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Part One: Reading Comprehension

1. The Zephyr 8 drone encountered events that led to its unexpected termination over the
Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona on August 18.
2. The previous unmanned air system (UAS) endurance record set by Airbus in 2018 was
just under 26 days.
3. The Zephyr 8 drone was able to achieve such a long flight by using gallium arsenide
solar panels that powered the flight to more than 60,000ft, and by charging lithium-ion
batteries during the day to enable overnight flight.
4. According to Steve Wright, the record-breaking success of the mission is significant
because, as the aircraft is uncrewed, it can be pushed to its absolute limit, helping
develop the technology further.
5. The potential civilian applications for the Zephyr 8 drone include improved mobile
connectivity in remote areas, high-speed data transfers, Earth observation at 18cm
resolution, disaster response, and wildfire management.

Part Two: Question Forms

1. Where did the Zephyr 8 drone encounter events that led to its unexpected termination?
2. By how much did the Zephyr 8 drone miss the all-time world record for longest
powered flight?
3. What was the total distance covered by the Zephyr 8 drone during its flight?
4. What is the weight of the Zephyr 8 drone?
5. Why do the panels also charge lithium-ion batteries during the day?

Part Three: Technical Writing

The hydro-electric dam is designed to produce electricity by using the kinetic energy of
falling water to turn a turbine. Water is stored in a reservoir behind the dam, and when it is
released, it flows through a penstock and strikes the turbine blades, causing them to spin.
The spinning turbine then drives a generator that converts the mechanical energy into
electrical energy. The dam also has spillways, which are designed to release excess water in
the event of heavy rainfall or snowmelt. This prevents the reservoir from overflowing and
causing damage downstream. The electricity produced by the dam is then sent to a
transformer, which increases the voltage for transmission to the power grid. The dam
operates continuously and provides a reliable and sustainable source of energy. Due to its
dependence on water flow, the dam is typically located in areas with high rainfall or
snowmelt, and it plays a crucial role in meeting the world's energy demands while reducing
carbon emissions.

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