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Izack Cohen; Avishai Mandelbaum; Avraham Shtub

Project Management Journal; Jun 2004; 35, 2; ABI/INFORM Global
pg. 39

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able delays of the critical chain. Step M3: Create a capacity buffer. From Project to Process Management
Consequently, feeding buffers are A time buffer, called a capacity Following Adler et al. (1995), we
added at the end of each non-critical buffer, is associated with the bottle- model a multi-project organization as
activity chain (“pushing” the latter neck, and its role is to ensure bottle- a stochastic processing network. Adler
back in time, in response to a “late neck availability. The capacity buffer et al. (1995) validated the model
start”). The feeding buffers thus pro- decouples between bottleneck activi- based on an actual research and devel-
tect the critical chain from variations ties that belong to successive projects, opment organization, showing that
of non-critical chains and allow criti- thus determining projects’ start times. the model simulated quite accurately
cal-chain activities to start early, when Since, based on a literature survey, its performance.
possible. According to Leach (1999), there is no standard way to set the size In the model of a stochastic pro-
a feeding-buffer capacity is set to 50% of thisFigcapacity
1 / Cohenbuffer, we set its base- cessing network, each network node
of the duration of its non-critical case size at 50% of the duration of the represents a group of (one or more)
activity chain. bottleneck activity. We then analyze statistically identical resources, who
Step S5: Control. the effect of alternative sizes by varying perform the same type of activities and
Buffer monitoring provides a the values through 8.3%, 16.7%, who are able to do so in parallel.
quick grasp of project status, which, in 83.3% and 116.7%. When several activities of a project can
turn, enables adaptive control.
Specifically, buffer consumption that
reaches a predefined threshold (e.g.,
two-thirds of the buffer size or, equiva- A, 1 C, 3
lently, one-third of the slack time
remains unused; Leach, 1999) triggers
an early warning toward taking some S F
preventive managerial action. More
details are provided later in this paper. B, 2 D, 4

Multiple projects are accommo- Resource Queue Synchronization Queue I, # Activity Type (I), Resource Type (#)
dated by combining single-project
scheduling with TOC (Goldratt, 1984)
and CC principles, notably the Figure 1. The Stochastic Processing Network approach for representing a multi-project system
emphasis on reducing multi-tasking
(Herroelen & Leus, 2001; Leach, Step M4: Control. start being processed at the same time,
1999). To this end, project start-times As with single projects, scheduling we refer to the phenomenon as a
are staggered, which turns the multi- control of multi-projects is buffer- “fork;” when an activity cannot begin
project system into a “pull” system based: when allocating an idle until its predecessor activities have
with newly determined release/start resource, top priority is given to criti- been completed, we call it a “join.”
times. Following are the relevant cal-chain activities over non-critical- (Consequently, such models are often
details. chain activities; secondary priority is referred to as fork-join queues. For
given to activities of projects with the example, see Nelson & Tantawi, 1988.)
Scheduling and control of a multi- highest level of project buffer utiliza- The time required to complete an
project system: tion or, equivalently, the least slack activity is called its processing time
Table 1 / Cohen
Step M1: Treat each project as a time. Least priority, in turn, is given to (duration) and the intervals between
single project. activities of projects with the highest successive project releases are “inter-
Individually schedule each of the feeding buffer consumption. arrival times.” The reciprocal of the
multi-projects, using the four steps for
scheduling a single project, as described Resource Number of Time
in Steps S1–S4. Type Resources Distribution
Step M2: Stagger projects
Inter-arrival Exp(1/3.25)
according to the bottleneck resource.
First identify the bottleneck, Activity A 1 3 Exp(1/6)
namely the most constraining Activity B 2 2 Exp(1/5)
resource (often by simply using Activity C 3 3 Exp(1/4)
managerial experience). Then
Activity D 4 1 Exp(1/3)
release projects sequentially, by stag-
gering them, so that the bottleneck Table 1. Characteristics of our multi-project system: number of resource-units per type,
works continuously and there is no processing time distribution and inter-arrival time distribution. The notation Exp(l) represents an
idle time. exponential distribution with probability density function f(t)= le–lt (and expectation 1/l)

June 2004 Project Management Journal • 41

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