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Muslims are the subjects of fiction in a horde of movies and TV shows.

They show up in those

non-genuine arrangements they are still constantly scripted inside the subjects of worldwide
psychological warfare, country security, and fundamentalism. The show installs Islam and
Muslim personalities positively inside a strict structure and infrequently introduces the topic of
politicized Islam. This depoliticisation is the state of its new clarity. Conviviality is about multi
culture made common, something more supported and versatile, implanted in aura and social
practice. This point of view welcomes a move from community as object to lived community as
practice (Chao 13). Orientalism builds social, spatial, and visual legends and generalizations that
are regularly associated with the international philosophies of governments and foundations. The
impact of these folklores has affected the development of information and the cycle of
information creation (Chao 4).

To embed a commonplace and standardized look toward Muslims and challenge unfriendly
portrayals of Islam in Western media. Through what is named ‘oppositional banality’ the show
migrates Muslim characters to the domain of regular day to day existence and out of the bounds
of worldwide psychological oppression (Chao 18). As opposed to being under the investigation
of information cameras and saw through disastrous global occasions the Muslims in Little
Mosque are made entertaining and ageless, exposed to the passionate entrapments of
conventional life.

Generally sitcoms are made out of independent scenes in which clashes and occasions have no
connection. Albeit the characters remain consistent, the sitcom moves from strife to goal before
the end of every episode. Humor is a critical element of the sitcom. It is generally character-
driven, bringing about humdingers and jokes at another character's cost. Sitcoms additionally
utilize social critique. Jokes and storylines will conform to recent developments.

In the debut scene of the Canadian satire Little Mosque on the Prairie, the character Joe, a white
grassland rancher, meanders into the neighborhood Anglican area to observe a gathering of
Muslims imploring and prostrating as one. Later he describes this experience to his reverend
with disturbance. While the hilarious scene spoofs the post-9/11 enemy of Muslim suspicion that
had spread in America, Canada, and somewhere else it likewise solidifies a few lasting
discussions concerning the visual portrayals of Muslims and Islam in Western media: first, there
stays a questionable yet difficult visual affiliation connecting Muslims and the act of Islam with
psychological warfare; second and as an outcome of the principal, experiences with Muslims for
non-Muslims like Joe become snapshots of alert and frenzy; and third, view of Muslims and
Islam are regularly molded by the media, for this situation the news media.

One way this subject is raised is when Rayyan and Baber are battling about a barrier in the
Mosque to isolate the men and the ladies during praying in (scene two season one). There is no
uncertainty that isolating men from ladies is considered as a superior method of keeping people
from seeing one another and a method of way of increasing attention to prayer and a better way
of performing this great act of worship by both parties, particularly right now when defilement
and enticement are far and wide. The notion that women distract men during prayer, in a scene
where Ammar feels distracted when a woman bends down to pick up a booklet. The barrier also
allows women privacy, they feel more comfortable and secure.

However there is no harm in reserving a section of the mosque for men and another section for
women. Women used to pray behind the Prophet's mosque in Madinah in the back rows. The
Prophet used to remain in his position after the prayer so that women could leave before the men
turned around and started to withdraw from the mosque. There was no wall or barrier that
separated men from women; that's why the Prophet used to remain in his position after the
prayer until women had left. The possible solutions to deal with this discourse would be that
men are put behind the barrier since they are the ones getting distracted or the Imam suggests
making a barrier in half of the mosque and leave it up to the people to decide.

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