Ge Envi Chapter 2

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

IM No.: GE ENVI – 1STSEM-2020-2012

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya





1. Physics of Sound
i. Sounds Concept and Background Information
ii. Sound Waves' Concept and Background Information
iii. Characteristics of Sound
2. Noise Pollution
i. Introduction to Noise Pollution
ii. Noise Measurement
iii. Effects of Noise
iv. Sources of Noise
v. Noise Control and Health Pollution


This chapter discusses background information of sound and noise concepts. It includes
the characteristics of sound and sound waves. It also introduces the noise concepts and noise
pollution, effects and sources of noise, and health pollution.


At the end of the topic, the students should be able to:
1. know the concept and background information of Sound
2. understand the Sound Waves' concept and background Information
3. understand the characteristics of Sound
4. know the concept of noise pollution
5. determine how sound/noise are measured
6. know the effects / sources of Noise Pollution
7. participate in the classroom discussion.
8. to value the importance of noise control and health protection

It is necessary to have a basic understanding of Sound and Sound Waves' in order to
understand noise regulations. Hence, concept and background information are being discussed.

A. Sound Concept

1. Sounds are caused by object vibrating.

2. Sound Wave are received by the ear and interpreted by the brain.

Background Information
Sound is a vibratory disturbance in a substance or in a medium such as air. Sounds occur
when thing vibrate. Vibrating object send out sound waves that travel in all directions. Sound
Waves can travel through solids. Liquids and gasses causing these substances to vibrate.

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However, sound waves cannot move through vacuum because there is no medium present to
vibrate. Sound waves travel at different rates through different substances. As they travel, sound
waves can also cause nearby substances to vibrate. This help to propagate the sound waves.
When sound waves strike the ear, they are channeled through the ear canal and strike the
eardrum. The vibrations of the eardrum cause the minute bones of the inner ear to vibrate. The
vibration of these bones causes the fluid that stimulates hearing receptors in the cochlea to vibrate.

The auditory nerve then relays the sensation to the brain, which interprets the stimulus.
Through experience we learn to associate certain sounds with certain events. This allows us to
recognize the voice of a friend, as well as to distinguish it from the sound of glass breaking.

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B. Sound Waves

1. A sound wave is a series of compression and rarefaction waves that Spread out in all
directions from the sound source.
2. Sound waves travel at a speed of 331.5 meters (361.3 yards) per Second at O C (32oF).

Background Information

Any object or medium cause to vibrate produces sound waves. In air, the forward
movement of vibrating objects pushes molecules together. This is called compression. When the
vibrating object moves back in the opposite.
Direction, the air is separated, causing the molecules to move further apart. This is called
rarefaction. A sound is produced by matter when a succession Compression and rarefaction
disturbances occur which can be heard by the human ear or detected by an instrument. Like light
waves, sound waves spread out in all directions from the source. Sound waves, however, travel
much slower than light waves. They travel through different substances at different speeds. Due
to the closeness of the molecules in the solid and liquid states of matter, sound waves generally
travel faster in solids and liquids than in gases. The speed of sound in piece of steel is more than
15 times faster than it is in air at the same temperature (25 C — 77 C). Temperature has an effect
on the speed of sound waves. It has a relatively small effect in solids and liquids, bit in gases, the
speed of sound for each increase at a rate of 0.6 meters (2 feet) per second for each increase in
degrees Celsius.
Noise is not a substance that can accumulate in the environment like most other pollutants.
Nevertheless, it is a type of waste product, in effect, it is waste energy. In the form of sound waves.
Sound is caused by mechanical vibrations that transmit pulses of pressure variations or "waves"
through the air (or other transmitting media, including liquids or solids.)
Sound pressure waves may be visualized as alternating high and low air density regions.
The regions of high and low densities or pressures maybe represented schematically as the peaks
and valleys of a trigonometric "sine curve". The distance between the peaks (or valleys) is called
the wave length, and the number of waves that will pass a fixed point in one second is called the
frequency of the waves. The height of the peaks, called the amplitude of the wave, represents the
pressure intensity and is related to the "loudness" of the perceived sound.
A single wavelength is also called a cycle, and the frequency is expressed in terms of cycles
per second (cps). The term hertz, abbreviated Hz = 1 cps.
For example, a sound wave with a frequency of 1000 Hz is one in which the pressure waves
pass a given point at a rate of 1000 cps. Frequency should not be confused with the speed of
sound, which is constant at given transmission medium. In air at a standard temperature and
pressure, sound travels at constant speed of about 340 m/s (1100 ft / s.). The product of the
wavelength and the frequency is equal to the speed of the sound wave, as follows:

(Wavelength) (Frequency) = speed

(Meters)_ (Cycles) = meters
Cycle second = second
Since the speed is constant, there is an inverse relationship between the wavelength and
the frequency. In other words, the higher the frequency is, the shorter the wavelength is, and vice
The pitch of a sound depends on the frequency of the wave that produces it. High pitched-
sounds (e.g. a shrill whistle) have high frequencies. Low pitched sounds (e.g. a fog horn) have
low frequencies. The human ear can detect sounds in the frequency range of about 20 to 20 000
Hz, but for most people, hearing is the best in the range of 200 to 10 000 Hz. In normal
conversation, the human voice covers a range of 300 to 4000 Hz.
The sine curves or a sound wave. represents pure tones. Noise is typically much more
complex than a single pure tone; it usually comprises a combination of many different pressure
waves, each with a different frequency and amplitude. The resulting sound wave does not exhibit
the neat pattern of a single sine curve. A random pattern or distribution of amplitude and
wavelength over time is a characteristic of most unwanted sound or noise.

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C. Characteristics of Sound Concept:

1. Frequency is the number of vibrations an object males per Second.
2. Amplitude is the distance of vibrating particle has been displaced from its resting position.
Background Information
Sound waves have certain characteristics which enable as to distinguish from another.
The frequency of a sound wave is the number of waves that pass a certain point per unit of time.
A rapidly vibrating object has a high frequency. High frequency waves produce a high — pitched
sound. Slowly vibrating objects have a low frequency and produced a low-pitched - sound. The
human ear has a normal range capable of hearing sounds about as low as 16 vibrations per
second (vps) and as high as 16, 000 vps are known as ultrasonic. Ultrasonic sound waves are
used in various industrial and medical activities.
Amplitude is the distance a vibrating particle has been displaced from a resting position.
Amplitude determines the intensity of a sound.
Intensity is defined as the amount of energy flowing in the sound waves. The larger the
amplitude, the more intense the sound.
Loudness is how strong the sound seems when it reaches our ears. Although related to
intensity, it is not the same concept due to the interaction of frequency. If frequency is held
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constant, loudness and intensity vary together. That means that as one increases the other
increases at the same rate. However, equally intense sound traveling at different frequencies is
not equal loud. When intensity is held constant, sounds is the middle ranges of frequency are
louder than sounds in the upper or lower frequency ranges. Loudness is measured in decibel
units by sound meters. Sounds above 120 decibels are painful to the ears and cause injury to the
ear if prolonged.
Some substance conduct sound better than others does. Most sound comes to us through
air, a gas. Gases are not the best conductors of sound the molecules in a gas are space from
apart, making up a poor conductor of sound energy. Where the air is thin and cool, such as in
high altitudes, sound does not travel as fast or as far as compared to lower altitudes where the
air is warmer and denser. Because the molecules are closer together in a liquid conduct sound
better and faster than gases. Sound travels best in solids, molecules are very close together.
When a sound wave bounces back (reflects) from a large hard surface, it may be heard as an
echo. To hear the echo, a Person must be at least 16.5 meters (18 yards) away from the reflecting
source. Annoying echoes can be eliminated by using acoustical material to absorb the sound.
Concert halls and gymnasiums are built with this principle in mind.

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A. Introduction to Noise Pollution

NOISE, commonly defined as unwanted sound, is an environmental phenomenon to

which we are exposed before birth and throughout life. Noise can be also considered an
environmental pollutant, a product generated in conjunction with various anthropogenic
activities. Under the latter definition, Noise is any sound- independent of loudness- that can
produced an undesired physiological and psychological effect in an individual and that may
interfere with the social ends of an individual or group. These social ends include ail of our
activities — communication, work, rest, recreation and sleep.
As waste product of our way of life, we produced two general types of pollutants. The
general public has become aware of the first type — the mass residuals associated with air and
water pollution — that remains in the environment for extended periods of tome. However, only
recently has attention been focused on the second general type of pollution, the energy residuals
such as the waste heat from the manufacturing processes that creates thermal pollution of our
Energy in the form of sound waves constitutes yet another kind of energy residual, but,
fortunately, one that does not remain in the environment extended periods. The total amount of
energy dissipated as sound throughout the earth is not large when compared to other forms of
energy; it is only the extraordinary sensitivity of the ear that permits such a relatively small amount
of energy to adversely affect us and other biological species.

From the presented introduction, we now have to define Noise Pollution:

Noise Pollution — is the presence of sound so loud or so sudden or so unpleasant that it

becomes an assault on the body, particularly the sense of hearing causing mental or physical
Noise Pollution — is the adverse effect of noise in living and working environment. Noise
is, by definition unwanted sound.
Noise Pollution - not only has the potential to cause hearing impairment, but alters much
physiological process and causes psychological stress. Unwanted sound, or noise, is considered
a form of pollution. Noise pollution is at its work in density-populated areas. It can cause hearing
loss, stress, high blood pressure, sleep loss, distraction and loss productivity.

B. Noise Measurement
Sound is characterized by cyclical changes of air density or pressure, above and below
the average atmospheric pressure. Compared to atmospheric pressure, sound pressures are very
small, and are expressed in terms of the microbar or uban.
A microbar is approximately one — millionth (1 10) of standard atmospheric pressure at
sea level. By definition, 1 bar = 100 kPa (14.7 psi). Therefore, a pressure of 1 uban.= 0.1 Pa
(0.000 014 7 ps)
The human ear is a remarkably sensitive organ. Although most sound pressures are
extremely small, the average can detect a sound with an amplitude or pressure intensity as small
as O, 0002 ubar. A pressure of O, 0002 ubar is considered to be the lowest audible sound to
humans, and is used as a base or reference level in noise measurement. The highest sound
pressure that can perceived without causing pain is about 1000 ubar. This range of pressure,
from O, 0002 up to 1000 ubar, covers a very wide spectrum; it is equivalent and comparable to a
range of five million to one. (1000 O, 0002 = 5 10). Actually, the human ear can perceive sound
pressures as high as 10 000 ubar before immediate physical damage occurs to the inner or outer
ear organ.
1. Decibel Scale (dB) Scale
Measuring sound with pressure units that can vary over such a wide range of microbar
values is awkward and inconvenient.

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Another disadvantage of measuring sound in terms of microbars is the fact that the ear
responds nonlinearly with respect to pressure. In other words, our perception of "loudness" is not
a simple and direct function of sound pressures; a doubling of pressure intensity is not necessarily
perceived as doubling of the loudness of the sound.

There are other factors involved in this phenomenon, as will be discussed shortly. In order
to avoid the disadvantages of using pressure directly for sound measurement, a logarithmic
relationship called the decibel scale is used. The units, called decibel (dB), do not represent an
absolute physical quantity, such as sound pressure. A noise measurement expressed in terms of
decibels represents a sound pressure level. (SPL). An SPL is determined with reference to the
lowest audible sound pressure of O. 0002 ubar. Mathematically it is defined as:

SPL = 20 log (P / P)
Where p = 0. 0002 ubar and P is the actual Sound pressure.
Based, on this definition of sound pressure level, it should be noted that an SPL = O dB
does not represent the complete absence of sound instead; it represents the reference level or
least audible sound most people. This can be seen by substituting P = 0.0002 in equation 12-1,
and computing SPL = 20 log (O. 0002 / O. 0002) = 20 10 (1) = 20 = O. In fact some people with
particularly acute powers of hearing can detect sounds with negative SPL values.

Sample Problem
A loud ambulance siren causes a sound pressure of 200 ubar. What is the so- called sound
pressure level, or SPL of the siren?
SPL= 20 loge
SPL= 20 log 200
SPL = 120 dB
2. Decibel A (DbA) Scale
The intensity (loudness) of sound is measured relative to a reference sound that is so low
it is almost inaudible to the human ear.
Decibel (dB) Scale
- Sound intensities are measured in decibels
Decibel-A (DbA)
-Is the modified decibel scale which takes into account high pitched sounds to which
the human ear is more sensitive as shown in Table 1
The Decibel Scale (dbA)
DbA Example Perception / General Effects
Hearing Threshold

10 Rusting leaves, breathing Very quiet

20 Whisper Very quiet
30 Quiet rural area (night) Very quiet-quiet
40 Library Quiet
50 Quiet neighborhood (daytime) Quiet- moderately iou
60 Average office conversation moderately loud
70 Vacuum cleaner, television moderately loud
80 Washing machine, typical factory Very loud, intrusive

90 Motorcycle at 8 meters
Very loud, impaired
100 dishwasher (Very Close) Very loud, uncomfortably
Jets fly over at 300 meters loud

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110 Rock band, boom box held close To ear uncomfortably loud
120 Chain saw uncomfortably loud
130 Riveter Painfully loud
140 Deck of aircraft carrier Painfully loud
150 Jet at takeoff Painfully loud — ruptured eardrum
Sound that is barely audible, such as rusting leaves or breathing; is rated at 10 dbA. A
quiet neighborhood during the day might have a background sound level equivalent to 50 dbA.
Noise at 90 dbA (such as motor cycle at close range) impairs hearing, and noise at 120 dbA (such
as chain saw) causes pain.
3. Noise Meters
Many instruments are available for measuring noise. The basic components of a noise
meter include a microphone, an amplifier, and a read out device or scale. Most noise surveys can
be conducted with a battery operated, hand-held sound level meter. If noise measurements are
to be made at one location over a relatively long period of time, such as for a traffic noise survey,
a meter can be mounted on a tripod and a recording device and a frequency analyzer can be
added to the system. The selection of noise measuring instrumentation depends on the type of
noise, the environmental conditions, and the purpose of the survey.
Noise can disturb man's work, rest, sleep, and communication; it can damage his hearing
and evoke other psychological, physiological, and possibly pathological reactions. However,
because of their complexity, their variability, and the interaction of noise with other environmental
factors, the adverse health effects of noise do not lend themselves to a straightforward analysis
The most important issue is the industrial noise problem, and a need for noise control and
hearing conservation program is widely recognized. Road traffic is the main source of community
noise that may disturb large segments of the urban population. Also of worldwide concern is
aircraft noise, which can significantly affect the mode of life of people living in the vicinity of
VII. EVALUATION (Note: Not to be included in the student’s copy of the IM)
Research on the following topics:
A. EFFECTS OF NOISE 4. Air Traffic
1. Interference with communication 5. Construction and public works
2. Hearing loss 6. Indoor sources
3. Disturbance of sleep 7. Miscellaneous sources
5. Annoyance PROTECTION
6. Effects on performance 1. Noise control at Sources
7. Miscellaneous effects 2. Control of Sound Transmission
B. SOURCES OF NOISE 3. Reduction in Length of Exposure
1. Industry 4. Education of Workers
2. Road Traffic 5. Ear Protection
3. Rail Traffic 6. Audiometry


Davis, Mackenzie L. and Cornwell David A. Introduction to Environmental Engineering.

International Edition, Singapore: McGraw Hill, 1998
Holmes, Gwendolyn. Handbook on Environmental Management and Technology. Canada, USA:
Anderson, Stanley H. Environmental Science 3rd edition, Columbus, Ohio: Meril 1987
Nathanson, Jerry A. Basic Environmental Technology. USA: Wiley, 1986

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