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Identity-Based Cryptosystems I 

the recipient’s identity, and the PKG’s master public key

Identity-Based Cryptosystems mpk to output a ciphertext C. The last algorithm is then
the decryption algorithm Decrypt that takes as input the
Benoît Libert, Jean-Jacques Quisquater ciphertext C and the private decryption key dID to return
Microelectronics Laboratory, Université catholique de a plaintext M. In the case of identity-based signatures,
Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium the last two algorithms are the signature generation algo-
rithm Sign that, given a message M, the PKG’s public key
Synonyms and a private key dID generates a signature on M that can
IBE: Identity-based encryption; IBS: Identity-based signa- be verified by anyone thanks to the signature verification
ture algorithm Verify. The latter takes as input the PKG’s key
mpk and the alleged signer’s identity ID to return  or 
Background depending on whether the signature is acceptable or not.
Identity-based public key cryptography is a paradigm This chapter surveys some simple identity-based
introduced by Shamir in  []. His motivation was schemes that have appeared in the literature since Shamir’s
to simplify key management and remove the need for call for proposals in . Some of the most famous
public key certificates as much as possible by letting the identity-based signature schemes are fist described, and
user’s public key be the binary sequence corresponding to the chapter then gives an example of identity-based
an information identifying him in a nonambiguous way encryption scheme based on modular arithmetic.
(e-mail address, IP address combined to a user name, tele-
phone number, etc). The removal of certificates allows Theory
avoiding the trust problems encountered in current pub- This section presents simple examples of identity-based
lic key infrastructures (PKIs): it is no longer necessary signatures. The first one is a generic construction that
to bind a public key to its owner’s name since those are can be based on any signature scheme. The second one
one single thing, and it also simplifies key management is the Guillou–Quisquater [] signature scheme that
since public keys are human-memorizable. These systems builds on the RSA assumption. The next example is a
involve trusted authorities called private key generators scheme, proposed by Bellare, Namprembre, and Neven [],
(PKGs) that have to deliver private keys to users after hav- which relies on the difficulty of computing discrete loga-
ing derived them from their identity information (users rithms. The chapter finally outlines a simple identity-based
do not generate their key pairs themselves) using a master encryption scheme due to Cocks [].
secret key. End users do not have to enquire for a certifi-
cate for their public key. The only things that still must Identity-Based Signatures
be certified are the public keys of trusted authorities. This Syntactically, an identity-based signature consists of the
does not completely eliminate the need for certificates but, following four algorithms.
since many users depend on the same authority, this need is
Setup: is a probabilistic algorithm run by a private key gen-
drastically reduced. Several practical solutions for identity-
erator (PKG) that takes as input a security parameter to
based signatures (IBS) have been devised since 
output a master public key mpk and a master secret key
[, , ], but finding a practical identity-based encryp-
msk which is kept secret.
tion scheme (IBE) remained an open challenge until
Keygen: is a private key generation algorithm run by the
 when elegant solutions were provided by Boneh and
PKG on input of params and the master key msk to
Franklin [] and Cocks []. Other identity-based signa-
return a private key dID associated with the identity ID.
tures were proposed after  (e.g., [, ]).
Sign: is a (possibly probabilistic) algorithm that takes as
Basically, an identity-based cryptosystem consists of
input public parameters params, a message M and
four algorithms. First, a Setup algorithm, which is run by
the signer’s private key dID , and outputs a signature
a PKG, takes as input a security parameter to output a
σ = Sign(dID , M).
public/private master key pair (mpk, msk) for the PKG.
Verify: is a deterministic verification algorithm that takes
A key generation algorithm Keygen is also run by the PKG:
as input a purported signature σ, the master public key
it takes as input the PKG’s master secret key msk and
mpk and the signer’s identity ID. It outputs  or .
a user’s identity ID to return the user’s private key dID .
In the case of identity-based encryption, the third algo- The security of IBS schemes is formalized via a game
rithm is an encryption algorithm Encrypt that can be between a challenger and an adversary F . More precisely,
publicly run by anyone and takes as input a plaintext M, the definition used in [, ] extends the standard notion
 I Identity-Based Cryptosystems

[] of existential unforgeability under chosen-message The above construction was extended to provide hier-
attacks by requiring any probabilistic polynomial-time archical identity-based signatures [] (i.e., IBS schemes
algorithm F to have negligible advantage in the following involving a hierarchy of signers organized in a hierar-
game. chical setting) and identity-based signatures with special
properties [].
. The challenger generates a master key pair (mpk, msk)
While simple and elegant, this construction leaves
← Setup(k) and hands mpk to the forger F .
room for efficiency improvements, notably in terms of sig-
. On polynomially-many occasions, the forger makes
nature size since each signature comprises two ordinary
queries of the following two types:
digital signatures and a public key. Ideally, one would like
(a) Key generation queries: F chooses an arbitrary
to have an IBS scheme performing as well as ordinary dig-
identity ID and the challenger replies by return-
ital signatures. The next subsections show two examples
ing dID ← Keygen(msk, ID).
of such schemes that both derive from the Fiat–Shamir
(b) Signing queries: F chooses a pair (ID, M).
paradigm [].
The challenger replies by computing dID ←
Keygen(msk, ID)and returning σ = Sign(dID , M).
The Guillou–Quisquater IBS
These queries can be made adaptively in that each one
This scheme is derived from a three round identifica-
may depend on the answers to prior queries.
tion scheme. It was proposed in  and consists of the
. The forger outputs a triple (ID⋆ , M ⋆ , σ ⋆ ) and wins if
following algorithms.
the three following conditions are satisfied:
(a) ID⋆ was never queried for key generation. Setup: Given a security parameter k , the private key gen-
(b) The pair (ID⋆ , M ⋆ ) was never queried for signa- erator (PKG) picks two k /-bit primes p and q and
ture. computes n = pq. It also picks a prime number
(c) Verify(mpk, ID⋆ , σ ⋆ ) = . e ∈ Z φ(n) such that gcd(e, φ(n)) =  and chooses
cryptographic hash functions H : {, }∗ → Ze and
Generic IBS from Any Signature G : {, }∗ → Zn . The master public key is mpk =
In [], Bellare, Namprempre, and Neven pointed out that (n, e, G, H) while the master secret key is the pair
any digital signature can be made identity-based in a msk = (p, q).
very simple manner using certification. This generic con- Keygen: Given a user’s identity ID, the PKG computes
struction was previously implicitly described in [] and I = G(ID) ∈ Z∗n and a ∈ Z∗n such that Iae ≡  (mod n).
goes as follows. Let Π sig = (Keygen, Sign, Verify ) be The obtained dID = a is returned to the user as a private
any ordinary (i.e., nonidentity-based) digital signature key.
scheme providing existential unforgeability under chosen- Sign: Given a message m, the signer does the following:
message attacks []. Then, a secure IBS scheme Π IBS = . Pick a random k ← Z∗n and compute r = ke mod n.

(Setup, Keygen, Sign, Verify) can be obtained as follows. . Compute ℓ = H(m∥r) ∈ Ze .

. Calculate s = kaℓ mod n.
Setup: Given a security parameter k ∈ N, the algo-
The signature on m is the pair (s, ℓ).
rithm generates a digital signature key pair (pk, sk) ←
Verify: To verify a signature (s, ℓ) on m:
Keygen(k) and returns (mpk, msk) = (pk, sk).
. Compute I = G(ID) from the signer’s identity ID.
Keygen: To generate a private key for some user’s iden-
. Compute u = se I ℓ mod n.
tity ID, the PKG generates a fresh digital signature
. Accept the signature if ℓ = H(m∥u).
key pair (pkID , skID ) ← Keygen(k) and sets dID =
(skID , pkID , σID ), where σID = Sign(msk, ID∣∣pkID ) is a To verify the consistency of the scheme, note that
certificate binding the newly generated public key pkID
u ≡ se I ℓ ≡ (kaℓ )e I ℓ ≡ ke (ae I)ℓ ≡ ke ≡ r (mod n).
to the identity ID.
Sign: To sign a message m using is private key dID = (skID , Hence u = r and then H(m∥u) = H(m∥r).
pkID , σID ), the signer computes σm = Sign(skID , m) and For security reasons, the parameter k should be at least
the identity-based signature is defined as the triple  or  to avoid attacks trying to factor the modulus.
σ = (σm , pkID , σID ). This signature scheme is derived from the Guillou–
Verify: To verify an alleged signature σ = (σm , pkID , σID ) Quisquater identification protocol (GQ) using the Fiat–
for message m under the identity ID, the verifier Shamir heuristic [] that turns any -move identification
returns  if Verify (pkID , σm , m) =  and Verify(mpk, σID , scheme into a digital signature. In the scheme, the signer’s
ID∣∣pkID )=. Otherwise, it outputs . private key is an RSA signature generated by the PKG
Identity-Based Cryptosystems I 

on a message consisting of the user’s identity: in other Keygen: Given a user’s identity ID, the PKG chooses
r ← Zp at random and computes R = g r as well as ℓ =
words, a GQ signature is actually a noninteractive proof
of knowledge of an RSA signature. H(ID∣∣R) ∈ Zp . The private key is the pair dID = (R, s)
The scheme can be proved existentially unforgeable where s = r + ℓx mod p.
(in the random oracle model []) provided it is hard to Sign: To sign a message m using dID = (R, s), the signer
invert the RSA function. The first security proof can be proceeds as follows:
traced back to the work of Pointcheval and Stern [, ]
Pick a random y ← Zp and compute Y = g y as well
who showed how their “forking technique” yields security
as S = g s .
proofs for signature schemes derived from identification
. Compute c = G(m∥S∥Y) ∈ Zp .
protocols. Their security proof was given in a model where
. Calculate z = y + cs mod p.
the scheme was treated as an ordinary (i.e., nonidentity-
based) signature. A security proof in the model of section The signature on m is (R, S, c, z).
“Identity-Based signatures” was provided by the general Verify: To verify a signature (R, S, c, z) on m:
framework of Bellare et al. [].
. Compute Y = g z S−c and reject the signature if c ≠
While the infeasibility of inverting the RSA func-
tion is sufficient to prove the security of the GQ sig-
. Compute ℓ = H(ID∣∣R).
nature scheme in the random oracle model, a stronger
. Accept the signature if S = RX ℓ .
interactive assumption (introduced in []) is necessary
to prove the security of the underlying interactive iden- Bellare et al. [] proved the security of their scheme assum-
tification scheme. The security of the GQ identification ing that computing discrete logarithms is hard and when
scheme against active and concurrent attacks was estab- the hash functions H and G are modeled as random
lished by Bellare and Palacio [] in a traditional public oracles.
key setting. Its security in the identity-based model was A BNN signature can be seen as a noninteractive proof
proved in []. of knowledge of a Schnorr signature in the same way
as GQ signatures prove knowledge of an RSA signature.
The above scheme can also be seen as an optimization of
The Bellare–Namprempre–Neven IBS
the generic construction described in section “Generic IBS
In , Bellare et al. [] described an identity-based sig-
from Any Signature” it indeed provides slightly shorter sig-
nature based on the discrete logarithm problem. In the
natures using suitable parameters such as carefully chosen
same way as the Guillou–Quisquater scheme can be seen
elliptic-curve subgroups. The BNN IBS was recently fur-
as a proof of knowledge of an RSA signature, the Bellare
ther optimized [] to provide shorter signatures and also
et al. scheme can be viewed as a noninteractive proof of
inspired an IBS scheme [] supporting partial signature
knowledge of a Schnorr [] signature.
The Schnorr signature scheme makes use of a cyclic
group G of prime order p. The signer holds a public key
X = g x , where x ← Zp is the private key which is

Other IBS Schemes Based on Specific

used to sign a message m as follows. The signer first com-
Number Theoretic Assumptions
putes R = g r , for a randomly chosen r ← Zp , and sets

The GQ and BNN identity-based signatures are far from

s = r + H(m∣∣R)x mod p, where H : {, }∗ → Zp is
being the only IBS systems where signatures consist of
a hash function modeled as a random oracle. The signa-
a noninteractive proof of knowledge of an ordinary sig-
ture consists of (ℓ, s), where ℓ = H(m∣∣R), and is veri-
nature. Indeed, many other proposals based on the dis-
fied by checking whether ℓ = H(m∣∣g s X −ℓ ). Alternatively,
crete logarithm problem [, , ], RSA [], factoring
the signature can be (R, s) in such a way that the veri-
[, , ], or groups with bilinear maps [, , , , ]
fier can recompute ℓ = H(m∣∣R) before checking whether
can be found in the literature (see [] for a comprehensive
R = g s X −ℓ .
survey of these). Recent works [, ] also investigated how
Setup: Given a security parameter k , the PKG chooses a to efficiently base IBS schemes on assumptions stemming
cyclic group G of prime order p > k and a generator from coding theory.
g ∈ G. It picks x ← Zp and sets X = g x . It also chooses
It has been reported that identity-based signatures can
cryptographic hash functions H : {, }∗ → Zp and be endowed with specific additional properties. In many
G : {, }∗ → Zp . The master public key is mpk = cases, these can be generically obtained [] by extending
(g, X, H, G) while the master secret key is msk = x. the generic construction of section “Generic IBS from Any
 I Identity-Based Cryptosystems

Signature”. Other IBS schemes supporting signature aggre- . In the guess stage, A asks new queries as in the find
gation [, ] or multiple signers [] were designed under stage but is restricted not to issue a key extraction request
specific assumptions. on the target identity ID∗ and cannot submit C to the
In addition, an observation made by Naor (and decryption oracle for the identity ID∗ . Eventually, A
reported in []) implies that identity-based signatures can outputs a bit b′ and wins if b′ = b.
also be derived from hierarchical identity-based encryp-
tion (HIBE) [, ]. Following this observation, Paterson A’s advantage is defined as Adv(A) := ∣ × Pr[b′ = b] − ∣.
and Schuldt [] proved the security (without using the The above definition captures the chosen-ciphertext
random oracle model) of a scheme derived from a -level scenario where the adversary is granted access to a decryp-
extension of the Waters IBE [] under the Diffie–Hellman tion oracle throughout the game. There exists a weaker
assumption in groups with a bilinear map. definition, called chosen-plaintext security (or IND-ID-
CPA for short), where no such decryption oracle is given
Identity-Based Encryption from Quadratic to the adversary.
Residuosity: The Cocks IBE The IBE scheme proposed by Cocks in  [] is
An identity-based encryption scheme (IBE) consists of based on quadratic residues and on the properties of the
a tuple of algorithms (Setup, Keygen, Encrypt, Decrypt), Legendre and Jacobi symbols for Blum integers (i.e., com-
the first two ones of which have the same functional- posite integers n = pq, where p and q are primes such that
ities as in identity-based signatures. Algorithm Encrypt p ≡ q ≡  (mod )). It is made of the four algorithms
takes as input a plaintext m, the master public key mpk, depicted below.
and a receiver’s identity ID to output a ciphertext C =
Setup: The PKG picks prime numbers p and q such that
Encrypt(m, mpk, ID). On input of C and the private
p ≡ q ≡  (mod ), computes their product n =
key dID , the corresponding decryption algorithm outputs
pq, and chooses a hash function H : {, }∗ →
either a plaintext m or a special symbol  indicating that
Z∗n . The PKG’s master secret key is defined to be
the ciphertext is invalid.
msk = (p, q), and the master public key consists of
The appropriate definition of security for IBE schemes
mpk = (n, H).
was given by Boneh and Franklin [].
Keygen: Given an identity ID, the PKG computes a
Definition  An IBE scheme is said to be adaptively sequence of hash values starting from ID until obtain-
chosen-ciphertext secure (IND-ID-CCA) if no probabilis- ing a = H(H(H . . . (ID))) ∈ Z∗n such that ( na ) = .
tic polynomial time (PPT) adversary has a non-negligible For such a a ∈ Z∗n , either a or −a is a square in Z∗n .
advantage in the following game. n+−(p+q)
It is easy to verify that r = a  mod n satisfies
. The challenger runs the Setup algorithm on input of a a = r  mod n or a = −r  mod n depending on whether
security parameter k and sends the domain-wide param- ( ap ) = ( aq ) =  or ( ap ) = ( aq ) = −. The obtained r is
eters mpk to the adversary A. returned to the user as a private key.
. In a find stage, A starts probing the following oracles:
– Key extraction oracle: Given an identity ID, this Encrypt: The sender does not know which of a or −a
oracle returns the extracted private key dID = is a square in Z∗n and one first considers the case
Keygen(msk, ID). a = r  mod n. The sender generates a symmetric
– Decryption oracle: Given an identity ID ∈ {, }∗ transport key K and encrypts the plaintext M with it.
and a ciphertext C, it generates the private key Each bit x of that symmetric key is then encrypted
dID associated to ID and returns either a plaintext before being sent to the receiver B. To do this, A
M ∈ M or a distinguished symbol  indicating that encodes x in {−, } rather than in {, } and does the
the ciphertext was not correctly formed. following.

A can present her queries adaptively in the sense that . Pick a random t ∈ Z∗n such that ( nt ) = x.
each query may depend on the answers to previous ones. . Compute s = (t + at ) mod n (since ( nt ) ≠ , t is
At some point, she produces two plaintexts M , M ∈ M, coprime with p and q and thus invertible in Zn ) and
and a target identity ID∗ for which she has not requested send it to B.
the private key in stage . The challenger computes Since A does not know which of a or −a is the square of
C = Encrypt(Mb , mpk, ID∗ ), for a random hidden bit B’s decryption key, A has to repeat the above process for
b ← {, }, which is sent to A. a new t and, this time, send s = (t −a/t) mod n. Hence,
Identity-Based Cryptosystems I 

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