Cloze Test Parajumbles Passage Errors

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3. as many as 4.

as fast as
Cloze Test 1
A woman has been called a hero after fighting a
mountain lion that (1) her five-year old son. Sentence Arrangement
She dragged her little (2) away from the big cat
and beat it with (3) fists in her garden. The boy 1. A. However, the rate of population increase
had bites (4) cuts to his head and body. He is is another important factor to consider.
now in a local (5) . He is expected to make a full
B. This change can be expressed in two ways.
C. Growth of population refers to the change in
1. attacked 2. is attaching
the number of inhabitants of a country.
3. attacking 4. attack
D. First, in terms of absolute numbers and
1. baby 2. daughter second, in terms of percentage change.

3. girl 4. boy 1. CBDA 2. BDCA

1. her 2. their 3. CADB 4. BADC

3. his 4. our
1. or 2. also 2.
A. However, they ignore the truth
3. and 4. but that progress and success are
proportional to the labor they put
1. hospital 2. school in.
B. The general human tendency is to
3. fire-station 4. post office
find faults in the policies framed
by the government.
Cloze Test 2 C. They blame the government for
their slow progress, expecting
Most people are petrified of snakes and (1) miracles and magical
good reason. For thousands of years snakes transformation in their life.
have (2) the reputation of being venomous and D. So people openly criticize and
lethal. But in (3) snakes are even more scared condemn the policy makers.
of us than the other way (4) and would rather
wiggle away from us (5) possible. 1. CDAB 2. ABCD

1. above 2. with 3. BDAC 4. BDCA

3. until 4. upon 3.
A. Nevertheless, sound health,
1. building 2. built up economic security and mental
3. build in 4. build on satisfaction are desired by all
B. A change that is conducive to
1. fantasy 2. probability happiness may be termed as
3. possibility 4. reality C. But different people find
happiness in different things.
1. everywhere 2. around
D. So, If a change contributes to the
3. across 4. over growth of these factors, it is
1. as slowly as 2. as much as
1. DBCA 2. ABCD for use in managing numerous medical
3. BDCA 4. BCAD All forms of music may have therapeutic
effects, although music from one's own culture
may be most effective. In Chinese medical
4. theory, the five internal organs and meridian
A. Can I borrow your camera? systems are believed to have corresponding
B. I will give it back to you next musical tones, which are used to encourage
week. healing.
C. I am going to jungle safari
1. Music is often linked to _________.
D. My friend told me that jungle is 1) anger
beautiful in these days.
2) mood
CDAB 3) a2. How is music an important part of life?
1) It makes us feel different emotions.
2) It makes us sad.
A. “We are going to the market,” 3) It helps in our daily activities.
declared Reetu and Geetu.
B. “Where are you going?” the 4) It helps us in remembering things.
father asked. nxiety
C. “Take your umbrella, it is going to
rain,” the mother said. 4) 3. Which of the statements is true?
D. “Yes, definitely. We will,” replied
the two. 1) All forms of music may heal wounds.

1. DCAB 2) All forms of music may have good effect.

2. BCDA 3) All forms of music may be soothing.

3. ABDC 4) All forms of music may have therapeutic


4. How can music be used as therapy?

Passage 1) It can help us to manage our day to day
For most people, music is an important part of activities.
daily life. Some rely on music to get them
through the morning commute, while others 2) It can help us in managing numerous
turn up a favorite playlist to stay pumped medical conditions.
during a workout. Many folks even have the
stereo on when they’re cooking a meal, taking 3) It can help us manage our life.
a shower, or folding the laundry. Music is often 4) It can help us manage our careers.
linked to mood. A certain song can make us
feel happy, sad, energetic, or relaxed. Because 5. In Chinese medical theory, the five internal
music can have such an impact on a person’s organs and meridian systems _________.
mindset and well-being, it should come as no
surprise that music therapy has been studied 1) are believed to have musical chords.
2) are believed to have no musical tones.
3) are believed to have same musical tones.
4) are believed to have corresponding musical

Spotting Errors
1. We had to decline several orders in case that
the production was held up due to labour
1. the production was held up
2. due to labour strike
3. We had to decline
4. in case that

2. Cyclone Idai killed at least 157 people in

Zimbabwe and Mozambique although it tore
across Southern Africa.
1. although
2. at least 157 people
3. Cyclone Idai killed
4. it tore across
3. She got two quick promotions in order that
she has good communication skills.
1. in order that
2. She got
3. she has good communication
4. two quick promotions
4. Torrential rains and winds of up to 170 km
per hour swept away roads, homes and
bridges and knocking down power and
communication lines.
1. homes and bridges
2. winds of up to
3. knocking down
4. swept away roads
5. She lost a big order from a known showroom
in case of her own carelessness.
1. She lost a big order
2. her own carelessness
3. in case of
4. from a known showroom

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