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Radiation Detection in Herbals


Herbs and herbal products are in use as food dry ingredients, and fresh foods known for raw
supplements because of their unique nutritional characteristics. The radiation pasteurization with
ingredients. Collection of herbs for medicinal low doses of gamma (g) rays, X-rays, and electron
purposes and long-term storage in dried form are beam effectively controls food-borne pathogens.
quite common practices. Over the last two decades, Irradiation leads to the destruction of pathogenic
irradiation of herbs and products with g-rays has nonspore-forming food-borne bacteria and para-
emerged as a leading sterilization method against sitic organisms, such as trichina, and protects the
microbial deterioration or insect infestation during consumers from microorganism-related diseases.
storage and transport, to preserve hygienic quality, The application is based on the fact that ionizing
ensure shelf life, as well as to reduce public health radiation causes very effective disruption of DNA
threat. Unlike other quarantine treatments such as molecules in the nuclei of cells, rendering them
thermal treatment and fumigation with environ- inactivate [2]. Irradiation has been examined
mentally disruptive toxic chemicals pose an occu- thoroughly by joint committees of the World
pational health hazard, but irradiation technique is Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations
considerably rapid, cost-effective, and offers a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the
broader spectrum of sanitizing applications for dry European Community Scientific Committee for
ingredients. In view of the increasing use of irra- Food, Food and Drug Administration (USA), and
diation technology for preservation of herbs, the by House of Lords Committee. Food absorbs
availability of analytical techniques for identifying energy when it is exposed to ionizing radiation;
irradiated or nonirradiated herbs is of much impor- the amount of energy absorbed is called “absorbed
tance for regulatory authorities and consumers to dose,” which is measured in units called grays
increase confidence in radiation processing tech- (Gy), kilograys (kGy) (1 kGy = 1,000 Gy). The
nology. Several detection methods, broadly cate- energy absorbed by the food causes the formation
gorized as chemical, physical, and biological, have of short-lived molecules known as free radicals,
been developed for the identification of irradiated which kill microorganisms and also interact with
herbs and herbal products. Among the physical other food molecules. Thus, irradiation leads to
techniques, pulsed photo-stimulated luminescence check microorganisms, insect gametes, and plant
(PPSL), thermoluminescence (TL), and electron meristems from reproduction and have preserva-
paramagnetic spin resonance (EPR/ESR), spec- tive effects as a function of the absorbed radiation
troscopy are the leading techniques [1]. dose (Table 12.1), while chemical- or other radi-
The thermal pasteurization of liquid (e.g., ation-induced changes are minimal [4].
milk, water) is well established and satisfactory An important reason for the relatively high
for terminal decontamination/disinfection of such sensitivity of DNA to the ionizing radiation is
commodities but inappropriate for solid foods, that DNA molecules are much larger than other

D.D. Joshi, Herbal Drugs and Fingerprints: Evidence Based Herbal Drugs, 213
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-0804-4_12, © Springer India 2012
214 12 Radiation Detection in Herbals

Table 12.1 Doses for various applications of irradiation [3]

S. No. Preservative effects and types of application Dose (kGy)
1 Killing and sterilizing insects (disinfestations of food) 0.2–0.8
2 Prevention of reproduction of food-borne parasites 0.1–3.0
3 Decrease of after-ripening and delaying senescence of some fruit and vegetables; extension 0.5–5.0
of shelf life of food by reduction of microbial populations
4 Elimination of viable nonspore-forming pathogenic microorganisms (other than viruses) 1.0–7.0
in fresh and frozen food
5 Reduction or elimination of microbial population in dry food ingredients 3.0–10.0

molecular structures inside the cell. The damage absence of oxygen significantly influence their
is either direct, caused by reactive oxygen from radiation resistance, particularly in vegetative
hydroxyl radicals (OH−) originating from the cells. The actual dose employed is a balance
radiolysis of water, or indirect. In the case of between that what is needed and that what can
an indirect hit, the damage to the nucleic acids be tolerated by the product without objectionable
occurs when radiation ionizes an adjacent mole- changes (e.g., off-flavors, texture changes, and
cule, which in turn reacts with the genetic material. flavor alterations).
In view of the fact that water is a major compo-
nent of most foods and microbes, it is often the
adjacent molecule that ends up producing a lethal Microorganisms in Herbals
product. The ionizing radiation causes water mol-
ecule to lose an electron producing H2O+, which In stored herbals, microorganisms develop favor-
immediately reacts with other water molecules to able conditions for themselves; such incidents
produce a number of compounds, including hydro- are more common with poorly stored products.
gen and hydroxyl radicals, molecular hydrogen, From a hygienic viewpoint such contaminated
oxygen, and hydrogen peroxide. Hydroxyl radi- material should be destroyed irrespective if active
cals are very reactive and are known to interfere principles have been affected or not. A summarized
with the bonds between nucleic acids within a discussion on the problem is as below; [6]
single strand or between opposite strands. Spores of bacteria and molds are always
Although biological systems have a capacity to present in the air, and dried herbs are particularly
repair both single-stranded and double-stranded liable to be contaminated. Under satisfactory
breaks of the DNA backbone, the damage occur- storage conditions, their presence is not a problem;
ring from ionizing radiation is random and exten- however, for some crude drugs, certain pathogenic
sive [5]. Therefore, recovery processes in bacteria bacteria are specifically limited or excluded, for
after their radiation damage are unlikely to occur. example, Escherichia coli in digitalis, tragacanth,
The differences in sensitivity to radiation among and gelatin and Salmonellae in digitalis as well as
microorganisms are related to the differences in cochineal. Certain species of molds, for example,
their chemical and physical structure and in their Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium tricinctum, pro-
ability to recover from the radiation injury. The duce extremely potent mycotoxins, which in the
amount of radiation energy required to control past have been the cause of many deaths through
microorganisms in food and food supplements, the consumption of overwintered moldy grain in
therefore, varies depending on the resistance of certain countries. The spores of such species have
the particular species and the number of organisms been shown not to be common in vegetable drugs
present. Besides inherent abilities of microorgan- and would be harmless anyway unless allowed to
isms, several environmental factors such as the develop through poor storage. With the exception
composition of the medium, moisture content, of chromogenic species of bacteria, for example,
temperature during irradiation, and presence or Bacillus prodigiosus, which produces red patches
Microorganisms in Herbals 215

in starchy materials, the presence of actively (name being derived from its frequent occurrence
growing bacteria is not readily visible. However, in the biscuits of the old-time sailors). The Lasio-
bacterial growth is usually accompanied on the derma serricorne is found in stored products
crude drug by growth of molds whose presence is including ginger and liquorice.
soon evident by the characteristic smell and by A few species of the Lepidoptera attack stored
the mass of clinging particles entrapped in the products, and although damage at the larval stage
mycelial hyphae. In most cases, in order to iden- only, the infestation can spread rapidly due to the
tify a particular mold which is proliferating in a mobility of the adults. Some species, for example,
stored product, it is necessary to culture it on a Ephestia kuehniella, flour moth, produce larvae
suitable medium, to obtain fruiting bodies for which, when fully grown, remain in the food mate-
examination. However, if the drug to be exam- rial where they overwinter and pupate. On the other
ined is infested to an advanced degree, then it hand, the grubs of E. elutella, the cocoa moth, leave
may be possible to make microscopic prepara- the original food containers and during this process
tions directly from the sample. The principal they cover themselves with a web of silky threads.
molds encountered with poorly stored drugs They enter cracks and crevices where they spin
include the genera Mucor (e.g., the gray mold, M. cocoons and finally emerge as adults.
mucedo), Rhizopus (e.g., black mold, R. nigri- A general practice to use cool–dry condition
cans), Penicillium (e.g., blue mold, P. glaucum), for the storage of herbals and products is not
Aspergillus (e.g., green mold), and Saccharomyces always safe, for example, the eggs of the flour
(yeasts). The spores of Mucor and Rhizopus can mite can survive several months at a temperature
be clearly seen on their stalks with a hand lens, of 0°C and 12 days at −10°C. Irradiation of herb-
and the members of this group can usually be als and products is currently in practice since two
immediately recognized because of the rapidly decades. These radiations are limited to high-
growing light-colored, loose-textured colonies energy photons (gamma rays of radionuclides
which are usually white or light gray in color. Co and, to a much smaller extent, 137Cs or X-rays
Aspergillus forms a mop-like head of spores, while from machine sources with energies up to
Penicillium produces a flat brush-like head. 5 MeV or accelerated electrons with energies up
The arachnids (mites) are found in stored to 10 MeV produced by electron-accelerating
drugs usually in countless numbers, on examina- machines), to produce the desired food preserva-
tion with a hand lens. They can be examined tive effects, without inducing radioactivity in
microscopically by clearing a sample of the powder foods, food supplements, or packaging materials,
containing them with chloral hydrate reagent; the for commercial purpose. The radiation treatment
outline and appendages remain distinct, and the causes only minimal temperature rise in the
females can be seen to contain numerous larvae. product and can be applied through packaging
A commonly found members of the group are the materials including those that cannot withstand
flour mite (Tyroglyphus farinae, Acarus siro), heat, meaning that the radiation treatment can be
which thrives on starchy and cereal products, performed also after packaging; thus, recontami-
cheese mite (Tyroglyphus dimidiatus), and nation or reinfestation of the product is avoided.
smaller mites (Cheyletus eruditus) that are often Long-term animal feeding studies have demon-
found with herbals and/products. strated that radiation-pasteurized/sterilized foods/
A number of small beetles are a common food supplements are safe and nutritious also for
source of infestation of stored herbals. Beetles humans, irradiated at doses below 10 kGy. The
undergo a complete metamorphosis, from egg to Directive 1999/3/EC established a community
larva to imago, and are harmful for stored herbals list of foods and food ingredients that may be
at both larval and adult stages. The most common treated with ionizing radiation (EC 1999).
beetle found in many drugs, including gentian, According to this directive, maximum allowed
liquorice, and rhubarb, as well as leafy parts and overall average absorbed dose is 10 kGy for dried
seeds, is Stegobium paniceum, the biscuit beetle aromatic herbs, spices, and vegetable seasonings.
216 12 Radiation Detection in Herbals

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA, stable. Besides the nutritional and sensory values,
sets a limit for irradiation treatment of culinary the wholesomeness (lack of mutagenicity, terato-
herbs, seeds, spices, vegetable seasonings, and genicity, and toxicity) of irradiated foods has
blends of these aromatic vegetable substances been studied extensively. Neither short nor multi-
that must not exceed 30 kGy. The radiation generational feeding studies have produced any
pasteurization process for many foods has been evidence of toxicological effects in mammals due
approved or endorsed by many world agencies to ingestion of irradiated foods. In fact, multigen-
and associations such as the FDA, WHO, the erational studies with animals have demonstrated
Codex Alimentarius Commission, the American that the ingestion of irradiated foods is completely
Medical Association, the Institute of Food safe and that the nutritive value remains essen-
Technologies, and the health authorities in tially unchanged. The data support the conclusion
approximately 40 countries [7]. that properly processed irradiated foods are whole-
some. Radiolytic changes in foods are minimal
and are predictable from the radiation chemistry
Safety and Effectiveness of Irradiation of principal food components. Furthermore,
possible radiolytic products derived, for exam-
A mild treatment as a radiation dose of 1 kGy ple, from lipids (most of which are saturated
represents the absorption of only enough energy and unsaturated hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and
to increase the temperature of the product by 2-alkylcyclobutanones) are neither unique nor
0.36°C. In fact, heating, drying, and cooking may toxicologically significant in the quantities found
cause higher nutritional losses. Moreover, certain in irradiated foods. Irradiation is necessary for
carcinogenic aromatic and heterocyclic ring com- the safety from microflora, and other benefits are
pounds produced during thermal processing of an increased shelf life (of fruits, vegetables, spices,
food at high temperatures were not identified in and meat), and a suitable alternative to chemical
food after irradiation. In general, food macronu- treatments, especially for the decontamination of
trients (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) and fruits, vegetables, and spices [7].
most micronutrients (mainly water-soluble and
fat-soluble vitamins) are not appreciably affected
by 10-kGy range ionizing dose with regard to Irradiation of Spices and Dried
their nutrient contents. However, with higher Vegetable Seasonings
radiation doses (above 10 kGy, the exceeding
permitted limit in the EU), the structural proper- The aromatic oil-bearing plant parts, especially
ties of the fibrous carbohydrates can be degraded, essential oil-rich moieties, are known as spices
and lipids can become somewhat rancid, leading often collected from the developing countries
to a loss of food quality [7, 8]. Moreover, the irra- where harvest and storage conditions are poor
diation of lipids at high doses, and especially in with respect to food hygiene. A very small amount
the presence of oxygen, can lead to the formation of these spices may be a potential source of
of liquid hydroperoxides. The oxidation products microbial pollution for food stuffs to which they
formed often have undesirable odors and flavors were added. Most spices are dried in the open
(rancidity). It is known that the unsaturated fatty air and can become seriously contaminated by
acids are more prone to develop rancidity. Lipid air- and soil-borne bacteria, fungi, and insects.
oxidation can be significantly reduced by freezing Microorganisms of public health significance
and/by oxygen removal prior to irradiation. Among such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Clostridium
micronutrients, thiamine is a subject of concern perfringens, Bacillus cereus, and toxigenic molds
as it is relatively sensitive to the effects of radia- can also be present. Bacterial plate counts of
tion. Foods that contain thiamine (e.g., pork) are 1–100 million per gram of spice are usual. Good
suitable as indicators of food safety regarding the manufacturing practices during harvest and pro-
irradiation treatment [7, 8], but minerals remain cessing could improve their hygienic quality, but
Irradiation Dose for Essential Oils and Organoleptic Characters 217

frequently not to an extent sufficient to obtain doses of gamma irradiation is a safe and suitable
an acceptable microbiological purity level. technique for decontamination of black pepper.
Contaminated, dry plant ingredients cause seri- In comparison with microwave treatment, irradia-
ous troubles in the food-based industry. Therefore, tion does not result in extensive loss of flavor
many commercial food processors fumigate compounds. In contrast to the radiation treatment,
spices with methyl bromide to eliminate insects the thermal treatment of black pepper (using 130°C
or with ethylene oxide to eliminate bacteria and hot dry steam for 4 min, internal temperature of the
molds. However, it has been found that both treated berries was 95°C) caused a significant
methyl bromide and ethylene oxide are extremely increase in the content of monoterpenes [7, 9].
toxic compounds. Moreover, methyl bromide is These changes might have resulted from the forma-
potentially capable of depleting the atmospheric tion of thermal isomerization products of some
ozone layer. Ethylene oxide has been banned in terpenes. The qualitative composition of volatile
Europe because of safety and environmental oils obtained from control, thermally treated sam-
concerns, and its use for the treatment of ground ple, and from irradiated samples of black pepper at
spice has been banned in the United States. The various doses (up to 30 kGy) was identical. Statistical
US Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocol of analysis of the effects of irradiation on the total
the Vienna Convention require that any substance content of volatile oils in spices showed no
listed as ozone depleting be withdrawn from significant differences between irradiated and non-
production and use by the year 2001. Spices, irradiated samples. As per Sadecka et al., the most
herbs, and dried vegetable seasonings are cur- important changes were observed in the black pep-
rently treated with ionizing radiation to eliminate per sample irradiated up to the dose of 30 kGy,
microbial contamination. It was unambiguously which resulted in a threefold increase of caryophyl-
confirmed that the treatment with ionizing energy lene oxide concentration and a parallel decrease of
is more effective against bacteria than the thermal sesquiterpene caryophyllene, in comparison with
treatment and does not leave chemical residues an untreated sample [7, 10]. Nevertheless, such a
in the food product. Thus, ethylene oxide and dose of ionizing energy exceeds three times the
methyl bromide treatments can be effectively level permitted by the EU legislation (EC 1999).
replaced by food irradiation, which in fact is less The observed changes induced in terpenes by irra-
harmful to the spices than heat sterilization, as it diation could be explained by oxidation or hydroxy-
leads to the loss of thermolabile aromatic vola- lation of aromatic rings in terpene molecules. The
tiles and/causes additional thermally induced products with low moisture content (10%) are prone
changes (e.g., thermal decomposition or produc- to the formation of free radicals by irradiation which
tion of thermally induced radicals) [7]. leads to an increased production of oxides and alco-
hols. In addition, the configuration of the side groups
on the terpene skeleton, especially the position of
Irradiation Dose for Essential Oils double bonds and functional groups, can result in a
and Organoleptic Characters variety of compounds produced. The research has
demonstrated that gamma irradiation at the dose of
Gas chromatography with flame ionization detec- 10 kGy (toxicologically and nutritionally confirmed
tion (GC/FID), gas chromatography–mass spec- maximum safe dose) can eliminate microbial load
trometry (GC/MS), sensory evaluation, and of spices without causing any significant organolep-
GC–olfactometry are in use to compare the impact tic or chemical alterations [7].
of irradiation on essential oils. In a case study, pow- Studies on dried basil leaf for essential oils by
dered black pepper was irradiated with different Antonelli et al. observed that the composition of
recommended doses of gamma rays (5 and 10 kGy, essential oils treated at doses of 5 and 10 kGy
respectively) and treated with microwaves for dif- was different in comparison to the controlled
ferent periods (20, 40, and 75 s). The results obtained sample. They concluded that radiation caused
indicate that irradiation treatment with controlled more evident changes in the composition profiles
218 12 Radiation Detection in Herbals

than the microwave treatment. Subsequently, a investigated, and in a significant decrease of

sensory test confirmed significant differences the total ascorbate and carotenoids content of
between the extracts. The panelists preferred the some spices [13]. Results from different studies
gamma-treated sample, while the microwaved have found no significant differences between
sample was least appreciated [7]. EPR spectra of the samples of white pepper,
sweet paprika, and nutmeg irradiated with elec-
tron beams or X-rays at 0–10 kGy irradiation.
Radiation Quantity and Antioxidant Several studies using EPR spectroscopy to inves-
Activity tigate free radicals formed by the gamma-
radiation treatment of ground black pepper,
Spices (anise, cinnamon, ginger, liquorice, mint, oregano, all spice, ginger, and clove and to evalu-
nutmeg, cumin, vanilla, etc.) are well-known ate the influence of the absorbed dose of gamma
source of antioxidants used in daily life. In a case radiation on the radical-scavenging potential of
study with the nonirradiated samples, the water alcoholic extracts, it was observed that radical-
extracts of the irradiated spices at 1, 3, 5, and scavenging (antioxidant) activity of spice extracts
10 kGy did not show any significant difference in was only slightly influenced by the gamma-
the antioxidant activity in the radical-scavenging radiation treatment [7, 14].
assay. The antioxidant properties of anise, cara-
way, cumin, and fennel essential oils extracted
from untreated, gamma-irradiated, and micro- Detection of Irradiated Foods
waved seeds was studied. Gamma-irradiation at and Food Supplements
10 kGy and microwave treatments did not affect
the antioxidant property of the essential oils For the international trade of foods and food
under study. In addition, essential oils extracted supplements, there is a look for simple and reli-
from gamma-irradiated fruits were more effective able method to identify irradiated food stuffs.
antioxidants in sunflower oil than those produced Numerous studies have dealt with the detection
from microwaved fruits. The capsaicinoid content methods applicable to irradiated herbs and spices
in sun-dried and dehydrated paprika samples and have also concluded that food irradiation as a
that were irradiated at doses from 2.5 to 10 kGy most acceptable radiologically, microbiologically,
capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and homodihydro- and toxicologically safe technology. Nevertheless,
capsaicin was increased by about 10% in the questions focusing on nutrient loss, free radical
samples irradiated at the dose of 10 kGy [7, 11]. and radiolytic by-product formation, and changes
The effects of irradiation by electron beam on of antioxidant properties during irradiation are
the color and the contents of volatile oils in five- still being discussed in the scientific community.
spice powder (prickly ash, star aniseed, cinna- In 1993, the European Commission gave a man-
mon, clove, and fennel) and chili were assessed date to the European Committee for Standrdization
by Lianzhong et al. [12]. Irradiation enhanced (CEN) to standardize the methods for the detec-
the UV absorption of aqueous extracts of spices, tion of irradiated foods. These European standards
but the darkening phenomenon of spices due have been adopted by the Codex Alimentarius
to irradiation was temporary. In studies for the effect Commission as general methods and are referred
of gamma irradiation at 10 kGy on the free to in the Codex General Standard for Irradiated
radical formation and the antioxidant contents Foods in section 6.4 on “Post-irradiation verifi-
of aromatic herbs and spices (basil, bird pepper, cation” (Code of Federal Regulation 2004) [7].
black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, oregano, pars- In case of spices, to measure the degree of
ley, rosemary, and sage), Calucci et al., observed irradiation, the most important methods are vis-
that in a general increase of quinine radical cosity measurement, EPR/ESR, and TL. In rela-
content [measured using electron paramagnetic tion to the formation of paramagnetic species
resonance (EPR) spectroscopy] in all samples due to gamma irradiation, EPR/ESR spectroscopy
Detection of Irradiated Foodsand Food Supplements 219

represents a unique detection technique for this technique as a method to identify gamma-
detection and characterization. In 2000, CEN radiation-processed foods [17].
issued the EN 1787 EPR method for the detec- The utilization of EPR spectroscopy and vis-
tion of irradiated foods containing cellulose. The cometry (with two different sample preparation
gamma-radiation treatment of plant products methods) to detect irradiated black pepper
containing cellulose leads to the generation of a samples concluded that the identification of irra-
typical three-line EPR signal, attributable to diation at doses above 8 kGy is possible using
cellulosic radicals. Later, more standardized these methods, at least within 1 month of post-
methods were published for the detection of irradiation storage at ambient temperature.
irradiated foods (i.e., EN 13708, EN 13751, and The viscosity measurement was reported to be a
EN 13784). EN 1784 and EN 1785 describe promising method for the identification of irradi-
methods for the detection of irradiated food con- ated spices [7] and described a method using
taining fat, and EN 1786 is a method for the heat gelatinization of starch in different spices.
detection of irradiated food containing bone. In agreement with their findings, Farkas et al.
Unfortunately, their application is limited by the reported a dramatic decrease in the dispersion
lifetime of the radiolytically produced free radi- viscosity of heat-gelatinized suspensions of
cals [14]. Raffi and Stocker observed that, even several irradiated spices with the starch content
though electron spin resonance (RSR) is known compared to that of unirradiated samples. This
to be a very sensitive method, in the case of approach may provide a relatively simple diag-
spices, it did not lead to favorable results because nostic technique for the detection of irradiation
the main radio-induced signal decreased too fast treatment of starch-containing spices. Because
with the storage time and disappeared before the the effect mentioned seems to be related to the
maximal usual commercial storage time [15]. radiodepolymerization of starch in the irradiated
Polonia et al. showed a prolonged appearance of spices, additional analytical techniques have
cellulose peaks in dried paprika [16]. This enabled been tested to investigate the starch damage in
to include the EPR method in the European black and white peppers [7]. The colorimetrically
protocol. For the purpose of post-radiation determined reducing sugar content as well as
identification of cellulose-containing foods, the the alcohol-induced turbidity of hot-water extracts
presence of relatively weak satellite lines of this indicated increased starch damage in the pepper
“cellulosic” radical species was accepted as an samples as a function of the irradiation dose.
unambiguous evidence for gamma-radiation treat- However, the effect of irradiation had a less
ment. However, it was observed that the EPR dramatic response in these tests than in the
intensity of the cellulosic triplet signal gradually viscometric test. The moisture content influences
decreased with the storage time and that the rate partial radiodepolymerization of starch. According
of disappearance was dependent on temperature, to the experimental results, the technique of dif-
humidity, the presence of oxygen, and other factors. ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC), measuring
In general, the cellulosic EPR signal disappeared the energy and temperature characteristics of heat
within 70–90 days after the irradiation process. gelatinization of starches, cannot rival the sensi-
This method was deemed to fail in the verification tivity of viscometric measurements in the detec-
of the gamma-radiation treatment, and, conse- tion of radiation-induced changes, suggested an
quently, it was recommended that TL techniques alternative method to that of heat gelatinization
should be used. Yordanov et al. pointed to the of starch, which is less time-consuming because
different thermal behavior of EPR signals of it does not require heat gelatinization. In the case
nonirradiated and gamma-radiation-treated foods of cinnamon and allspice (15% suspensions,
containing cellulose, even after a long storage particle size less than 0.16 mm), the apparent vis-
period after radiation, when the specific cellulosic cosities seemed to be as sensitive to the irradiation
EPR signal is extremely low and recommended dose as those of heat-gelatinized spices [7].
220 12 Radiation Detection in Herbals

Fig. 12.1 Energy-level presentation of TL process, showing the thermally activated luminescence. N = concentration of
electron traps with energy Ee, M = concentration of hole traps with energy Ep

A comparison of three physical methods authorities and consumers. Several detection

[viscometry, DSC, NIR (near-infrared spectro- methods, broadly categorized as chemical (com-
photometry)] used in the identification of irradi- parative antioxidant properties with reference
ated spices (cinnamon and allspice) revealed that standard), physical (e.g., viscosity measurement),
the apparent viscosity test demonstrated the best and biological (e.g., antimicrobial against the
response sensitivity when applied to samples reference standard), have been developed for
irradiated with different doses. The storage time the identification of irradiated foods. Among the
did not influence the apparent viscosity values. physical techniques PPSL, TL measurements,
The identification limit of the viscometric method and EPR/ESR spectroscopy are in practice.
was determined at 2–3 kGy, whereas the limit of
NIR spectrophotometric method was determined
at 4–5 kGy, respectively. These two methods Thermoluminescence
enabled to distinguish and correctly order the
irradiated samples. Thermal behavior of free Thermoluminescence (TL) is the thermally stim-
organic radicals induced in irradiated black pepper ulated emission of light from an insulator or a
was studied and observed that the radical evolution semiconductor following the previous absorption
in the irradiated pepper obeys a single exponential of energy from ionizing radiation. The TL process
function and yields a unique time constant. In a can be understood in terms of the band structure
study, the use of TL, EPR spectroscopy, and vis- model of insulators. In a pure insulator, there are
cosimetric measurements to determine whether two relevant energy bands: (1) an almost com-
or not a spice had been irradiated confirmed that pletely filled valence band and (2) an almost
TL, using the EN 1788 (2001) official protocol, empty conduction band. The two energy bands
with an alternative method for the extraction of are separated by a forbidden gap, which means
mineral impurities, led to the proof of irradiation. that between these two bands there are no elec-
EPR can be used as a proof of irradiation just up tronic energy levels. Transitions of electrons
to a few weeks after irradiation and useful only between the valence band and the conduction
for some spices [7]. band are allowed, and they produce free electrons
In view of the increasing use of irradiation in the conduction band and free holes in the
technology for preservation of herbs and prod- valence band (Fig. 12.1).
ucts, the availability of analytical techniques for A large number of minerals (e.g., quartz, feld-
identifying irradiated or nonirradiated moiety is spar, calcite, flint) emitting light energy upon warm-
of much importance for both the regulatory ing is known as thermoluminescence. The TL of
Detection of Irradiated Foodsand Food Supplements 221

minerals is roughly proportional to the irradiation the ground state of an electron trap to an excited
dose to which they had been exposed. The TL state is followed by elevation of the electron to
method for the detection of irradiated herbs and the conduction band by phonon absorption. PPSL
herbal products is based on the isolation of min- analysis takes just a few minutes and hence allows
erals (mineral debris) from the herb/herbal prod- for multiple measurements to be performed.
ucts and estimate the energy absorbed due to PPSL detection method has been used for rapid
irradiation, if any, as minerals store energy dur- screening of many irradiated foods including
ing irradiation by trapping charge carriers in an brown shrimps, herbs, spices, seasonings, and
excited state. On controlled heating of these shellfish. In a study, 90% of 45 nonirradiated and
minerals, after isolation, charge carriers are stim- irradiated spices and seasonings were successfully
ulated to return to the ground state, thereby emit- identified based on simple PPSL measurement.
ting some of the energy as light. This light is Irradiated white ginseng powder, pepper powder,
detected by a sensitive photon counter, and light potato, soybean, dried fig, and chestnut were also
emission is recorded, known as glow curve. The successfully distinguished from nonirradiated
first glow curve (TL1) is compared with a second samples using PPSL [19].
glow curve (TL2) obtained by a second TL
measurement of the isolated minerals following
their exposure to a defined radiation dose. This Electron Paramagnetic Spin Resonance
normalization procedure allows for differences in Spectroscopy
mineral composition, for example, varying
amounts of feldspar or quartz and/in weight of Electron paramagnetic spin resonance (EPR/
the aliquots of isolated mineral grains. A com- ESR) spectroscopy technique is widely used for
parison of size and shape of the two glow curves identification of foodstuffs, for free radicals, and
reveals whether the sample from which the min- molecules with an odd (unpaired) number of elec-
eral grains were isolated has been irradiated or trons. Such moieties can be produced by high-
not (Figs. 12.2, 12.3). The TL glow ratio which is energy radiation and are detectable by EPR/ESR
the ratio of integrated TL intensities of glow 1(TL method. There is a relation among free radicals
1) to glow 2 (TL2), evaluated over a defined tem- and quality of life and health. But some foodstuffs
perature interval, is typically greater than 0.5 for have paramagnetic properties naturally, and they
irradiated and generally below 0.1 for nonirradi- show a single EPR spectral signal before irradia-
ated samples [18]. TL measurement is a time- tion. Antioxidants are molecules which can safely
consuming and cumbersome method. TL proved interact with free radicals and terminate the chain
to be the most reliable method as it was success- reaction before vital molecules are damaged.
fully used to distinguish all kinds of irradiated Antioxidants may diminish the energy of the free
samples from the nonirradiated control samples. radical, stop the free radical from reacting at the
potential side, and minimize the damage caused
by free radicals.
Pulse Photo-Stimulated Luminescence In a case study to understand the EPR spectral
properties of nonirradiated and gamma-irradiated
In pulse photo-stimulated luminescence (PPSL), dry plants, cress seeds and mistletoe have been
the release of trapped energy from minerals studied, and the differences between nonirradiated
exposed to ionizing radiation is optically stimu- and irradiated samples were determined [19].
lated by electromagnetic radiation of appropriate It has been observed that EPR spectra of these
wavelength, and the emission of stored energy is nonirradiated samples have very weak signal, but
recorded by a sensitive detector. The theoretical these plants have an intense EPR resonance line
principle is analogous to the two-stage process of after irradiation. Mistletoe and cress seeds were
photon emission from infrared-stimulated feld- selected for studies, and each of the samples was
spar where the photo excitation of charge from taken in polyethylene bags. These samples were
222 12 Radiation Detection in Herbals

Fig. 12.2 (a, b) Typical TL (glow 1) curves of silicate mushroom (mun), 8 Chinese morel (cloud ear), 9
minerals isolated from mushrooms: 1 champignon, 2 por- Craterellus (black trumpet) [18], where (a) nonirradiated
cini or yellow boletus, 3 chanterelle, 4 black morel, 5 samples and (b) samples irradiated with 7 kGy of 60Co
Suillus or slippery Jack, 6 bay boletus, 7 Chinese black gamma rays

prepared also for irradiation. Irradiation was affects the intensity of lines. Samples of mistletoe
performed in air and at room temperature with a and cress seeds have a weak EPR signal with
Co gamma-ray source. For both of the samples, g = 2.0046 ± 0.0005 value before irradiation. Sugar-
irradiation dose rate was from 0.5 to 2.5 kGy. like EPR spectrum was not observed after irradi-
All EPR measurements were performed at room ation. Both of the samples have a resonance line
temperature on Varian X-Band EPR spectrometer in EPR spectra after irradiation appeared. The
operating at a microwave frequency of 9.53 GHz, only difference from nonirradiated properties is
with 100-kHz field modulation, using a standard intensity (Fig. 12.4).
rectangular cavity. Samples were inserted in European Committee has adopted the six pro-
quartz tubes (3–4 mm), and reference material tocols; three of these (CEN, 1997, 2000, 2001a)
containing Mn2+ was fixed in EPR cavity; this is use in EPR spectroscopy for irradiation studies,
due to the fact that position of samples in cavity the first one for bone, the second for cellulose
Detection of Irradiated Foodsand Food Supplements 223

Fig. 12.3 (a) TL glow curves of minerals separated from erals separated from fruit, ramulus, folium, flower, spike,
the irradiated (0–50 kGy) root, rhizome, and bark of ten peel, and whole plant of ten different dry medicinal herbs
different dry medicinal herbs. (b) TL glow curves of min- irradiated at different doses (0–50 kGy) [1]

Fig. 12.4 EPR spectra

of mistletoe (a) nonirradiated
(b) irradiated [19]
224 12 Radiation Detection in Herbals

Scrophularia root
Scutellaria root
50 kGy
50 kGy
25 kGy
25 kGy
10 kGy 10 kGy
5 kGy 5 kGy
0 kGy
0 kGy
5mT 5mT

Artemisiae argyi folium Alisma rhizome

50 kGy
50 kGy
25 kGy
25 kGy
10 kGy 10 kGy

5 kGy 5 kGy
0 kGy
0 kGy

5mT 5mT

Fig. 12.5 ESR spectra of nonirradiated and irradiated line can be seen in ESR spectra of the irradiated
Scrophularia root, Scutellaria root, Artemisiae argyi Scrophularia root, Scutellaria root, and Artemisiae argyi
folium, and Alisma rhizome. Only one intense singlet folium [1]

containing foodstuffs, and the third for foodstuffs to free radicals of cellulose generated by irradiation.
containing crystalline sugar. In all protocols only The obtained triplet EPR spectrum is characterized
X-band EPR technique is used. Following these with g = 2.006070.0005 and a = 3,070.5 G. Just
protocols, the problem that must be solved by the presence of these two satellite lines is consid-
EPR is on a qualitative level, whether an appro- ered in the protocol (CEN, 2000) as unambigu-
priate food sample has been irradiated before or ous evidence for previous radiation treatment of
not. For an ideal case, nonirradiated samples con- plants [19].
taining hard tissues were selected for the herbals It is imperative to consider the carbohydrate
and herbal products, having EPR signal that is spectra also for detection of irradiation status of
stable. Identification procedure of dry spices and herbal products using EPR/ESR spectrometry.
some plants is based on the fact that, whereas ESR spectra of four irradiated samples of
nonirradiated samples exhibit only one weak Scrophularia root, Scutellaria root, Artemisiae
singlet EPR signal, its amplitude significantly argyi folium, and Alisma rhizome did not show
increases after irradiation together with the any resemblance with any established EPR/ESR
appearance of two weak satellite lines. These lines, signals, such as cellulosic and sugar- or carbohy-
originating from a triplet spectrum whose central drate-like EPR/ESR spectrum, typical for most
line is overlapped on the initial line, are attributed of the irradiated plant products [1] (Fig. 12.5).
Detection of Irradiated Foodsand Food Supplements 225

Table 12.2 Suitability of detection methods to identify irradiated dried mushrooms [18]
S. No. Sample TL EPR PPSL
1 Champignon (Agaricus boletus) + + −
2 Porcini (Boletus edulis) + ± +
3 Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) + ± +
4 Black morel (Morchella conica) + − +
5 Suillus (Suillus luteus) + ± −
6 Bay boletus (Xerocomus badius) + ± ±
7 Chinese black mushroom (Lentinus edodes) + − −
8 Chinese morel (Auricularia polytricha) + − +
9 Craterellus (Craterellus cornucopioides) + + +

For irradiated Scrophularia root, Scutellaria intensity of the singlet EPR line recorded before
root, and Artemisiae argyi folium, the spectra and after heating of the sample up to 60°C is moni-
were characterized by one intense singlet at tored. In the cases when the results obtained by the
g = 2.0045 ± 0.0007. The nonirradiated line due to EPR spectrometry are not definitive with respect to
lignin also appeared as a singlet with the same radiation treatment, the method of TL (CEN,
spectroscopic parameters. Thus, the irradiated 2001b) can be used. It is unambiguous but is very
products of these three samples could not be slow and expensive, and a general recommendation
distinguished from the nonirradiated ones using is to use first EPR and if results are not clear to do
X-band ESR spectroscopy. As EPR/ESR spec- TL (Table 12.2).
trometry is not calibrated, no definite judgment Food and food supplement irradiation has
about the irradiation status can be made based on been shown to be a safe and effective process
change in ESR spectrum intensity [1]. in controlling microbial contamination without
The life time of the radiation-induced radicals adverse side effects and chemical residues that
strongly depends on the storage conditions (as can be used to improve the safety of supply in the
hvumidity and temperature) before and after irra- markets. There is a need to standardize analytical
diation, and generally their EPR spectrum disap- procedures for organoleptic quality of irradiated
pear within 70–90 days after irradiation. According foods, and food supplements mainly spices, in
to some reports, however, the above satellite EPR the dependence on the dose used for ionizing
lines are not observed or disappeared very shortly radiation. In this context, it is necessary to stan-
after irradiation of the food samples. Therefore, the dardize analytical procedures for an unambiguous
presence of the triplet EPR spectrum of cellulose identification of gamma-radiation treatment and
free radicals if recorded is unambiguous evidence its influence on food quality, in order to obtain
that the sample under study has been irradiated, but results that are intercomparable with the aim of a
its absence cannot always be considered as the better protection and objective consumer informa-
opposite. In this case, following European protocol tion, respecting their freedom of choice. Scientists
TL should be used (CEN, 2001b) which is time have to work more to develop a cheap and validated
consuming. In order to extend the period of method to determine the irradiation potential on
identification by using EPR, the central EPR line is food supplements, for example, Cassia angustifolia
useful as a proof for previous radiation treatment of extract (BP, USP grade), Coleus forskohlii extract,
herbs and spices, since its intensity remains enor- Garcinia cambogia extract (as calcium salt), and
mously high even after the disappearance of the Garcinia mangostana extract in market as food
satellite lines. In this approach, the difference in the supplement.
226 12 Radiation Detection in Herbals

cellulose-containing foodstuffs by EPR spectroscopy.

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