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Greeting : Assalamualaikum wr,wb.

My name is Hamida Widhyana Nurisma Sari in 5 minutes. I’m going to explain you about
GLOBALIZATION. I define my presentation in 4 section.

In the first section is a definition of globalization

So, what’s the definition of globalization?
Globalization is a process that puts the world's people in touch with one another or connected to
each other in all aspects of life, both in the economic, political, and cultural.

Next the second section is types of globalization, there are three types of globalization the first is
1. Economic globalization. Here, the focus is on integration of international financial markets
and the coordination of financial exchange. Multinational corporations, which operate in
two or more countries, play a large role in economic globalization.
2. Political globalization. This type covers the national policies that bring countries together
politically, economically and culturaly. Organization such as NATO and the UN are part of the
politicial globalization effort.
3. Cultural globalization. This aspect of globalization focuses in a large part on the technological
and societal factors that are causing cultures to converge.

Next the third section is features of globalization, there are three features of globalization :
1. Free Trade. It stand for free flow of trade relations among all the nation. It stands for
keeping business and trade away from excessive and rigid regulatory and protective rules
and regulation.
2. Liberalisation. It stands for the freedom of the entrepreneurs to establish any industry or
trade or business venture, within their own countries or abroad.
3. Privatisation. Globalization stands for keeping the state away from ownership of means of
production and distribution and letting the free flow of industrial, trade and economic
activity among the people and their corporation.

The last is impact of globalization, there five features of globalization :

1. Western lifestyle
2. Increased social inequality
3. The growth of Capitalism
4. Inhibition of Local Industry Growth
5. Import Activities that exceed export activities

So the conclusion from the globalization material above is that globalization is a change that bring us
positive and negative impact to every aspect. So we have to filter what is included in current aspects
of life.
That’s all what I can give information about globalization from my presentation. Thank you for your
great attention and your time, I hope the speech will be a good lesson for all of us. Have a good day.

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