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Bagontaas, City of Valencia, 8709 Bukidnon

Senior High School
Midterm Examination
School Year 2022-2023
Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship
General Instructions: Do not write anything on the questionnaire. Shade the letter of your choice on the answer sheet
1. What is the Latin term of community?
A. commun C. communitis
B. communis D. communitas
2. How do social institutions shape behavior?
A. collective C. organized
B. interactive D. traditional
3. What are established rules that ensure the regular and predictable behavior?
A. actions C. organizations
B. institutions D. movements
4. What institutions are already embedded in communities?
A. Formal C. Civic
B. Informal D. Social
5. Which is NOT an example of people’s organization?
A. Water-users groups C. Neighborhood associations
B. Animal welfare societies D. Women’s credit associations
6. Which reflect a mass action?
A. Sit-in C. meeting
B. Cleanup D. Campaign
7. Which is NOT part of the third sector?
A. Charities C. Social enterprises
B. Voluntary groups D. construction industries
8. What dimension focuses on the location of the natural resources?
A. Cultural C. Geographic
B. Economic D. Socio-political
9. What is the collective term of associations, clubs, and agencies?
A. Institutions C. Associations
B. Organizations D. Societies
(10-11) Can an individual be considered as community leader even if he is not elected, nominated, and appointed
A. Yes. Community leaders are capable of shaping decisions.
B. Yes. Community leaders are well-known or highly respected.
C. No. Community leaders are officials that are formally put into office.
D. No. Community leaders are individual who are elected, nominated, and elected.
12. What typology scope the terms of development, industrialization, ecological conditions, and lifestyle?
A. Formal-Informal B. Local-Global C. Rural-Urban
13. Which is NOT similar in a community?
A. area B. identity
C. interest D. race
14. In community development, what approach is used in addressing local concerns?
A. dynamic C. integrative
B. systematic D. interactive
15. What C of a successful community engagement considers participants as active players?
A. capability C. commitment
B. collaboration D. contribution
16. How should community problems be addressed?
A. entirely C. independent
B. flexible D. isolated
17. Which take place when community members engage in collective action?
A. citizenship C. community engagement
B. solidarity D. community development
18. Which is NOT one of the Cs of a successful community engagement?
A. conscience C. continuity
B. coherence D. capability
19. What are considered as multi-dimensional in a community?
A. beliefs C. issues
B. interests D. values
20. Which is NOT one of the translations of the term Munire?
A. to defend C. to forbid
B. to fortify D. to strengthen
21. Which highlights the social perspective of community?
A. bonds C. interests
B. goals D. values
22. What institution is expressed explicitly?
A. civil C. informal
B. formal D. social
23. What happens when large number of people behave similarly without coordination?
A. solidarity C. social movement
B. mass action D. community action
24. What interrelationship is dominant in Filipino communities?
A. social network C. kinship network
B. family network D. affinities network
25. What refers to the means by which community members allocate, produce and distribute scarce
A. Cultural C. Geographic
B. Economic D. Socio-political
26. Which is NOT a factor of social change?
A. Change in rules C. Personality change
B. Agreeing forces D. Improve knowledge
27. What groups of individuals interact within shared environment?
A. Formal C. Local
B. Informal D. Rural
28. What type of communities are ecovillages?
A. Local C. Formal
B. Global D. Informal
29. What reflect the involvement in state affairs?
A. Action C. Development
B. Citizenship D. Solidarity
30. Which purpose of community action is different?
A. Arresting crisis C. Achieving outcome
B. Solving a problem D. Addressing a challenge
31. What is a mechanism for coordinating values, goals, and actions of individual members?
A. social movement B. social institution
C. social perspective D. social organization
32. Which is NOT part of an informal institution?
A. culture C. ethics
B. beliefs D. norms
33. What serve as initiators of community action?
A. institutions C. organizations
B. communities D. typologies
34. What is a collective behavior which springs from the attitude and aspirations of its participants?
A. solidarity C. social movement
B. mass action D. community action

35. What is the expression of community engagement?

A. solidarity C. community action
B. mass action D. community development
36. Which is NOT an approach in studying community dynamics and processes?
A. leadership C. power structure
B. social status D. social amendments
37. What community function highlights member interactions that encourage cooperation and solidarity?
A. socialization C. mental support
B. social control D. social participation
38. What community is characterized by institutionally structured hierarchies?
A. Formal C. Local
B. Informal D. Global
39. Which is an urban community?
A. hamlets C. towns
B. suburbs D. villages
40. Which component is similar in a local and global community?
A. people C. social interactions
B. distance D. shared experiences
41. What refers to a building that is open to the public where meetings are held, sports are played, and there
are activities available for young and old people?
A. Co-housing C. Sports complex
B. Ecovillages D. Recreational Center
42. Who is NOT an influencer in a community?
A. religious leaders C. Lawyers and accountants
B. public employee D. people choosing speakers
43. Which is involved in the cultural dimension of a community?
A. budget C. trademark
B. resources D. celebration
44. Which is TRUE about community engagement?
A. Community members maintain roles to keep the system stable.
B. Functional coalitions cause the rise of community engagement.
C. When there is community engagement, people work independently toward their vision.
D. A community development process is unique to each community and thus cannot be applied to
other communities.
45. Which is a component of the geographic dimension of a community?
A. beliefs C. power
B. human D. values
46. Central Bukidnon Institute (CBI is an example of what type of community?
A. Formal C. Local
B. Informal D. Global
47. In examining power relations, who are the people necessary to investigate?
A. officials C. critical actors
B. influencers D. legal-authoritative decision makers
48. What is a broad set of community-based organizations that voluntarily and autonomously function
beyond government or state?
A. Community action C. Community engagement
B. Community sector D. Community development
49. What makes formal institution explicit?
A. written B. not codified C. orally handed
50. What refers to an individual’s association with other individuals through their communalities in
attributes, sentiments, histories, and experiences?
A. dimensions C. socialization
B. Institutions D. Interrelationship

For nos. 51-60, make an organizational chart of the socio-political dimension of your barangay. Write your chart at the back
of your answer sheet.

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