Calon Soal Ekonomi Perkotaan

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N Calon Soal UAS Ekonomi Perkotaan

1. “Cities also encourage crime because urban areas present a dense concentration of potential
victims. While it’s hard to earn a living as a thief on a lonely country road, the crowds on a subway
provide a plethora of pockets to pick.” Jelaskan pernyataan diatas!

2. “Chicago succeeds by offering the benefits of density while still remaining affordable and
pleasant. The city’s economy depends on information-intensive industries, like finance and
business services, that seem to particularly value density.” Jelaskan pernyataan diatas!

3. “The best way to reduce traffic congestion was dreamed up by a Nobel Prize–winning Canadian-
born economist, William Vickrey. Vickrey first pondered the puzzles of public transportation
when, in 1951, he joined a mayor’s committee to improve New York’s finances. He was assigned
the problem of pricing subways, and he noted that “users of private cars and taxis, and perhaps
also of buses, do not, by and large, bear costs commensurate with the increment of costs that
their use imposes.” When we drive, we consider the private costs to ourselves of the time, gas,
and automobile depreciation, but we don’t usually consider the costs—the lost time—we impose
on every other driver. We don’t consider the congestion we create, and as a result, we overuse
the highways. The natural economists’ solution to this problem is to charge drivers for the full
cost of their commute—which means adding a fee that charges drivers for the impact that their
car imposes on the rest of the road.” Jelaskan pernyataan diatas!

4. “Transportation technologies shape our communities, and modern sprawl is the child of the
automobile. The connections that define cities have always entailed some form of transportation.
Sprawl isn’t the opposite of urban density; rural isolation has that distinction. The people who live
in sprawling exurbs have access to neighbors, They just have to drive. stores, employers, and
restaurants.” Jelaskan pernyataan diatas!

5. “We turn next to three possible roles for zoning in an urban land market. First, zoning can serve
as environmental policy, separating the generators of environmental externalities (commercial
and industrial uses) from residents. Second, fiscal zoning can address a fiscal problem by excluding
a household whose tax payment would be less than the cost of providing local services to the
household. ...” Jelaskan pernyataan diatas!

6. “We turn next to three possible roles for zoning in an urban land market. First, zoning can serve
as environmental policy, separating the generators of environmental externalities (commercial
and industrial uses) from residents. ... Third, zoning can mitigate the inefficiencies that result from
the combination of density externalities and the free-rider problem.” Jelaskan pernyataan diatas!

7. “Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) adalah rencana secara terperinci tentang tata ruang wilayah
kabupaten/kota yang dilengkapi dengan peraturan zonasi kabupaten/kota. Rencana Tata Ruang
Wilayah (RTRW) Provinsi adalah RTR yang bersifat umum dari wilayah provinsi, mengacu pada
penjabaran dari RTRWN, pedoman bidang penataan ruang, serta rencana pembangunan jangka
panjang daerah.” Jelaskan konsep RTRW dan RDTR, serta jelaskan harapan dan dampaknya
terhadap perkembangan kota!

8. “Negara memperoleh mandat untuk menyediakan hunian terjangkau bagi Masyarakat

Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) dalam UU Nomor 1 Tahun 2011 tentang Perumahan dan Kawasan
Permukiman. Dengan besarnya jumlah penduduk di kota besar, seperti DKI Jakarta, namun
terbentur pada terbatasnya luas lahan, rumah susun menjadi obat manjur untuk pemenuhan
mandat tersebut,” jelas Joko Adianto.” Jelaskan pernyataan diatas!

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