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Homework Assignment 2
15 points
Due Date: Wednesday, February 2nd

1. (2 pt.) In the receiver of a digital communication system, a received voltage lies between
-12.8V and +12.7V, inclusive, and can be correctly determined to within the nearest 0.1V.
How many bits of information can be encoded in one such voltage?

2. (2 pts.) For CD-quality digital audio, two audio channels (L and R) are each sampled at 44.1k
samples/sec, and each sample is encoded as a 16-bit digital word.
a) How many bits of information are stored on a CD with one hour of music? (in fact, the
total number of bits recorded on the disk is higher, as additional encoding bits are added for
error correction and detection.)
b) Conduct an Internet speed test to determine the download bit rate for the digital
communication device you use most frequently. At this bit rate, how long would it take to
download the contents of an audio CD with one hour of music?

3. (2 pts.) The first graph on the following page depicts a sinusoid given by the expression

s ( t )=A cos ( 2 πft + ϕ ) .

Determine the amplitude A and the frequency f . Use the correct units for each of these
parameters. Bonus question: determine the phase ϕ .

4. (2 pts.) Repeat Problem 5 for the second graph shown on the next page.
5. (2 pt.) Determine the fundamental period and the fundamental frequency of the signal
s ( t )=10 cos ( 2 π 2 t ) cos ( 2 π 3 t ) . Hint: use the trigonometric identity for cos A cos B .

6. (1 pt.) In a certain digital communication system, symbols from an alphabet of 16 symbols

are to be transmitted over a channel with bandwidth B=45kHz. The noise level is such that
the symbols can be correctly decoded at the receiver. What is the maximum bit rate that
can be achieved in this system?

7. (1 pt.) In a certain digital communication system, the intended capacity is R=¿24 Mbps and
the channel bandwidth is B=¿ 4 MHz. What is the maximum allowable signal-to-noise
ratio? Express your answer both as an absolute power ratio, and in dB.
8. (3 pts.) A message is encoded in the signal shown below. The analog signal s(t ) has a
bandwidth of 0.5 Hz, and the symbol values are found by sampling this signal at a rate of
D=¿ 1 symbol/sec, at the integer values of time t . There are 4 possible values of the
symbol (before the signal has noise added) and thus each symbol corresponds to 2 bits of
information. The relationship between the noisy signal value and code are as follows:

−10< s ( t ) <−5 Code = 00

−5< s ( t ) <0 Code = 01
0< s ( t ) <5 Code = 10
5< s ( t ) <10 Code = 11

Beginning at t=0 , the codes for 4 consecutive symbols can be strung together to form an 8-
bit word, and each 8-bit word represents a character in the English alphabet, as given in the
ASCII code table. For t going from 0 to 19 seconds, there are 20 2-bit codes and hence 5 8-
bit ASCII code words.

Determine the 5-character message that is encoded in the signal, as described above.

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