OU0100 ECZ3161 Final

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THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF SRI LANKA DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING BACHELOR OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ECZ3161 - MATHEMATICS FOR COMPUTING FINAL EXAMINATION - 2014/15, CLOSED BOOK Date: August 1, 2015 ‘Time: 09.30-12.30 Hrs Instructions 1. Answer any five out of eight questions. All question carry equal marks. 2. Show all steps clearly. 3._ Programmable calculators are not allowed, “ (a) Use Boolean algebra to verify the following equations. (4x3 marks) i) abe-+abe-+abe+abe= abe+abe+abe+abe fi) abed +abed + abed + abed = ae-+ac-+bd +bd iii) abed + abcd + abed + abed = ¢+ab+bd + ad (b) Use Truth tables to show the followings. (4x2 marks) ) wtxz=yztayzt+xyz ii) x+ y+xy=xy+xy @ @) 10 A= » show that 12 A? = 34-21 ; where /is the identity matrix of order 2. (6 marks) b) 2-2 -4 LetA=/-1 3 4 |, show that 4? = 1-2-3 Hence deduce that (1 ~ A)’ = (J — A) , where Fis the identity matrix of order 3 (8 marks) © -5 -8 0 Ie A=|3 5 0 | 102-1 | ‘Show that A? = J , where /is the identity matrix of order 3. (6 marks) Q3_— Consider 3x3 matrix A, | 012 A=|1 23 311 (a) Find Ad” (6 marks) (b) Find the inverse of the matrix 4 using elementary raw operations. (14 marks) Q4 (@) Given that sin @ = + @ in quadrant I, and sine =, ar in quadrant 2, Find 8 13 i) sin(@-a) ii) cos(0+a) iii) tan(@—a) Give exact answers and show all your work. (2x3 marks) (b) Sketch the graph of y = 2sin? x in the period < x < 27. (6 marks) (©) Answer the following problems. i) Ata point on a horizontal plane the elevation of a mountain is 22°15" and at another point on the plane 1 km farther away in a direct line, its elevation is 10"12'. Find the height of the mountain. (4 marks) ii) ‘The angle of elevation of the top of an unfinished tower at a point distance 120 m from its base is30°. How much higher must the tower be raised so that its angle of elevation at the same point may be 60° ? (4 marks) Qs (a) Given that 4+ B= and tana=—"_, 2 n+l Show that, tan B= (4 marks) tt ona tan(4—B)= n (®) Prove the following. (4x3 marks) i) sin2A+sin2B _ tan(4+B) sin24—sin2B~ tan(4—B) Lteosx+sinx _1+cosx Trcosx+sinx sinx iii) sin 50° -sin 70" +sin1o" =0 (©) If A = 36°, show thatsin 34 =sin24. _N541 4 Deduce that cos 36” = (marks) (a) Find the following limits (4x3 marks) __ 1=cosx i) tim ii) lim iii) tim ay (i) Taking xy = ‘obtain two further approximations to the positive root of x? — 3 = as an initial approximation for the root of Newton-Raphson formula, , giving your answers to 3 decimal places. (4 marks) i) By using Newton-Raphson method, find the root of x* ~x—10=0, which is near to Xx =2 correct to three places of decimal. (4 marks) q (a) Find first derivatives of the following from first principles. Show all steps. (4x2 marks) i) x? 45x-1 cosx (b) Find & of, (3x2 marks) (b)| z ¢ i) y=2a ity y=2005*(x? +1) 2 (If show that ONE (143°) S+12x=0 (6 marks) Qs (a) Evaluate the following. (3x2 marks) i) JQcosx—3sinx)de ii) fsin(@x—1)de (b) Find the exact value of the following. (4x2 marks) i) J(e-xeike ii) Jone coss)ue (©) i) Sketch the graphs of the parabola y = x? and the straight line y =. in the same figure. ji) Find the coordinates of the intersection of the curves in above. i) Hence, find the area bounded by the two curves, y= x? and y = (2x3 marks) END.

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