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Soil Questions

1. Find and copy a word that means ‘a substance

9 There are different types of soil in the ground: needed to help something survive and grow’.
17 sandy, clay, chalky and peat can be found. 
26 Plants love them all and need them to grow,
2. Name two types of soil mentioned in the poem.
35 it keeps them upright and lets the nutrients flow.

46 It is made up of lots of little bits and pieces,

55 from rocks, air, water and rotting things like peaches.

60 Different soils have varying properties, 3. What have you learnt about soil that you didn’t
69 so it’s helpful to know all of their qualities. know before? Explain your answer.

78 Sandy soils are pale and water drains through easily, 

87 Chalky soils are similar and water flows just as 

88 quickly.

98 Clay soil is sticky and has little gaps for air, 4. … plants love it everywhere. Why do you think
plants rely on nutrients?
108 Peat has all the nutrients so plants love it everywhere.

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Soil Answers
1. Find and copy a word that means ‘a substance
9 There are different types of soil in the ground:
needed to help something survive and grow’.
17 sandy, clay, chalky and peat can be found.
26 Plants love them all and need them to grow,
2. Name two types of soil mentioned in the poem.
35 it keeps them upright and lets the nutrients flow.
Accept any two of the following:
46 It is made up of lots of little bits and pieces,
sandy; chalky; clay; peat.
55 from rocks, air, water and rotting things like peaches.
3. What have you learnt about soil that you didn’t
60 Different soils have varying properties,
know before? Explain your answer.
69 so it’s helpful to know all of their qualities.
Pupils’ own responses, such as: I have
78 Sandy soils are pale and water drains through easily,
learnt that soil is made up of lots of
87 Chalky soils are similar and water flows just as
88 quickly. different things. It is made up from rotting
things like fruit, air, water and rock.
98 Clay soil is sticky and has little gaps for air,

108 Peat has all the nutrients so plants love it everywhere. 4. … plants love it everywhere. Why do you think
plants rely on nutrients?
Pupils’ own responses, such as: I think plants
rely on nutrients because they are needed
for plants to grow healthy and strong.

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