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At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
A. Arrive at meanings of the word through context clues;
B. Discuss elements of the story using story
C. Identify the values of the story
D. Interpret the central theme/ideas conveyed in the story

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation.
III. Learning Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Review
Class, before we start with our new lesson, let’s
have a short prologue of our topic today
Sir, It is about Crypto currency, a
Class, what was our lesson yesterday? digital or virtually currency
cryptography to secure

Great, what are the 2 major crypto Bitcoin and Ethereum

How bitcoin and etherum works? Bitcoin is a Proof of Work that

works between miners to solve
cryptographic puzzles and
validate transaction in order to
earn block rewards. While
ethereum is a Proof of stake that
implements randomly chosen
validators to make sure the
transaction is reliable,
compensating them in return with

Good job class let us proceed then

B. Motivation

Class, I have here some sets of pictures.

Okay class, I want you to classify the following

pictures if it is a NEEDS or WANTs.

(Students procced to point what
they classify as need and wants)
Now that you already classify the needs from wants,
could someone differentiate the needs from wants? (Students gives their thoughts)

Class, what is most necessary to you? Is it the needs

or wants? Needs

Excellent, those are great answers. Moving on,

why do you think we give chocolate during
(Students give their opinions)
valentine's day?

C. Presentation of the lesson

Today, I am going to show you a couple of
pictures and let me know what you think about it.
Class, what is the first impression you get when (Students give their first
you see this image? impression feedbacks)
Yes, You are all correct

Class, do you know the, necklaces are an ideal

symbol of love and any sentiment someone would
want to keep close to their heart. (students have been enlighten)

Okay Class, Let’s go and find out what is the

symbol of the necklace in the short story entitled
“The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant.

D. Development of the Lesson

0. a. Unlocking of difficulties
Let us unlock the difficult words in the text.

Class, I will be using this
to get your class number and the one I called
his/her class number will be the one who will
identify the meaning of the underlined words
using context clues on the power point
Sir, the answer for the number
1. She dressed plainly because she could not one is in a style that is not
dress well elaborate or luxurious; simply.
2. Natural ingenuity, instinct for what is
elegant, a supple mind are their sole
hierarchy, and often make of women of the
people the equals of the very greatest Sir, the underlined word is
ladies. ingenuity and its meaning is the
3. By a violent effort she conquered her grief quality of being clever, original,
and replied in a calm voice, while she and inventive.ry warm climate.
wiped her wet cheeks:

(start using the website)

Sir, The underlined word for the
okay, class number 2 Annie number 3 is conquered and the
meaning will be having been
overcome and taken control of by
military force.

Okay, Next Class Number 10 Jake

Very good!

Okay, Next will be Ariss, Class Number 1

What is the underlined word and its meaning?

Now, that we have unlocked all the difficult

words found in the text, you are now ready to
discuss the story.

b. Background of the Author

Guy de Maupassant was a popular French author who

wrote under the pen name Henri Ren Albert Guy de
Maupassant (August 5, 1850 - July 6, 1893) He is
regarded as both a forefather and a master of the modern
short story. William Somerset Maugham, O. Henry, Anton
Chekhov, Kate Chopin, and Henry James were among the
writers who were influenced by his prolific and widely
admired body of work.
c. Discussion of Literary Elements

Class, Do you have any clue what is character ,

types of character and characterization?
(students give their thoughts)
That is great

In a story, a character is a person, animal, being,

creature, or thing. Writers employ characters to
carry out actions and deliver dialogue in order to
advance the plot. A story can have only one
protagonist (protagonist) and still be considered

Major characters and Minor Character

Former is an important characters in the story.
While the latter is a static or unchanging

Mostly in the story, we have protagonist and

The protagonist, who drives the plot forward and
interacts with the audience
Readers' empathy and interest are piqued. A hero
or heroine is frequently the protagonist.
As the plot revolves around him or her, he or she
becomes an integral part of the story.
While the antagonist is a villain or opponent who
opposes the protagonist or main character. The
A conflict between the protagonist and the
antagonist drives the story's action.
A person, an inanimate object, an animal, or even
nature itself can be the antagonist.

We also have Round and Flat Character

Flat character are character that are not have

complex story line or often described as two-
dimensional characters while Round Characters
are realistically complex, and have depth that is
identifiable , distinctly humanlike and can develop
in the story

Other than those, we also have static and dynamic


A static character is one who doesn't undergo any

significant change in character, personality or
perspective over the course of a story. A dynamic
character, in contrast, undergoes a major transition
in one or more of these ways.


Characterization refers to the description of a

character's physical characteristics (how they
appear), point of view, personality, private
thoughts, and actions. In fiction writing, there are
two types of characterization: indirect and direct.

Direct characterization -
The author makes direct statements about a
character's personality and describes the character
to the reader or viewer. The reader or viewer is
told directly through characterization.

Indirect characterization.-
The process of describing a character through that
character's thoughts, actions, speech, and dialogue
is known as indirect characterization.

d. Reading of the selection

Class, I’ll give you a handout of the text
entitled The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant
I’ll group you into 3. Each group will be given
a task to be completed within five (5) minutes.

Group 1:
The group will identify and discuss the
character of Matilda
Group 2:
The group will identify and discuss the
character of Monsieur Loisel
Group 3:
The group will identify and character of
Madame Forestier

(Students do the activity)

Class, are you done?

(The group 1 presents their work)

(The group 2 presents their work)

Okay, group I will now present their work. (The group 3 presents their work)

Yes, Sir!

Mathilde, the protagonist, is

attractive and outgoing, and she
desires high-end items to reflect
her refined taste. However,
because she was born into a
clerk's family and married
another clerk, she is unable to
purchase the clothing,
accessories, and household items
that she desires, which makes her
Excellent presentation, group 1! unhappy

Okay, group 2 is ready to present their work.

Sir, Monsieur Loisel, Mathilde's

husband, is a happy man who
enjoys simple pleasures. He
adores Mathilde and tries to make
her happy by arranging for her to
attend a fancy party.

Very good group 2!

Group 3 will now present their work.

Madame Forestier
Mathilde's friend is Madame
Forestier. Mathilde is envious
because she is wealthy.
Very good group 3!

Thank you for your hard work class

c. Comprehension questions
For more understanding of the story, some
volunteers need to answer the ff. questions.

Why did Mathilde buy a necklace worth forty

thousand Francs?
Sir, Because she lost the necklace
she borrowed

Yes, that is correct!

Why did Mister Monsieur Loisel give four

hundred francs to Mathilde even though he had
plan to use it somewhere Because Monsieur Loise loves
her wife he let go his plan for the
Okay, very good. sake of his wife

What is the conflict of the short story "The Necklace"? Sir , me , I think there are two
primary conflicts in Guy De
Maupassant's short story "The
Necklace ," which are the
individual versus the self and the
individual versus society.
Mathilde Loisel's internal and
external conflicts stem from her
social status, her feelings of
inadequacy, and society's

What is the theme of "The Necklace,"?

One of the central themes of "The
Great Necklace" is appearance versus

how does the author use symbolism to explain this theme?

the necklace symbolizes wealth,
Excellent beauty, and, shame

how does the author use irony to explain this theme?

the necklace was a fake. Mathilde
spends ten years in debt,
effectively ruining her life over

how did Mathilde’s life change after she lost the necklace?
Mathilde's life took a change for
the worst after the loss of the
necklace. Namely, because
instead of swallowing her pride,
owning to this fact and confess to
Perfect answer her friend, she decides to take
matters into her own hands. She
goes out of her way to replace the
What is the foreshadowing in "The Necklace"? lost necklace

Mathilde Loisel, the protagonist,

in "The Necklace" by Guy de
Maupassant does not like her
circumstances. Mathilde is a
young, attractive woman who
daydreams about living a stylish
life. She dreams of serving tea on
beautiful china and wearing
fashionable clothing.
Unfortunately, that is not
Mathilde's life.
Great answers class

E. Generalization
What kind of character is Mathilde in the story?

Another answer?

Very good!

F. Application Sir,Mathilde is a greedy person

Differentiated activities:
For singers and dancers Sir, Mathilde is envy her friend
You will compose and perform a jingle which
theme is about “person should be satisfied and
grateful for the things that they have”

For visual artistsS

You will create a slogan out of the acronym.
L (The singers and dancers perform
A their work)

For actors and actresses:

Perform a short role play that emphasizes the value (The visual artists present their
of being grateful to what one’s have and be content work)
with it.

IV- Evaluation
0. Multiple choice
Directions: Choose the correct answer. Write your
answer in the space provided.
_____1. Who is the greedy and envious person in the story
A.Mathilde Loisel B.Monsieur Loisel C.Madame
_____2. Who is Mathilde's friend (The actors and actresses perform
A.. Monsieur B. C.Madame Forestier C, C.Madame their play)

_____3. What is the name of the party Mathilde's went

0. The Ramponneaus
A. The Ranmponneaus
B. The Ramponeaus
C. The Rammponneaus
_____4. What is Mathilde's husband work?
0. police
A. clerk
B. businessman
C. salaryman
_____5. How much did she receive from her husband?
0. Four hundred francs
A. Forty hundred francs
B. Three hundred francs
C. Five hundred francs
B. Essay
Directions: Answer the question. (10 points)
1. What is the moral of the story ?
What would you do if you were in the exact situation of
Mathilde.(Losing her borrowed necklace)Write your
answers on a ¼ sheet of paper

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