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UNITS toh Neo For what value of a the 36x*+ 36x°+ 57x°+ 24x + a will be the perfect square? Solution: By division method, we have, 6x2 + 3x44 ox 36x'+ 36x) 57x" Max +a oO 6x7 36x! or 1a + 3x 36x 4570724 xt a v~ +3x, £36x°+ 9x7 O Tato 48x+24x +a ie) +4 £48x°+ 24x 16x48 aa Given expression will be a perf a-16=0 a=16, Therefore, a= 16, will make the given jon a perfect square. What should be ad H+4x3410x2+5, so that it may be a perfect square? Solution: By division o & +3 2x3, 6x°# Ox +5 \ 8 t6x"t Ot 9 Deed or -(12x+ 4) Phas, the perfect square will be obtained by adding 12x+4 to the given expression. Ded Pt Ve OM 1. Find the square root of the following algebraic expressions factorization method. (i) 36x7-60xy#25y? (ii) 93? +e 6 or (ii) ay! ew oe (iv) 36(3 -22) Poem (v) (+3 4 (:- Na (vi) wenQrm (vii) (x-2e41)(x7-6x49) cu ga “+ 7x+10)(x745x+6) 2. Find the square root of the fol Igebraic expressions by division method. (i) x4 20+ 3x4 Qe #1 a's Ala? + 26s Br (ii) 4x81 4202+ sora iv) = et? ae +47— My, Me () 2043-2 (wi) Hse Baers (i) (242 BGP) 412 (vii) veha(erd oreo x x x 3. xo be added to 4x°+ dx°+ 171% 8x + 9 to make it perfect 4 yuld be subtracted from9x*-12x"+ 44‘-18x°-12x"+ 18 to make it NN infect square? ‘or what value of ‘mm’, 9x'+ 12x°+ 34x°+ mx + 25 will be the perfect square? 6. For what value of ‘p’ and ‘g’, the expression x" 81°+ 30x? + px + q will be the perfect square? True and false questions Read the following sentences carefully and encircle “T” in case of and ‘F’ in case of false statement. mS (i) HCFof f-4andy-2isy-2. (ii) HCF of a1 and a*-1isa +1. (iii) LCMofx*+1andx+1ise+1. Ss (iv) LCMof.x*- y‘ and x?- yisx?+ O /E (vy) HCF ofa? + 4a+3 and a°+ 5a +6 isa +3. 1/F 2. Fillin the blanks. (i) There are methods to find the HCF of polynomials. (ii), LCM x HCF of two polynomial’ (iii) HCP of y?- 5y and y + 6an« (iv) LCM of ?#3y+2 and (v) HCFof vis 3. Tick (v) the correct (HCP of kByand x? ary +4y? is: @) 4 (Py ay? OL @) (29) (ii) (2y+32)° and (2y+3z)* is: 2yt3z (0) y+ ) yd)? (@)— Qyt32 LY HCE of x -yand xxyty? is: (@) oxy Per sy OQ xy @ (wy (iv) LCMof (x -y)* and(x -y)*is: @® Gy >) ew © @ ew Ded Pt Ve OM w) (vi) Simplified form of mo Sx. ®) 25x? -y? =5x © Sey eesay? a(x+y) @ a 0 wii co) HCF PxQ RS <= he US P Q Sa 9 fe © Fe (x) LCM of x-x41 and x3 +1 is: (a) x41 (b) 2x41 (© e+ (d)x74x 41 Ded Pte nh Neo ° cree fm io ind te HCE ant VCP) algebraic expression (i) Factorization method (ii) Division method QR © LCM HCE of two polynomials = product of polynomials © With help of LCM and HCF, addition, multiplication ion and division of algebraic expression can be found. © There are two methods to be used to find the expression (i) Square root by Factorization method (ii) Square root Division method [501 of algebraic

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