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Social trust is a belief in the honesty, integrity and reliability of

others – a “faith in people.” It's a simple enough concept to

A coalition is a group of two or more entities that agree to work
together temporarily in a partnership to achieve a common goal.
The word coalition connotes a coming together to achieve a
Mobilizes resources- secures new or additional resources to meet needs.
a substance used for sticking objects or materials together; glue.

• Product- capacity of the people to work together to address their common interest (Maser,
• Process- it requires an integrative approach to systematically assess the problem, capacitate
the community, and solve a problem

1. a general agreement.
Traditionally, for men to be masculine, they are expected to
display attributes such as strength, power, and competitiveness,
and less openly display emotion and affection (especially
toward other men).
For example, girls and women are generally expected to dress
in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and

 Learning the Physical Skills Necessary for Ordinary

Games: To learn the physical skills that are
necessary for the games and physical activities that
are highly valued in childhood--such skills as
throwing and catching, kicking, tumbling, swimming,
and handling simple tools.
 Building Wholesome Attitudes Towards Oneself as a
Growing Organism: To develop habits of care of the
body, of cleanliness and safety, consistent with a
wholesome, realistic attitude which includes a sense
of physical normality and adequacy, the ability to
enjoy using the body, and a wholesome attitude
toward sex. Sex education should be a matter of
agreement between school and parents, with the
school doing what the parents feel they cannot do so
well. The facts about animal and human reproduction
should be taught before puberty.
 Learning to Get Along with Age-Mates: To learn the
give-and-take of social life among peers; to learn to
make friends and to get along with enemies; to
develop a "social personality"
 Learning an Appropriate Masculine or Feminine
Social Role: To learn to be a boy or a girl--to act the
role that is expected and rewarded. The sex role is
taught so vigorously by so many agencies that the
school probably has little more than a remedial
function, which is to assist boys and girls who are
having difficulty with the task.

Civic responsibility means active participation in the public life of

a community in an informed, committed, and constructive
manner, with a focus on the common good.

(of a person) pleasant because of a personality, qualities, or

interests that are similar to one's own.

Listen to pronunciation
Having to do with the functions of the body.

: socially detached and unresponsive

Initiative → means positive response to the world’s

challenges, taking on responsibilities, learning new skills,
feeling purposeful
Antisocial personality disorder,
sometimes called sociopathy, is a
mental health condition in which a
person consistently shows no regard for
right and wrong and ignores the rights
and feelings of others.

Ego identity → means knowing who you are and how you
fit into the rest of the society

ole Confusion → uncertainty about one’s place in society

and the world
Generativity → extension of love to the future; Intimacy;
satisfies that old “need to be needed”
Stagnation → self-absorption, caring for no one; stops
being productive member of society

Ego integrity → coming to terms with life, end of life; are able to look back without fear of death

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