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1. Alex ( Jayant)
2. Ben ( Swayam)
3. Charlie (Amandeep)
4. Daisy (Poonam)
5. Danny (Shri Om)
6. Fred (Priyesh)
7. George (Aditya)
8. Harry (Vasu)

Alex: "Hey guys, have you seen the new superhero movie? It was awesome! I loved the
action scenes."
Ben: "Yeah, it was super! I wish I had superpowers like that."
Charlie: "I don't know, I thought it was a little cheesy. But the special effects were
impressive. I'm more of a sci-fi guy myself."
Daisy: "I agree. The only good thing about it was the popcorn! I wish we had more of it. I
could eat popcorn all day."
Danny: "Well, that's because you guys don't know how to appreciate art. The
cinematography was brilliant. I could watch it again."
Fred: "Speaking of art, have you guys seen my latest painting? It's a masterpiece! I spent
hours on it. I'm really proud of it."
George: "I saw it. It's a masterpiece all right - a masterpiece of ugly! I'm just kidding, Fred.
It's actually pretty good. I like the use of colours."
Harry: "Guys, let's not fight. How about we go to the park and play some Frisbee? It's a
beautiful day outside. Let's make the most of it."

Alex: "I'm in! But let's make it interesting. Losers have to do the chicken dance! What do you
guys say? I'm feeling competitive today."
Ben: "You're on! But don't underestimate me. I have some secret Frisbee skills. I used to play
in college."
Charlie: "I'm in, but I warn you, I'm a Frisbee master! You guys better watch out. I've been
practicing all week."
Daisy: "I'm in too, but I'm not doing the chicken dance if we lose. I have a reputation to
maintain. But I'll do my best to win."
Danny: "Don't worry, Daisy. We won't lose! We make a great team. And even if we lose, the
chicken dance will be fun."
Fred: "I'm not very good at sports, but I'll give it a try. Who knows, maybe I'll surprise you
guys. And if not, I'll make up for it with my dance moves."
George: "Same here. Let's do it! It's not about winning or losing, it's about having fun. And
I'm always up for some fun."
Harry: "All right, let's meet at the park in half an hour. Be there on time, guys! And don't
forget to bring your A game."

Alex: "Wow, we're actually pretty good at this! I'm impressed. We make a great team."
Ben: "Speak for yourself. I think I just broke a nail. Ouch! But it's worth it for the win."
Charlie: "Ha! That's what you get for being a diva. Just kidding, Ben. You're doing great.
And we all did great."
Daisy: "Hey, let's not be mean. We're supposed to be having fun! And I'm having a blast.
This is the best day I've had in a while."
Danny: "She's right. Let's just enjoy the game. And let's not forget about the chicken dance!
I'm actually looking forward to it."
Fred: "I agree. This is a beautiful day to be outside. And I'm feeling inspired to paint some
more. Maybe I'll paint a Frisbee scene."
George: "And I'm having fun playing with you guys! Who knew Frisbee could be so
entertaining? And I'm definitely doing the chicken dance if we lose."
Harry: "Me too. And let's not forget about the chicken dance! It's going to be hilarious. I
hope someone records it."
Alex: "Ha! We won! We're the Frisbee champions! I knew we could do it."
Ben: "No fair! I demand a rematch! I'll beat you guys next time for sure. And I'll bring my
lucky Frisbee."
Charlie: "You'll get your rematch, but first, let's do the chicken dance! Come on, guys, don't
be shy. And let's make it epic."
Daisy: "Ugh, I can't believe I have to do this. But I guess it's all in good fun. And I'll do it
with style."
Danny: "Just embrace it, Daisy. It's all in good fun. And who knows, you might actually
enjoy it. And we can all laugh about it later."
Fred: "I'm actually looking forward to this! I've been practicing my chicken dance moves all
week. And I'm going to own it."
George: "Me too. And next time, we'll practice and beat you guys for sure! But for now, let's
just enjoy the moment. And let's take a group picture."
Harry: "I don't know about that. I think we make a pretty good team. And I can't wait to see
you guys do the chicken dance! And let's do it again soon."

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