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The cultural security and Technology 'era

Prepared by
Dr.safaa fatouh Gomaa
Doctorate in law-University of Mansoura
Master of administration Business, Eslsca School-
French University
Legal researcher at governmental organization
Faculty member, policy &law faculty-University of
van Holland
This paper analysis newly tries by the specialists in technical sciences,
and social ones, in international societies, to answer the question "Does
the technology threatens cultural security or supports it? This research
concentrates, generally, on the framework for cultural security, which
clarifies; how to protect the specificity of cultures of peoples based on
many factors such as; religion, language, habits, customs, social
behaviors, and thoughts. Culture security represents as a significant
matter for all countries because it considers as preventive boundaries for
peoples' cultures that protect their cultural specificity from malformed
changes, but the technology removed the geographical borders between
the countries and all people's contacts to each other's directly without
burdening the traveling cost. As a result, all cultures are acceptable to
changing; the cultural changes that come from technological
development, may deform cultural specificity for the countries and turn it
to the worst, or may not .
Consequently, the researcher will focus on identifying how to achieve
cultural security in the technology era that protects the cultural specificity
for the countries. This paper seeks to answer many questions; what is
cultural security? What are the components of the culture? How the
technology developments threaten the cultural specificity of the
countries? How the technology is a chance for enhancing cultural
security, and how to prevent it as a challenge for the cultural specificity
for all peoples? On another hand; has technology a vital role to handle
the downsides for some cultures, and support the advantages for others. It
hopes this research will inform the responsible international organizations
for cultural security to enact the rules that enhance the preservation the
cultural specificity for all countries.
Keywords: cultural security, Technology, cultural specificity

Edward B. Tylor (1832-1917) explained culture in very diverse
expressions: ―Culture is that multifaceted expression which contains
customs, arts, morals, knowledge, belief, thoughts, laws, and any other
aptitudes and lifestyles acquired by man as a member of society‖, in
another word, culture states indicate to the acquired traits of society. (P.
Melville Logan, 1869) Thus, Culture is the physical characteristics and
acquaintances of a specific group of people, including religion, social
habits, language, and arts. The Center for Advanced Research on
Language Acquisition (CARLA) describes culture as common
configurations of conducts and relations, intellectual concepts that are
acquired by socialization. Thus, it can be realized as the evolution of a
community identity enhanced by unique social forms to the communities.
(CARLA, 2021) Consequently, the cultures of communities are
relativism matter, it cannot be globally perspective, because it relies on
many variables; customs, arts, morals, knowledge, belief, thoughts, laws,
and any other aptitudes,….etc., that changes from period to other, and
caused to inflexibility application for acquired human rights. (S.Fetouh,

The public interest has been defined as mentioning concerns influencing

the good order and operating of the community and governmental affairs
for the security of citizens. It has similarly been termed as the value of
society, the public, or the community altogether. The Committee of the
Australian Senate that related to Legal and constitutional Affairs
pronounced the public interest as, ‗…a useful notion for accumulating
any amount of concerns that may influence a doubtful matter that is of
general – as opposed to an only private concern. (Ch. Wheeler, 2006)
The sense of expression has been viewed by the Australian courts from
several perspectives. The Supreme Court of Victoria stated: The public
interest is a concept concluding the standards of human conduct and the
operating of government recognized and admitted to being for the good
order of the community and the security of its members. (Ch. Wheeler,

Against previous backgrounds; the maintenance of cultural identity for

communities considers a public interest and it leads to the good order of
society. The governmental organizations for all states are responsible for
achieving cultural security for the community. Therefore, Cultural
security, or the maintenance of cultural identity, is an environment that is
safe for people: where there is no assault, challenge, or denial of their
identity, of which they are and what they need. It is about shared respect,
shared meaning, shared knowledge and experience of learning, living and
working together with dignity, and truly listening. (R. Williams, 1999)

Technology produced many applications that connect with the Internet

and enable all peoples in the world to contact each other directly,
regardless the geographical boundaries, such as; Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram,….etc. These technological tools permit to mix of diverse
cultures daily, and these represent as threats to the cultural security for
the peoples because the global network that gathers many kinds of
cultures considers as the soft power, which can change the specificity of
the culture or the particular cultural identity for the peoples. For example;
Technology, that enables to mix of western cultures with the eastern ones,
is a chance for passively changing the identification of the eastern
cultures or western ones. In another meaning, the customs, morals,
knowledge, beliefs, thoughts, and laws, as components of the eastern
culture may change passively when it contacts with western ones, as a
result, the technology, as a tool, becomes a threat to cultural security for
all peoples in the world.

Statement of the Problem

Technology is a double-edged weapon concerning the cultural security,
recently, Technology becomes as a threat for the cultural security
especially in regards to social morals, religious beliefs, and languages for
Eastern societies. Some of the social behavior and customs for Eastern
cultures change to the worst after the technological contacts- by the
Internet- with the western ones, such as; the Arabic language that
weakened linguistically due to technological connections with the
western cultures that passively affected the Arabian tongue. On another
hand, the social relation between the girls and boys becomes the worst in
the Eastern cultures by legitimating the fornication due to technological
connection with western societies that permit the boyfriend concept that
completely refuses in Arabian Islamic cultures, as a result, the
Technology threatens the Islamic and Arabian identification for Middle-
East cultures.
Conversely, Technology may be an opportunity for enhances cultural
security, by diffusion the components of cultural specificity for diverse
peoples. The technological tools such as; Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram,….etc., play a vital role in broadcasting the components of
culture; for example; Facebook may be utilized to enhance the Egyptian
historical knowledge, Egyptian social behaviors, religious principles for
Egyptians, and their positive customs, as components of Egyptian culture
that protect the cultural specificity for Egyptians, and achieve their
cultural security. Consequently, the countries are responsible for
achieving cultural security for their people, by enacting the norms that
filter passive technological impacts on the cultural specificity, thus, Tech
companies are required to respect the specificity of peoples 'cultures by
enacting a " code of ethics" for the cultural security for all peoples in the
Objective of the Study
The study aimed at evaluating the position of cultural security during the
Technology' era, and how it threatens the cultural specificity for the
peoples that enforces the necessity for setting the norms from Tech
companies that enact the legal framework for cultural security.

Experiments- as a research strategies – is a suitable plan for this research,
because it is a hypothetic—deductive approach, because it depends on
studying causal relationship between variables

1- China is still moderately fragile in terms of sponsoring its culture,
while struggles to do so have been marched up in the latest years.
Besides, its lifestyle, traditional customs, national values, and language,
all modules of what creates a culture are fronting great defies and
menaces, En route for the end of 2010 ,the (C.Y.D.S.I.C.) -China
Youth Daily Social Investigation Center directed an investigation of over
3,000 people in which 80.8 % of respondents assumed that China was
fronting a cultural crisis. (Xinhua, 2010) Certainly, the division between
modern Chinese people and a traditional one is previously clear and, if
the tendency carries on, it may threaten cultural identity for Chinese, or
national identity for China. The impression of the domination of English
over other languages is plentifully obvious. It is intended that 75 % of all
TV programs are prepared in the English language ;that more than 90
% of all online information is in English; and al-most 100 % of
software code is inscribed in English, While English is the
international communication language. In the frontage of English-
language domination, it is consequently important to keep and sponsor
the significance of Chinese. Concerning Western values have had a
substantial impression on Chinese traditional morals, while not directly
imposed, the result is nonetheless the ―implanting of Western values‖
progressively onto Chinese traditional values. The productions of
Hollywood are one sample in which Chinese stories are Americanized
and thus miss their unique life force. The movies Mulan and Kung Fu
Panda are both examples: Mulan is an old-style Chinese superwoman
with traditional Chinese merits, but in the Hollywood film version she is
portrayed as a Western star tracking principle of liberty and love with a
courageous spirit. There is a threat that brings in such ―malformed‖
versions may lead to an approval of Western culture among the
earlier age group of Chinese and so weaken the old-style values which
form a significant part of national cultural security. Additionally,
traditional customs, comprising traditional anniversaries, are a vital
importer of the Chinese soul and thoughts .However, these are presently
in front of defies of modernization and globalization. Moreover, foreign
influences have had a weighty impression on outmoded customs.
(UNESCO, 2020)
2- In December 2010, the Arab Spring Revolutions were a chain of
demonstrations, which destroyed many countries in the Middle East zone,
Technology like Facebook, Twitter; Skype, the Internet, SMS, and MMS
played a fundamental role to change the political culture (Mikeraglass,
2011). Technological tools broadcasted the destructive concept for
opinion expression right and enhanced the spreading of the chaos as an
illegal tool for removing regimes that were available in those countries.
Technology played a vital role in the passive change of political culture in
the Middle-East zone, these technological tools encourage the promotion
of the aggressive concept for policy and illegal practice for political
rights. As a result, Technology change passively the political culture for
the Middle-East 'peoples that enables the terrorists to destroy many
countries, such as; Yemen, Syria, Iraq, thus, the Technological tools;
Facebook, Twitter; Skype bring the aggressive political culture, and
illegal practice for the political rights, and removes the peaceful political
culture that enhances the legal practice for political rights.

1- Technology causes the decentralized the cultural sources, which leads
to threatening the national cultural security for peoples. In other meaning,
Technology makes diverse cultural channels that distort the national
cultures, and change them passively.
2- Technological tools affect passively the policy of national media- as
one of the cultural channels, often, these tools misbelieve the national
media for countries.
3- Technology causes the segmentation for the national cultural market
that leads to ambiguity of national culture, and remove its nationality

1- The countries have to formulate national cultural policies that prevent
Technology as a threat against national cultural security, and use the
technological tools to safeguard the cultural specificity for the nations .
2- The countries have to centralize their national cultural markets that
prevent international segmentation for the national cultural market by
technological tools.
3- It is necessary to enact the international norms that limit Technology as
menace for the national cultural security, and support it as an opportunity
to achieve national cultural security.
4- Establishment of the national cultural market that gathers many kinds
of cultural industries that are responsible of protect the national cultural
security against passively impacts coming from foreign technological
channels .
5- The national communication ministries have to enact national norms
that limit the passive impacts of the Technological channels- as a threat
against national cultural security, and enhances these channels to
strengthen their positive power to achieve a high level of protection to
national cultural security.

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online; , retrieved
- Ch. Wheeler, The public interest we know it’s important, but do we
know what it means, AIAL forum 12, No. 48,
0pdf.pdf Retrieved 13 Mars 2021.
- Mikeraglass (2011), The Role of Technology in the Global
- P. Melville Logan, “On Culture: Matthew Arnold’s Culture and
Anarchy, 1869.″, online at;
anarchy-1869 , retrieved 6.3.2021

- R. Williams (1999), Cultural Safety – what does it mean for our work
practice?‘ 23(2) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

- S.Fatouh (2021), The Human rights per united nation perspective and
Arab communities' culture, The UN conference, Middle East Center,
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- Xinhua-net. ―80.8 percent of respondents affirm that China is

facing a crisis of culture,‖ Xinhua News Net, December 21, 2010,

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