that focuses on establishing and enforcing global
trade rules, and promotes sustainable and responsible tourism
development worldwide.

Founded in 1974, they are dedicated to enhancing tourism's role

and a means of promoting cross-cultural understanding and
preserving natural and cultural heritage.

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4

The UN General Assembly is a body of members that exercise
deliberative, supervisory, financial, and elective functions relating
to any matter within the scope of the UN Charter

Its primary role is to discuss issues and make recommendations,

though it has no power to enforce its resolutions or to compel state

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the principal
organs of the United Nations, with the primary responsibility for
maintaining international peace and security.

It holds responsibility for addressing threats to global peace and

security, including conflict prevention and resolution, the
authorization of peacekeeping missions, and the imposition of

United Nations | Soc Science 103N | 2023 | Group 4

Presentation by Group 4

SOC SCI 103N Contemporary World

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