BIL3313 Grammar Game

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Presented by Nurul Ashikin
“Conditionals of Jelly”
Duration of activity: 1 hour

Targeted audience: Form 3


Level of proficiency : Low

How to
Equipment needed:

If you stand in the rain, you get wet

If it rains, we will cancel the trip

If I won the lottery, I would travel a lot

If you had studied, you would have passed the exam

If I hadn’t been sick, I would have gone to your party

If you heat ice, it melts

If you eat too much, you will feel sick
If you study, you will pass the exam
If she had more time, she would take up a new hobby
If they sold their house, they would be rich
Water boils at 100 degree Celsius if you heat it

If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake

If he had taken the job offer, he would have moved to a different city

If I have time this evening, I will call you

If she were a bird, she would fly to exotic places every day

If you mix red and blue, you get purple

If you don’t water plants, they die

If they had bought the ticket in advance, they would have attended
the concert

If the train is on time, we will catch the connecting flight

If I were you, I would take a day off and relax

If they don’t hurry, they will miss the bus

If we lived in a warmer climate, we would have a garden with tropical plants
If the sun sets, it gets dark

If you mix salt with water, it dissolves

If you had told me earlier, I would have rearranged my schedule

If the price of oil continues to rise, the cost of living will increase
it it weren’t so expensive, I would buy that luxurious car

If I were invisible, I would explore places that are off-limits to the public

If it had been warmer last weekend, we would have gone to the beach

If you don’t set an alarm, you will oversleep

If I had listened to your advice, I wouldn’t have made that mistake

If the temperature drops below freezing, water turns into ice


Helps students to easily Spoon-feeding approach

identify each class of
conditionals sentences
Outcome of activity

At the end of this activity, students are able to

identify which sentence is which conditionals. They
will also be able to apply the use of this grammar
element in their essay correctly.

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