Fall 2023 - ENG201 - 1

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Fall 2023

Total Marks: 20
Lessons: 23-29

 Upload your assignments in a proper format, i.e., an MS Word file. Corrupt
files will be awarded zero marks.
 The assignments should be zoomed in at 100%.
 After the due date, the assignments submitted via email would not be
 Please avoid submitting copied assignments; otherwise, such a case would be
referred to the discipline committee.
 The font color should be black and font size 12 Times New Roman.

Q1: Identify the correct option from the following statements while keeping in
mind the ways of organizing and outlining informational reports.
2 x 5 = 10 marks

1. How would you organize a report reviewing five product lines based on the
increasing order of the amount of revenue they generate?

a. Sequentially
b. In order of importance
c. Chronologically
d. Spatially

2. What organizing principle would be suitable for presenting information step

by step in a report about a manufacturing process?

a. Sequentially
b. Categorically
c. Geography
d. In order of importance

3. When investigating a chain of events, what organizational method should be

applied to present the study according to the event that happens first?

a. In order of importance
b. Sequentially
c. Chronologically
d. Spatially

4. In a report studying a physical object like a building or machinery, how

should the information be organized?

a. Geography
b. In order of importance
c. Categorically
d. Sequentially

5. If the location is a crucial aspect of your study, what organizing principle

should you use?

a. Chronologically
b. Spatially
c. Categorically
d. In order of importance

Q2: Imagine you are a business consultant advising a start-up. Develop a

comprehensive business proposal highlighting key components and their
respective importance. Keep in mind the following superstructure of the
proposal. 2 x 5 = 10 marks

 Introduction
 Objectives
 Resources
 Method/ Implementation Plan
 Budget

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