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1. Who is Batman?

a. Tony Stark
b. Clark Kent
c. !Bruce Wayne
d. Barry Allen

2. In quot;Sonic the Hedgehogquot; comic, who was the creator of Roboticizer?

a. Julian Robotnik
b. Ivo Robotnik
c. !Professor Charles the Hedgehog
d. Snively Robotnik

3. Which universe crossover was introduced in the quot;Sonic the Hedgehogquot;

comic issue 247?
a. Super Mario Brothers
b. Super Monkey Ball
c. Alex Kidd
d. !Mega Man

4. When was the Garfield comic first published?

a. 1973
b. 1988
c. 1982
d. !1978

5. Who created Ultron of Earth616?

a. Tony Stark
b. Amadeus Cho
c. Reed Richards
d. !Henry Pym

6. What is the real hair colour of the mainstream comic book version Earth616 of
a. !Blonde
b. Black
c. Auburn
d. Brown

7. In the webcomic quot;Ava039;s Demonquot;, what sin is quot;Nevy Nervinequot;

based off of?
a. Lust
b. !Envy
c. Wrath
d. Sloth

8. Which Batman sidekick is the son of Talia al Ghul?

a. Dick Grayson
b. !Damian Wayne
c. Tim Drake
d. Jason Todd
9. Who is the second person to take up the mantle of Night Owl in the Watchmen
graphic novel?
a. !Daniel Dreiberg
b. Adrian Veidt
c. Nelson Gardner
d. Hollis Mason

1. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure on what part of the human body?

a. !Nose
b. Chin
c. Ears
d. Neck

2. Which type of rock is created by intense heat AND pressure?

a. Diamond
b. !Metamorphic
c. Sedimentary
d. Igneous

3. Which of the following blood vessels carries deoxygenated blood?

a. Aorta
b. Coronary Artery
c. !Pulmonary Artery
d. Pulmonary Vein

4. Which is not a type of neuron?

a. Interneuron
b. Motor Neuron
c. Sensory Neuron
d. !Perceptual Neuron

5. Which of these is a type of stretchdeep tendon reflex?

a. Gag reflex
b. !Ankle jerk reflex
c. Pupillary light reflex
d. Scratch reflex

6. The element involved in making human blood red is which of the following?
a. Iridium
b. Cobalt
c. !Iron
d. Copper

7. The medical term for the belly button is which of the following?
a. !Umbilicus
b. Nares
c. Nevus
d. Paxillus
8. Water always boils at 100deg;C, 212deg;F, 373.15K, no matter where you are.
a. !False
b. True

9. What is the halflife of Uranium235?

a. 1,260,900,000 years
b. Uranium235 is a stable isotope
c. 4,300,400,000 years
d. !703,800,000 years

10. Autosomaldominant Compelling HelioOphthalmic Outburst syndrome is the need to

do what when seeing the Sun?
a. Yawn
b. Hiccup
c. Cough
d. !Sneeze

11. What is the name of the cognitive bias wherein a person with low ability in a
particular skill mistake themselves as being superior?
a. !DunningKruger effect
b. FreudHall effect
c. Muuml;llerLyer effect
d. MeyersBriggs effect

12. In physics, conservation of energy and conservation of momentum are both

consequences of which of the following?
a. Carnot039;s Theorem
b. !Noether039;s Theorem
c. Bell039;s Theorem
d. Wick039;s Theorem

1. The board game quot;Monopolyquot; is a variation of what board game?

a. The Monopolist039;s Game
b. !The Landlord039;s Game
c. Property Feud
d. Territorial Dispute

2. Snakes and Ladders was originally created in India?

a. !True
b. False

3. In a standard game of Monopoly, what colour are the two cheapest properties?
a. Yellow
b. Blue
c. Green
d. !Brown

4. How many pieces are there on the board at the start of a game of chess?
a. 16
b. 36
c. !32
d. 20

5. What do you declare in Rchi Mahjong when you039;ve drawn your winning tile?
a. Rchi
b. Ron
c. !Tsumo
d. Kan

6. The board game Go has more possible legal positions than the number of atoms in
the visible universe.
a. !True
b. False

7. quot;Rich Uncle Pennybagsquot; from the board game quot;Monopolyquot; wears a

a. !False
b. True

8. In quot;Magic: The Gatheringquot;, what instant card has the highest converted
mana cost?
a. Vitalizing Wind
b. !Blinkmoth Infusion
c. Assert Authority
d. Chant of VituGhazi

9. What is the sum of all the tiles in a standard box of Scrabble?

a. !187
b. 207
c. 177
d. 197

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