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1/22/24, 8:09 PM Brand management: Guide to growing your brand on Amazon

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Brand management: Guide to growing your brand on

Dec 19, 2023 • 8 min read • Daisy Quaker

Building and managing a unique brand can be tricky. Amazon Brand Registry is here to help.

Effective brand management can help you differentiate products and create customer loyalty. But how do you manage and
grow your brand as you expand into the world of ecommerce?

Amazon Brand Registry is here to help, offering access to a suite of selling benefits and protection tools. Here’s a guide to how
you can use the program to nurture your brand.

What is brand management and why does it matter?

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First off, it’s important to understand why brand management matters. Brand management is a set of marketing and product
development activities that build brand
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As you invest in product quality and promote your brand story, you boost brand equity—the value customers perceive in your
business. Consistent, positive associations with your brand can also help you increase sales and customer reach. For example, a
customer who has positive associations with your products may be more likely to share your brand with their family and

Did you know?

5 Ways Amazon Ads can help you manage your brand

Amazon Ads offers cost-effective advertising solutions to businesses of all sizes, helping capture the hearts and minds of current and future
customers. Discover how Amazon Ads can help you implement key principles of brand management while driving brand growth.

Learn more about brand management with Amazon Ads

How can you launch and build your brand in the Amazon store?
Amazon is an amazing place to launch and grow a brand. Not only was Amazon ranked the most trusted brand by US
consumers in 2022, it offers several optional programs and tools to help with brand management, like Brand Registry.

Brand Registry is a free program that helps you build your brand and protect your intellectual property. From enhancing your
product detail pages and increasing customer engagement, to generating customer reviews and protecting against
counterfeits, the program takes the guesswork out of brand management. New sellers can also enjoy bonuses and credits after
enrolling a brand in Brand Registry. Let’s talk about how you can get started.

” Being a new brand, you don’t have trust yet. How do you build that? It was very easy
to get that trust from customers by being on Amazon. ”
Thomas Egbert
Founder, Fusion Teas

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How Fusion Teas creates connections online
Thomas discovered the magic of tea unexpectedly, but now it’s turned into an entirely new career path. Fusion Teas sells products for newcomers and tea lovers alike,
connecting them through a love of leaves. And now that Thomas sells on Amazon, he’s connecting with brand new customers.

Getting started with Brand Registry

You only need to meet two basic requirements to enroll in Brand Registry: a brand name or logo and a trademark. If you meet
both requirements, you can enroll your brand anytime.

Don’t have a trademark? Amazon’s IP Accelerator program can help connect you with Amazon-vetted legal service providers
who can walk you through each step of the trademarking process. Learn more

Once you’re enrolled in Brand Registry, now what? Let’s explore some of the many tools you can use to build and protect your
brand with Amazon.

Build brand awareness in the Amazon store

To help grow your audience, increase sales, build brand loyalty, and optimize your selling strategy, let’s cover these important

1. Create a consistent and engaging brand experience

2. Promote your brand

3. Provide proactive customer service and respond to feedback

4. Cultivate and reward customer loyalty

5. Analyze brand performance and optimize your strategy

6. Discover what content resonates with customers

1. Create a consistent and custom brand experience

Launch an online store

It’s important to create a consistent and engaging presence across your channels to boost customer confidence and help
shoppers get to know your brand. One way enrolled brands can do this is by creating a free, custom ecommerce storefront
through Amazon Stores. On average, brands with a store saw 31x more repeat purchases in 60 days.

An Amazon Store gives customers a multi-page, immersive shopping experience where they can explore your products and get
to know your brand. Creating one is also easy with the help of our drag-and-drop editor that allows you to tell your brand
story with rich media like video and enhanced images.

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Intro to Stores
Learn the functions and benefits of a brand Store and how Stores contribute to ads.

Optimize product detail pages to tell your story

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Product detail page onLearn
Amazon with A+ Content.
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Using a tool called A+ Content, you can showcase your products and tell your brand’s story by adding enhanced images, video,
product-comparison charts, and other
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Grow your product detail pages.Blog
Pricing Doing so can proactively answer
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questions and result in higher conversion rates, increased traffic from product search pages, and more sales.

To help boost sales, include the following on product detail pages:

Custom paragraph headers and images

Bulleted lists for product features
Unique image and text layouts

Product-comparison charts

A+ Content’s brand story feature is another place where you can strategically use images, text cards, and links to other
products or your brand website.

Did you know?

A+ Content can increase purchases

A+ Content can encourage repeat purchases and increase sales by an average of 8%.

Learn about A+ Content

2. Promote your brand

Use ads to showcase your products and brand

Custom ads to boost brand awareness

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Once you’ve set up a store for your enrolled brand and enhanced your product detail pages, consider investing in marketing
and advertising to help increase
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You can use multiple Amazon tools to advertise:

Sponsored Products ads promote individual products in the Amazon store on product detail pages and relevant search
results pages.

Sponsored Brands ads drive discovery of your brand and appear on relevant Amazon search results pages. They also feature
a headline, logo, and multiple products or a video.
Sponsored Display ads allow you to reach customers in and beyond the Amazon store and feature products from your
brand’s catalog.

All three ad types run using a cost-per-click (CPC) model, meaning you only pay when a customer clicks. Once your ads are up
and running, you can monitor performance through metrics like:

New-to-brand metrics – Measure how many first-time customers your campaign drove in the last 12 months.
Campaign placement and performance – Break down ad performance based on where ads ran.

Advertising cost of sales (ACOS) – Represent your ad spend as a percentage of sales.

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Ways to advertise in Amazon’s store

To help reach more customers, increase sales, and engage shoppers throughout their journey, take advantage of any or all of our advertising and promotional products,
including Sponsored Ads, Promotions, Lightning Deals, and Coupons.

Increase sales with product bundling

Some things just go better together—think peanut butter and jelly or salt and pepper. Product bundling allows you to
New sellers can get $50 credit toward Sponsored Products ads—and other
promote complementary
benefits. Learn more products like these, increasing sales as you help customers discover different items.
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With Virtual Bundles, you can combine two to five complementary products from your enrolled brand on a single product
detail page. When a customer
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an order, it’sLearn
fulfilled normally throughBlog
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there’s no need to adjust your inventory or change the way you send products to Amazon.

Want to take product bundling to the next level? Use Brand Analytics reports to zero in on products that customers are already
frequently purchasing together.

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Help customers discover more products with virtual bundles

Sell bundles of complementary FBA items without packaging them together. When a customer buys a virtual bundle, Amazon ships the items as part of the same order.

3. Provide proactive customer service and respond to feedback

How can you manage customer expectations and avoid returns? For a start, provide extensive product details and visuals to set
a solid foundation for customer satisfaction.

If you’ve enrolled a brand with Amazon, you can also track customer reviews, answer questions, and respond to reviews in a
positive and supportive manner with the Customer Reviews tool. While it can be difficult to receive negative feedback, don’t
get discouraged. Negative reviews can help you see where and how to make improvements. Be sure to respond to both
negative and positive feedback.

You can also generate reviews to help drive sales and receive honest feedback through Amazon Vine. Amazon Vine invites
some of the most trusted reviewers in the Amazon store to post opinions about new products to help their fellow customers
make informed purchasing decisions.

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Connect your brand with Amazon shoppers
Amazon’s Manage Your Customer Engagement tool lets you send email campaigns to Amazon customers who have purchased products from you in Amazon stores.

4. Cultivate and reward customer loyalty

If you’re working to build a customer following as part of your brand management strategy, you can use programs like Amazon
Live to engage customers in a fun and unique way. Amazon Live lets enrolled brands engage shoppers in real time and drive
sales with shoppable livestream content. You can bring products to life by featuring them in your product carousel.

Once you’ve built an audience, the Manage Your Customer Engagement (MYCE) tool helps you create and send email
campaigns to your brand’s followers, as well as recent, repeat, and high-spend customers to keep them engaged.

5. Analyze brand performance and optimize your strategy

Brand analytics

Data can empower you to optimize your business by providing actionable insights that help you leverage your strengths and
identify opportunities to grow.

Brand Analytics provides enrolled brands with aggregated customer search and purchasing-behavior data. The tool arms you
with insights like how products you sell perform in search, what products are most popular with customers, and which
products customers buy more than once.

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Intro to Brand Analytics
Building a brand isn’t easy, but data-driven insights can make it a little easier. Amazon Brand Analytics is offered to brand owners enrolled in Brand Registry at no
additional charge. Register your brand today and tap into actionable insights to help you grow your business.

6. Discover what content resonates with customers

Identifying the product content that connects with your audience can be challenging. To unlock insights faster, run
experiments to identify what works and what doesn’t. You can use Manage Your Experiments (MYE) to run A/B tests on your
product titles, images, descriptions, and A+ Content to learn what resonates with customers and drives sales.

Here’s how it works: One group of customers sees one version of the content (version A), while a second group sees another
(version B). Then you can see if one type of content encourages more sales.

While some A/B testing tools can be pricey and difficult to integrate, you can run A/B tests at no additional cost right from
Seller Central.

” We launched our business straight out of the gate with Amazon and went from about
20K to 30K a month all the way to 130K a month. Mind blown! ”
Justin Dyson
Founder, Kids N’ Such

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How Kids N’ Such grew online

The inspiration for Justin and Channing’s business came when they were expecting their second child. Seeing a gap in the market for stylish and useful products, they
built their own business. Kids N’ Such launched on Amazon from day one, and they’ve enjoyed tremendous growth.

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Protect your brand

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Find and report IP infringement

You’ve worked hard to create and nurture your brand. Now it’s time to protect it. Brand Registry helps you monitor and
safeguard your brand and customers from counterfeits, fraud, and other forms of abuse.

Using the data you provide about your brand, along with machine learning tools, you can quickly find and report suspected
infringement to protect your brand through the Report a Violation tool. Automated protections in Amazon’s store also
proactively block suspected product listings before they go live online.

This free resource is available whether or not you sell directly in the Amazon store. If you sell in the Amazon store using third
parties, Brand Registry gives you access to manage product listings to help ensure customers see accurate information.

Did you know?

Amazon invests in brand protection

In 2022, Amazon invested more than $1.2 billion and employed over 15,000 scientists, software developers, and investigators to protect
customers, brands, independent sellers, and vendors from counterfeits and other forms of abuse.

Learn more about brand protection

Monitor products and guard against counterfeits

Counterfeits hurt your brand perception and can lead to a poor customer experience. Transparency is a service that allows
eligible brands to track products with unique codes to ensure every unit shipped is authentic.

The code is scanned in fulfillment centers before shipping to customers through Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). If a product fails
the authenticity check, it’s immediately set aside for investigation. Customers can also scan to make sure they receive the right
products when you ship using third-party fulfillment.

If you meet additional requirements, you can also take action to remove counterfeit listings through Project Zero and the
Counterfeit Crimes Unit (CCU). Project Zero not only lets you proactively remove counterfeits from the Amazon store, it also
gives you the unprecedented ability to immediately remove counterfeit listings without contacting Amazon. CCU helps you
work with law enforcement and customers to stop bad actors and hold them accountable.

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Intro to Transparency (Amazon Brand Registry)
Learn how Transparency works. In this module, you’ll learn how Transparency can help you protect your brand and customers from counterfeit products—both online in
the Amazon store and offline.

Did you know?

Protect your brand in Amazon’s store

In 2022:

Amazon Brand Registry proactively blocked or removed 99% of listings suspected of counterfeiting or other forms of abuse.
More than 900 million items were protected by Transparency product-serialization codes.

Learn more about how Transparency works

Want to learn more about Amazon Brand Registry?

Amazon is here to help independent businesses of all types and sizes grow and protect their brands with a wide range of brand
management tools. Learn more about Amazon Brand Registry in this brand guide.

Launch your brand

Daisy Quaker
Daisy Quaker is a Sr. Marketing Manager at Amazon who’s driven by helping entrepreneurs and brands discover opportunities to
reach more customers through Amazon stores. She also enjoys the outdoors, art museums, and good food.

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