2024 Elections Wall Calend

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Part I - August 2023 to May 2024

Date Event & Description Legal Authority Date Event & Description Legal Authority
Jan. 23, 2024 LAST DAY TO UPDATE VOTER REGISTRATION AND BE MAILED A BALLOT (any time before 5 p.m. on the 14th calendar day preceding the NRS 293.269911
August 2023 Presidential Preference Primary) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall prepare and distribute to each active registered voter in the county and each person
Aug. 1, 2023 REFERENDUM PETITION – (not earlier than August 1st of the year before the year in which the election is to be held) First day a copy of a petition Nevada Constitution Art. 19, Sec. who registers to vote or updates his or her voter registration information no later than 14 days before the election to be mailed a ballot.
can be filed with the Secretary of State prior to circulation. 1(1)
Jan. 23, 2024 PREPARE ELECTION ROSTER - (before the opening of the polls) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters to prepare election roster consisting of the alphabeti- NRS 293.563
cal list of registered voters in the precinct or district.
BOXES, AND OTHER INFORMATION AS IT PERTAINS TO ELECTIONS - (not later than August 1 of each odd-numbered year) Meeting may
address, without limitation: establishment and operation of polling places or ballot drop boxes within an Indian reservation or Indian colony. Dates and times of Jan 24, 2024 LAST DAY TO SUBMIT WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDACY FOR JUDICIAL OFFICE - Must be done in writing and in person by the candidate. NRS 293.202
the upcoming elections for polling places and ballot drop boxes.
Jan. 24, 2024 through SAME DAY VOTER REGISTRATION ONLINE AND IN-PERSON - If an elector submits an application to register to vote less than 14 days before the NRS 293.5837(2)
Aug. 29, 2023 FILING MINOR POLITICAL CERTIFICATE OF NOMINATION - A minor political party that wishes to place candidates for the offices of President NRS 293.1725(4) Feb. 6, 2024 election, the elector may vote only in-person.
and Vice President of the United States on the ballot and has qualified to place the names of its candidates for partisan office on the ballot for the general elec-
tion pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 293.1715 must file with the Secretary of State a certificate of nomination for these offices not later than the last Tuesday
Jan. 27, 2024 through EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE - The period for early voting for a presidential preference primary election begins 10 calendar NRS 298.700(2)
in August.
Feb. 2, 2024 days before the date of the presidential preference primary election and extends through the Friday before the day of the presidential preference pri-
mary election. - During this period, a registered voter may request to vote early in person at designated early voting locations.
September 2023
Sept. 1, 2023 INITIATIVE PETITION TO AMEND THE NEVADA CONSTITUTION – (not earlier than September 1st of the year before the year in which the Nevada Constitution Art. 19, Sec.
election is to be held) First day a copy of an initiative petition to amend the Nevada Constitution can be filed with the Secretary of State prior to circulation. 2(4) Jan. 27, 2024 through NOTIFICATION OF OPENING AND CLOSING OF POLLS AND ELECTION DAY TURNOUT County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall notify the NAC 293.215, 293.217, 293.219
Feb. 2, 2024 and Feb. Secretary of State of the time at which each polling place opened, closed, and delays, as soon as practicable. A County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall report to
6, 2024 the Secretary of State the turnout of voters on Election Day no less than twice while the polls are open.
NY - (not later than September 1 of each odd-numbered year) Confirm establishment of SB 216 Sec. 2(a)(1)(2)
Sept. 15, 2023 NOTICE FROM INDIAN TRIBE ELECTING NOT TO HAVE A POLLING PLACE AND BALLOT DROP BOX - By submitting a notice to the coun- NRS 293.2733 SB327 Jan. 29, 2024 through PROVIDING NOTICE OF LOCATIONS OF VOTE CENTERS - If a county clerk establishes one or more polling places pursuant to NRS 293.3072, the NRS 293.3073
ty clerk on or before September 15, 2023 for the Presidential Preference Primary. Feb. 6, 2024 county clerk must: (a) Publish during the week before the election in a newspaper of general circulation a notice of the location of each such polling place. (b)
Post a list of the location of each such polling place on any bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the board of county commissioners. The list
Sept. 29, 2023 PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY REGULATIONS - By the last business day in September, Secretary of State to have prepared regulations to NRS 293.247 must be posted continuously for a period beginning not later than the fifth business day before the election and ending at 7 p.m. on the day of the election. The
conduct Presidential Preference Primary. county clerk shall make copies of the list available to the public during the period of posting in reasonable quantities without charge. 2. The provisions of
subsection 1 do not apply if every polling place in the county is a polling place where any person entitled to vote in the county by personal appearance may do
October 2023 so on the day of the primary election or general election. 3. No additional polling place may be established pursuant to NRS 293.3072 after the publication
Oct. 2, 2023 through FILING DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY – PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY – (from October 1 – 15 in the year preceding a Presi- NRS 298.660; Oct 1 and 15 are a pursuant to this section, except in the case of an emergency and if approved by the Secretary of State.
Oct. 16, 2023 dential Election) First day any candidate for President of the United States may file a Declaration of Candidacy and pay the required filing fee. Sunday so deadline shifts to Oct
16 at 5 pm per NRS 293.1275.

Jan. 29, 2024 LAST DAY TO SUBMIT WRITTEN CHALLENGE OF JUDICIAL CANDIDATES - After a person files a declaration of candidacy to be a candidate for NRS 293.182
Oct. 17, 2023 through WITHDRAWAL PERIOD - CANDIDATE MAY WITHDRAW CANDIDACY – Time period wherein candidates may withdraw candidacy; must be NRS 293.202 an office, and not later than 5 days after the last day the person may withdraw his or her candidacy pursuant to NRS 293.202, an elector may file with the filing
Oct. 25, 2023 in writing and presented in person to appropriate filing officer. officer for the office a written challenge of the person on the grounds that the person fails to meet any qualification required for the office pursuant to the Con-
stitution or laws of this State.
Oct. 2, 2023 through WRITTEN CHALLENGE PERIOD - Candidates may be challenged starting the time they file for office and continuing until not later than 5 days after the NRS 293.182 Jan. 30, 2024 FILE ELECTION COMPUTER PROGRAM - (at least one week before the Presidential Preference Primary Election) Last day a copy of each election NRS 293B.135(1)
Oct. 30, 2023 at 5 pm. last day the person may withdraw his or her candidacy pursuant to NRS 293.202. computer program for an election in the state must be filed with the Secretary of State at least one week before the election. Copies of the programs are not
available for inspection by the public.
candidate filing period February 2024
Feb. 2, 2024 NUMBER OF REGISTERED VOTERS TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than the Friday preceding the Presidential Preference Primary NRS 293.567
Election) During this period, The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall ascertain by precinct and district the number of registered voters (broken down by
Oct/Nov 2023 PUBLISH FIRST & SECOND NOTICE OF PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY ELECTION - (once a week for 2 successive weeks) Upon NRS 298.670 (2) active and inactive voters) and their political affiliation, if any, and transmit such information to the Secretary of State.
receipt of the Certified List of Candidates from the Secretary of State, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall publish a notice of Presidential Preference
Primary Election once a week for 2 successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. If no such newspaper is provided in the county, the Feb. 6, 2024 PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY ELECTION - The Presidential Preference Primary Election is to be held. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close by 7 NRS 293.175(1)
publication may be made in a newspaper of general circulation published in the nearest county in the State. p.m.

Oct. 27, 2023 NEVADA DAY - State holiday NRS 236.015(1); (Oct 31, but Feb. 6, 2024 through RECEIVE AND COUNT POSTMARKED MAIL BALLOTS - (postmarked on or before the day of the Presidential Preference Primary Election and NRS 293.269921(1)(b)(2)
observed on the last Friday in Feb. 10, 2024 received by the 4th day after) Mail ballots must be delivered by hand to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters before the time set for closing of polls on elec-
Oct) tion day or mailed to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters and postmarked on or before the day of the election and received by the County Clerk/Registrar of
Voters not later than 5 p.m. on the fourth day following the election.
November 2023 Feb. 9, 2024 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT FOR PROVISIONAL VOTERS - (not later than 5 p.m. the Friday following the election) Last day a voter who NRS 293.3082(1)
Nov. 8, 2023 PLAN FOR SUBMITTING ELECTION RESULTS AND OPENING AND CLOSING OF POLLS - (not later than 90 days before each election) Coun- NAC 293.217(4)(a) did not provide identification at the time the provisional ballot was cast for federal office at the Presidential Preference Primary Election may provide identifica-
ty Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall submit for approval to the Secretary of State a plan setting forth the procedures that will be used to submit election results on tion to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters.
Election Day and the opening and closing of polls on Election Day.
Feb. 12, 2024 SIGNATURE CURE DEADLINE - (not later than 5 p.m. on the 6th day following the election) Last day for a voter to provide a signature or confirmation NRS 293.269927(6)
Nov. 8, 2023 PLAN FOR THE SECURITY OF BALLOTS FOR EARLY VOTING - (not later than 90 days before each election) Not later than 90 days before the NRS 293.3594(1) or otherwise cure the signature to have a mail ballot be counted.
election, a plan for the security of ballots for early voting for the Presidential Preference Primary must be submitted to the Secretary of State for approval.
Feb. 13, 2024 through CANVASS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY ELECTION RETURNS - (on or before the 10th day following the Presidential NRS 293.387(1)
Feb. 16, 2024 Preference Primary Election) During this period, the Board of County Commissioners shall canvass the returns, from all precincts and districts within the
Nov. 8, 2023 PLAN FOR DISPOSITION OF MAIL BALLOTS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY - (not later than 90 days before each election) Each county clerk and NAC 293.321 county, of the Presidential Preference Primary Election, But not before the postmarked receipt date and all provisional ballots have been resolved for all coun-
city clerk shall submit a plan to the Secretary of State setting forth the procedures that the clerk will use for the disposition of mail ballots in case of an emer- ties.
gency. The plan must be submitted not later than 90 days before each election. In the case of an emergency, the Secretary of State may order one or more poll-
ing places to be used to accommodate voters who are unable to vote at their polling places due to the emergency. Feb. 14, 2024 LAST DAY TO ESTABLISH RESIDENCY FOR CANDIDATE QUALIFICATION – (at least 30 days before the close of filing declarations of candi- NRS 293.1755
dacy) No person shall be a candidate for any office (excluding district attorney or federal offices) unless the person has resided in the State, district, county,
Nov. 8, 2023 NVRA 90-DAY FEDERAL GUIDELINE FOR LIST MAINTENANCE - The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 requires States to complete any 52 U.S.C 205079 ( c ) (2) township or other area prescribed by law over which the person will have jurisdiction or represent.
program for list maintenance of the statewide voter registration list not later than 90 days prior to the date of a presidential preference primary, primary election,
Feb. 15, 2024 POSTELECTION AUDIT AND CERTIFICATION OF VVPATS - (within 7 working days after the date of the election) After each election, all County NAC 293.255 & NAC 293B.120
or general election for federal office. This deadline applies to state list verification activities such as general mailings and door-to-door canvasses.
Clerks/Registrar of Voters shall conduct postelection VVPAT audits and transmit the results to the Secretary of State.
Feb. 16, 2024 TRANSMIT ABSTRACT AND MECHANIZED REPORT TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (on or before the 10th day following the Presidential Pref- NRS 293.387(3)
Nov. 8, 2023 SUBMISSION OF PLAN TO SECRETARY OF STATE RELATING TO BALLOT DROP BOXES THAT ARE TAMPERED WITH OR REN- NAC 293.351 erence Primary Election) The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall send a copy of the certified abstract and mechanized report of the abstract to the Secre-
DERED INACCESSIBLE - (Recommended to be not less than 90 days before an election) The county clerk shall develop and submit a plan to the Secre- tary of State
tary of State relating to ballot drop boxes established in the county that are tampered with or rendered inaccessible during early voting or on election day. The
plan must, include, without limitation: (a) Provision for the replacement of a ballot drop box that is tampered with or rendered inaccessible during early voting Feb. 16, 2024 COMPILATION OF RETURNS - (immediately after the Boards of County Commissioners canvasses of the Presidential Preference Primary) Secre- NRS 298.720
or on election day; (b) The method that the county clerk will use to notify the public if a ballot drop box is tampered with or rendered inaccessible; and (c) tary of State shall compile returns for all candidates voted for in more than one county and certify to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters the name of each
The location of the nearest ballot drop box to the ballot drop box that is tampered with or rendered inaccessible. person nominated and the name of the office in which he or she is nominated.
Feb. 18, 2024 NOTIFY SECRETARY OF STATE OF ADDITIONAL FILING FEES - (not later than 15 days before the first day of candidate filing) If a county R014-23 Sec. 5
Nov. 8, 2023 PLAN FOR SECURITY OF BALLOTS, RESULTS CARTRIDGES, VVPATS, ELECTION MEDIA CARTRIDGES OR MEMORY DEVICES, NAC 293B.040; amended by clerk elects to charge and collect an additional fee for filing and recording a declaration of candidacy for a public office pursuant to NRS 19.013, the county
BLANK BALLOT STOCK, CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTS AND ACCESS CONTROLS - (not later than 90 days before any election) - The R008-23 clerk shall: 1. Charge the additional fee for all public offices for which a declaration of candidacy is filed with the county clerk. 2. Notify the Secretary of State
Secretary of State will approve or disapprove a plan submitted pursuant to subsection 2 not later than 15 days after the plan is submitted. If there is no change to using electronic mail or mail not later than 15 days before the start of the candidate filing period in an election year. The written notification must include, with-
the plan submitted pursuant to subsection 2 for the previous election, the county clerk or city clerk is not required to submit another plan to the Secretary of out limitation: (a) That the additional fee is being charged and collected; (b) The amount of the additional fee; and (c) The total filing fee to be collected for
State. The county or city clerk must notify the Secretary of State, in writing, if there is no change to the plan. each public office.
Feb. 19, 2024 PRESIDENTS' DAY - Federal and State holiday NRS 236.015(1)
Nov. 15, 2023 NOTICE OF JUDICIAL, STATEWIDE, AND MULTICOUNTY DISTRICT OFFICES - (not later than November 15th of the year before the Prima- NAC 293.040(1)(a)
Feb. 23, 2024 PETITION QUALIFYING MAJOR POLITICAL PARTY - SECRETARY OF STATE – (not later than the last Friday in February before any Pri- NRS 293.128(1)(b)
ry Election) Not later than November 15th of the year before the Primary Election is held, The Secretary of State will send to each County Clerk/Registrar of
mary Election) Last day petition to qualify a major political party signed by a number of registered voters equal to or more than 10 percent of the total number
Voters a notice which designates the judicial, statewide, and multicounty district offices for which candidates are to be nominated at the Primary Election.
of votes cast at the last preceding General Election for the offices of Representative in Congress may be filed with the Secretary of State after signature verifica-
Nov. 25, 2023 PUBLISH LIST OF DESIGNATED OFFICES TO BE HELD IN THE PRIMARY ELECTION - (within 10 days after receipt of notice pursuant to NAC 293.040(2)
NAC 293.040) Last day that the County Clerk shall publish in a newspaper in his or her county the list of designated offices to be held in the primary which Feb. 22, 2024 DEMAND FOR RECOUNTS - (within 3 working days after the canvass) The last day to demand for recount for the Presidential Preference Primary Elec- NRS 293.403; the last county to
applies to his or her county. tion can be made. Please see NRS 293.400 through 293.435 for requirements, dates, and filing deadlines. canvass the PPP will be doing so
on Feb. 16, 2024 so three working
days later is Feb. 22, 2024 since
December 2023 Feb. 19 is a Federal and State
Dec. 1, 2023 SUBMIT LIST OF PUBLIC OFFICERS REQUIRED TO FILE A FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT – (on or before December 1st, of each NRS 281.574 holiday.
year) A list of each public officer who is required to file a Financial Disclosure Statement must be submitted electronically to the Secretary of State by each
County Clerk, City Clerk, the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau, and the Director of the Department of Administration.
Dec. 8, 2023 OPT-OUT FORM FOR MAIL BALLOTS - (received not later than 60 days before the election) - Last day for clerks to receive a request from a voter to NRS 293.269911
March 2024
indicate that he or she elects not to receive a mail ballot. Mar. 1, 2024 NOTIFICATION TO COUNTY CLERKS/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OF MECHANIZED REPORT OF ABSTRACT SPECIFICATIONS – (not NAC 293.359
later than March 1st of every year) The Secretary of State shall notify the County Clerks/Registrar of Voters of the specification of the mechanized report of
Dec. 8, 2023 COUNTY CLERKS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT WRITTEN CONTINGENCY PLANS TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than 60 days before NAC 293.202; R008-23 an abstract of votes to the Secretary of State.
any election) Each county clerk shall, not later than 60 days before the date of the general election, submit to the Secretary of State a written contingency plan
that describes the procedures that will be used in the event that election operations, including, without limitation, mechanical voting systems and any compo- Mar. 4, 2024 through MINOR POLITICAL PARTY CANDIDATE LIST – (not earlier than the 1st Monday in March and not later than the 2nd Friday after the 1st Mon-
nents thereof, are significantly disrupted. Mar. 15, 2024 day in March) Time period when an authorized person on behalf of a Minor Political Party may file its list of candidates with the Secretary of State. Secretary
of State must immediately certify list of candidates for partisan office to appropriate filing officers.
Dec. 18, 2023 NOTIFY SECRETARY OF STATE OF ADDITIONAL FILING FEES - (not later than 15 days before the first day of candidate filing) If a county R014-23 Sec. 5
clerk elects to charge and collect an additional fee for filing and recording a declaration of candidacy for a public office pursuant to NRS 19.013, the county Mar. 4, 2024 through FILING DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY - NON-JUDICIAL CANDIDATES – (not earlier than the 1st Monday in March) First day any candidate NRS 293.177, 293.181, 293.185,
clerk shall: 1. Charge the additional fee for all public offices for which a declaration of candidacy is filed with the county clerk. 2. Notify the Secretary of State Mar. 15, 2024 may file Declaration of Candidacy, with the appropriate filing officer, and pay fee required for the purpose of having name on ballot. 293.193 & 2931725
using electronic mail or mail not later than 15 days before the start of the candidate filing period in an election year. The written notification must include, with- Mar. 4, 2024 through FILING PETITION OF CANDIDACY - INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES – (not earlier than the 1st Monday in March, not later than the 3rd Friday NRS 293.200(4)
out limitation: (a) That the additional fee is being charged and collected; (b) The amount of the additional fee; and (c) The total filing fee to be collected for Jun. 21, 2024 in June) First day independent candidates may file with the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters or the Secretary of State, as the case may be, a Petition of Candi-
each public office. dacy signed by the required number of voters for signature verification.
Dec. 23, 2023 ACTIVATE EFFECTIVE ABSENTEE SYSTEM FOR ELECTIONS (EASE) - Established pursuant to NRS 293D.200, this system must be activated NRS 293D.200
not later than 45 days prior to an election. Mar. 5, 2024 ELECTION DISTRICTS – (after the 1st day of candidate filing) During any year in which a General Election is held, a political subdivision of this state NRS 293.209
shall not create, divide, change boundaries of, abolish or consolidate an election district after the first day of filing by candidates.
Dec. 23, 2023 PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE MILITARY-OVERSEAS BALLOTS - (not later than 45 days before Presidential Preference Primary Election) Coun- NRS 293.269911(5)c NRS
ty Clerk/Registrar of Voters to transmit military-overseas ballots to covered voters who are registered and have requested a ballot by this date. 293D.320 Mar. 7, 2024 COUNTY OR CITY JAIL ADMINISTRATOR TO SUBMIT A REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than 30 days after the Pres- AB 286
idential Preference Primary) An explanation of the process the jail used to comply with the requirements to run an election, and a summary of each complaint
received by the jail from a person detained in jail related to registering to vote or voting.
45 days before an election) The county clerk shall submit to the Secretary of State a list containing the following information for each ballot drop box estab- Mar. 13, 2024 PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY FOR PURPOSE OF REMOVING A NAME FROM THE REGISTER – (not later than 90 days before the next Primary 293.503(4)
lished in the county: (a) The unique identifier of the ballot drop box as described in NAC 293.347; (b) The location of the ballot drop box; and (c) The dates Election) Any program or activity conducted within the county for the purpose of removing the name of a person who is ineligible to vote must be completed
and times during which the ballot drop box will be unlocked and accessible to persons for the submission of mail ballots. before this date.

Dec. 23, 2023 through CONFIRMATION OF ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS - (Recommended to be not earlier than 45 days before election day and not later than Mar. 13, 2024 NVRA 90-DAY FEDERAL GUIDELINE FOR LIST MAINTENANCE – The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 requires States to complete any 52 U.S.C. 20507(c)(2)
Jan. 26, 2024 the first day of the period for in-person Early Voting for any election) County clerks to confirm to the Secretary of State in writing that the requirements of program for list maintenance of the statewide voter registration list not later than 90 days prior to the date of a primary election or general election for federal
NRS 293.2955 will be met at all voting locations. office. This deadline applies to state list verification activities such as general mailings and door-to-door canvasses.

Dec. 26, 2023 PUBLISHING LIST OF REGISTERED VOTERS - (not less than 2 weeks before the close of registration for the Presidential Preference Primary) On NRS 293.557(2)(a) Mar. 13, 2024 PLAN FOR DISPOSITION OF MAIL BALLOTS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY - (not later than 90 days before each election) Each county clerk and NAC 293.321
or before this date, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters may publish in a newspaper an alphabetical listing of all registered voters, including the precinct of city clerk shall submit a plan to the Secretary of State setting forth the procedures that the clerk will use for the disposition of mail ballots in case of an emer-
each voter, OR a statement notifying the public that the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters will provide an alphabetical listing of registered voters free of charge gency. The plan must be submitted not later than 90 days before each election. In the case of an emergency, the Secretary of State may order one or more poll-
to any person upon request. ing places to be used to accommodate voters who are unable to vote at their polling places due to the emergency.

Dec. 26, 2023 through FORWARD VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS DAILY - (during the 2 weeks preceding the close of registration by mail for the Presiden- NRS 293.504 Mar. 13, 2024 PLAN FOR SUBMITTING ELECTION RESULTS AND OPENING AND CLOSING OF POLLS - (not later than 90 days before each election) Coun- NAC 293.217(4)(a)
Jan. 9, 2024 tial Preference Primary) Voter registration applications accepted by voter registration agencies must be transmitted to the appropriate County Clerk/Registrar ty Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall submit for approval to the Secretary of State a plan setting forth the procedures that will be used to submit election results on
of Voters on a daily basis during this time. Election Day and the opening and closing of polls on Election Day.

ence Primary Election) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters to prepare and distribute mail ballots to residents who reside outside the state, no later than this date. BLANK BALLOT STOCK, CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTS AND ACCESS CONTROLS - (not later than 90 days before any election) - The R008-23
Secretary of State will approve or disapprove a plan submitted pursuant to subsection 2 not later than 15 days after the plan is submitted. If there is no change to
the plan submitted pursuant to subsection 2 for the previous election, the county clerk or city clerk is not required to submit another plan to the Secretary of
Dec. 30, 2023 CHANGE OF PARTY AFFILIATION FOR CANDIDATES FOR PARTISAN PROHIBITED – (beginning on December 31st preceding the election NRS 293.176 State. The county or city clerk must notify the Secretary of State, in writing, if there is no change to the plan.
year) Last day a candidate of a major political party for partisan office may change his or her designation of party affiliation on an application to register to
vote and be eligible to be a candidate for the political party. Mar. 13, 2024 PLAN TO CONDUCT A HAND COUNT WITHOUT MECHANICAL TABULATION - If applicable, the county or city clerk shall submit to the Secre- NAC 293 / R200-22
tary of State, not later than 90 days before the date of the election, a plan for conducting the hand count. The Secretary of State will make available to the coun-
ty clerk the forms for tallying the results of the hand count not less than 90 days before the date of the election.
Dec. 31, 2023 VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION AVAILABILITY, PLAN FOR LOCATIONS – (on or before December 31st, of each year) Last day Coun- NAC 293.445
ty Clerk/Registrar of Voters may submit to the Secretary of State for approval a plan which indicates the public locations at which voter registration applica- Mar. 13, 2024 SUBMISSION OF PLAN TO SECRETARY OF STATE RELATING TO BALLOT DROP BOXES THAT ARE TAMPERED WITH OR REN- NAC 293.351; proposed amend-
tions will be made available to the public. If no change is made from the prior year's plan, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters may indicate that fact to the DERED INACCESSIBLE - (Not less than 90 days before an election *Timeline proposed in regulations to be completed before Feb 29, 2024) The county ment in upcoming regulations
Secretary of State. clerk shall develop and submit a plan to the Secretary of State relating to ballot drop boxes established in the county that are tampered with or rendered inacces-
sible during early voting or on election day. The plan must, include, without limitation: (a) Provision for the replacement of a ballot drop box that is tampered
January 2024 with or rendered inaccessible during early voting or on election day; (b) The method that the county clerk will use to notify the public if a ballot drop box is
Jan. 1, 2024 NEW YEAR'S DAY - Federal and State holiday NRS 236.015(1) tampered with or rendered inaccessible; and (c) The location of the nearest ballot drop box to the ballot drop box that is tampered with or rendered inaccessi-
TBD - As determined APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION BOARD OFFICERS FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY - County Clerk/Registrar of Voters NRS 293.217 through 293.243
by County Clerk/ must conduct or delegate appointment of election board officers for the Presidential Preference Primary and to send notification to election board officers of
Registrar their appointments. Mar. 15, 2024 QUESTIONS SUBMITTED TO COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS - (not later than the 2nd Friday after the 1st Monday in March) Last NRS 293.481(1)(b)
day county clerk/Registrar of Voters may receive questions for the Primary Election ballot submitted by every governing body of a political subdivision, public
or quasi-public corporation, or other local agency authorized by law to submit questions to qualified electors or registered voters of a designated territory.
TBD - As determined CONDUCTED SCHOOL OF ELECTION - The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall conduct or cause to be conducted a school for members of an elec- NRS 293.227, 293B.260 &
by County Clerk/ tion board and designate one member of such board as chair. Within a reasonable time before each election, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall instruct 293B.265
Registrar the election board in the use of mechanical voting system and in their duties in connection therewith. Mar. 15, 2024 CHANGE MANNER IN WHICH NAME APPEARS ON THE BALLOT – (not later than 5 p.m. on the last day to file the Declaration of Candidacy) NAC 293.081(1)
Last day a candidate may change the manner in which his or her name will appear on the ballot by filing a written request with the filing officer with whom he
or she filed his or her Declaration of Candidacy.
Jan. 2, 2024 INITIATIVE PETITION PROPOSING A NEW STATE STATUTE OR TO AMEND AN EXISTING STATE STATUTE – (not earlier than January Nevada Constitution Art. 19, Sec.
1st of the year preceding the year in which a regular session of the Legislature is held) First day a copy of an initiative petition proposing a new state stat- 2(3); January 1, 2024 is a holiday Mar. 15, 2024 JUDICIAL CANDIDATE MAY SOLICIT PUBLIC SUPPORT AND CONTRIBUTIONS IF OPPOSED – (beginning at 5:01 p.m.) A judicial candi- Code of Judicial Conduct Canon
ute or an amendment to an existing state statute can be filed with the Secretary of State prior to circulation. so it begins on January 2, 2024. date in a contested election and the candidate's committee may solicit or accept contributions for the candidate's campaign. A judicial candidate who is unop- 4.2 (C)(3)
posed in the election MAY NOT solicit contributions.

Jan. 2, 2024 PETITION OF CANDIDACY - INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE – (not earlier than January 2nd preceding the election) First day a petition of candidacy NRS 293.200 (1)(a) Mar. 20, 2024 ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS - (on or before the 3rd Wednesday in March of every even -number years) Last day for County Clerk/ NRS 293.205
of an independent candidate for partisan office may be filed with the appropriate filing officer prior to circulation for signatures. Registrar of Voters to establish, alter, abolish, consolidate or designate election precincts, including mailing precincts. Precinct boundaries must follow visible
features on the ground and must be comprised of contiguous territory.
Jan. 2, 2024 through JUDICIAL CANDIDATE FILING PERIOD - For a candidate for judicial office, the first Monday in January of the year in which the election is to be held NRS 293.177(1)(a); First Monday
Jan. 12, 2024 and not later than 5 p.m. on the second Friday after the first Monday in January; and in January 2024 is a holiday so it Mar. 25, 2024 FILING OF FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT - NON-JUDICIAL CANDIDATES – (not later than the 10th day after the last day to qualify NRS 281.561
begins on January 2, 2024. as a candidate) On or before this date, every candidate for non-judicial office who will be entitled to receive annual compensation of $6,000 or more for serv-
ing in the office that the candidate is seeking must file a Financial Disclosure Statement with the Secretary of State.

Jan. 7, 2024 through PUBLICATION OF CLOSING DATE OF REGISTRATION FOR PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY - (once each week for 4 consecutive NRS 293.560 Mar. 26, 2024 LAST DAY A CANDIDATE FOR NON-JUDICIAL OFFICE MAY WITHDRAW CANDIDACY – (within 7 working days after close of candidate NRS 293.202
Feb. 6, 2024 weeks before the close of registration) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall cause to be published once each week for 4 consecutive weeks before the close filing) Last day candidates may withdraw candidacy; must be in writing and presented in person to appropriate filing officer.
of registration for the Presidential Preference Primary "The Notice of Close of Registration" in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county. If no Mar. 31, 2024 SUBMISSION OF MAPS TO SECRETARY OF STATE AND LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAUS - (on or before the last day in march of even- NRS 293.206(1)
such newspaper is published in the county, the publication may be made in a newspaper of general circulation published in the nearest county in the State. numbered years) On or before this date, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall provide the Secretary of State and the Director of the Legislative Counsel
Bureau with a copy of a map (paper copy or electronic data file) showing the boundaries of all election precincts in the county, along with a written description
of the boundaries.
Jan. 8, 2024 through WRITTEN CHALLENGES MAY BE FILED FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY - (after the 30th day but not later than the NRS 293.547(1)
Jan. 12, 2024 25th day prior to the Presidential Preference Primary Election) Period in which voter registrations may be challenged in writing by filing with the County Mar. 31, 2024 FILING OF FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT - JUDICIAL CANDIDATES – (not later than 31st of March) On or before this date, every Code of Judicial Conduct Canon
Clerk/Registrar of Voters. candidate for judicial office who will be entitled to receive annual compensation of $6,000 or more for serving in the office that the candidate is seeking must 3, Rule 315
file a Financial Disclosure Statement with the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC).
Jan. 9, 2024 CLOSE OF VOTER REGISTRATION BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE - (the 4th Tuesday preceding any election) Last day a person may register to NRS 293.560(1)(a)(1)
vote by appearing in person at the office of the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters April 2024
Jan. 9, 2024 CLOSE OF VOTER REGISTRATION BY MAIL - (the 4th Tuesday preceding any election) Last day a person may register to vote by mail (must be NRS 293.560 Apr. 1, 2024 LAST DAY A WRITTEN CHALLENGE OF CANDIDACY MAY BE FILED - (not later than 5 days after the last day to withdraw candidacy) Last NRS 293.182(1) & NRS
postmarked by this date). day for filing, with the appropriate filing officer, challenge of qualification of a candidate 293.1275 (2); falls on a Sunday so
Jan 10, 2024 through UPDATING VOTER REGISTRATION INFORMATION ONLINE OR PAPER - After the close of registration for an election, a registered voter may NRS 293.5832 it is adjusted to Monday Apr. 1 at
Jan. 23, 2024 update his or her voter registration information by online through the Secretary of State or a paper application. County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall authorize 5 pm.
at least one of the methods for a registered voter to update his or her voter registration information.
Apr. 2, 2024 CERTIFICATION OF CANDIDATES BY COUNTY CLERKS/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS - (not later than 5 working days after last day to NRS 293.187(b)
Jan. 13, 2024 through VOTING SYSTEM PRE-LAT TEST REQUIRED BEFORE EARLY VOTING - (not earlier than 2 weeks before and not later than 5 p.m. on the day NRS 293B.150 withdraw candidacy) Each County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall transmit to the Secretary of State a certified list of names and mailing address of
Jan. 26, 2024 before the 1st day of early voting) Period during which the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters must conduct required Pre-Lat test for mechanical recording each person for whom candidacy papers have been filed in his or her office, together with the title of the office for which such person is a candidate
device or automatic tabulating equipment and programs. and party designation, if any.
Jan. 13, 2024 through ELECTRONIC ROSTER TEST REQUIRED BEFORE EARLY VOTING - (not earlier than 2 weeks before and not later than 5 p.m. on the day NRS 293.275 (3)
Jan. 26, 2024 before the 1st day of early voting) Period during which the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters must conduct required test of the electronic roster to ensure its Apr. 3, 2024 CERTIFICATION OF CANDIDATES BY SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than 5 working days after last day to withdraw candidacy) NRS 293.187(b)
functionality in accordance with regulations adopted by the Secretary of State. Each County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall transmit to the Secretary of State a certified list of names and mailing address of each person for whom
candidacy papers have been filed in his or her office, together with the title of the office for which such person is a candidate and party designation, if
Jan. 13, 2024 through CERTIFICATION OF SOFTWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEMS - (no earlier than two weeks before the first day of voting) Not later than the first NAC 293B.110 any.
Jan. 26, 2024 day of voting, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall certify components of the voting system for use.
Apr. 4, 2024 and Apr. PUBLISH FIRST AND SECOND NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION - (once a week for 2 successive weeks) - Upon receipt of the Certified List of NRS 293.203
11, 2024 Candidates from the Secretary of State, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall publish a notice of Primary Election once a week for 2 successive weeks in a
Jan. 15, 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Federal and State holiday NRS 236.015(1) newspaper of general circulation in the county. If no such newspaper is provided in the county, the publication may be made in a newspaper of general circula-
ON BALLOT - On or before January 15 of each year, the Secretary of State will determine the names or abbreviations of all political parties that may appear
on ballots immediately following the name of each candidate for partisan office pursuant to NRS 293.267. Apr. 5, 2024 PROCESS REPORT - PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY - (not more than 60 days after each election) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters NRS 293.4695
shall submit the information regarding the Presidential Preference Primary to the Secretary of State on the prescribed form.
Jan. 16, 2024 NOTICE FROM INDIAN TRIBE ELECTING NOT TO HAVE A POLLING PLACE AND BALLOT DROP BOX - By submitting a notice to the coun- NRS 293.2733 SB327; adjusted Apr. 5, 2024 MAIL BALLOT REPORTING - (not later than 60 days after an election) After each election, a County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall report the number NAC 293.319
ty clerk on or before January 15, 2024, for the Primary Election. to Jan 16th due to NRS 293.1275 of mail ballots sent, returned, and counted that were transmitted electronically.
and is Jan 16 at 5 pm.
Apr. 12, 2024 CAMPAIGN SIGNS - (not to be erected on interstate and primary routes more than 60 days before the Primary Election) - First day a candidate may NAC 410.400 & 410.440
Jan. 16, 2024 FILING ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS & EXPENSES REPORT/ANNUAL - CANDIDATE – (not earlier than January 15th of each year) Last day for NRS 294A.120, 294A.128, erect signs for a campaign within the controlled areas of the interstate and primary routes. Any questions on where signs can and cannot be placed on rights-of-
nonfederal elected officials and candidates, which have received in excess of $100 in contributions or have money left over from their previous campaign, to 294A.140, 294A.200. 294A.210; way should be directed to the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT). to telephone NDOT in Northern Nevada, call (775) 888-7480; to telephone
file the annual report of campaign contributions and expenditures with the Secretary of State. Jan 15 is a holiday so the deadline NDOT in Southern Nevada, call (702) 385-6548.
is adjusted to Jan 16th due to NRS
293.1275 and is Jan 16 at 5 pm. Apr. 12, 2024 OPT-OUT FORM FOR MAIL BALLOTS - (received not later than 60 days before the election) - Last day for clerks to receive a request from a voter to NRS 293.269911
indicate that he/she elects not to receive a mail ballot.
Apr. 12, 2024 COUNTY CLERKS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT WRITTEN CONTINGENCY PLANS TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than 60 days before NAC 293.202; R008-23
Jan. 16, 2024 FILING ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS & EXPENSES REPORT - GROUP – (on or before January 15th of each year) Last day for any person, as re- NRS 294A.140, 294A.150, any election) Each county clerk shall, not later than 60 days before the date of the general election, submit to the Secretary of State a written contingency plan
quired, making independent expenditures, Committees for Political Action (PAC), PACs advocating passage or defeat of a ballot question, political parties, and 294A.210, 294A.220; Jan 15 is a that describes the procedures that will be used in the event that election operations, including, without limitation, mechanical voting systems and any compo-
committees sponsored by political parties which have received in excess of $1,000 in contributions to file with the Secretary of State. holiday so the deadline is Jan 16 nents thereof, are significantly disrupted.
at 5 pm.
Apr. 15, 2024 FILING CONTRIBUTIONS & EXPENSES REPORT #1 - (for the period beginning Jan. 1 and ending March 31) - Last day for all nonfederal office NRS 294A.120, 294A.128,
Jan. 16, 2024 FILING ANNUAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT – (on or before January 15th of each year) Last day for appointed and elected public NRS 281.559 & NRS 281.561; candidates, and, as required, persons making independent expenditures, political action committees, political action committees advocating the passage or de- 294A.140, 294A.200. 294A.210
officers (excluding conservation district supervisors elected pursuant to NRS 548.285) and every appointed public officer who is entitled to receive $6,000 or Jan 15 is a holiday so the deadline feat of a ballot question, political parties, and committees sponsored by political parties, to file the first report of campaign contributions and/or expenditures
more annually, to file a Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) with the Secretary of State. is Jan 16 at 5 pm with the Secretary of State.
Jan. 16, 2024 FILING ANNUAL PAC REGISTRATION – (on or before January 15th of each year) Last day a Political Action Committee (PAC) may file with the NRS 294A.230(4)(b); Jan 15 is a Apr. 15, 2024 PLAN TO ACCOMMODATE PUBLIC TO OBSERVE CERTAIN ELECTION PROCEDURES - (not later than April 15th) - County Clerk/Registrar NRS 293B.354
Secretary of State its annual registration if the PAC intends to continue activity in this State. The annual registration form must be filed regardless of whether holiday so the deadline is Jan 16 of Voters shall submit to the Secretary of State for approval a written plan for accommodation of the public to observe delivery, counting, handling and pro-
there is a change in the information previously provided to the Secretary of State. at 5 pm cessing of ballots at a polling place, receiving center or central counting place.
Jan. 16, 2024 FILING CONTRIBUTIONS IN EXCESS OF $10,000 – (to be reported electronically as part of Annual Filing, on or before January 15th of the year NRS 294A.125; Jan 15 is a holi- ACTIVATE EFFECTIVE ABSENTEE SYSTEM FOR ELECTIONS (EASE) - Established pursuant to NRS 293D.200, this system must be activated NRS 293D.200
Apr. 27, 2024
immediately after the year for which the report is made) Each candidate who receives contributions in excess of $10,000 shall list each of the contributions day so the deadline is Jan 16 at 5 not later than 45 days prior to an election.
he or she received and expenditures made in that year and each year thereafter until the year of the General Election in which the candidate intends to seek pm.
election to public office is held. The report is to be filed with the Secretary of State. Apr. 27, 2024 PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE MILITARY-OVERSEAS BALLOTS - (not later than 45 days before Primary Election) - County Clerk/Registrar of NRS 293D.320
Voters to transmit military-overseas ballots to covered voters who are registered and have requested a ballot by this date.
Jan. 17, 2024 PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE MAIL BALLOTS FOR RESIDENTS WITHIN THE STATE - (not later than 20 days before the Presidential Prefer- NRS 293.26991(a)(1) Apr. 27, 2024 SUBMISSION TO SECRETARY OF STATE OF LIST OF INFORMATION FOR EACH BALLOT DROP BOX - (Not less than 45 days before an NAC 293.348; proposed amend-
ence Primary) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall prepare and distribute mail ballots to residents who reside within the state, not later than this date. election *Timeline proposed in regulations to be completed before Feb 29, 2024) The county clerk shall submit to the Secretary of State a list containing the ment in upcoming regulations
following information for each ballot drop box established in the county: (a) The unique identifier of the ballot drop box as described in NAC 293.347; (b)
Jan. 17, 2024 DISTRIBUTE SAMPLE BALLOT FOR PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY - (before early voting) Before the period for early voting, the NRS 293.565, 293C.530 & NAC The location of the ballot drop box; and (c) The dates and times during which the ballot drop box will be unlocked and accessible to persons for the submis-
(recommended) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall distribute by mail or provide electronically to each registered voter a sample ballot for his or her precinct with notice of 293.120 sion of mail ballots.
the polling place location. County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall also mail or provide electronically a copy of each such sample ballot to each candidate who
has filed a Declaration of Candidacy, a copy of at least five sample ballots and provide an electronic copy of each sample ballot to the Secretary of State. If the Apr. 27, 2024 through CONFIRMATION OF ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS - (Recommended to be not earlier than 45 days before election day and not later than the first
location of the polling place has changed since the last election, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall mail a notice of the change to each registered voter May 24, 2024 day of the period for in-person Early Voting for any election) County clerks to confirm to the Secretary of State in writing that the requirements of NRS
not sooner than 10 days before forwarding the sample ballot. 293.2955 will be met at all voting locations.
Apr. 30, 2024 through FORWARD VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS DAILY - (during the 2 weeks preceding the close of registration by mail for the Primary NRS 293.504(4)
Jan. 18, 2024 NO SAMPLE BALLOTS DISTRIBUTED TO NEWLY REGISTERED VOTERS AFTER THIS DATE - If a person registers to vote less than 20 days NRS 293.565(7) May 14, 2024 Election) - Voter registration applications accepted by voter registration agencies must be transmitted to the appropriate County Clerk/Registrar of Voters on a
before the date of an election, the county clerk is not required to distribute to the person the sample ballot for that election by mail or electronic means. daily basis during this time.

Jan. 19, 2024 PETITION QUALIFYING MAJOR POLITICAL PARTY - COUNTY CLERKS/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS – (not later than 25 working days be- NRS 293.128(2) May 2024
fore the last Friday in February before a Primary Election) Last day for file with the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters for signature verification petitions to TBD - As determined CONDUCTED SCHOOL OF ELECTION - The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall conduct or cause to be conducted a school for members of an elec- NRS 293.227, 293B.260 &
qualify as a major political party. by County Clerk/ tion board and designate one member of such board as chair. Within a reasonable time before each election, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall instruct 293B.265
Registrar the election board in the use of mechanical voting system and in their duties in connection therewith.
Jan. 22, 2024 through DELIVERY OF MAIL BALLOTS TO MAIL BALLOT CENTRAL COUNTING BOARD - (not earlier than 15 days before the Presidential Prefer- NAC 293.322
Feb. 6, 2024 ence Primary through Election Day) Not earlier than 15 days before the election, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall withdraw all the mail ballots TBD - As determined APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION BOARD OFFICERS FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION - Last day for County Clerk/Registrar of Voters to have con- NRS 293.217 through 293.243
from each box or container that holds mail ballots received before that day and deliver the mail ballots to the appropriate election board or a mail ballot central by County Clerk/ cluded or delegated appointment of election board officers for the Primary Election and to send notification to election board officers of their appointments.
counting board if one has been appointed to be processed and prepared for counting. Registrar

Jan. 22, 2024 VERIFICATION AND COUNTING OF MAIL BALLOTS MAY BEGIN - (not earlier than 15 days before the Presidential Preference Primary Elec- NAC 293.322 May 2, 2024 PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE MAIL BALLOTS FOR RESIDENTS OUTSIDE THE STATE - (not later than 40 days before the Primary Election) - NRS 293.269911 (5)(a)(2)
tion) The mail ballot central counting board may begin counting the received mail ballots 15 days before the day of the election. The counting procedures must County Clerk/Registrar of Voters to prepare and distribute mail ballots to residents who reside outside the state, no later than this date.
be public.
Jan. 21 - 27, 2024 & PUBLISH NOTICE OF EARLY VOTING FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY (during the week before and at least once a week NRS 293.3568 & 293.3576
Jan. 28 - Feb. 2, 2024 during early voting) The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall publish the location, dates, and hours of early voting during the week before and at least once
a week during the period of early voting.


Part II - May 2024 to February 2025
Date Event & Description Legal Authority Date Event & Description Legal Authority
May 8, 2024 DISTRIBUTE SAMPLE BALLOT FOR PRIMARY ELECTION - (before early voting) - Before the period for early voting, the County Clerk/Registrar NRS 293.565, 293C.530 & NAC Sept. 15, 2024 NOTICE FROM INDIAN TRIBE ELECTING NOT TO HAVE A POLLING PLACE AND BALLOT DROP BOX - By submitting a notice to the coun- NRS 293.2733; SB327
(Recommended) of Voters shall distribute by mail or provide electronically to each registered voter a sample ballot for his or her precinct with a notice of the polling place loca- 293.120 ty clerk on or before September 15, 2024 for the General Election.
tion. County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall also mail or provide electronically a copy of each such sample ballot to each candidate who has filed a Declaration Sept. 21, 2024 ACTIVATE EFFECTIVE ABSENTEE SYSTEM FOR ELECTIONS (EASE) - Established pursuant to NRS 293D.200, this system must be activated NRS 293D.200
of Candidacy, a copy of at least five sample ballots and provide an electronic copy of each sample ballot to the Secretary of State. If the location of the polling not later than 45 days prior to an election.
place has changed since the last election, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall mail a notice of the change to each registered voter not sooner than 10 days
before forwarding the sample ballot. Sept. 21, 2024 PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE MILITARY-OVERSEAS BALLOTS - (not later than 45 days before General Election) County Clerk/Registrar of Vot- NRS 293.309(2)(b), 293D.320
ers to transmit military-overseas ballots to covered voters who are registered and have requested a ballot by this date.
May 11, 2024 through VOTING SYSTEM PRE-LAT TEST REQUIRED BEFORE EARLY VOTING - (not earlier than 2 weeks before and not later than 5 p.m. on the day NRS 293B.150
May 24, 2024 before the 1st day of early voting) - Period during which the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters must conduct required Pre-Lat test for mechanical recording Sept. 21, 2024 SUBMISSION TO SECRETARY OF STATE OF LIST OF INFORMATION FOR EACH BALLOT DROP BOX - (Not less than 45 days before an NAC 293.348; proposed amend-
device or automatic tabulating equipment and programs. election *Timeline proposed in regulations to be completed before Feb 29, 2024) The county clerk shall submit to the Secretary of State a list containing the ment in upcoming regulations
following information for each ballot drop box established in the county: (a) The unique identifier of the ballot drop box as described in NAC 293.347; (b)
May 11, 2024 through ELECTRONIC ROSTER TEST REQUIRED BEFORE EARLY VOTING - (not earlier than 2 weeks before and not later than 5 p.m. on the day NRS 293.275 (3) The location of the ballot drop box; and (c) The dates and times during which the ballot drop box will be unlocked and accessible to persons for the submis-
May 24, 2024 before the 1st day of early voting) - Period during which the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters must conduct required test of the electronic roster to ensure its sion of mail ballots.
functionality in accordance with regulations adopted by the Secretary of State.
May 11, 2024 through CERTIFICATION OF SOFTWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEMS - (no earlier than two weeks before the first day of voting) Not later than the first NAC 293B.110 Sept. 21, 2024 through CONFIRMATION OF ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS - (Recommended to be not earlier than 45 days before election day and not later than the first
May 24, 2024 day of voting, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall certify components of the voting system for use. Oct 18, 2024 day of the period for in-person Early Voting for any election) County clerks to confirm to the Secretary of State in writing that the requirements of NRS
293.2955 will be met at all voting locations.

May 12, 2024 through PUBLICATION OF CLOSING DATE OF REGISTRATION FOR PRIMARY ELECTION - (once each week for 4 consecutive weeks before the last NRS 293.560 (3)(b) Sept. 24, 2024 PUBLISH LIST OF REGISTERED VOTERS - (not less than 2 weeks before the close of registration for the General Election) No later than this date, NRS 293.557(2)(b)
June 11, 2024 method of registration for the election will be closed) - County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall cause to be published once each week for 4 consecutive weeks the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters may cause to be published in a newspaper an alphabetical listing of all registered voters, including the precinct of each
before the close of registration for the Primary Election "The Notice of Close of Registration" in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county. If no voter OR a statement notifying the public that the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters will provide an alphabetical listing of registered voters free of charge to any
such newspaper is published in the county, the publication may be made in a newspaper of general circulation published in the nearest county in the State. person upon request.

Sept. 24 through Oct. 8, FORWARD VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION DAILY - (during the 2 weeks preceding the 4th Tuesday preceding the General Election) NRS 293.504(4)
2024 Voter registration applications accepted by voter registration agencies must be transmitted to the appropriate County Clerk/Registrar of Voters on a daily basis
May 13, 2024 through WRITTEN CHALLENGES MAY BE FILED FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION - (after the 30th day but not later than the 25th day prior to the NRS 293.547(1) during this time.
May 17, 2024 Primary Election) - Period in which voter registrations may be challenged in writing by filing with the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters.
Sept. 26, 2024 PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE MAIL BALLOTS FOR RESIDENTS OUTSIDE THE STATE - (not later than 40 days before the General Election) NRS 293.269911 (5)(a)(2)
County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall prepare and distribute mail ballots to residents who reside outside the state no later than this date.
May 14, 2024 CLOSE OF VOTER REGISTRATION BY MAIL - (the 4th Tuesday preceding any primary or general election) Last day a person my register to vote NRS 293.560(1)(a)(1)
by mail. (must be postmarked by this date). October 2024
May 14, 2024 CLOSE OF VOTER REGISTRATION BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE - (the 4th Tuesday preceding any primary or general election) Last day a NRS 293.560(1)(a)(1) Oct. 1, 2024 through CONDUCT SCHOOL OF ELECTION - The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall conduct or cause to be conducted a school for members of an election NRS 293.227(3), 293B.260,
person my register to vote by appearing in person at the office of the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters. Nov. 6, 2024 board and designate one such member as chair. Within a reasonable time before each election, the County Clerk/ Registrar of Voters shall instruct the election 293B.265
board in the use of the mechanical voting system and in their duties in connection therewith.
May 15, 2024 through UPDATING VOTER REGISTRATION INFORMATION ONLINE OR PAPER - After the close of registration for an election, a registered voter may NRS 293.5832, NRS 293.5837(2)
May 28, 2024 update his or her voter registration information by online through the Secretary of State or a paper application. County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall authorize Oct. 7, 2024 through PUBLISH CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS and STATEWIDE MEASURES - (on or before the 1st Monday in October and 2 additional times NRS 293.253(3)(5)
at least one of the methods for a registered voter to update his or her voter registration information. Oct. 21, 2024 at intervals of no less than 7 days) The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall cause to be published for the first time, second time and third time in a newspa-
per of general circulation, the full text, condensation, explanation, arguments, rebuttals, and fiscal notes of any constitutional amendment or measure. If no such
May 19 - 24, 2024 and PUBLISH NOTICE OF EARLY VOTING FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION - (during the week before and at least once a week during early voting) NRS 293.3568 & 293.3576 newspaper is published in the county, the publication may be made in a newspaper of general circulation published in the nearest county in the State.
May 25-31 and June 1- - The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall publish the location, dates, and hours of early voting during the week before and at least once a week during the
7, 2024 period of early voting.
May 20, 2024 PETITION FOR MINOR PARTY BALLOT ACCESS DUE TO COUNTY/CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS FOR VERIFICATION OF SIGNA- NRS 293.1715(2)(c) & 293.172 Oct. 7, 2024 APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION BOARD OFFICERS FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION - Last day for County Clerk/Registrar of Voters to have con- NRS 293.217 through 293.243
TURES - (not later than 10 working days before the last day to file the petition) A petition filed pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 293.1715 (1)(c) cluded or delegated appointment of election board officers and to send notification to election board officers of their appointments.
Oct. 7, 2024 DISTRIBUTE SAMPLE BALLOT FOR GENERAL ELECTION - (before early voting)(mail notice of change of location of polling place 10 days NRS 293.565, NAC 293.130
May 22, 2024 PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE MAIL BALLOTS FOR RESIDENTS WITHIN THE STATE - (not later than 20 days before the Primary Election) NRS 293.269911(a)(1) prior) Before the period for early voting, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall distribute by mail or provided electronically to each registered voter a
County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall prepare and distribute mail ballots to residents who reside within the state, not later than this date. sample ballot for his or her precinct with a notice of the polling place location. County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall also mail or provide electronically a copy
of each such sample ballot to each candidate who has filed a Declaration of Candidacy, a copy of at least five sample ballots and provide an electronic copy of
May 23, 2024 NO SAMPLE BALLOTS DISTRIBUTED TO NEWLY REGISTERED VOTERS AFTER THIS DATE - If a person registers to vote less than 20 days NRS 293.565(7) each sample ballot to the Secretary of State. If the location of the polling place has changed since the last election, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall
before the date of an election, the county clerk is not required to distribute to the person the sample ballot for that election by mail or electronic means. mail a notice of the change to each registered voter not sooner than 10 days before forwarding the sample ballots.

May 24, 2024 CERTIFICATION OF SOFTWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEMS - (no earlier than two weeks before the first day of voting before each federal NAC 293B.110
election cycle) Not later than the first day of voting, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall certify components of the voting system for use Oct. 5, 2024 through VOTING SYSTEM PRE-LAT TEST REQUIRED BEFORE EARLY VOTING - (not earlier than 2 weeks before and not later than 5 p.m. on the day NRS 293B.150
May 24, 2024 PREPARE ELECTION ROSTER - During the interval between the closing of registration and the election, the county clerk shall prepare...County NRS 293.563 Oct. 18, 2024 before the 1st day of early voting) Period during which the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters must conduct the required Pre-LAT test for mechanical record-
(Recommended) Clerk/Registrar of Voters to prepare election roster consisting of the alphabetical list of registered voters in the precinct or district. ing device or automatic tabulating equipment and programs.
May 25, 2024 through NOTIFICATION OF OPENING AND CLOSING OF POLLS AND ELECTION DAY TURNOUT County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall notify the NAC 293.215, 293.217, 293.219 Oct. 5, 2024 through ELECTRONIC ROSTER TEST REQUIRED BEFORE EARLY VOTING - (not earlier than 2 weeks before and not later than 5 p.m. on the day NRS 293.275 (3)
June 7, 2024 and June Secretary of State of the time at which each polling place opened, closed, and delays, as soon as practicable. A County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall report to Oct. 18, 2024 before the 1st day of early voting) - Period during which the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters must conduct required test of the electronic roster to ensure its
11, 2024 the Secretary of State the turnout of voters on Election Day no less than twice while the polls are open. functionality in accordance with regulations adopted by the Secretary of State.

May 25, 2024 through EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE - (begins the 3rd Saturday before the Primary Election through the Friday preceding the Prima- NRS 293.3568 Oct. 5, 2024 through CERTIFICATION OF SOFTWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEMS - (no earlier than two weeks before the first day of voting) Not later than the first NAC 293B.110
June 7, 2024 ry Election) - During this period, a registered voter may request to vote early in person at designated early voting locations. Oct. 18, 2024 day of voting, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall certify components of the voting system for use.
May 27, 2024 through DELIVERY OF MAIL BALLOTS TO MAIL BALLOT CENTRAL COUNTING BOARD - (not earlier than 15 days before the Primary Election NAC 293.322 Oct. 6, 2024 through PUBLICATION OF CLOSING DATE OF REGISTRATION FOR GENERAL ELECTION - (once each week for 4 consecutive weeks before close of NRS 293.560(3)(b)
June 11, 2024 through Election Day) Not earlier than 15 days before the election, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall withdraw all the mail ballots from each box or Nov. 5, 2024 registration) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall cause "Notice of Close of Registration" to be published once each week for 4 consecutive weeks in a
container that holds mail ballots received before that day and deliver the mail ballots to the appropriate election board or a mail ballot central counting board if newspaper having a general circulation in the county before the close of registration for the General Election. If no such newspapers is published in the county,
one has been appointed to be processed and prepared for counting. the publication may be made in a newspaper of general circulation published in the nearest county in the State.

May 27, 2024 VERIFICATION AND COUNTING OF MAIL BALLOTS MAY BEGIN - Not earlier than 15 days before the Primary Election) The mail ballot cen- NAC 293.322 Oct. 7, 2024 through WRITTEN CHALLENGES MAY BE FILED FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION - (after the 30th day but not later than the 25th day prior to the NRS 293.547(1)
tral counting board may begin counting the received mail ballots 15 days before the day of the election. The counting procedure must be public. Oct. 11, 2024 General Election) Period in which voter registrations may be challenged in writing by filing with the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters.
Oct. 8, 2024 CLOSE OF VOTER REGISTRATION BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE - (the 4th Tuesday preceding the Primary or General election) Last day a NRS 293.560(1)(a)(2)
person may register to vote by appearing in person at the office of the County Clerk/Registrar Voters.
May 28, 2024 LAST DAY TO UPDATE REGISTRATION AND BE MAILED A BALLOT - (any time before 5 p.m. on the 14th calendar day preceding the Prima- NRS 293.269911
ry Election) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall prepare and distribute to each active registered voter in the county and each person who registers to vote or Oct. 8, 2024 CLOSE OF VOTER REGISTRATION BY MAIL - (the 4th Tuesday preceding the Primary or General election) Last day a person may register to vote NRS 293.560(1)(a)(2)
updates his or her voter registration information no later than the 14 days before the election a mail ballot for every election. by mail. (must be postmarked by this date)
May 28, 2024 PUBLISHING LIST OF REGISTERED VOTERS - (not less than 2 weeks before the close of registration for the Primary Election) On or before this NRS 293.557(2)(a) Oct. 9, 2024 through UPDATING VOTER REGISTRATION INFORMATION ONLINE OR PAPER - After the close of registration for an election, a registered voter may NRS 293.5832
date, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters may publish in a newspaper an alphabetical listing of all registered voters, including the precinct of each voter, OR a Oct. 28, 2024 update his or her voter registration information by online through the Secretary of State or a paper application. County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall authorize
statement notifying the public that the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters will provide an alphabetical listing of registered voters free of charge to any person at least one of the methods for a registered voter to update his or her voter registration information.
upon request.
Oct. 13-19, 2024; 20- PUBLISH NOTICE OF EARLY VOTING FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION - (during the week before and at least once a week during early voting) NRS 293.3576
May 29, 2024 through SAME DAY VOTER REGISTRATION ONLINE AND IN-PERSON - If an elector submits an application to register to vote less than 14 days before the NRS 293.5837 (2) 26, 2024; Oct 27-Nov The County Clerk shall publish the location, dates and hours of early voting during the week before and at least once a week during the period of early voting.
Jun. 11, 2024 election, the elector may vote only in person. 1, 2024
Oct. 15, 2024 FILING OF CONTRIBUTIONS & EXPENSES REPORT #3 - (FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING July 1 and ending on Sept. 30) Last day for all non- NRS 294A.120, 294A.128,
June 2024 federal office candidates, and, as required, any persons making independent expenditures, political action committees, political action committees advocating 294A.140, 294A.200. 294A.210
June 1, 2024 July 11, MEDIA TO MAKE COST OF ELECTION ADVERTISEMENTS AVAILABLE - (at least 10 days before, and ending at least 30 days after the Pri- NRS 294A.370 the passage or defeat of a ballot question, political parties, and committees sponsored by political parties, to file the third report of campaign contributions and/
2024 mary Election) During this period, any media or other person that provides any political advertising must make the costs of all such information arranged al- or expenditures with the Secretary of State.
phabetically by candidate, person or group ordering the advertisement, available for inspection within 3 days of the request for inspection.
June 3, 2024 through PROVIDING NOTICE OF LOCATIONS OF VOTE CENTERS - If a county clerk establishes one or more polling places pursuant to NRS 293.3072, the NRS 293.3073 Oct. 16, 2024 PREPARE AND DISTRIBUTE MAIL BALLOTS FOR RESIDENTS WITHIN THE STATE - (not later than 20 days before the General Election) - NRS 293.269911
June 11, 2024 county clerk must: (a) Publish during the week before the election in a newspaper of general circulation a notice of the location of each such polling place. (b) (not later than 20 days before the General Election) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall prepare and distribute mail ballots to resident who reside within
Post a list of the location of each such polling place on any bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the board of county commissioners. The list the state, not later than this date.
must be posted continuously for a period beginning not later than the fifth business day before the election and ending at 7 p.m. on the day of the election. The Oct. 17, 2024 NO SAMPLE BALLOTS DISTRIBUTED TO NEWLY REGISTERED VOTERS AFTER THIS DATE - If a person registers to vote less than 20 days NRS 293.565(7)
county clerk shall make copies of the list available to the public during the period of posting in reasonable quantities without charge. 2. The provisions of before the date of an election, the county clerk is not required to distribute to the person the sample ballot for that election by mail or electronic means.
subsection 1 do not apply if every polling place in the county is a polling place where any person entitled to vote in the county by personal appearance may do
so on the day of the primary election or general election. 3. No additional polling place may be established pursuant to NRS 293.3072 after the publication
pursuant to this section, except in the case of an emergency and if approved by the Secretary of State. Oct. 18, 2024 CERTIFICATION OF SOFTWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEMS - (no earlier than two weeks before the first day of voting before each federal NAC 293B.110
election cycle) Not later than the first day of voting, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall certify components of the voting system for use.

Oct. 18, 2024 PREPARE ELECTION ROSTER - (During the interval between the closing of registration and the election) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters to pre- NRS 293.563
June 4, 2024 FILE ELECTION COMPUTER PROGRAM - (at least one week before the Primary Election) Last day a copy of each election computer program for an NRS 293B.135(1) (recommended) pare election roster consisting of the alphabetical list of registered voters in the precinct or district.
election in the state must be filed with the Secretary of State at least one week before election. Copies of the programs are not available for inspection by the
public. Oct. 19, 2024 through EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE - (BEGINS THE 3RD SATURDAY BEFORE THE General Election through the Friday preced- NRS 293.3568
Nov. 2, 2024 ing the General Election) During this period, a registered voter may request to vote early in person at designated Early Voting locations.
June 7, 2024 NUMBER OF REGISTERED VOTERS TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than the Friday preceding the Primary Election) During this period, NRS 293.567
the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall ascertain by precinct and district the number of registered voters (broken down by active and inactive voters) and Oct. 19, 2024 through NOTIFICATION OF OPENING AND CLOSING OF POLLS AND ELECTION DAY TURNOUT County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall notify the NAC 293.217, 293.219
their political affiliation, if any, and transmit such information to the Secretary of State. Nov. 2, 2024 and Nov. Secretary of State of times at which each polling place opened, closed, and delays as soon as practicable. A County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall report to the
5, 2024 Secretary of State the turnout of voters on Election Day no less then twice while the polls are open.
June 10, 2024 CHALLENGE OF MINOR POLITICAL PARTY - (not later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Monday in June) Last day to file challenge against a minor political NRS 293.174
party's qualifications with appropriate filing officer. Oct. 21, 2024 VERIFICATION AND COUNTING OF MAIL BALLOTS MAY BEGIN - (not earlier than 15 days before the General Election) The counting board, if NRS 293.269931
it is responsible for counting mail ballots, or mail ballot central counting board shall ascertain that each box or container has the required number of ballots.
Jun. 11, 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION - (2nd Tuesday in June of each even-numbered years) The Primary Election is held. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. NRS 293.175(1) Ballots delivered to a mail ballot central counting board shall be processed and prepared for counting.
June 11, 2024 through RECEIVE AND COUNT POSTMARKED MAIL BALLOTS - (postmarked on or before the day of the Primary Election and received by the 4th day NRS 293.269921(1)(b)(2) Oct. 21, 2024 through DELIVERY OF MAIL BALLOTS TO MAIL BALLOT CENTRAL COUNTING BOARD - (not earlier than 15 days before the Primary Election NAC 293.322
June 15, 2024 after) Mail ballots must be delivered by hand to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters before the time set for closing of the polls on election day or mailed to Nov 5, 2024 through Election Day) Not earlier than 15 days before the election, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall withdraw all the mail ballots from each box or
the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters and postmarked on or before the day of the election and received by the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters not later than 5 container that holds mail ballots received before that day and deliver the mail ballots to the appropriate election board or a mail ballot central counting board if
p.m. on the fourth day following the election. one has been appointed to be processed and prepared for counting.
June 14, 2024 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT FOR PROVISIONAL VOTERS - (not later than 5 p.m. the Friday following the election) Last day a voter who NRS 293.3082(1) Oct. 22, 2024 LAST DAY TO UPDATE REGISTRATION AND BE MAILED A BALLOT - (any time before 5 p.m. on the 14th calendar day preceding the Prima- NRS 293.269911
did not provide identification at the time the provisional ballot was cast for Federal Office at the Primary Election may provide identification to the County ry Election) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall prepare and distribute to each active registered voter in the county and each person who registers to vote or
Clerk/Registrar of Voters. updates his or her voter registration information no later than the 14 days before the election a mail ballot for every election.
June 17, 2024 SIGNATURE CURE DEADLINE - (not later than 5 p.m. on the 6th day following the election) Last day for a voter to provide a signature or confirmation NRS 293.269927(6) Oct. 23, 2024 SAME DAY VOTER REGISTRATION ONLINE AND IN-PERSON - If an elector submits an application to register to vote less than 14 days before the NRS 293.5837 (2)
or otherwise cure the signature to have a mail ballot be counted. election, the elector may vote only in person.

June 17, 2024 through FILLING NONPARTISAN VACANCY - (3rd Monday in June through the 4th Friday in July) The filing period for vacancies in a nonpartisan office NRS 263.165 PUBLISHING LIST OF REGISTERED VOTERS - (not less than 2 weeks before the close of registration for the Primary Election) On or before this NRS 293.557(2)(a)
July 26, 2024 when the vacancy occurs after the close of filing and before the fourth Friday in July and if no primary was held or if there was no more than one person seek- date, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters may publish in a newspaper an alphabetical listing of all registered voters, including the precinct of each voter, OR a
ing the nomination in the Primary Election. A person may become a candidate for the nonpartisan office at the General Election by filing a Declaration of Can- statement notifying the public that the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters will provide an alphabetical listing of registered voters free of charge to any person
didacy and paying the fee required by NRS 293.193. upon request.

June 18, 2024 through CANVASS OF THE PRIMARY ELECTION RETURNS - (on or before the 10th day following the Primary Election) During this period, the Board of NRS 293.387(1) Oct. 25, 2024 NEVADA DAY - State holiday (Oct 31, but observed on the last Friday in Oct) NRS 236.015(1)
June 21, 2024 County Commissioners shall canvass the returns, from all precincts and districts within the county, of the Primary Election, but not before the postmark receipt Oct. 26, 2024 through MEDIA TO MAKE COST OF ELECTION ADVERTISEMENTS AVAILABLE - (at least 10 days before, and ending at least 30 days after the Pri- NRS 294A.370
date and all provisional ballots have been resolved for all counties. Dec. 5, 2024 mary Election) During this period, any media or other person that provides any political advertising must make the costs of all such information, arranged
alphabetically by candidate, person or group ordering the advertisement, available for inspection within 3 days of the request for inspection.
June 19, 2024 JUNETEENTH DAY - State holiday NRS 236.015(1) / AB140 (2023)
Oct. 28, 2024 through PROVIDING NOTICE OF LOCATIONS OF VOTE CENTERS - If a county clerk establishes one or more polling places pursuant to NRS 293.3072, the NRS 293.3073
Nov. 11, 2024 county clerk must: (a) Publish during the week before the election in a newspaper of general circulation a notice of the location of each such polling place. (b)
June 20, 2024 POSTELECTION AUDIT AND CERTIFICATION OF VVPATS - (within 7 working days after the date of the election) After each election, all County NAC 293.255 & NAC 293B.120 Post a list of the location of each such polling place on any bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the board of county commissioners. The list
Clerks/Registrar of Voters shall conduct postelection VVPAT audits and transmit the results to the Secretary of State. must be posted continuously for a period beginning not later than the fifth business day before the election and ending at 7 p.m. on the day of the election. The
June 21, 2024 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE TO SUBMIT TO COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS PETITION FOR BALLOT ACCESS - (not later NRS 293.200(1)(a) & (2) county clerk shall make copies of the list available to the public during the period of posting in reasonable quantities without charge. 2. The provisions of
than 5 p.m. on the third Friday in June) Last day for an independent candidate to submit ballot access petition to County Clerk/Registrar of Voters for signa- subsection 1 do not apply if every polling place in the county is a polling place where any person entitled to vote in the county by personal appearance may do
ture verification. so on the day of the primary election or general election. 3. No additional polling place may be established pursuant to NRS 293.3072 after the publication
pursuant to this section, except in the case of an emergency and if approved by the Secretary of State.
June 21, 2024 COMPILATION OF RETURNS - (immediately after the Primary Election) Secretary of State shall compile returns for all candidates voted for in more NRS 293.387(4)
than one county and certify to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters the name of each person nominated and the name of the office in which he or she is nomi-
June 21, 2024 TRANSMIT ABSTRACT AND MECHANIZED REPORT TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (on or before the 10th day following the Primary Election) NRS 293.387(3) Oct. 29, 2024 FILE ELECTION COMPUTER PROGRAM - (at least one week before the General Election) Last day a copy of each election computer program for an NRS 293B.135(1)
The County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall send a copy of the certified abstract and mechanized report of the abstract to the Secretary of State. election in the state must be filed with the Secretary of State at least one week before the General Election. Copies of the programs are not available for inspec-
tion by the public.

June 25, 2024 FILE STATEMENTS OF CONTEST - (for the Primary Election) The filing of statements of contests are contingent on the date the recount is completed, NRS 293.413 November 2024
or if no recount is demanded, no later than 14 days after the Primary Election. Please see NRS 293.400 through 293.435 for requirements and deadlines. Nov. 1, 2024 NUMBER OF REGISTERED VOTERS TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than the Friday preceding the General Election) During this period, NRS 293.567
the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall ascertain by precinct and district the number of registered voters and their political affiliation, if any, and transmit
such information to the Secretary of State.
June 26, 2024 DEMAND FOR RECOUNTS - (within 3 working days after the canvass for the Primary Election) The last day to demand for recount for the Primary NRS 293.403
Election can be made. Please see NRS 293.400 through 293.435 for requirements, dates, and filing deadlines. Nov. 5, 2024 GENERAL ELECTION - (1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November in each even-numbered year) The General Election is held. Polls open at 7 NRS 293.12755, 293.273(1)
June 26, 2024 CERTIFICATION BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF NAMES OF PERSONS NOMINATED - (not later than 15 days after the Primary Elec- NRS 293.190(1) a.m. and close at 7 p.m.
tion) The Secretary of State shall certify to each County Clerk the name of each person nominated and the title of the office to which he was nominated. Nov. 5, 2024 through RECEIVE AND COUNT POSTMARKED MAIL BALLOTS - (postmarked on or before the day of the General Election and received by the 4th day NRS 293.269921(1)(b)(2)
Nov. 9, 2024 after) Mail ballots must be delivered by hand to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters before the time set for closing of the polls on election day or mailed to
June 26, 2024 CERTIFICATION BY COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OF NAMES OF PERSON NOMINATED - (not later than 15 days after the NRS 293.190(2) the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters and postmarked on or before the day of the election and received by the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters not later than 5
Primary Election) The County Clerk shall certify to the Secretary of State the name of each person nominated and the title of the office to which he or she was p.m. on the fourth day following the election.
Nov. 8, 2024 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT FOR PROVISIONAL VOTER - (not later than 5 p.m. the Friday following the election) Last day a voter who NRS 293.3082(1)
June 26, 2024 INITIATIVE TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION - (not later than the 15th day following the Primary Elections) Last day to submit to County Clerk/ NRS 295.056(3) did not provide identification at the time the provisional ballot was cast for the federal office at the General Election can provide identification to the County
Registrar of Voters for signature verification a petition proposing an amendment to the Constitution. All documents of the petition must be submitted at the Clerk/Registrar of Voters.
same time.
Nov. 11, 2024 VETERANS DAY - Federal and State holiday NRS 236.015(1)
June 26, 2024 STATE REFERENDUM - (not later than the 15th day following the Primary Election) - Last day to submit to County Clerk/ Registrar of Voters for sig- NRS 295.056(4) Nov. 12, 2024 SIGNATURE CURE DEADLINE - (not later than 5 p.m. on the 6th day following the election; extended to 5 p.m. on the business day after) Last day NRS 293.269927(6) & NAC
nature verification a petition to have any statute or resolution enacted by the Legislature submitted to referendum vote of the people. All documents of the peti- for a voter to provide a signature or confirmation or otherwise cure the signature to have a mail ballot be counted. 293.332
tion must be submitted at the same time.
Nov. 14, 2024 TRANSMIT ABSTRACT AND MECHANIZED REPORT TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than 7 working days after the General election) NRS 293.387(3)
June 27, 2024 through PUBLISH FIRST AND SECOND NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION - (once a week for 2 successive weeks) Upon receipt of the Certified List of NRS 293.203 The county Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall send a copy of the certified abstract and mechanized report of the abstract to the Secretary of State
July 5, 2024 Candidates from the Secretary of State, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall publish a notice of the Primary Election or General Election once a week for
2 successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. If no such newspaper is provided in the county, the publication may be made in a news-
Nov. 15, 2024 POSTELECTION AUDIT AND CERTIFICATION OF VVPATS - (within 7 working days after the date of the election) After each election, all County NAC 293.255 & NAC 293B.120
paper of general circulation published in the nearest county in the State.
Clerks/Registrar of Voters shall conduct postelection VVPAT audits and transmit the results to the Secretary of State.
June 28, 2024 CHALLENGE OF CANDIDACY - (not later than 5 p.m. on the 4th Friday in June) Last day for filing with the appropriate filing officer challenge of NRS 293.200(8) Nov. 15, 2024 CANVASS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION RETURNS - (on or before the 10th day following the General Election) As soon as the returns from all the NRS 293.387(1)
qualification of an independent candidate for a partisan office. precincts and districts in any county have been received by the board of county commissioners, the board shall meet and canvass the returns. The canvass must
be completed on or before the 10th day following the election.
June 28, 2024 COUNTY REFERENDUM - (not later than 130 days before the next succeeding General Election) Last day to file a county referendum petition with the NRS 295.140(2)
County Clerks for signature verification. Nov. 19, 2024 ELECTION CONTEST FOR LOCAL CANDIDATES IF NO RECOUNT DEMANDED - (no later than 14 days after the election) For contests involv- NRS 293.413(2)
ing offices other than for Governor, Lt. Governor, Legislator, Justice of the Supreme Court or Judge of the Court of Appeals, the last day to file a statement of
July 2024 contest with the District Court Clerk if no recount is demanded.
July 2, 2024 COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS TO NOTIFY CHALLENGE RESULTS - (not later than 21 calendar days after the Primary Election) NRS 293.3035
No later than this date, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall mail a notice to each person who is listed as the registered voter who initiated a challenge on the Nov. 19, 2024 ELECTION CONTEST FOR STATEWIDE CANDIDATES IF NO RECOUNT DEMANDED - (no later than 14 days after the election) For contests NRS 293.413(2), 293.425(1)
Primary Election challenge list. The notice must indicate the name of the person challenged, in known, and the result of the challenge. involving offices for Governor, Lt. Governor, Legislator, Justice of the Supreme Court or Judge of the Court of Appeals, the last day to file a statement of con-
test with the Secretary of State if no recount is demanded.

July 4, 2024 INDEPENDENCE DAY - Federal and state holiday NRS 236.015(1) Nov. 20, 2024 DEMAND FOR RECOUNTS - (within 3 working days after the canvass for the General Election) The last day to demand for recount for the General NRS 293.403
Election can be made after the canvass and certification of the election by the county or city clerk can be made. Please see NRS 293.400 through 293.435 for
July 8, 2024 COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS TO FILE VERIFIED STATE REFERENDUM PETITION - (not less than 120 days before the next NRS 295.045(1) dates and filing deadlines.
succeeding General Election) Last day County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall file a verified state referendum petition with the Secretary of State.
Nov. 20, 2024 INITIATIVE PETITION TO PROPOSE A NEW STATUTE OR AMEND AN EXISTING ONE - (not later than the 15th day after the General Elec- NRS 295.056(2)
July 11, 2024 COUNTY OR CITY JAIL ADMINISTRATOR TO SUBMIT A REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than 30 days after the Pres- AB 286 tion) Last date to submit a statutory initiative petition to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters for verification of signatures.
idential Preference Primary) An explanation of the process the jail used to comply with the requirements to run an election, and a summary of each complaint
received by the jail from a person detained in jail related to registering to vote or voting. Nov. 26, 2024 MEMBERS OF SUPREME COURT TO CANVASS VOTES - (the 4th Tuesday in November) On this date, the Justices of the Supreme Court, or a ma- NRS 293.395(2)
jority thereof, shall meet with the Secretary of State to canvass the vote.
July 15, 2024 QUESTIONS SUBMITTED TO COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS - (on or before the 3rd Monday in July) Last day County Clerk/ NRS 293.481(1)(a)
Registrar of Voters shall receive questions for the General Election ballot submitted by the governing body of a political subdivision, public or quasi-public Nov. 26, 2024 GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION The Governor shall issue certificates of election and shall issue proclamations declaring election of candidates. NRS 293.395(3)
corporation, or other local agency authorized by law to submit questions to qualified electors or registered voters of a designated territory. Nov. 26, 2024 COUNTY CLERK/REGISTRAR OF VOTERS TO NOTIFY CHALLENGE RESULTS - (not later than 21 calendar days after each election) No later NRS 293.3035, 293.303, 293.304
than this date, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall mail a notice to each person who is listed as the person who initiated the challenge on the General election
July 15, 2024 FILING OF CONTRIBUTIONS & EXPENSES REPORT #2 - (for the period beginning April 1 and ending on June 30) Last day for all nonfederal NRS 294A.120, 294A.128, challenge list. The notice must indicate the name of the person who was challenged, if known, and the result of the challenge.
office candidates, and, as required, any persons making independent expenditures, political action committees, political action committees advocating the pas- 294A.140, 294A.200. 294A.210
sage or defeat of a ballot question, political parties, and committees sponsored by political parties, to file the second report of campaign contributions and/or December 2024
expenditures with the Secretary of State. Dec. 1, 2024 SUBMIT LIST OF PUBLIC OFFICERS REQUIRED TO FILE A FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT - (on or before December 1st of each NRS 281.574
year) A list of each public officer who is required to file a Financial Disclosure Statement must be submitted electronically to the Secretary of State by each
July 26, 2024 NOMINATION OF CANDIDATE TO FILL VACANCY - (before 5 p.m. on the 4th Friday in July) On or before this date, the designated candidate shall NRS 293.165(5), 293.166(3) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters, City Clerk, The Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau and the Director of the Department of Administration.
file an acceptance of designation and pay statutory filing fee to the appropriate filing officer.
July 26, 2024 CHANGES TO THE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT - (no changes after 5 p.m. on the 4th Friday in July) No changes can be made to the General NRS 293.165(4)
Election ballot after this day. Dec. 5, 2024 COUNTY OR CITY JAIL ADMINISTRATOR TO SUBMIT A REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than 30 days after the Pres- AB 286
idential Preference Primary) An explanation of the process the jail used to comply with the requirements to run an election, and a summary of each complaint
August 2024 received by the jail from a person detained in jail related to registering to vote or voting.
Aug. 7, 2024 PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF REMOVING A NAME FROM THE REGISTER - (not later than 90 days before the General NRS 293.503(4) Dec. 5, 2024 CAMPAIGN SIGNS - (within 30 days after the General election) last day after the General election for campaign signs to be removed or taken down. NRS 410.400
Election) Any program or activity conducted within the county for the purpose of removing the name of a person who is ineligible to vote must be complete
Dec. 15, 2024 FILE AMENDED STATEMENTS OF CONTEST - (on or before Dec. 15 of the year immediately preceding a regular legislative session) For an elec- NRS 293.425
before this date.
tion contest involving the office of Legislator, the contestant may file an amended statement of contest and any relevant depositions, ballots, and other docu-
Aug. 7, 2024 NVRA 90-DAY FEDERAL GUIDELINE FOR LIST MAINTENANCE - The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 requires States to complete any 52 U.S.C 205079 ( c ) (2) ments relating to the contest with the Secretary of State.
program for list maintenance of the statewide voter registration list not later than 90 days prior to the date of a presidential preference primary, primary election,
or general election for federal office. This deadline applies to state list verification activities such as general mailings and door-to-door canvasses. Dec. 17, 2024 MEETING OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE
January 2025
Jan. 3, 2025 PROCESS REPORT - GENERAL ELECTION - (not more than 60 days after each Primary and General election) County Clerk/Registrar of Voters NRS 293.4695
Aug. 7, 2024 PLAN FOR THE SECURITY OF BALLOTS FOR EARLY VOTING - (not later than 90 days before the General Election) Not later than 90 days be- NRS 293.3594(1) shall submit the information regarding the General Election to the Secretary of State on the prescribed form.
fore the election, a plan for the security of ballots for early voting for the General Election must
Jan. 3, 2025 MAIL BALLOT REPORT - (not later than 60 days after an election) After each election, a County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall report the number of NAC 293.319
Aug. 7, 2024 PLAN FOR DISPOSITION OF MAIL BALLOTS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY - (not later than 90 days before each election) Each county clerk and NAC 293.321 mail ballots sent, returned, and counted that were transmitted electronically.
city clerk shall submit a plan to the Secretary of State setting forth the procedures that the clerk will use for the disposition of mail ballots in case of an emer-
gency. The plan must be submitted not later than 90 days before each election. In the case of an emergency, the Secretary of State may order one or more poll- Jan. 4, 2025 UNLAWFUL TO SOLICIT OR ACCEPT CONTRIBUTIONS OR COMMITMENTS - CERTAIN OFFICES - (30 days before a regular session of NRS 294A.300
ing places to be used to accommodate voters who are unable to vote at their polling places due to the emergency. the Legislature) Members of the Legislature, the Lieutenant Governor, The Lieutenant Governor-elect, the Governor or the Governor-elect are prohibited from
soliciting or accepting any monetary contribution or soliciting or accepting a commitment to make such a contribution for any political purpose, during the
Aug. 7, 2024 PLAN FOR SUBMITTING ELECTION RESULTS AND OPENING AND CLOSING OF POLLS - (not later than 90 days before each election) A NAC 293.217(4)(a) period beginning 30 days before a regular session of the Legislature and ending 30 days after final adjournment.
County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall submit a plan to the Secretary of State setting for approval of the procedures that will be used to submit election results
on Election Day and the opening and closing of polls on Election Day. Jan. 6, 2025 CONGRESS COUNTS ELECTORAL VOTES
Jan. 15, 2025 FILING OF CONTRIBUTIONS & EXPENSES REPORT #4 - (for the period beginning Oct. 1 and ending on Dec. 31) Last day for all nonfederal office NRS 294A.120, 294A.128,
Aug. 7, 2024 PLAN FOR SECURITY OF BALLOTS, RESULTS CARTRIDGES, VVPATS, ELECTION MEDIA CARTRIDGES OR MEMORY DEVICES, NAC 293B.040; amended by candidates, and, as required, any person making independent expenditures, political action committees, political action committees advocating the passage or 294A.140, 294A.200. 294A.210
BLANK BALLOT STOCK, CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTS AND ACCESS CONTROLS - (not later than 90 days before any election) - The R008-23 defeat of a ballot question, political parties, and committees sponsored by political parties, to file the fourth report of campaign contributions and/or expendi-
Secretary of State will approve or disapprove a plan submitted pursuant to subsection 2 not later than 15 days after the plan is submitted. If there is no change to tures with the Secretary of State.
the plan submitted pursuant to subsection 2 for the previous election, the county clerk or city clerk is not required to submit another plan to the Secretary of
State. The county or city clerk must notify the Secretary of State, in writing, if there is no change to the plan. Jan. 15, 2025 FILING CONTRIBUTIONS & EXPENSE REPORT/ANNUAL - CANDIDATE - (not later than January 15th of each year) Last day for nonfederal NRS 294A.120
elected officials and candidates, which have received in excess of $100 in contributions or have money left over from their previous campaign, to file the annual
Aug. 7, 2024 SUBMISSION OF PLAN TO SECRETARY OF STATE RELATING TO BALLOT DROP BOXES THAT ARE TAMPERED WITH OR REN- NAC 293.351; proposed amend- report of campaign contributions and expenditures with the Secretary of State.
DERED INACCESSIBLE - (Not less than 90 days before an election *Timeline proposed in regulations to be completed before Feb 29, 2024) The county ment in upcoming regulations
clerk shall develop and submit a plan to the Secretary of State relating to ballot drop boxes established in the county that are tampered with or rendered inacces- Jan. 15, 2025 FILING ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS & EXPENSES REPORT - GROUPS - (not later than January 15th of each year) Last day for any persons, as NRS 294A.140, 294A.150,
sible during early voting or on election day. The plan must, include, without limitation: (a) Provision for the replacement of a ballot drop box that is tampered required, making independent expenditures, Committees for Political Action (PAC), PACs advocating passage or defeat of a ballot question, political parties, 294A.210, 294A.220
with or rendered inaccessible during early voting or on election day; (b) The method that the county clerk will use to notify the public if a ballot drop box is and committees sponsored by political parties, which have received in excess of $1,000 in contributions to file with the Secretary of State.
tampered with or rendered inaccessible; and (c) The location of the nearest ballot drop box to the ballot drop box that is tampered with or rendered inaccessi-
Jan. 15, 2025 FILING ANNUAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT – (on or before January 15th of each year) Last day for appointed and elected public NRS 281.559 & NRS 281.561
officers (excluding conservation district supervisors elected pursuant to NRS 548.285) and every appointed public officer who is entitled to receive $6,000 or
Aug. 9, 2024 NOMINATION OF INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT - (2nd Friday in August in each year a presidential NRS 298.109 more annually, to file a Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) with the Secretary of State.
election is held by 5 pm) A person who desires to be an independent candidate for the office of President of the United States, file with the Secretary of State a
declaration of candidacy and a petition of candidacy. Jan. 15, 2025 FILING ANNUAL PAC REGISTRATION - (on or before January 15th of each year) Last day a PAC may file with the Secretary of State its annual NRS 294A.230(4)(b)
registration if the PAC intends to continue activity in this State; annual registration form must be filed regardless of whether there is a change in the information
Aug. 9, 2024 MINOR POLITICAL PARTY NOTICE OF CONTINUED EXISTENCE - (the 2nd Friday in August) Last day a Minor Political Party whose candidates NRS 293.171(5) previously provided to the Secretary of State.
do not appear on the ballot for the General Election must file a notice of continued existence with the Secretary of State.
Aug. 9, 2024 PROCESS REPORT - PRIMARY ELECTION - (not more than 60 days after each Primary and General election) County Clerk/ Registrar of Voters NRS 293.4695 Jan. 15, 2025 CANDIDATES DEFEATED IN GENERAL MUST DISPOSE OF UNSPENT CONTRIBUTIONS - (not later than the 15th day of the 2nd month NRS 294A.160
shall submit the information regarding the Primary Election to the Secretary of State on the prescribed form. after the candidate's defeat) Every candidate defeated at the General Election for a state, district, county, city or township office, shall dispose of unspent
contributions by means authorized in NRS 294A.160
Aug. 9, 2024 MAIL BALLOT REPORT - (not later than 60 days after an election) After each election, a County Clerk/Registrar of Voters shall report the number of NAC 293.319
mail ballots sent, returned, and counted, that were transmitted electronically. Jan. 15, 2025 FILING CONTRIBUTIONS IN EXCESS OF $10,000 - (to be reported as part of Annual Filing on or before January 15th of the year immediately NRS 294A.125
after the year for which the report is made) Each candidate who receives contributions in excess of $10,000 shall list each of the contributions he receives
Aug. 15, 2024 CANDIDATES DEFEATED IN PRIMARY MUST DISPOSE OF UNSPENT CONTRIBUTIONS - (not later than the 15th day of the 2nd month after NRS 294A.130(4) and expenditures made in that year and each year thereafter until the year of the General Election in which the candidate intends to seek election to public office
candidate's defeat) Every candidate defeated at the Primary Election for a state, district, county, city or township office shall dispose of unspent contributions is held.
by means authorized in NRS 294A.160.
fourth Tuesday in August) All affidavits and documents in support of the challenge must be filed with the First Judicial District Court. Any judicial proceed- Feb. 3, 2025 83RD SESSION OF THE NEVADA LEGISLATURE BEGINS Nevada Constitution Art. 4, Sec. 2
ing must be set for hearing not later than 5 days after the fourth Tuesday in August. (1)

than 90 days after the election) Last day a judicial candidate or a judicial candidate's committee may solicit public support and campaign contributions. 4.2
Sept. 2, 2024 LABOR DAY - Federal and State holiday NRS 236.015(1)
Sept. 6, 2024 OPT-OUT FORM FOR MAIL BALLOTS - (received not later than 60 days before the election) Last day for clerks to receive a request from a voter to NRS 293.269911
indicate that he/she elects not to receive a mail ballot. Feb. 3, 2025 SECRETARY OF STATE TO TRANSMIT PETITION(S) TO THE LEGISLATURE - (as soon as the Legislature convenes) The Secretary of State Nevada Constitution Art. 19, Sec.
shall transmit an initiative petition that proposes a statue or an amendment to a statue to the Legislature as soon as the Legislature convenes and organizes. 2(3)
Sept. 6, 2024 COUNTY CLERKS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT WRITTEN CONTINGENCY PLANS TO SECRETARY OF STATE - (not later than 60 days before NAC 293.202; R008-23
any election) Each county clerk shall, not later than 60 days before the date of the general election, submit to the Secretary of State a written contingency plan
that describes the procedures that will be used in the event that election operations, including, without limitation, mechanical voting systems and any compo-
nents thereof, are significantly disrupted.


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