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Pawanmuktasana is divided into three distinct groups of asanas: the anti-rheumatic group, the
digestive/abdominal group and the shakti bandha group to release energy blocks. All three groups
supplement each other, stimulating and encouraging a free flow of energy throughout the body.
Practitioners are advised to perfect each group before attempting the major asanas. Daily practice of
pawanmuktasana parts 1, 2 and 3 over a period of months brings about a profound relaxation and
toning of the entire psycho-physiological .

Part 1 – Anti Rheumatic Group


Padanguli naman and Goolf Naman(Toe bending)

Goolf chakra(Ankle rotation)

Goolf Ghoornan(Ancle crack)

Janunaman(Knee bending and strectching) – single leg and both the legs
Janu Chakra – knee rotations

Ardha titili asana

Shroni Chakra(Hip rotation)


Mushtika Bandana(Hand clenching)

Manibandha naman and chakra(wrist bending and rotation)

Kehuni Naman And chakra(elbow bending And rotation)

Skandha Chakra

Greeva Sanchalana(Neck rotation)

Part 2 : Abdominal Group

Padottanasana – single leg and both leg

Pada Chakrasana – leg rotation

Pada sanchalana – cycling

Supta pawanmukthasana

Jhulana Lurhakanasana – rolling front and back in pawanmuktasana

Udarakarshana – 7 variations

Part 3 – Shakthi Bandana Series

Rajju Karshasana

Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasana

Chakki Chalana

Nauka sanchalana

Kasta Takshasana


Vayu Nishkasana

Kauva Chalana


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