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Manuel S.

Enverga University Foundation

Academic Year 2023-2024

In this performance task, you will choose one area of Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD) and
create an HR policy and procedure for a fictional company. Follow the steps below to complete the assignment:
(1) Choose an Area of HRMD: Select one of the following areas of HRM for which you will create an HR policy and
a. Employee Training and Development
b. Recruitment and Selection
c. Employee Onboarding and Training
d. Performance Management
e. Employee Career Development
f. Workplace Conduct and Ethics
g. Termination and Exit Procedures

(2) Research and Gather Information:

 Conduct research on best practices, legal requirements, and industry standards related to the chosen area
of HRM.
 Consider the specific needs and values of the fictional company for which you are creating the policy and
(3) Create an HR Policy: Develop a clear and concise HR policy statement that outlines the company's stance and
guidelines in the chosen HRMD area. This policy should provide a high-level overview of the company's approach.
(4) Develop an HR Procedure: Create a detailed HR procedure document that outlines the step-by-step process for
implementing the policy. Include specific actions, responsibilities, and timelines as needed.
(5) Justification and References:
 Write a brief justification for your policy and procedure, explaining why they are important for the company
you have in mind.
 Reference relevant HR laws, regulations, or best practices to support your policy and procedure decisions.

ABC Employees’ Onboarding and Training Policy and Procedure

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Academic Year 2023-2024


Employee onboarding refers to the process of acquainting a newly hired worker with the policies,
responsibilities, and culture of the organization. Creating an environment where an employee feels comfortable
enough to engage with their coworkers and form social bonds at work is another aspect of it.
In particular, it entails providing the worker with all the tools they need to perform their job effectively and
helping them finish the paperwork required to comply with labor laws. Employees learn about the skills,
communication style, and attitude expectations of the company during onboarding.

a) To help the new employee learn the company’s mission, vision and strategic goal and priorities;
b) To help new employee understand performance expectations on their specific job description;
c) To help new employee reach those performance expectations.


The following are the step-by-step implementing guidelines and procedure to onboard employee;

Step 1. Provide information on company on company policy and benefits

On the first day of employment, the HRDM unit will give newly hires thorough information about the
organization's policies and benefits through orientation to newly hired employee. Everything from job offer to
company policies regarding leave, salaries and wages, employees code of conduct, and specific job description
should be covered in the training session. In this phase, the employee should also sign all compliance forms that
officially confirm their membership in the company including the duly signed job offer and other pre-employment

Step 2. Conduct a meet and greet to all employees

After the orientation proper the HRDM will conduct a meet and greet to all employees to welcome the newly
hired and to feel that they are welcome to the company. Aside from meet and great to all employees to Head Office a
Branch visitation on the second day of orientation shall be conducted to meet all the employees assigned to different
branches if possible.

Step 3. On Boarding schedule and Training proper

Long-term onboarding includes training, which is best handled by the manager in charge right away. To
understand how procedures work in their new team or organization. The manager shall assign a The formal
onboarding program will range between 30 days, 90 days until 180 days .

1. One day to one week: Overview on day to day transaction. Observation and familiarization on actual duties
and responsibilities based on the actual job description. Familiarize them with their colleagues who are key to
their function. Help them get a sense of the culture of the organization. This also include the assigning a pair or
a buddy to newly hired who will assists and supervise their day to day transaction.
2. One week to three months: Actual hands-on training of the employee to perform their job under supervision of
the assigned trainers.
3. Three months to six months: Evaluate their performance and ensure that they have everything they need to
perform their jobs optimally. Take their feedback to gauge their engagement. For issuance of permanent

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Academic Year 2023-2024

4. Six months to a year: The employee should have developed complete knowledge about their role, the market,
the company, and the industry. They should have assimilated into the company and company culture.

Step 4. Conduct frequent check-ins with new hires

Set up weekly check-ins with the new hire's manager and onboarding buddy during the first month of
employment. These check-ins are useful for discussing onboarding progress, reminding new hires of tasks they still
need to do, and finding out if they need assistance or guidance on time management.

Step 5. Measure onboarding metrics

This includes the evaluation process where the newly hired employees will be evaluated and assess by their
peer, customers and immediate head. In this step the company will assess the readiness and the fitness of the
employee to the position.

Justification and References

Certain cases of employee turnover cannot be predicted or prevented, but turnover resulting from low
employee engagement can be managed. This is, of course, accomplished by making sure that new hires have a
pleasant onboarding experience from the beginning. First impressions count, just as they do when you meet new
people and when staff members engage with the organization for the first time as members.
Assisting new hires in settling in, assimilating into the workplace culture, and developing into valuable
contributors are some of the reasons onboarding is crucial. Professional development and support are fostered at
work, and a positive onboarding experience demonstrates this to new hires.
Good onboarding experiences are beneficial to more than just employees. Measurable outcomes can
support a positive onboarding experience that encourages staff members to declare they have "the best possible
job." The following are a few advantages of onboarding new hires:
 A decline in turnover
 Increased output
 An increase in worker satisfaction
 Increased involvement of workers
 Higher income
 enhanced standing
The success of your business depends on your employees, and the best way to set them up for a fulfilling
and successful career is to give them a head start at your company. Onboarding must be deliberate and tailored to
the requirements of your company.
Furthermore, onboarding is not just related to new hires. Workers transition laterally into new roles—a
process known as crossboarding and must be onboarded using a comparable procedure. Team culture may differ
from organizational culture, even though they may be familiar with it. Even though they might be conversant with the
company's policies, they might still require mentorship to help them adjust to their new position


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