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Software testing encompasses a variety of activities along the software development

process and may consume a large part of the effort required for producing software. It
represents a key aspect to assess the adequate functional and nonfunctional software
behavior aiming to prevent and remedy malfunctions. The increasing complexity and
heterogeneity of software poses many challenges to the development of testing strategies
and tools. In this chapter, we provide a comprehensive overview of emerging software
testing technologies. Beyond the basic concepts of software testing, we address prominent
test case generation approaches and focus on more relevant challenges of testing activity as
well as its role in recent development processes. An emphasis is also given to testing
solutions tailored to the specific needs of emerging application domains.

Why Software Testing?

We’ve got some bad news for tech startups….software bugs are inevitable.

End to End testing complements other forms of testing like unit testing, system testing,
functional testing by providing additional coverage and verifying the system as a whole.

Why is End to End Testing necessary?

When programmers develop new software, they create a small unit and test it. This creates
an easy to follow feedback loop. Then they integrate these units into modules and test them.
In an ideal scenario, this process would incrementally cover all parts of the system but it’s
rarely the case.

Software applications these days are highly complex and interconnected with multiple
subsystems. Even if a single system fails, it would fail the entire software.End to End Testing
can increase the coverage of our testing as it checks the entire flow including all the
subsystems similar to the user environment. It detects issues and decreases system failures.

It avoids the risk by

By verifying the backend of the system.

Interacting with different layers of the architecture as it checks the overall functionality.
Increasing the test coverage and scope of the application.
Performing repeatable tests at different points and processes in the application.
Involving the front end in the testing ensures a better user experience.

How we Do it?
We practical test every functionality in the application for an end to end testing.
The best way to optimise the scope of testing is to perform user flow. We can ensure
coverage by testing the path which customers usually use.
Here we have to collect data and analyse those workflows.
And these are done by Both
1.Manual Testers
2.Automation Testers

Manual testing is
Testing of the software where tests are executed manually by a QA Analyst. It is performed
to discover bugs in software under development.

In Manual testing, the tester checks all the essential features of the given application or
software. In this process, the software testers execute the test cases and generate the test
reports without the help of any automation software testing tools.

It is a classical method of all testing types and helps find bugs in software systems. It is
generally conducted by an experienced tester to accomplish the software testing process.

Automation Testing
Automation testing is a process of changing any manual test case into the test scripts by
using automation testing tools, and scripting or programming language is called

Automation testing is used to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and coverage of

Software testing.

Automation test engineer uses automation testing tools to automate the manual design test
cases without any human interference.

And these testing tools can control the execution of tests, access the test data, and
compares the actual result against the expected result.

Testing is crucial for startups, especially those tech-first companies where their business
depends on having an app that delivers on what it is selling. A buggy app, with costly
glitches that customers don’t trust, could negatively impact your startup. But a well-tested
app, where bugs have been fixed early in order to deliver a seamless customer experience -
that’s the difference between a startup that scales and one that could fall flat. Remember the
5 reasons why testing is so important for startups"

It improves quality
It builds customer trust
It protects your revenue
It enables you to scale
It increases sales

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