Q1 Final Assessment Pqi 6031 - Digital Audio Video

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SEMESTER 2, SESI 2021/2022






1. Writing an article (5 marks): Please write an article describing your own opinion regarding the
importance of instructional video lessons in the current digital age, industry 4.0, and post-Covid-19,
especially in the Malaysian educational context. Please also explain what make effective educational
video lesson! Please limit your writing to no more than 500 words! Turnitin will be used to check the
plagiarism of your article.

The world of education, one of the most essential areas of development of the IR 4.0 revolution,
witnessed a very significant change from traditional learning to technology-based learning.
Instructional video lessons in the current digital age, industry 4.0, and post-Covid-19, especially
in Malaysian education, have become very important resources. Video is a medium that can
improve the efficiency of how a message or piece of information is delivered since it is more
dynamic and capable of stimulating several senses, including sight and hearing. Syamsulaini &
Mashitoh (2016) has found that the use of video has proven its effectiveness in the world of
education because this technique can further enhance the student's learning potential to grow more
actively when the teaching process is more student-centered. Nowadays modern education,
instructional video with audio lessons is important because to develop lesson plans that are simple
and easy to follow. We can say flipped classrooms that have before lessons, during lessons and
after lessons. Before the lesson students will learn and prepare for class activities using the
instructional video that teachers share. Then, during the lesson students will participate by
answering questions by applying the concept from the video lesson. After the lesson students will
check their understanding through the lessons. This method is suitable to be applied in IR 4.0
learning due to providing early knowledge to students before entering the classroom.

More than this, interactive video lessons are important to attract and retain learners'
attention. Using video in today's educational system can help students to get better results
compared to the use of textbooks. Interactional video is a combination of video and audio
technology that produces more attractive, and its combined text and pictures, has a variety of
graphic, audio and visual elements that help students understand their lesson more quickly and
easily and also can be watched repeatedly for more understanding. In addition, interactive video
lessons are important to make class more interactive and interesting and to generate interest across
different levels of students. It's because a short educational video less than 6 minutes long can
optimize student engagement and make students watch the whole video.

Lastly, it's important to strengthen teachers' skills in making the teaching learning process
more effective and focus on a student-centered approach. This teaching method makes a better
lesson because creative and innovative teachers in the classroom can create a more effective
learning environment. Then, it's able to stimulate students in learning and make students more
highly skilled. Teachers who are able to stimulate learners indirectly can increase motivation and
make students more active in learning (Ainun Rahmah, Zamri & Wan Muna Ruzanna, 2017). It
can indirectly facilitate the teachers and save time in explaining the matter. The information and
explanation done in instructional video lessons is an easier technique to help students in learning.

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